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Old News

9/29/03 amazing, i'm saying something on my site two days in a row.  i should be studying for my finance test i have tomorrow but i don't really feel like it.  i have just been playing with my legos (thats right i have legos and shut up) all day.  been trying to look for new links while i was at work today, but the internet is boring and it is updated as slow if not slower than my page.  well off to study Finance,  later peeps.

9/28/03 Nothing to really update, just e-mail me any links you have and i may put them on the site to share with everyone else.  there is good news, my friend jenny turned 21 this week and she threw a great party that was lots of funny and i got drunk.  so that was good, by the way get the new Perfect Circle CD, it's great and only $10 at best buy this week. and read chuck palahniuk books because he is the man and his books rock my face off. nite boys and girls.

9/15/03 added a few new links to the right, check them out.

9/7/03 you know what time it is almost, no, not 9/11 it's time for Popeye's to open in Glenstone by Cherry.  the grand opening is tomorrow and i'm getting myself some chicken and biscuits.  Other than that nothing else is new,  school still sucks ass and work is work.  but football has started so drop out of church and  start your grills up and drink a sixer, because i'm not,

8/26/03 School is back and it suck, but it has to happen.  fixed the link for the Honda commercial .   looking for new links to add to the site.  got to hit the books, later.

8/8/03 what the fuck is new, nothing, i still hate my life, and i don't know what to do.  i might be able to pay my cell phone bill off soon, and get a new phone, but i don't know if i even want to get another phone.  i got to save up some money to pay my parents back for the summer class i drop because i too much of a dumb fuck to turn in the refund exception request form, because i'm all crazy and shit on pills that don't do shit.  i hate this..

8/1/03  new month, same crappy hot weather.  school starts in t-minus thirty six thousand minutes, give or take a few minutes.  i lucked out and i get to keep my fall classes but i have to kick some serious book ass and get at least a 2.8 to get to stay down here and continue school here.  just got one of the best fighter games ever, marvel vs. capcom 2 for PS2, 3 on 3 tag team, with so many characters you just have to get the fucking game and trust me on this one. well got to get ready for work at IMO's see you next time space cowboy.

7/27/03 trying some new stuff with the site, using front page.  i think i like it this way, some i don't kare if you like it.  summer drawing to a close and it just keeps getting hotter, and my farmer tan keeps getting worse.  later.

7/22/03 finally got my shitty computer fixed, and now i can update shit. check this site out too, Farmerland

6/11/03 been a long time since i have said anything on this site. i got my new car it's a Hyundai Accent '01. it's a nice little car but i fucked up some paint on the bump a few days after i got it. cost me some bucks and i just can't seem to manage my money, i'm fuckin' poor right now. got many of late bills to paid and still have to put down my deposit for the apartment too. i'm just a lame'o with my get rich skeems with working 2 jobs but it ain't working...bye

5/20/03 well, got my car hit with another car, not my fault, but the insurance won't fix my car, they say it's a loss. so it looks like i will have a new shitty car this weakend, YAY. intersession sucks and well thats about it, peace out.

5/9/03 hi, it's 3:10 am and it's the weekend and my friend has come to visit, yay. i got a radar detector for my car for when i never delivery pizzas for IMO"S, my i will have some hours next week?? well this site sucks. i don't really know what i am trying to get out of myself by using this site, it's pretty retard. i can't figure why i do this shit anyway, it's so fucking pointless. god i got a ADD or some fucking retard gay bitch ass bastard cunt poo poo. well i'm finish by saying that i'm will be moving into my apartment on the other side of campus in less than a month and it will be a bitch to move, well ,i think i'm going to...  

4/28/03 just a few more days at shitty sams club, thank fucking god, work IMOs on thursday and saturday night, should be fun. got too much damn shit tha needs to be done, and only 2 weeks of school left to do it. i just got a new harddrive for my computer, 120gb, we'll see how long it takes for me to fill it up, later

4/22/03 i got a job at IMOs delverying pizza and probably have a job at the music library at school this summer, fun fun. and i got shitlots to do fro skool, peace out

4/14/03 updated my Playlist ,it was kind of old. it's hot in herrrre, and i think i need a new job, my knees are in real bad shape from working at Sams, thinking about getting a job at IMOs. we'll see. this four day weekend is going to kick ass, drinking, hangin', and my parents are coming down, so i will probably have them buy me some food, i need it bad. well gots to go, late

4/12/03 Added a new link, I'M A DORK my car just reached 100k miles and i decided to record it on my digital camera. check out how dorky i am.

4/9/03 put some new songs on the site, so freakin' download tha mothers. picked my summer and fall classes and i got a shitload of CIS classes, but it is about time that i start taking those bitches. i'll try to get my nerdy guestbook or some shit on here sometime soon. if you got any ideas for shit or links, fuckin' e-mail me.

4/2/03 long time, no update. just been jacking around. florida was great, didn't do much but got the fuck out of missouri, i may go back this summer. i got the new Sigur Ros, i'm speachless, what a great CD. just over a month of school let and i got to pick new classes soon. i'm out peace

3/15/03 only one more week and i will be in florida for spring break, and speaking of spring, i think it's finally fuckin' here, damn straight jigga. haven't really done too much to the site, added a SONGS OF THE WEEK link, and hopefully i'll change it weekly, we'll see. i think i may sign up for a few more 20mb site, cause i got some kickass videos to show you fool, well gots to do some homework and get ready for work, lizzle.

