All Pokemon except Mewtwo may be used. (Mew is allowed)
Two of the same specie may not be used. (e.g. You may not use two Tauros)
GSC influenced move sets will not be allowed. (e.g. Confuse Ray on Starmie)
Disputes about battles will be decided by myself (CoA), or Clogger. We have the final word on all matters, and we cannot take one person's word over another's.
No usage of evade increasing attacks. (No Double Team or Minimize.)
Accuracy decreasing moves (Sand Attack, Smokescreen, etc.) are allowed.
Teams may be changed during the tournament.
A corollary to the previous rule. In the event of a battler's computer freezing, the exit bug, or whatever cuts off a match in the midst of its occurrance, a review by myself or Clogger is necessary. The corollary is this: Since the interruption occurs within the same matchup, the teams may not be changed here. In other cases, they can be.
Pairings, after Round One, will be drawn out of Clogger's big, floppy cowboy hat.
Each participant must have AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) to take part.
Sleep Clause is in effect. You may not put more than one of your opponent's Pokemon to sleep at a time. If your opponent uses REST while another of his/her Pokemon is sleeping, that does not count as breaking the sleep cause.
Freeze Clause is off. Freezing more than one of your opponent's Pokemon. Since such incidents are sometimes unintentional, it will be deemed unfair to disqualify someone because of a fluke. Freeze as many as ya want!
OHKO moves (Horn Drill, Fissure, Guillotine) will not be allowed. As you all know, they are reported to be glitched, and the hit-rate is screwy. They will not be tolerated, because of the previous statement, and becuase of the lack of skill required in using these moves.
I also want to add something to Clogger's rule on battle interruptions. If you feel you have gotten too far into a battle to have a rematch, and you wish to recreate the battle scene, tough luck. This will not be allowed, as I have learned. Opponents will look to try and screw you out of the match. It is simply too tedious to waste the PP and to intentionally lower a target's HP such a level. Recreation will not be allowed. Once again, Clogger or myself must be contacted, through e-mail or AIM, to announce a final decision on such a matter.
No using of Explosion/Selfdestruct with your last Pokemon.
Only legal move sets may be used. (e.g. No Spore on Electrode, etc.)
Round 1
| Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 | Round 6 | Round 7 | Round 8 | Round 9 | Round 10
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