by Cori Falls


Chapter 9 -- Stranger Than Fantasy

It was a clear, crisp winter day in Sunny Town as two young teenagers set out on a bicycle ride. The red-haired girl laughed and swung a chain over her head as she pedaled up the street, and the violet-haired boy, who still needed training-wheels, followed close behind. It was a day just like any other. Ever since Jessie and James had joined the bicycle gang two years ago, they went out for bike rides together.

Life was good for the two of them -- they were now fifteen, and even though they still had no pokemon or trainer badges, at least they had a place that they could call home...a place where they were safe from the pasts that tormented them. For the first time in their lives, they also commanded respect. It didn't matter that they read books, played Dungeons & Dragons, and did other things that most would consider "geeky" -- they were outsiders just like the bikers were, and in Jessie and James, they saw kindred spirits.

Besides, the bikers were impressed with Jessie's fighting skills. Her initiation into the gang was one of her claims to fame -- she'd defeated their leader, Spynal Tap, in a battle with his own bike chain, and she was now known with reverence as "The Chainer." And as for James? The bikers thought he was a pushover at first, but every time somebody hassled him, Jessie would just steal their bike chains and thrash them until they promised to leave him alone. Before long, however, they began to understand why Jessie liked him so much. James became the darling of the gang once the other bikers realized just how charming his innocent nature was. They even thought it was cute how he still needed training-wheels on his bike, and he'd come to be known as "The Trainer."

But even with a new home and new friends, some things never changed -- just like their days at Pokemon Tech and on the road, Jessie and James still did everything together, and they were still the best of friends.

And if anything, James was more in love with Jessie than ever. He still hadn't told her how he felt, however. Their friendship meant more to him than anything, and he was beginning to notice that friendship rarely survived when it gave way to romance...and that if the romance soured, the friendship usually couldn't be saved. Jessie had befriended a couple of other boys, and they'd both asked her out on dates shortly afterwards. She'd gone out with both of them, much to James's dismay, but things never got serious with either one. They'd taken her out to dinner or the movies, but after only a couple of dates, she broke things off with them, and they didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore.

James knew that it would be different if he were the one who asked Jessie out on a date -- he'd heard the other boys talking, and he knew that they'd only wanted one thing. They'd lost all interest in Jessie because she wouldn't have sex with them. James couldn't deny that he wanted to have sex with her, too -- she was growing into an extremely beautiful young woman, and his physical attraction to her had intensified over the years. But as much as James fantasized about making love to Jessie, he knew that he'd still love and respect her if she refused him. Even without sex, they still had so many other things to share with each other. If he ever did find the courage to ask her out on a date, he knew he'd never pressure her into doing something she was uncomfortable with. If the day ever came when he and Jessie would make love, it would be because she loved him as much as he loved her, and she'd chosen to share her body with him. It would be something truly beautiful.

But even though James knew he was different from the other boys, he wasn't sure if Jessie knew it or not. After being twice used and rejected, she was beginning to associate dating and romance with manipulation. James was afraid that if he asked her out or expressed his desire to become romantically involved, she wouldn't trust him anymore.

But even though he was still too timid to make his move, something told James that it would take more than a confession of love to scare Jessie away. He just needed a little time to muster his courage...and to find a tactful way of telling her that wouldn't affect their friendship if she didn't feel the same. He knew it would come to him eventually, and he knew that one day, Jessie would feel the same way about him. Something that had happened only a couple of months earlier made him sure of it....


It was a cold night in late December, and the bikers were throwing a Christmas party at the park. Jessie didn't want to go (she always became sullen and depressed during the holiday season, he'd noticed), but James loved parties...and Christmas.

"Come on, Jess! It'll be fun!" he insisted. "It's got to be better than sitting around and moping all night!" And if there's mistletoe, maybe I can kiss you and get away with it!

Jessie closed her eyes and sighed. "I'm just not in a party mood, James!"

"Look, I don't know why you hate Christmas so much," James said, taking her hands in his own. "But I really want to go to the party, and I really want you to come with me! I'm not going to have any fun by myself, and I'd feel bad if I just left you here! Please, Jessie?"

Jessie was prepared to say no, but when James made big, wobbly eyes at her, she found that she couldn't resist. "Okay, okay, I'll go," she relented. "And I'll try to have fun, but I'm NOT making any promises!"

James grinned. "It's a date then!"

Jessie's eyes widened.

"Just kidding!" he quickly added, winking at her.

After Jessie threw on her jacket, she and James joined the rest of the gang at the park.


As it turned out, the party wasn't very Christmasy -- instead of Christmas carols, the bikers were just playing an old Beastie Boys CD, and instead of dancing and drinking egg nog, everybody was sitting around a bonfire, drinking beer.

