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Fear and Loathing in Springfield



1/18/04 fuckin' long time since i have updated this crap.  lets get you caught up; did well in my fall classes, got a DVD burner for my computer and new speakers :), blah blah blah, DVD's and it's a new year.  i really need to add some new links, found a bunch over the break that are crazy and cool, i'll try to get them up in the next few days. well i have to get ready for a journey to wal-mart, wish me luck, peace.

12/10/03 SNOW, it always comes when you least expect it.  and always around fall finals.  just a few test tomorrow and i'm pretty much done.  don't really have anything finals week.  well gotta go, late

12/2/03 well screw balls, i haven't done anything to the site in ages.  got bored of doing homework and decided to clean the site up some.  updating the movie section in the about me link, still working on the tapes.  added a great link to the right side, EndOfTheWorld.  well time for bed, nite.

11/9/03 well it's cold as a witches titty again.  the semester is almost over too, which is good and bad.  the bad news is i gots shitloads of homework and projects due.  not much to update, changed the picture above.

10/20/03 god i'm a fucking lazyass. haven't updated the site in weeks, but fall break is around the corner and hopefully i get some rest and get some school shit done and maybe my crips for my apartment.  tomorrow 28 days later comes out on DVD and it is a must buy, it has multiple alternate ends and it's just fucking awesome.  also today my friend Kristin turned 22 years old today and i hope she has a tight birthday.  well off to do some homework and reading, later.

10/3/03 YAY it's the weekend again and i have to work at IMO's this friday and saturday, but i don't mind, i'll make some phat cash.  the weather lately has been colder than a witches tit.  i'm working on taking pictures of the apartment to let every that hasn't seen it, to see it.  it will probably be a picture by picture version of cribs and you will have to supply your own background music too, 'cos i'm too medium pimpin' to put out on the sound shit.  and now a quote from a book that i am reading by Alex Shakar called the Savage Girl, "It's not a good precedent, to forgo the tallboy, things like that have consequences.  People who sit on stoops without tallboys come to bad ends.  They end up donating kidneys.  Filling out place-mat puzzles.  Rooting in cockfights."  so buy tallboys, because as some of you know i'm all about the tallboy in a brown paper bag, peace out.


LINKS for today


Gas Games
Lego Games
Space Penguin

T-Shirt Hell
Best Damn Commerical Ever
Techno Streaming Music
ReMiXeS of Video Game Music

Homestar Runner

Real Life
Diesel Sweeties








CIS 526
