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SSI (Server Side Include) Help!
What is server side include your probaly wondering, or how do I do it, well Server Side include is something where on one page it will show on another page. Like, if you have 5 words on a page like blahblah.shtml. Then you have index.shtml and you put in the certain code and put blahblah.shtml in the code. You will have whats on blahblah, to get on index. This is usually for the sidebar and its better then frames because it looks nicer :P. You put in.

All you have to do is make a page with just your left or right bar. Then get your pages and put <*!--#include file="nameofthinghere.shtml" --> (without the *). Put that where you want the file, and its there! For angelfire, geocities etc, you have to make the file .shtml, and save it before you can see it. It wont work in preview sorry! Now you can just update from nameofthinghere.shtml, and it will go on all of the pages that have <*!--#include file="leftbar.txt" --> on their page, cool huh? If you still need help email me Here.

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Mew Heart, For Images