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Pictures woooo

I'm really fuckin lazy, so here's what I'm willing to give you. . . for free

This is a tv

When this tv was photographed we were watching the real action version of Romeo and Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio, Clare Daines, Paul Sorvino, John Leguizamo, Jamie Kennedy, and the weird priest dude who was also in Dragon Heart.

This was a shot during a show

As you can see, when we play live The Bear always wears hawaiian shirts with dress pants, like Lord Abortion only wears Khakis/Corderois with weird designer shirts. And Tim, me, who is not pictured here, though I have another sweet one of me, always wears dresses or designer gear. We try to remain grind, which means perty. . . or nude


This was tungfar bill blass wearing cold gowns