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  • All Pokemon except Mewtwo may be used. (Mew is allowed)

  • Two of the same specie may not be used. (e.g. You may not use two Tauros)

  • GSC influenced move sets will not be allowed. (e.g. Confuse Ray on Starmie)

  • Disputes about battles will be decided by myself (CoA), or Clogger. We have the final word on all matters, and we cannot take one person's word over another's.

  • No usage of evade increasing attacks. (No Double Team or Minimize.)

  • Accuracy decreasing moves (Sand Attack, Smokescreen, etc.) are allowed.

  • Teams may be changed during the tournament.

  • A corollary to the previous rule. In the event of a battler's computer freezing, the exit bug, or whatever cuts off a match in the midst of its occurrance, a review by myself or Clogger is necessary. The corollary is this: Since the interruption occurs within the same matchup, the teams may not be changed here. In other cases, they can be.

  • Pairings, after Round One, will be drawn out of Clogger's big, floppy cowboy hat.

  • Each participant must have AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) to take part.

  • Sleep Clause is in effect. You may not put more than one of your opponent's Pokemon to sleep at a time. If your opponent uses REST while another of his/her Pokemon is sleeping, that does not count as breaking the sleep cause.

  • Freeze Clause is off. Freezing more than one of your opponent's Pokemon. Since such incidents are sometimes unintentional, it will be deemed unfair to disqualify someone because of a fluke. Freeze as many as ya want!

  • OHKO moves (Horn Drill, Fissure, Guillotine) will not be allowed. As you all know, they are reported to be glitched, and the hit-rate is screwy. They will not be tolerated, because of the previous statement, and becuase of the lack of skill required in using these moves.

  • I also want to add something to Clogger's rule on battle interruptions. If you feel you have gotten too far into a battle to have a rematch, and you wish to recreate the battle scene, tough luck. This will not be allowed, as I have learned. Opponents will look to try and screw you out of the match. It is simply too tedious to waste the PP and to intentionally lower a target's HP such a level. Recreation will not be allowed. Once again, Clogger or myself must be contacted, through e-mail or AIM, to announce a final decision on such a matter.

  • No using of Explosion/Selfdestruct with your last Pokemon.

  • Only legal move sets may be used. (e.g. No Spore on Electrode, etc.)

    Round 1   |   Round 2   |   Round 3   |   Round 4   |   Round 5   |  Round 6   |  Round 7   |  Round 8   |  Round 9   |  Round 10

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