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Frieza saga

Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan finally arrive on Namek after landing on a fake Namek with the Space Ark Children. Later the Z warrior found out that there is a powerful warrior in the universe, Freeza, is also on Namek. Goku gets healed from his battle against Vegeta from a Senzu Bean given by Yajorobe. Goku soon flies off to Namek on a modified space pod (which was formerly the space pod Goku used to come to Earth) by Dr. Brief (Bulma's father). Goku later trains in 100 x Earth's gravity, increasing his regular power level from 5,000 to 500,000. Freeza, later summons the Ginyu Force. Goku later arrives and finds all his friends and Vegeta nearly dead by the battle with the Ginyu Force. Son Goku gives them Senzu Beans, including Vegeta and than defeats Recome with a single elbow dash. Goku and Vegeta later defeats the rest of the Ginyu Force with ease, but Goku's body gets heavly injured in the battle against Captain Ginyu. The rest of the warriors try to battle Freeza, but they are no match. Piccolo is brought back to life and teleported to Namek. Vegeta is killed in battle right when Son Goku arrives. Piccolo later fuses with Nail, the strongest native Namek. This doubles Piccolo's srength (Note: They did not use the Fusion Dance, they did it the old-fashioned Namek way). Now begins the great battle between Goku and Freeza. Goku power up to full strength, but is still no match for Freeza, so Goku decides to create a Genki-Dami. Piccolo realizes what Son Goku is doing, so he attacks Freeza to buy him some time. Freeza starts beating the hell out of Piccolo. Then Gohan, and Krillin joins the battle. Soon after, Goku decides he has enough energy to kill Freeza, he throws the Genki-Dami at Freeza. Freeza is overwhelmed by the blast. Everyone is blown away by the blast. Walking away from the scene, Krillin spots Freeza. Freeza is now missing half of his tail and is really pissed. Freeza in anger blasts Piccolo dead and blows Krillin in chunks. Goku with such rage and anger transfroms him into Super Saiyan form (SSJ). It seems like Goku loses all the personality in himself, and only has one goal, to kill Freeza. Goku starts to beat the hell out of Freeza. Freeza later turns full strength and thus a great battle begins. At the end, Son Goku defeats Freeza and becomes the strongest warrior in the univerese. Unfortunately, Namek explodes and everyone thinks Goku died with the explosion. One year later Freeza is put back together in a robotic form by his father, King Cold. They arrive on Earth with an army, all hope is lost by the Z warriors, even Vegeta thinks so when he was revived by the DragonBalls. Suddenly, a teenager comes out of nowhere, beats the crap out of Freeza. Not only that, he is a Saiyan! Turing Super Saiyan, he kills Freeza and King Cold with his sword. All he says is that he is waiting for Goku, then Goku appears out of nowhere. Goku tells of his troubles and also demonstrates his new teleportation technique. The teenager says that his name is Trunks. He is also the son of Bulma and Vegeta. He is from the future and comes back in time to warn the Z warriors of androids that will terrorize the world in three years. Trunks also says that Goku will die from a heart disease. Trunks has brought medicine for him. Trunks says that he will come back in three years to fight the androids. Now the Z warriors must train for the androids arriving in three years. Three years pass and now the Cell Saga (Cell Game) will begin.