3/5/03 Mardi Gras was fun, good times at the pub crawl. got shitty cold though late. i also didn't make it to my lame ass class dis morning. i got a new link up for pictures from my digital camera, i'll try to add more pictures soon, later

2/18/03 I'm Back! The trip wasn't too bad, expect for that i brought the fukin' weather with me to street charles, so fuck a duck i'm out of luck. but i got some new clothes and got trashed with some old friends, and throw up too, YAY. i finally got a digital camera, fucking nice Sony 3.2megaPixels, i'll try to start putting pictures on the site of all my imaginary friends for you fool, you crackers, you peeps. the rain is a downer tonite, but i will try my best to do some homework before i go out. late

2/13/03 going home for the first time in a long fucking time, peace out

2/6/03 snow again, fuckass, days 'til I'm a old fucker, 22. and i getting totally wasted this weekend, cause i don't have to work sundya, but i di have a test monday and tuesday, some we'll see what happens. changed a few things on the site, i moved the playlist and movies links into the About Me link and i moved the MDOA and MP3's link to the Downloads link. well thats about it for now, later players...

2/3/03 fixed a few things on the site, fuck it. i got to get my license renewed soon, you know what that means, almost b-day time. i'm getting old, 22, just 7 more days; i'm a getting to be a old fucker. this weather is ready starting to fuck with me, it was 61F before my 9am class, and it is suppose to snow tonight, mother nature is a fucking bitch, well time to do some homey-work, late.

2/2/03 the last few update have been wiped out, cause ANGELFIRE IS A FUCKASS!!!!!!!. i got to fix some shit in the next few days, but i added a few new downloads and picture stuff, nite

12-25-02 well, christmas is over. it's been a long boring day. my parent are probably coming up this sunday. so that is when my christmas is fools. this snow shit sucks ass, i have to work the next 3 days in it. time for bed, later

happy christmas and merry new year

12-19-02 it's been a long time, sorry, but life sucks. i had to drop my class and pick new one cause my GPA was too low to take my 300 level classes. and its boring as hell, no one is here and it sucks ass, well i got to work alot, so peace out fools.

12-11-02 fuckin a just got back from a final, i sleep an half hour into it and i a only had 30 minutes to answer 75 question and i couldn't remember anything i studyed. i'm just a big fuck up, i hope i didn't fail this class, for the second god damn time!!!!! just one more final left and it's time for christmas break and work. i'm hoping i got the time off i wanted to go home for christmas, if not it will be a cold old beer christmas here. i got a new hat, just check it out above. well, got to study for my final tomorrow and work, later

12-3-02 been a while. my internet wasn't working and i had to work most of thanksgiving break, but i did eat a shit load of turkey and stuffin'. just two weeks of skool left, YAY but it will be a very tough two weeks. i have a religion paper due tomorrow and a cobol program due saturday, and work all around that shit. i'll look for some more downloads to add to the site, i may add some nintendo games and shit. lAtE!

11-26-02 been alittle while since i updated. i have been working alot, 5 days in a row, fuckin shitty. and i got test and projects and shit up the ass due after thanksgiving break, and i know u all have the same problem. i have a little fix for that, i added a download link and i will fill in with some goody. right now i have chips challenge in there, great game, can be very challenging to the brain, there will be more to cum, later. i will be gone for this turkey break for a few day, but i will be back friday for the most favorite thing in the world, work. HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!!!!!!!

11-20-02 god, i'm losing my mind, and i think the PS 2 is taking over. less than a week til thanksgiving, thank fuckin god. i just took a religion and i think i got a C in it,and i found out i'm not failing ECO, i have a C but it's close to a D. i'll have to work on that. i got some turkey jerky from bass pro today, it's the fuckin shit. it was my lunch. well, i added a forum to the site for all u peeps to talk shit in, so post shit,and i need an idea for a new poll , later.

11-17-02 the fuckin internet was down all week and it sucked azz. but i did get a PS2 and GTA3 and i don't really sleep much anymore; sleep is for the weak. a week n a half til turkey time, it will be my first time home in almost 4 months, wow. i hope i can remember how to get home. time for some homey work, later.

11-12-02 well it's 3:39am and i have class at 10pm, YAY. i just watched a great movie, True Romance. had to stay up and watch it and well fuck it and do shit to the site, or not. another weekend of working, atleast i didn't come in 4 hours early on saturday, buy sunday i did come in 1 hour early, Damn it. i did get fuckin fucked up on friday off jager and o.j., it was the shit and it tasted good too. later that night i probably had one of the best cheeseburgers i have ever had and it wasn't the jager that made it good, hell with it, i'm off to bed, nite.

11-06-02 fuckin'a!!! i did the impossible; i started working on my COBOL the day before it is due. usually i don't start it until the day it is due. the timing in my head is off probably because of this. got another cold night of work tonight, i'll just have the new guy do all the work, hahaha. i won't be mean, i'll work too, i don't want to be there alnight. well, i'm going to work on some COBOL or watch tv until work. later yos

11-05-02 skipped my shitty COBOL class to update this piece of a site, YAY. i got to work the next 3 days and i gots a ton of skool shit to do, well fuck me in the ass, Brough's site is still a cheap clean porn site, that canadian joe doesn't know how to gamble, u have to find the right dealer first; but what the fuck do i know about gambling. i've only been twice and both times ui just played the quarter slots and won about $50. i added a few new links to the site, and thats about fuckin' it. gotts to go to my chem lab, and break shit. plus tard

11-02-02 well, i did change the site alittle, we'll see how this works, probably won't. God it was a shit day to work/ being the big retard i am, i went in to work four hours early, at least i will have a fatty check. i also fucked up my face halloween night, i decided to faceplant into the sidewalk, after leaving the bars. i never knew i had that much blood, but i'm alive, and sore as shit. gotta go and get pumped to work in the rain tomorrow. YAY. later

11-01-02 i want to do some shit with the site, but i don't have time, or i don't want to pay to get some better features. oh well fuck it. at least i feel like shit. late