Too Little, Too Late

By: RocketGal

James walked outside of his bedroom to see Jessie standing by the front door of their apartment the three of them shared. She wasn't alone, there was a young man with her. He had blond hair, not quite as long as James' but still a good length. He wasn't handsome. Cute, but not handsome. James had seen him before. His name was Jeff. Jeff was a nice enough guy, but James didn't like him. The main reason was because he was dating Jessie, and James didn't like anyone to date Jessie. It was because James had a crush on her. No, not just a crush, he liked her. He really liked her. Hell, he loved her. But he could never bring himself to tell her. He just couldn't. And so he just stood there, watching her and Jeff laughing and talking. James could handle this. He had observed pre-date conversations before. But then something happened. Something James couldn't take. Jeff whispered something to Jessie. She laughed at the comment and he began to kiss her on her ear and neck. This was something James could not stand for. "Jessie! How can you do this?" James screamed to her. Jessie turned to James, quite surprised both by his comment and presence. "What? Do what?" she asked confused. "How can you go around with this - this blond bimbo," James answered as he crossed the room towards them, "when we have a relationship of our own?" "What are you talking about?" Jessie asked him stunned, "Do you think you and I are going out?" "Well, what do you think we've been doing?" James asked her. "I don't know!" Jessie shot back, "I didn't think we were going out! Whenever Meowth or anyone else says that I'm your girlfriend, you verdantly deny it!" "Well, I'm saying it now," James answered in a softened sincere tone. "Oh, James," she said as she walked closer to him. Jessie lifted her hands to James' face and kissed him on his tender lips. "It's too late," she whispered. Even thought the words were spoken softly, they penetrated into James' heart like daggers. "Come on, Jeff," Jessie told him as they walked out the door. "See ya!" she called back to her partner in crime, as she closed the door on her way out. As he could hear their footsteps down the hall, he whispered, "But I love you." James sat on the couch, drifting off into sleep every now and then. He awoke once more when he heard the sound of Jessie's keys in the door. He rose to his feet when she came through the door. "Hi," he greeted her quietly. Jessie sighed as she put her keys back in her purse. "Hello." Before the two got to say anything else, Meowth walked into the room. "You guys are still up?" the cat asked, "It's late!" "Yes," James replied, "everything is too late according to Jessie." Meowth turned to Jessie for an explanation, "What does that mean?" "Nothing," she shrugged, "Just go to bed." Having no more interest, Meowth went back to his bed and fell right to sleep. When he was out of sight, Jessie shot an evil glare at James. "What was that about?" she demanded. "I don't know," he dodged, "You tell me." "No," she angered, "I think you're the one that needs to explain! What the hell was that all about tonight?" "What?" James asked, faking cluelessness. "You yelling at me for going out with a guy!" she grudgingly explained, "Saying that you and I have a relationship!" "You don't think we do?" he asked her. "Yeah, a friendship!" Jessie yelled, "But that was certainly strained! Why did you do that? What were you thinking? I like this guy! I have a chance at happiness!" "But the only thing that would ever make me happy is to have you," James commented softly. "Stop it, James!" she ordered, "Stop talking like that!" "But I love you, Jess." "No! You have no right to do this to me!" she said as she began to break down, "I could be happy with Jeff!" "I'm sorry," he uttered quietly. "Why couldn't you tell me sooner?" she asked him, "When I was alone? You had me then! I was waiting for you!" James looked at her, "You were?" "Yeah," she admitted, "But you never did anything! So I figured you weren't interested in me like that. But that was ok with me, because we were friends. And it was fine. So I've been dating, and I found this great guy, and now you come in and say you love me? God, you having terrible timing!" "I never said I didn't!" James defended, "And why should I be blamed for your social life? It's not my fault whether or not you can get a date!" "That's not fair!" she screamed. "Not fair to you?" he questioned. "Not fair to anyone!" she retorted. "Listen, I didn't ask for these feelings!" he yelled, "No one can ask for them! And if we could, certainly no one would ask for feelings involving you!" Jessie screamed and slapped James across the face. "God damn it," he muttered to himself, holding his face as he watched Jessie go into her room. Hating himself for his last comment towards her, he walked to her door. He could hear her crying softly. "I'm sorry, Jess." She sat on her bed, with her back turned to him. "I shouldn't have said that," he offered as he stepped into her room. She had stopped crying, but still didn't face him. "Why not? You meant it," she said coldly. "No, I didn't." Jessie turned to him with tears in her eyes. "Then why did you say