Jessie smiled. "Maybe this won't be so painful, after all," she remarked.

James sighed.

After making their rounds and saying hello to everybody, the two of them seated themselves by the fire.

Man, this sucks! James said to himself as he surveyed the party. No cookies, no presents, no mistletoe -- this is just a regular get together! I thought Christmas parties were supposed to be special....

At his side, Jessie began to hum along as You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party came on.

"Jessie, I'm bored!" James whined.

"Yeah, I'm bored, too," she agreed. "This party's lame."

"Heh, heh, heh. Yer only bored cuz ya ain't got a buzz-on yet," someone remarked. Turning around, Jessie and James saw Spynal Tap sitting behind them. He reached into a nearby cooler and pulled out two cans of beer. "The party'll get started once ya have a drink!" he said as he tossed a can to each of them.

"No, thanks!" Jessie growled, tossing her can back to him. "That stuff tastes like piss!"

Spynal Tap snorted at her and turned to James. "What about you?"

James sweatdropped. "W-what about me?"

"Are you a little girlie like your friend, or are you a man?" he asked. "You gonna drink it, or not?"

James looked at Jessie. She slowly shook her head.

"Whaddaya askin' HER permission for?!" Spynal Tap demanded. "Just drink it!"


"Come on, ya wuss! Drink it!" he shouted.

Spynal Tap's uproar attracted the attention of several other bikers, and they all gathered around James. "Drink it!!! Drink it!!! Drink it!!!" they began to chant.

James frowned.

"Don't do it," Jessie said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You don't need to impress them -- they're just a bunch of assholes."

James looked at the can of beer in his hand. He didn't want to drink it, and the fact that Jessie didn't want him to either only convinced him further that he was making the right choice. "No, thanks," he said, handing it back to Spynal Tap.

There was a collective groan from the bikers.

Spynal Tap scowled and shoved the can back into James's hand. "I told ya to drink it, and yer gonna drink it, ya goddamned little wuss!" he snarled, grabbing James by the collar of his jacket.

"Leave him alone!" Jessie shouted. "He said he doesn't want to drink it!"

"Only cuz his mommy told him not to!" Spynal Tap retorted. Then, turning back to James. "Come on! Ya gonna be whipped, or ya gonna be a man?!"

Several of the bikers made hissing noises and moved their arms back and forth, as if they were cracking a whip.

The mention of the word whipped and the hisses of the bikers made James start thinking of Jessiebelle again, and he shuddered.

"Well?!" Spynal Tap demanded.

"Come on!"

"Drink it!"

"Don't be a wimp!"

Again, Jessie frowned and shook her head.

James looked down at the can once more and felt himself welling up with defiance. Jessiebelle wouldn't want me to drink it -- she'd say it isn't proper and whip me for it! I bet my parents wouldn't want me to drink it either! But they're not here, and I can do whatever the hell I want! They'd probably freak if they knew I had a beer! A smile spread across his lips as he pulled the tab.

"James!" Jessie snapped.

He hesitated for a moment. But Jessie doesn't want me to drink it, either -- she'd be disappointed in me if I did.

Just as he was about to set the can down, however, he looked at Jessie and saw how she was looking at him. An expression of disapproval was etched on her face, and at that moment, she looked more like Jessiebelle than his best friend. James felt his defiance returning again.

Spynal Tap may be an asshole, but he's right -- I can't let Jessie boss me around! I'm the one drinking the beer, not her! What does she care? With that, he set the can to his lips and tilted his head back.

The beer was cold and extremely bitter, and James felt his mouth and throat go numb as he drank it. All around him, the bikers were chanting, "Chug, chug, chug!!!" but their voices sounded like they were miles away. The only thing he really noticed at the moment was how horrible and bitter the beer tasted.

Once he'd finished, he instantly regretted his decision. He wasn't about to tell that to Jessie, though -- he knew that if he did, she was only going to give him an "I told you so" speech.

Spynal Tap patted James on the back, and the other bikers began to cheer. Jessie, however, brought out her paper fan and smacked him over the head.

"I can't believe you, James!" she snapped. "What the hell were you thinking?!"

Normally, James didn't mind when Jessie lost her temper, but tonight, he just wasn't in the mood to put up with it. He still had a bad taste in his mouth from the beer, and now he was getting a headache, too. Her yelling was only making him feel worse than he already did. "Why don't you quit bossing me around, and shut the hell up?!" he shouted, grabbing the fan from her and tossing it to the ground.

Jessie scowled at him and stormed away. "Ugh! Typical guy!"

"Heh, heh, heh. That's tellin' her," Spynal Tap chuckled.

James sighed as he watched Jessie seat herself by the radio and start going through the stack of cds next to it. Jeez! Why did I have to yell at her? he wondered. I've never lost my temper with Jessie before! Why now, all of a sudden? What posessed me to hurt her like that? I love her....

