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Some Sites To Checkout


Homestar Runner                                                              Dark Horizons                                                                                         Mindless Self Indulgence
Southwest Missouri State University                                  Jaegermeister                                                                                           Newgrounds
Liquid Generation                                                             Ultimate Pong                                                                                          Some Shock Games
Bible vs. Legos                                                                 Worm Game                                                                                            Internet Movie Database
NINJAS!!!!!!!!!!                                                              T-Shirt Hell                                                                                              T-Shirts That Suck
Cobra Musical                                                                  Cool Art Site                                                                                           Black People Love Us
Old Skool Cartoons and Toys                                           BMW Films                                                                                            Insanity Test
Ill Mitch                                                                           
American Girls

Mind Control                                                                    Best Damn Commerical Ever                                                                  Acid Trip
Weird Japanese Flash                                                       Weird Japanese Flash 2                                                                          David Hasselhoff is the AntiChrist
Guess the Dictator and/or Television Sit-Com Character   Construction Thingy, Very Cool                                                              Smurf Name Generator
The Best Site In The Universe                                           What Would Uncle Jesse Do?                                                                Just Weird
60x1                                                                                Airtoons                                                                                                 Monopoly Cards
Xiao Xiao                                                                        Duct Tape Art                                                                                        Stick Guy Signs
David Hasselhoff Singing                                                  Final Meals                                                                                             Propaganda Remix Project
Totally Useless Facts