it?" she demanded. "I don't know," James said as he sat on the bed, "The last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt you." Jessie believed him and leaned over and hugged him. "I know. But what brought about all this love business?" James looked at her as she puled away from him. "I don't know," he started, "It's just that I've had you to myself for so long that I didn't realize how much I cared for you. Whenever I see you with another guy, it kills me." "Well, jealousy does go good with your green eyes," she remarked. Jessie paused and looked at him, "Do you really love me?" James smiled, "Who wouldn't?" "No one, according to you," she shot back. "Well, I was wrong," he apologized. "That seems to be happening more and more often," she noticed. "Well, I'll stop," James offered. "No, no. It makes me look better," she joked. "I've got time, so I'll ask you again," she said seriously, "Answer truthfully. Do you love me?" "Yes," he answered without hesitation. Jessie smiled, "I love you too, James. But I don't think it will ever work." "Why?" James demanded. "Well, we work together, we live together," she listed, "after a while it might be too much together, you know." "We've made it this far," James pointed out. "But how much longer will that last?" she questioned. "Only one way to find out," he proposed. "I don't know," Jessie said shakily. "Neither do I, no one does. Can't we take a chance?" he asked. "I just wish this could have happened at a better time!" she thought out loud. She shook her head, "No! This is no good! No matter what, things will not be the same ever again. And I can't deal with that." James looked at her quizitavly, "So what are you saying?" She gradually got him to her doorway. "I'm not sure yet," Jessie lied, knowing damn well what she was going to do. "Good night, James," she said softly as she closed the door with him on the outside. The next morning, James awoke to see Jessie dressed and with suitcases by the door. "Jessie?" he asked, "What are you doing?" "Um, I'm leaving," she answered as she gathered her things. "What? Why?" he asked shocked and confused. "I told you last night. This is too much for me. So I'm taking off." she replied. "Where will you go?" he wondered. "To Team Rocket Headquarters." "Why there?" he asked her. "I'm going to get transferred to another partner. I just hope they don't stick me with Cassidy. Well, I'll se what happens. My cab is on it's way," she rambled. Just then Meowth walked in. "Hey! What's going on?" he asked, seeing all of Jessie's luggage. "Jessie is leaving get transferred to another team!" James exclaimed. "Oh," Meowth nodded, "See ya, Jess!" "See ya, Meowth!" she answered back with just as cheerful tone as he had. "Guess James and I will have to think of a new motto," Meowth kidded. "Guess so," Jessie agreed. And with that Meowth went back to bed. James turned to her, "He's upset that you're leaving. Really he is." "James, it's ok," she assured him, "Meowth and I never really got along. Don't worry about it." Silence consumed them for about a minute. "Jessie, please don't go!" James blurted out. "James, haven't you ever heard the saying: If you let something go and it comes back, it's yours forever. Well, that's kinda like this." she sighed. "Will you come back?" he asked. "No," she replied. "Then I won't let you go!" And with that, James picked Jessie up and held her. Jessie was quite surprised by this but kept her cool. "James?" she asked, "What are you doing?" "Keeping you from leaving," he replied. "So you're gonna hold me here until I decide not to leave?" "Looks like it," he affirmed. Jessie nodded. "So.......just when the hell did your arms get so strong?" she asked. "Well, after being beaten up constantly, you build up resistance and muscles," James answered. "Well, they look very nice on you," she said commented as she felt his muscular biceps. She thought for a moment, then said, "You know, I could probably tickle you to let me go." "That's true," James consented, "But then there's a chance I might drop you." "Yes, that is a downside," she agreed. "I guess you have to stay," he remarked. "I don't know," Jessie said coyly, "You have to sleep sometime." "I just woke up," he informed her, "I'm not tired." "Yes, but I have the power of Jigglypuff!" she proclaimed. "You caught a Jigglypuff?" he asked confused. "No, but something almost as good!" she said as she pulled out the small contraption, "It's a hand held Jiggly Bud. Just push the button and it plays his slumber inducing song." "Don't do it, Jess!" James warned. "Watch me!" she laughed. "But now we'll both go to sleep!" he finished. "Oh damn!" Jessie agreed as they both drifted off. Both of them were asleep. Jessie had her arms around James' neck and her head on his shoulder. Her eyes fluttered and slowly opened. Remembering everything, she looked at her current position. She was siting on James' lap with his arms still in a holding position on her. She smiled, he really didn't want her to leave. She'd never experienced that kind of emotion towards her before. It sort of scared her, but it also felt nice. She didn't know where it would lead, but maybe she could stay a little while longer to find out.