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Our Safety Card Collection

Welcome! These are our entire collection of safety cards. Please feel free to surf around. We are only a beginner in collecting safety cards and we have only a few!
If you are a frequent traveler or going to travel very soon, we will be very appreciate and happy if you can donate us a safety card.
If you are also a safety card collector, please visit our trade list to see if anything there you'd like. Any spare safety cards that we do not have are welcomed to trade with us in an "one-for-one" basis. We also have some other airline collectibles, such as barf bags, for trading or simply give away.
Please do not ask for buying safety cards from or selling safety cards to us.
That's all we want to say. Enjoy!

Our Safety Card Collection -- Airplane

Our Safety Card Collection -- Ferry

Our Safety Card Collection -- Train

Hall of Fame

Trade List

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