"Awww...she mad at ya?" Spynal Tap asked, kneeling next to him.

"Leave me alone," James grumbled.

Spynal Tap pressed another can of beer into his hand. "Drink up, Little Jim -- it'll make ya feel better! I guarantee!"

"Yeah, right."

"Hey, a cold beer is better than a cold woman any day!"

James looked at the beer can, and then at Jessie. He'd hurt her, and now she was angry with him. It felt like there was a knife in his heart, and he needed to do something...anything to make the pain go away.

Suddenly, he remembered how numb his mouth became while he was drinking the first beer. Maybe another one will numb my heartache.... he reasoned.

So, cracking open the can, James drank a second beer.


An hour later, the two beers had become six.

"I tell sucks, man! *hic*" James said in a slurred voice as Spynal Tap sat by his side and listened. "The yelling...the hitting...I just *hic* don't know what to do...."

"Ya need ta put yer foot down with the bitch!" he said.

"No way, man!" James protested. "I...I...."

Spynal Tap grinned. "Yer in love with her, ain't ya?"

James smiled and nodded.

"Well ain't no wonder ya don't wanna yell at her," he snorted. "Ya know what ya SHOULD do if ya wanna get some action?"

He shook his head.

"Tell her, man! Walk over to her, tell her ya love her, and give her a big wet one!"

James's eyes widened. "Are you sure that's a good idea? *hic*"

"Sure it is!" he said. "Chicks love that shit!"

He found his gaze drifting to Jessie once again. She seemed to have cooled off a little, but she still wasn't looking at him. Maybe he's right, James said to himself. Maybe I should tell Jessie how I feel...maybe she'd stop being mean to me if I did.... "All right! I'll do it! *hic*" he exclaimed.

The ground tottered uncontrollably beneath his feet as he stood up, and the world around him seemed to be spinning, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. After two steps, James collapsed to his knees and wasn't able to get up again, but he wasn't going to let that stop him, either -- he just began to crawl. Nothing was going to keep him from Jessie!

"What do YOU want?" Jessie sneered as James crawled over and seated himself next to her.

"Jessieee...can to you? *hic*" he asked.

"You're drunk!" she said disdainfully.

He grinned at her.

Jessie wrinkled her nose and turned away from him.

"Jessieee," he giggled, tugging at the sleeve of her jacket.

Jessie turned to face him again. "What?" she growled.

James made wobbly puppy-dog eyes at her again. "I'm sorry. *hic*"

Her expression softened.

"I...I was *hic* a big meanie. I didn't mean to be so mean to you...."

Jessie sighed. After a moment, she smiled at him. "Alright, I forgive you," she said, putting an arm around his shoulders. "Just don't do anything like this again. Okay?"


The two of them sat quietly together, and Jessie rested her head on James's shoulder. After a few minutes, he broke the silence.



"Guess what!"


James grinned again and put his arms around Jessie, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I love you!"

Before Jessie could say anything, James held her closer and pressed his lips to hers. The feeling of her warm, soft mouth on his own was wonderful, and he never wanted the kiss to end. Jessie struggled and tried to pull away at first, but after a moment, she relaxed and melted into James's embrace, returning his kiss.

When the kiss finally ended, James pulled away from her slightly and smiled. Then, he keeled over, and everything went black.


When James awoke, he found himself lying on his bed, still dressed in the clothes he'd worn to the party. His mouth felt like it was stuffed full of cotton, and there was a throbbing pain in his head, as if he'd been smashed by a mallet.

"Unnnnh? Wha-...."

As soon as James opened his mouth, he felt a wave of nausea wash over him. He jumped from his bed to make a mad dash for the bathroom, but his knees buckled when he tried to stand. Unable to get back to his feet, he crawled as quickly as he could, doing his best to supress the urge to vomit.

Once he made it to the bathroom, he leaned over the edge of the toilet and threw up. He didn't know how it was possible when he didn't even have anything on his stomach to throw up, but he was anyway. James had been sick several times when he was a child, but never like this. His stomach felt like it was in knots, his head felt like it was about to split open, and he just felt like dying.

When he finally finished throwing up, James sank to the icy tile floor and closed his eyes. He knew that he should get back to bed before he got a chill, but he didn't have the energy -- he'd used all of it just getting out of bed! Besides, his stomach still felt unsettled, and he didn't want to make another trip if he had to throw up again.

After a few minutes, James heard a soft knock at the door and Jessie calling his name as she entered his room.

"Jessie...." he moaned.

Jessie stepped into the bathroom and gasped when she saw him lying on the floor. "James!"

