- VolTure's ALAKAZAM used reflect!
VolTure's ALAKAZAM gained armor!
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 100% health.
ThaMasta's TAUROS used body slam!
Critical hit!
alakazam fainted!
VolTure's ALAKAZAM at 0% health.
VolTure took out ALAKAZAM!
VolTure sent out EXEGGUTOR!
- ThaMasta's TAUROS used blizzard!
Critical hit!
It's super effective!
VolTure's EXEGGUTOR at 39% health.
VolTure's EXEGGUTOR used sleep powder!
It failed!
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 100% health.
- VolTure took out EXEGGUTOR!
VolTure sent out STARMIE!
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 100% health.
ThaMasta's TAUROS used blizzard!
It's not very effective.
VolTure's STARMIE at 89% health.
- VolTure's STARMIE used thunder wave!
ThaMasta's tauros was paralyzed!
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 100% health.
ThaMasta's TAUROS used hyper beam!
It missed!
VolTure's STARMIE at 89% health.
- VolTure's STARMIE used recover!
VolTure's STARMIE recovers to 100% health!
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 100% health.
TAUROS is fully paralyzed.
VolTure's STARMIE at 100% health.
- VolTure's STARMIE used thunderbolt!
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 75% health.
ThaMasta's TAUROS used hyper beam!
VolTure's STARMIE at 41% health.
- VolTure's STARMIE used blizzard!
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 42% health.
ThaMasta's TAUROS must recharge!
VolTure's STARMIE at 41% health.
VolTure's STARMIE used recover!
VolTure's STARMIE recovers to 91% health!
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 42% health.
ThaMasta's TAUROS used hyper beam!
Critical hit!
starmie fainted!
VolTure's STARMIE at 0% health.
VolTure took out STARMIE!
VolTure sent out SNORLAX!
- VolTure's SNORLAX used amnesia!
VolTure's SNORLAX's special greatly rose!
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 42% health.
ThaMasta's TAUROS used body slam!
VolTure's SNORLAX was paralyzed!
VolTure's SNORLAX at 76% health.
- ThaMasta's TAUROS used body slam!
Critical hit!
VolTure's SNORLAX at 29% health.
VolTure's SNORLAX used amnesia!
VolTure's SNORLAX's special greatly rose!
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 42% health.
- ThaMasta's TAUROS used body slam!
VolTure's SNORLAX at 3% health.
VolTure's SNORLAX used rest!
VolTure's SNORLAX started sleeping!
VolTure's SNORLAX regained health!
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 42% health.
- VolTure's SNORLAX is asleep.
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 42% health.
ThaMasta's TAUROS used body slam!
VolTure's SNORLAX at 76% health.
- VolTure's SNORLAX woke up!
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 42% health.
TAUROS is fully paralyzed.
VolTure's SNORLAX at 76% health.
VolTure's SNORLAX used ice beam!
tauros fainted!
ThaMasta's TAUROS at 0% health.
ThaMasta took out TAUROS!
ThaMasta sent out STARMIE!
- ThaMasta took out STARMIE!
ThaMasta sent out SNORLAX!
VolTure's SNORLAX at 76% health.
VolTure's SNORLAX used body slam!
ThaMasta's SNORLAX at 72% health.
ThaMasta's SNORLAX used selfdestruct!
Critical hit!
snorlax fainted!
snorlax fainted!
VolTure's SNORLAX at 0% health.
ThaMasta took out SNORLAX!
ThaMasta sent out CHANSEY!
VolTure took out SNORLAX!
VolTure sent out EXEGGUTOR!
- VolTure's EXEGGUTOR used sleep powder!
It failed!
ThaMasta's CHANSEY at 100% health.
ThaMasta's CHANSEY used ice beam!
It's super effective!
VolTure's EXEGGUTOR at 3% health.
VolTure's EXEGGUTOR used sleep powder!
It failed!
ThaMasta's CHANSEY at 100% health.
ThaMasta's CHANSEY used ice beam!
It's super effective!
exeggutor fainted!
VolTure's EXEGGUTOR at 0% health.
VolTure took out EXEGGUTOR!
VolTure sent out RHYDON!
- ThaMasta's CHANSEY used reflect!
ThaMasta's CHANSEY gained armor!
VolTure's RHYDON at 100% health.
VolTure's RHYDON used earthquake!
ThaMasta's CHANSEY at 73% health.
- ThaMasta's CHANSEY used ice beam!
It's super effective!
VolTure's RHYDON at 43% health.
VolTure's RHYDON used earthquake!
ThaMasta's CHANSEY at 45% health.
ThaMasta's CHANSEY used ice beam!
It's super effective!
VolTure's RHYDON was frozen!
rhydon fainted!
VolTure's RHYDON at 0% health.
VolTure took out RHYDON!
VolTure sent out TAUROS!
- VolTure's TAUROS used hyper beam!
ThaMasta's CHANSEY at 7% health.
ThaMasta's CHANSEY used ice beam!
VolTure's TAUROS at 75% health.
- ThaMasta took out CHANSEY!
ThaMasta sent out GOLEM!
VolTure's TAUROS at 75% health.
VolTure's TAUROS must recharge!
ThaMasta's GOLEM at 100% health.
VolTure's TAUROS used blizzard!
It's super effective!
ThaMasta's GOLEM at 44% health.
ThaMasta's GOLEM used explosion!
golem fainted!
tauros fainted!
VolTure's TAUROS at 0% health.
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