The Digital Grotto

So after a failed first attempt, I came back the next day to find Ana Rewakowicz and her inflatable boutique again.

Click for a larger image.

From the second floor of Commerce Place, I knew that had to be it.

Sure enough, I went down while Ana was dressing up two volunteers in latex suits. Here's inflatonaut 1, getting used to her pumps.

There's Ana outfitting Inflatonaut 2.

His first steps. Mom looks proud.

There was a bit of difficulty with one of the shoes, but he kept at it.

They went outside for some fresh air.

I guess he was a little shy.

He tried to get away on the bus, but they wouldn't let him on.

Another breakdown.

Draped completely in latex, he was getting pretty hot in there.

It was time for our inflatonauts to disembark.

Seize the onlookers!

Oh god, I had a turn. Didn't quite go as far. Spoke to many people not nearly as interesting as me.

After, I got the hell out of there!