Normally, her voice was music to his ears, but this morning, she sounded unusually loud, and it was only making the throbbing in his head worse. "Noooo...." he groaned.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said, her voice dropping to a whisper as she knealt by his side and placed one of her warm hands on his cheek. "God, you feel so cold!"

James exhaled in a ragged breath and closed his eyes.

"Looks like one hell of a hangover you've got there," Jessie remarked as she pulled him into a sitting position in her lap and began to rub his icy hands and arms, warming him with her body heat and her friction.

His eyes fluttered open again, and he got another funny feeling in his stomach when Jessie began to caress him. This time, however, it was caused by pleasure rather than nausea. Her gentle touch felt like silk on his skin, and the softness of her body was like a cushion to his aching head and back. James could feel his cheeks turning pink and his heart racing when he realized that his head was resting on her breasts, but she didn't seem to mind. He wanted to thank her for what she was doing and tell her how much she meant to him, but all he could manage to say was, "h-hang...over?"

"When you get drunk, you spend all the next day hanging over the side of the toilet and throwing up," she explained.

"Ha...ha...." he muttered sarcastically.

Jessie chuckled.

James looked up at her and frowned. "I...I'm glad you think this is funny!"

"Well, you brought it on yourself, didn't you, James?" she chided him. "I told you not to drink that beer, and what do you do? You drink a whole six-pack!"

"But...Spynal Tap and the others drink more than that all the time, and they never get sick," he argued.

"Spynal Tap's a big, fat lush!" she retorted. "He can hold it better than a scrawny little boy who's never had a drink in his life!"

James withered when he heard Jessie call him a scrawny little boy. He knew that she was a little older than him (she'd just turned fifteen a couple of weeks earlier, and he was still going to be fourteen for another month), but he had no idea she looked down on him because of that.

So, that's all I am to you? Just some scrawny tag-along twerp that you have to mother? he said to himself as tears began to stream down his face.

"I'm sorry," she said when she saw that James was crying. "I didn't mean to blame you. It's just...I've seen what alcohol can do to a it can change them. I didn't want that to happen to you."

"It won't. Trust me," he said. "Because if this is what alcohol does, then I'm NEVER going to drink again."

Jessie smiled when she saw the sincerity in his eyes. Then, she got back to her feet and began to draw a bath. "Come on," she said. "You can't stay here all day -- let's get you cleaned up and back to bed. I'll have you feeling better in no time."

James looked up at her in disbelief. "So, you're not mad at me anymore?" he ventured.

"Of course not!" came her reply. "You've learned your lesson. I really wish you'd of taken my word for it last night, but some things have to be learned the hard way, I guess."

"I guess," he echoed.

While the bathtub was filling with water, Jessie helped James to his feet and pulled off his shirt. He blushed, and she turned around so that he could finish undressing. His hands were shaking, and his legs were still wobbly, but after a few minutes, he was able to get his pants and boxer shorts off.

Once Jessie heard the splashing of water as James got into the bathtub, she turned to face him again.

James sighed contentedly as he sank into the hot water. The pain in his cold muscles and his headache and nausea abated, and he began to relax.

"Feeling better already, I see," Jessie chuckled, kneeling by the side of the tub.

James smiled at her.

Jessie scooped some water into her hands. "Tilt your head back, and I'll wash your hair," she said.

James did as he was instructed, and Jessie poured the water over his head. Then, she got out the shampoo and began to lather him. James closed his eyes and sighed as Jessie ran her fingers through his hair. He loved the feeling, and he didn't want her to stop.

When she finished shampooing his hair, Jessie put some soap onto a washcloth and gently scrubbed his face, arms, chest, and back. James blushed again as Jessie's fingertips brushed against his bare skin, and he found himself wondering if she knew just how much he was enjoying this.

He smiled up at her once more and saw that she was blushing, too.

"This...uh, this isn't weird for you, or anything, is it?" she asked. "I mean...."

"Not at all," came his reply. "I don't mind...but what about you?"

She returned his smile. "I don't mind either. Hell! We used to do this kind of thing together all the time -- I don't see why it's such a big deal now...."

I do, James said to himself as he watched Jessie's face become redder than ever. It's because I'm in love with you. I could never deny it to myself, and I can't ignore it. It's hard to be intimate like this now because it's too easy for my feelings to be betrayed. I'm afraid of hurting you or scaring you if you find out how I feel...and I'm afraid of what might happen if you don't feel the same....

As these thoughts passed through his mind, he suddenly remembered what he'd done the night before -- he'd told Jessie that he loved her and forced a kiss on her. Now that he was thinking more clearly, James was ashamed of himself for being so forward with her. A drunken stupor wasn't how he'd wanted to confess his feelings to Jessie -- he'd wanted to do something beautiful and romantic for her when it happened. A beer-tainted kiss wasn't romantic, just sleazy.

