Welcome to Dragonair's Secret! It's been a year, and
it's still alive and kickin'!

Though it's not quite as alive as it once was, it's still doing great!

A look back...
June 2, 2001: Dragonair's Secret opens
July 24, 2001: Dragonair's Secret reaches 200 hits
August 2001-March 2002: The site sort of goes dormant
March 16, 2002: Version 2.0 Kawaii Blossoms goes up!
May 31, 2002: The 1st Birthday layout goes up!

The layout; This has got to be my most advanced layout ever! I used a combination of positioned i-frames and layers to make it. Cool, ne?

1/7/03: Hello. Everything's uploaded, yay! There's not much to say, except now I've gotten pretty good at drawing most of the DBZ guys, I'm working on a revamp of the adoptions page, and I added a fanlisting.

EVERYTHING © Owlie. That includes but is not limited to: HTML, layout, graphics and content.

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