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Pokemon The Movie 3
Pikachu & Pichu

Pikachu and Pichu the movie was basicaly about ash misty and brock going somewhere. So he leaves his pokemon, mistys, and brocks ontop of a building. As the elevator is going up pikachu sees 2 pichus, and one is sticking out his tongue. When they are up pichu trys to get across but the smarter pichu doesn't let him by pulling him back. As hes about to fall pikachu runs to a line, but sperows were there. He jumped and landed where meowth was, painting the building. Meowth jumps up and he lands on a bilboard. Pikachu goes up by pichu and says he has to get back to the other side. The pichus say follow me! They go through a small vent, jump on the top of a elevator going down another air vent, and landing on a bus. The bus takes them quite far, but pikachu meets some friends where he saw tires and tires and slides. If you wanna know more why dont you check out the movie?

Pokemon Movie 3
In the beggining of a story Molly, and molly's dad are in her bedroom. Molly is a 5 year old girl, that loves her dad, but her mom passed away. Molly's dad was reading molly a story about legendary pokemon. As he was flipping through the pages, the dad flipped to unown. Molly said, "daddy isn't that the one your looking for?". The dad said yes. Then he flipped to entei, and molly said that was her favorite. The dad said he was really mean, and furioushious. Then she said she loves it because its strong and powerful, kind of like you pa. Then the dad shouted "ROOARRR, if you think im entei, then I am entei! He grabbed molly and put her on his back and started running around the room. Just then a email began. He read it and it was his partner. It was a video email which he said "Professer, I think we found more information on the unown, you should come as soon as you can!". Mollys dad said, sorry but i have to go, and put molly in the bed and said always remember me in your dreams. He also included he would be back as soon as he could. While they screened his dad and his partner looking at symbols on a wall, he found little peices of unown ontop of it. Then unown were surronding him and he was sucked into another portal. The next day molly ran down the stairs and entered a big room, and said "Pa.. I saw your car and..." Then paused seeing only dads partner and grandpa. His grandpa said he should explain about the incedent. After explaining it molly went to a table, with his laptop, seeing what he was doing. Then he found the case with the blocks. She put it on the ground, and unowns started coming out of the chamber to the house. When they entered the house molly said do you want to play with me? The room started to get crystalized and the partner got in and saw molly with the unown, but the door crystalized also. After that sceene, Ash, misty, and brock were walking up the stairs. A trainer jumped out from a tree. And asked if any of them were pokemon trainers. Ash said, I am!, and the girl replied want to battle? Of course they did. It was a tie at the end I think.. Well they started eating, and ash said is there anyway to get to the leagues. She said you can go through greenfield. Misty butted in and said, "GREEN FIELD? Everything there is supposed to be beautiful. Beautiful flowers, beautiful places, and a mansion. She said it was over the hill there. And misty said she wanted to go there every since she was a little girl. As they were going up the hill they saw the town crystalizing. The unown were going aorund in circles and the crystalizing began to grow and grow, it went bigger and bigger across the lands. Molly was inside and looked at the book, and thought about when he said, Well I am entei then! *ROAR*. She cried and said PAPA!!! A Entei appeared and the entei said did somebody call me? And molly thought it was her dad. A rescue team, and news report came in to come in. The rescue team was actually professer oak and ashs mom. Ashs mom came out of the car and said HI PIKACHU!!, then ash said hey mom, and she said oh hi ash.. (it was pretty funny though). Ashs mom and misty, ash, and brock and ashs new friend were eating at a table outside. Molly then saw them on the laptop and said, I want a mommy. The entei said, if that is what you wish. The entei ran and hopped outside and grabbed ash's mom....................................... Want to learn more about the movie? Why dont you take a visit!

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Mew Heart, For Images