But romantic or not, Jessie knew the truth now, and he was going to have to deal with it.

"Uh, Jess?" he said tentatively. "About what happened last"

"It's okay," she replied. "People always say...and do things they don't really mean when they're drunk. Nobody got hurt, and I know you didn't mean anything by it, so everything's cool."

James breathed a sigh of relief when she said this. She doesn't know that I really did mean what I was saying...that my kiss was real -- she thinks it was just the beer talking! She still doesn't know how I feel! That means I can still have my romantic confession someday!

"Okay, let's finish this up so you don't turn into a prune!" Jessie said, changing the subject.

James nodded and rinsed the soap from his skin and the shampoo from his hair. Then, he drained the tub. His legs were still too shaky for him to stand on, so Jessie helped him. He put his arms around her shoulders as she reached down and slid her arms around his waist. After lifting him from the bathtub, she wrapped him in a towel.

Once James had dried off, Jessie walked him back to his bedroom and helped dress him in a clean pair of boxers and his pajamas. Then, she tucked him back into bed.

"Jessie?" he said, taking her hands in his own.


"Will...will you stay here with me? Please?"

She smiled tenderly at him. "Of course I will, James. I didn't plan on going anywhere."

"Thank you," he whispered.

"But I do need to get you something to eat," she continued.

James frowned, remembering how unpleasant throwing up had been. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"You need something on your stomach," she argued. "And I'll only be gone for a few minutes, okay?"


Running a hand through his damp hair, Jessie smiled at him again and took her leave.

James closed his eyes and relaxed as he leaned back on his pillow and waited for her to return. There was something extremely comforting about having Jessie there to care for him. The hardened and callous facade she wore for the rest of the world was just that -- a facade. On the inside, she was a sweet and gentle woman who had the soul of a healer.

In a way, she reminded him of his grand-papa -- he'd had a healing spirit as well. He remembered how his grand-papa had always been there to listen to him when his parents never would, to hug him when he needed a shoulder to cry on, or when he just needed affection. He also remembered how his grand-papa had always taken care of him whenever he got hurt by Jessiebelle -- putting salve on the lashes made by her whip and making medicine for him when the Stun Spores of her Oddish made him sick.

And it was no different with Jessie. She was someone who cared about him when nobody else did...someone who healed him whenever he was in pain. He smiled as he thought about his best friend and how lucky he was that she'd come into his life. "I love you so much, Jessie," he whispered.

A few minutes later, Jessie returned carrying a small plate and a mug. "Here you go. I made you some cinnamon toast," she said softly, handing the plate to him. Then, she set the mug on his nightstand. "And some tea. I know it's probably not very good, but it's better than nothing, and it should go down easy."

"No, it's good," he told her as he nibbled on the toast. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Once he'd finished his cinnamon toast and herbal tea, Jessie gently wiped his mouth with a napkin and brushed the breadcrumbs from his blanket. Then, she seated herself next to him and laid his head in her lap. "I wanted to give you some aspirin for your headache, but that wouldn't have been good for your stomach. So, you'll just have to settle for the next best thing," she told him as she began to massage his temples with the tips of her fingers.

Next best thing?! This is WAY better than aspirin! James said to himself. But aloud, all he could say was, "Mmmmm...that feels nice, Jess."

"Just relax, James," she whispered. "I'm not going to leave you. I'll stay as long as you need me. I promise."

James closed his eyes and concentrated on Jessie's touch. Her fingers, gently working themselves in tiny circles, felt wonderful and made his pounding headache go away. Her soft, melodic voice and the fragrance and warmth of her body relaxed him as well. He sighed contentedly, and just like when she was bathing him earlier, he never wanted the moment to end.

Suddenly, he felt his face getting wet. Opening his eyes once again, he saw that Jessie was crying. "Jess? What's wrong?" he asked.

She looked down at him, and her lip quivered for a moment. "I...I was just thinking about everything that happened, and I feel so bad about how I treated you last night...."

"Jessie, I was acting like an idiot, and I didn't listen when you were trying to look out for me. I deserved to be yelled at...." he told her.

"No," she said, cutting him off. "I mean after you passed out. I didn't take very good care of you."

"Well, you didn't leave me in the park," he said. "At least you didn't abandon me...and you're here now."

She frowned. "But still...I was pretty harsh with you, James -- I was pissed off after you kissed me, and when you fainted, I just dragged you back here and tossed you in bed. I didn't bother to check on you and make sure you were okay, or anything!"

"Jessie, I was being a total ass! You had every right to be mad at me!"

She caressed his cheek with her fingers and brushed a loose wisp of hair from his face. "No, I didn't," she said softly. "You didn't know what you were doing, and I overreacted. I had a responsibility to take care of you, but I let you down."

