ASB Battle Record
Wins: 25
Losses: 6
Draws: 1
Forfeits: 1
Completed Battles:
1 on 1: 12
2 on 2: 8
3 on 3: 7
4 on 4: 1
5 on 5: 0
6 on 6: 0
Tag Team: 2
Single Player Tag Team: 3
Detailed Results:
Each pokémon's battles are listed in chronological order.
The (*) notation beside a name in a non 1-on-1 battle means that the pokémon was conscious at the end of the battle.
1 on 1:
- vs. SilverSuicune's Umbreon (loss)
- vs. Wartortle_Master's Squirtle (loss)
- vs. Whyachi's Espeon (win)
- vs. The_Missing_Link's Scizor (win)
- vs. Umbreon777's Umbreon (loss)
- vs. IcyTotodile's Blastoise (loss)
- vs. TheOneRing's Charmander (win)
- vs. DarkPrincess's Umbreon (win)
- vs. ace135cc's Houndoom (win)
- vs. Impereon's Flaaffy (draw)
*Eleutheria (female Ponyta, traded)
- vs. Nala98's Larvitar (loss)
*Opal (female Parasect, traded)
- vs. The_Missing_Link's Spinarak (win)
2 on 2:
- Elessar and Galadriel vs. The Tax Man's Rhydon and Dragonite (loss)
- Mithrandir the Abra and Elessar the Charmeleon(*)vs. FlareonMasterAmy's Dratini and Lapras (win)
- Yggdrasill and Torrasque(*) vs. DarkPrincess's Lapras and Raichu (win)
- Yggdrasill and Schezar(*) vs. crazybone's Snorlax and Slowpoke (win)
- Schezar and Elessar(*) vs. The_Missing_Link's Alakazam and Scyther (win)
- Stratus and Kazansky(*) vs. DarkPrince's Magneton and Umbreon (win)
- Nozomu and Elladan(*) vs. SNOTS FUBAR's Charizard and Magmar (forfeit)
- Mithrandir and Schezar(*) vs. The_Missing_Link's Starmie and Scizor (win)
3 on 3:
- Galadriel, Mutiny(*), and Phobia vs. ace135cc's Snorlax, Porygon2, and Charizard (win)
- Gym Leader Tournament Round 2: Legacy, Kensei(*), and Phobia vs. The Mozz's Miltank, Snorlax, and Gengar (win)
- Fuchsia, Torrasque, and Aurvandil(*) vs. Nala98's Girafarig, Persian, and Tyranitar (win)
- Galadriel, Kensei(*), and Kazansky(*) vs. Razor Leaf's Hypno, Ursaring, and Gligar (win)
- Elite Medallion Match: Aurvandil, Zephyr(*), and Phobia(*) vs. OzAndrew's Umbreon, Mr. Mime, and Electabuzz (win)
- Aurvandil, Stratus, and Thalion(*) vs. OzAndrew's Weezing, Aerodactyl, and Mankey (win)
- Elite Medallion Match: Aglarel, Maeglin(*), and Elladan(*) vs. pokemasterfrank's Dragonite, Clefable, and Gengar (win)
4 on 4:
- Legacy, Switchblade, and Mutiny(*) vs. crazybone's Bulbasaur, Dratini, Sneasel, and Rhyhorn (win)
Tag Team:
- Elessar and Switchblade(*), with SilverSuicune's Magikarp and Porygon2
Metalakafable's Blastoise and Dragonite, with Elec Man EXE's Magmar and Misdreavus (win)
- Kalazeth(*), with Syberia's Staryu
gamewizard007's Porygon, with Link 10's Gyarados (win)
Single Player Tag Team:
- Switchblade(*) and Lune(*) vs. Deck Knight's Skarmory and Drowzee (win)
- Balak(*) and Jouiki(*) vs. Syberia's Starmie and Chikorita (win)
- Balak(*) and Kensei(*) vs. DarkDragonite's Koffing and Drowzee (win)