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Earn a lot of Hits!
There are 2 ways a expensive way which isn't really a good way because thats considered bad =/, and a *BBN* way.. what I call it :P. Ok lets go with the BBN way first. 1) You could join a LOT of topsites and put it in a marquee so that you can put like 100 and it wont take up space + it will make more people see your site!. 2) When you have a lot of people start to go to your site you get more hits, now join 2 networks.. I recommend the PMN network, or the Anime Click Thru network. 3) When you get even MORE hits try to get at least 2 basic affiliates, or 1 affiliate. The max you should have of affiliates is 10, 10 at the most!! (unless you erally like hits..) 4) Join a button/banner exchange for a little extra hits. 5) Tell your friends about the site and advertise in chat rooms (if your allowed to!)

The Buying way is... 1) You could use SmartAdvertising for $50 dollars a month for 25,000hits a month. You could use bcentrals fast way to get visitors which will get you at least 20,000 uniqe views a month + for 29.99 *sometimes it only gives you 10,000 a month..* or join EBEDAdvertisment (adex) which is somewhat 100$ but there is like thousands and thousands who use adex hosting or advertising so thats up to 5million people going to ur site a year.. and thats I think 100$ a month or something.. I dunno.. 2) Buy a domain. So its easier access and a lot of people like to affiliate with domains! 3) hire a artist if your not a good artist if you are your lucky : ). 4) Get staff by paying them, giving them fame, or something!! 4) Join EADS or eBUISNESS banner exchanges.

Specials >>
>>Corner UBB

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>>Pokemon Dome
>>Magmars Gym

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Mew Heart, For Images