James shook his head. "No, you didn't. Jessie, I feel a lot better now...and it's because of you. I'd probably still be freezing to death on the bathroom floor if you hadn't come along...."

Tears welled up in her eyes again when he said this.

"What is it?"

"When I woke up this morning, I realized that I shouldn't have been so angry with you...and that I should probably check in on you and see how you were doing," Jessie began. She paused for a moment and shook away more tears before going on. "James, you have no idea how scared I was when I found you lying there! You were already sick, and you felt so cold...I had no idea how long you'd been there, and I was afraid you were going to get even sicker and...."

"Jessie, it's okay!" James said, reaching up and placing a hand on her cheek.

Jessie placed her hand over his and closed her eyes as she continued to cry.

"I was only there for a few minutes, and I would've dragged myself back to bed eventually anyway," he told her. "Besides, I only had a little chill...did you think that was going to kill me, or something?"

She smiled weakly. "That does sound kind of stupid, doesn't it?" she said. "But you have to understand something, James -- I just hate this time of year. I always seem to lose something...or someone that I love at Christmas."

James frowned. "Did someone in your family die at Christmas?"

She nodded. "I'd rather not talk about it, though. hurts too much."

"I understand," he whispered, brushing her tears away.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I just get so paranoid about losing the ones I love...."

James's eyes widened. Love! Does...does this mean she loves me?!

"....and you're my best friend in the world, James. I care about you more than anything, and I don't ever want to lose you."

"You never will," he told her. "I care about you more than anything too, and I'll never leave you, Jessie. I promise."

Jessie smiled and hugged him. James giggled as she kissed him on the forehead and tousled his mop of blue-violet hair.

"Thank you, James," she whispered. "You have no idea how much a promise like that means to me."

James sat up and put his arms around her. After a moment of silence, he spoke again.

"Jessie...I got a Christmas present for you," he said, his cheeks turning pink. "And...I'd like to give it to you early...if you don't mind."

She raised an eyebrow. "You got me something?"

He nodded. "It's the package at the bottom of my backpack."

Jessie reached down and grabbed James's backpack, which was sitting next to his bed. After rooting around for a couple of minutes, she pulled out a small box wrapped in red paper and green ribbons.

James smiled. "Open it!"

Jessie untied the ribbons and peeled away the wrapping paper, revealing a little brown box. When she lifted the lid, she found a pair of emerald earrings resting on a tiny velvet cushion. Her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open at the sight of them.

James's smile became a grin. Jessie had her ears pierced that summer, and she was still wearing her plain gold piercing-studs. She'd been looking for a nice pair of earrings ever since, and she'd seen the emerald balls in the window of a jewelry store on one of their bike rides. He could tell from the look on her face that she wanted those earrings, but at $100, they were far too expensive for her to even consider.

Jessie was speechless as she stared in wide-eyed shock at the earrings.

"Christmas should be about getting something you love...not losing it," he said. "Merry Christmas, Jessie."

"I do love them!" Jessie exclaimed as she pulled out her old studs and put in the new emeralds. "Thank you, James!"

He smiled.

"And do you know why I love them? Why I wanted them so much?" she ventured.


"Because I love the color," she told him. "I love emeralds because they remind me of your eyes. You have the nicest eyes, James...."

James felt himself blushing again. Oh, my God! She...she loves my eyes! She wanted those earrings because they remind her!

"....But they were so expensive!" she continued. "How on earth did you afford them?!"

Snapping out of his daydream about Jessie being in love with him, James looked and saw the expression of concern on her face. He could tell that she felt a little guilty about him spending so much money on her, so he decided to put her troubled mind at ease. "I did some eavesdropping and found out where Spynal Tap keeps his money hidden, so some of it," he explained.

Jessie relaxed a little and began to laugh. "But aren't you worried Spynal Tap will find out?"

"Nah," came his reply. "Spynal Tap's a moron -- he'd never be able to figure it out. And besides, being the resident wuss has its advantages -- he thinks I'm scared of him, so I'd be the last person he suspects!"

She smirked. "Well, the little guy usually does make the best burglar, after all."

"Just call me Burglar Baggins!" he laughed.

"Oh! That reminds me!" Jessie said, getting to her feet. "I have a present for you, too! Hang on a sec while I get it!"


With that, Jessie quickly left the room. A few minutes later, she came back carrying a large package wrapped in silver and gold paper. "Here you go, James! Merry Christmas!" she said, setting it next to him.

James eagerly tore off the paper, and his eyes widened when he saw what she'd gotten him.

"Oh, my God!" he gasped. "The genuine hardcover editions of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings! Jessie, where did you....?"

She smiled. "I saw them at the bookstore, and I just couldn't resist!"

