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Pocket Monsters Network

Starting at number 10.. A site that will inflict your moment it has a suspending layout with a left bar which will take you HOURS to look at so you wouldn't want to miss Number 10. At number 10 we have! Wooohhooo

At number 9 this site is not only a site that will again knock you out with its left bar, it encourages people NOT to cheat and I like that. This is personally one of my favorites Cerulean! Lets give it up for them.

At number 8 I like this site because its a nice flash site that is pretty and nice. It has a nice layout and it deserves to be at number 8. Number 8 we have Pika!

Next we have a site most of us know of and most of us dont. At number 7 the so called lucky number lets give it up for the lucky site. PP-Network makes it up to number 7.

We are slipping at number 6, and its Nice layouts nice guy nice content nice everything go check out poke town.

Number 5 we have a site that is popular for its topsites and has a battle arena you'll always come back to! We have Pokemon Village.

At Number 4 we are ROARING down.. this site is a spectacular site because of its content and everything. Nice layout and a popular site I want to award number 4 to The Pokemon Crater!.

Number 3.. We have a site that is pretty old and still running and has a great webmaster, it has been up since then with a great newsletter and information! Lets give it up for!

Number 2 woow were almost at number 1, but number 2 is a grassy site and it has been one of the leading sites, its a great site with many staff members and a huge UBB that you will chat in for hours.. Lets have a w00t for number 2 BulbaGarden!.

we are at number 1.. YES we finally made it.. who is this number 1?? This so myseterious one.. this so called Best or the greatest of them all... Hmm? who is it?? STICK In to our sites next time when we have this for the answer of the number 1 seen!!.

Thanks for tooning in and check out week 2 (when it comes out) to see rank 1.

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Mew Heart, For Images