

He sat back as he reclined in his seat with a heavy sigh. He hated flying. He always did. Somehow, he didn't understand what was so great about being in the air. He nervously twisted the wedding band he had worn for so long on his finger. He always did that when he was nervous.

"Hey, Butch! Why didn't you tell us you were going to California too?" The familiar voice of his friend asked.

"To tell you the truth, James, I didn't know until Saturday." He replied.

"What happened?" James asked.

"I couldn't get out of this one. The guy refused to buy unless we met in person." Butch replied.

"He screwed you, man."

"You're telling me."

"What are the odds of you being in the aisle next to us?" Jessie asked.

He laughed nervously. "I don't know." He replied. "So, are the kids still staying with us?"

"Meowth is gonna baby-sit for a while, but you and Cassidy are gonna take them for the rest of the time." She said.

"How long will that be?"

"Five days." James said.


"We hardly ever have time alone anymore. I figure a vacation would be a nice getaway." He explained.

"While I'm there, I figure I'll book a trip to Disneyland. The kids will love it and Cass and I will get some time to ourselves." Butch replied.

"That'll be a nice surprise." Jessie replied.

The plane lifted off, but Butch's fear of flying was still unsatisfied.

He hated flying.

Absolutely hated it.

Suddenly, three men stood up and got out of their seats. There was something about them there was something that was not right. Back when they had trained with Team Rocket, which was long dismissed, they had been taught to sense danger. But maybe this was just a simple case of self-inflicted paranoia. He shot a glance at Jessie and James who had just taken hold of each other's hand.

There was definitely something wrong.

But what?

"Excuse me, gentlemen. Would you mind taking your seats?" The tall flight attendant named Bridgett with mousy brown hair asked.

The taller man laughed.

His two companions pulled the flight attendant into a headlock and brought a box-cutter to her throat.

The cabin gasped.

"Everyone, move to the back of the plane." The man commanded. "We've got knives and box-cutters. I suggest you do as your told."

Everyone was numbed with fear.


They frantically raced to the back of the plane and huddled together like a herd of frightened cattle.

"Good. Now Brigie, be a nice flight attendant and open the door to the cockpit." He instructed.

Brigitte refused.

The man snapped his fingers.

The dark one slit her throat. She dropped to her knees and fell forwards with a thud, her eyes wide with fear and blood pouring from her throat.

The three men disappeared into the cockpit.

In the back of the plane, many were sobbing and some had fainted. James was sitting on the floor, Jessie in his lap, sobbing gently into his chest. He brokenheartedly stroked her face, a look of desperation in his emerald green eyes.

Butch numbly lifted his cell phone, pushed the speed dial for "home" and raised the phone to his ear.



"Hello?" The sweet voice of the woman he loved answered. Hearing it almost made him smile.

"Cassidy, there's something I have to tell you..." He said, swallowing hard.

"What? Did something happen? Are you ok?"

"Cassie, I'm on a plane that's been hijacked." He said.

"Cassie? Are you there?"

"By who?" She asked emotionlessly.

"Terrorists. I think we're headed for New York." He explained.

"Oh God, Butch.."

"I love you, Cassie. I love you."

"I love you too..."

"Cassie? Are you still there?"

"Butch, what am I gonna do?!" She cried.

"You're gonna be fine, baby. I love you. I've got enough insurance."

"What about the kids?!" She sobbed.

"I've got enough insurance to put them all through collage."

"I don't give a shit about the insurance! I care about you! What am I gonna tell them?! The twins are only ten! Kayla's only five years old! How am I gonna deal with that?!" She asked as she wept bitterly.

"Shh...C'mon. You've gotta be strong. I love you and I love them. It's gonna be ok.." he said.

"What do you mean OK?! You're on a fuckin' Kamikaze plane and you're telling me we're gonna be ok?!"

"Cassie, do you love me?"

"Yes." She wept.

"Then we're fine. Just do your best. I know you can do it." He replied reassuringly.

"I love you." She said.

"Me too, baby. Me too."

"Butch, I guess I'd better tell you now."

"What?" He asked.

She sniffled. "I'm pregnant."

"I'm so sorry, Cassie."

"It's not your fault. I was gonna tell you sooner but I wanted it to be special." She replied, on the verge of crying again.

"Don't you cry on me now. I need you to be strong for the kids and for me. C'mon, Cassie."

"Where do you think you're headed?" She asked.

"Anything big in New York the Empire State Building, the NYSE" He glanced down at his Rolex watch that Cassidy had given him one Christmas, back when they were still part of Team Rocket. She had managed to save up enough money for it, and he never took it off unless the matter was necessary. He froze as he saw the date.

The 11th.

"The Twin Towers. Cassidy, they're headed for the World Trade Center."

"Oh Christ" She gasped.

"Cassidy, I want you to call the NYPD, the mayor, anyone who has power. Let them know." He said.


"I love you Cassidy. And I love our children. You're all gonna be fine." He said. "I'm grateful for having you as a part of my life, and I thank God everyday for that. I was blessed to know you. Having you as a lover and my wife is a miracle in itself. Fathering your children is more than I could have ever asked for."

She was close to weeping again. "Me too, Butch. Me too."

"I love you."

"Me too. I'll miss you."

"I'll always be with you. Tell the kid's I won't be home tonight." He said, but it greatly pained him to do so.

He could tell she was crying again.

"Tell them I love them, and I love you." He said.

"I love you."

"Goodbye, Cassidy. I love you. Always and forever. Don't you ever forget that."

"Goodbye Butch. I love you and I'll never forget you." She whispered, as if broken.

The connection broke.

Cassidy stood there a few moments more, phone in hand, as her body trembled and tears silently streamed down her face.

A loud beep broke her concentration.

She looked down at the answering machine and saw the red light labeled

"MESSAGES" was blinking. Numbly, she pushed the button.


"Cassidy, there's something I have to tell you..."

"What? Did something happen? Are you ok?"

"Cassie, I'm on a plane that's been hijacked."

Numbly, she pressed the "SAVE" button.

It beeped in reply.


The front door opened and slammed with a thud as the commotion of voices filled the house that had been silent since 8:20 that morning.

"Hey, mom! You hear about the Trade Center thing? It's crazy!" Matt asked as he dropped his backpack to the floor and brushed his orange-blond bangs away from his deep brown eyes.

"It's completely sick! They sent us home early!" Maria added while pulling her aqua-green hair out of the ponytail she had worn to school.

They heard no response from their mother.

"Mommy! Where are you?!" Kayla, the youngest with her father's eyes and mother's hair called.

"In the kitchen." A broken voice replied.

They cautiously ventured into the kitchen where their mother sat, hypnotized by the framed picture she held in her hand.

Matt glanced over her shoulder. "Another picture of you and dad being teenage goofballs?" He asked.

She did not reply.

"Mom? Are you ok? Did something happen?" Maria asked.

"Did daddy call you yet?" Kayla asked anxiously.

She faced her children, and drew them into a close embrace and gave a hollow reply.

"Yes, sweetie. He called."