James ran a hand over the ornate red leather cover of one of the books. Opening it, he found a detailed map of the route that Bilbo Baggins and the Dwarves had taken to Lonely Mountain. Flipping through the pages, he saw that there were even colored illustrations of some of the more memorable scenes. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at Gandalf and the thirteen Dwarves imposing on their poor, unsuspecting Hobbit friend, the riddle contest with Gollum, and little Burglar Baggins conversing with Smaug the dragon. He knew he was going to have a lot of fun rereading his old favorites.

"These are just like the ones my grand-papa had in his library...the ones he read to me when I was a tot!" he sighed. "Oh, Jessie, this is the best present ever! Thank you!"

"It was the least I could've done," she said, seating herself next to him again. "This is the best Christmas I've had in a long time. Thank you, James."

"But, Jessie, these books cost a fortune! How did you afford them?" he asked.

Jessie chuckled. "You're not the only one who knows where Spynal Tap hides his money -- I eavesdropped on him and borrowed some of it, too!"

James laughed.

Jessie smiled again and placed a hand on his cheek. "At any rate, I'm glad you like your present...and I'm glad you're feeling better."

"I can't wait to start reading these!" he exclaimed. "But first, I need to finish up the books I'm on right now."

"Oh? Which ones would those be?"

"The Chronicles of Narnia," came his reply.

She nodded. "Cool!"

Just like The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia were some of their favorite books of all time. James had fond memories of his grand-papa reading those to him as well, and Jessie's mom had read them to her, too. They'd always loved the sense of wonder that came from fantasy -- the idea that somewhere, there was a world where ordinary children could become heroes...where magical things could happen.



"I've still got a headache. If it's not too much trouble, could you read to me for a little while? Please?"

"Of course I will," she replied.

"I'm in the middle of book five," he told her as she walked over to his bookshelf and selected one of the volumes.

"The Horse and His Boy?" she said. "That's a good one!"

James nodded. "It's my favorite of the series, I think."

Jessie smiled at him. "I've always been partial to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, myself."

"That one's really good, too," he agreed. "They all are!"

"I know this probably sounds weird, but Edmund was always my favorite character," she continued. "I know people think he was evil, but he wasn't...."

"That's not weird," said James. "I think Ed gets a bum rap, too!"

"He didn't want to betray the Narnians -- he was just the White Witch's prisoner. He didn't have a choice. Once he was free from her grasp, he became good," she said, a far off look in her eyes. "Anybody can be good if they have a choice...."

"Yeah!" said James.

The sound of his voice snapped her out of her reverie, and she looked down at him. "Oh! Sorry about that!" she chuckled. "I'll read now."

James leaned back on his pillow and smiled as Jessie seated herself next to him and opened the book.

As she began to read, he closed his eyes and conjured an image of the two children and the talking horses embarking on their journey to freedom. Of the seven books in the series, this one had always been his favorite, and as he'd been rereading it over the past few days, he knew exactly why....

He saw himself in Aravis, the Tarkaan princess. Like him, Aravis came from a wealthy family, and her parents cared nothing for her happiness. Her father and stepmother had engaged her to a hideous old man who cared nothing for her either. Her brother had been the only one who really loved her, and he had died. She ran away from home to escape from her uncaring parents and marriage to the insufferable Ahoshta. James had always admired Aravis, and whenever he thought about her, it gave him hope. If she could escape the lot in life that had been chosen for her and make a better life for herself, then so could he!

And in a lot of ways, he saw her companion, Shasta, in Jessie. Shasta had come from a simple life, and he'd run away from home to escape from being sold into slavery. And over the couse of his adventures, he'd discovered that he was really a prince! Jessie, too, had a humble beginning, and even though she wasn't in danger of being sold into slavery, she was running away because there was always the fear of being captured by the past. James knew that Jessie wasn't a princess, but every time he looked into her sapphire eyes, he got the feeling that there was more to her than she let on.

Two children running from their tragic pasts and building a happier future together. In a lot of ways, fantasy wasn't so different from reality. If Shasta and Aravis could overcome the adversities that faced them, get married, have children, and live happily ever after, then so could he and Jessie!

The only thing they didn't have was talking horses.

That was another reason why James had always loved The Chronicles of Narnia -- the talking animals! He knew that pokemon had thoughts and feelings just like humans did, and he often found himself wondering what it would be like if pokemon could talk like the animals of Narnia.

"Hey, Jessie?" he said aloud.

Jessie paused mid-sentence and looked over at him. "What is it, James?"

"Oh, nothing," he replied. "I was just wondering if you ever thought about those talking animals...what that'd be like in real life...."

She raised an eyebrow. "You mean like talking pokemon?"

He nodded. "Wouldn't that be the coolest?"

Jessie smiled. "You know, I thought I was the only one who wondered about stuff like that!"

