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u p d a t e s
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Oh my god....... Has it actually been a year??? *checks the date again* YES!! It's been exactly one year since i've o___O
Hmm.....well, I guess I'd better start working on stuff to make up for all that time.... C'ya! >^ . ^<
Oh, and thank you Matt, for bumping up my hit counter in the meantime! Hehe.....

Sunday, August 29, 2004
Ugh............ I'm not dead.... I assure you I'm not....... -____-

Saturday, October 18, 2003
Well..... This would be the site's new look. It isn't 100% finished, as it still needs a bit more tweaking before I get everything to look the way I want it to... =P
Expect an even bigger update soon ~_^

Wednesday, August 27, 2003-"I'm not dead!!! "
I got a new scanner!!! ^__^

*shall update soon. Very very soon*

Also note that I have a new e-mail address. My apologies if you've sent me mail within the past few months and never got a reply... -__-

>(~ .^)<

lucky people have visited this site since June 18th, 2001 ^_^


The ICE Gym

© 2001-2005 by MaNeKiNeKo