"Great minds think alike, I guess," James chuckled.

"I guess."

"I really wish pokemon could talk, though," he continued. "I wonder what they'd say...."

"Well, you sure as hell couldn't train them, or tell them to do anything," Jessie remarked. "They'd just talk back!"

"I wouldn't want to train a talking pokemon," said James. "I just think it'd be cool to hang out and chat with one. You know -- be friends with it."

Jessie closed her eyes and smiled. "Yeah. A talking pokemon companion. That'd be cool."

"Yeah...." James echoed.

The two of them smiled as thoughts of talking pokemon passed through their minds. After a moment, James took Jessie by the hand.


"Jessie...I'm having a lot of fun," he told her. "I really appreciate everything you're doing for me, and I really love spending time with you."

She raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "What brought that on?" she asked.

He shrugged. "Nothing. I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to me, that's all. You're the first person who's ever really understood me...that I could really call a friend."

"I feel the same way about you," she said as she put her arms around him and rested his head on her shoulder. "You mean the world to me, James."

James returned her embrace as she ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "I love you Jessie," he whispered.

And as he drifted off to sleep, he could have sworn he heard Jessie whisper, "I love you, too, James...."


James still remembered everything that had happened on that day in vivid detail, and what stuck out most in his mind was what Jessie had said to him when he fell asleep in her arms. He wasn't quite sure if she'd really said that she loved him, if she'd said something else and he'd misunderstood, or if it was only wishful thinking on his part, but he did know that they'd been closer than ever since then. That seemed to happen a lot, he'd noticed. Every time they were faced with trouble...every time their friendship was put to the test, it seemed to be a bonding experience for the two of them.

And now, as James followed Jessie on their daily bike ride through the streets of Sunny Town, he found that he couldn't stop thinking about what Jessie had said to him (or what he hoped she'd said to him). He'd told her that he loved her, of that he was sure, and it hadn't offended her or scared her away. But it was only because she'd misunderstood and thought he'd meant it in a strictly platonic sense. He still didn't know how she'd react if she found out what he'd really meant.

James sighed as he watched Jessie pedaling her bicycle. She seemed to grow more beautiful every day, and knowing what a gentle soul she really had only made her more beautiful in his eyes. The wind whipped through her crimson hair and blew it in every direction, making her look wild and free, and James wanted to run his fingers through feel her silky-softness. Her ruby-red lips parted in laughter as she inhaled the fresh, frosty air, and James wanted to kiss taste her sensual sweetness. Her sapphire-blue eyes sparkled as she looked over her shoulder and grinned at him, and James wanted to stare into them drown in her depths and never emerge.

You're almost too good to be true! he said to himself. But how would you feel if you knew what I'm thinking? What would you say if I told you that I don't just love you...that I'm in love with you? Would you feel the same?

James's train of thought was suddenly derailed when he noticed a black sedan pulling out of a side-street and cutting them off. "Look out!" he cried.

Jessie looked ahead once again, and she and James brought their bikes to a screeching halt, missing a collision by mere inches. James felt his knees getting weak, and he couldn't stop shaking, but Jessie just got angry.

"Hey! Nice driving, jackass!" she shouted, waving her middle finger at the car as it passed by. "Where the hell'd you get your license? The bottom of a cereal box?!"

The sedan pulled off to the side of the road, and two men stepped out. James's blood ran cold when he saw how they were dressed -- all in black except for the large, red "R" on the front of their sweaters. The Ring-wraiths had found them again...and this time there was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

"Oh, shit!" Jessie and James whispered in unison, grabbing onto each other in a terrified embrace.

"Hey, kids!" the first Rocket said as he approached them.

Jessie picked up her chain again and cracked it at him. "You stay the hell away from us! I'm warning you!"

The Rocket laughed. "I like you, girl! You've got real attitude!"

"Yeah! I think you've got what it takes to be a member of the Team!" the second Rocket added.

Jessie scowled.

"Team Rocket is always looking for new members," the first one explained. "How'd you like to join?"

"Go screw yourselves! I'm not interested!" she snapped, getting back on her bike. "C'mon, James, let's go."

James got back on his bike and followed Jessie. Before they could take their leave, however, the first Rocket placed a hand on Jessie's shoulder and stopped her.

"Don't touch me!" she growled.

The Rocket smirked and handed her a card with the Team Rocket logo printed on it. There was also something written on the back of the card, and Jessie's expression grew even darker as she read it.

"You don't have to join, of course...but just think about it, huh?" he said.

With that, the two Rockets grinned at them, got back in the car, and drove away.

"I don't like this...not one bit," James muttered once they were gone. "That seemed too easy. It's like they're playing some kind of game with us...."

"They are," Jessie said in a despairing voice. "They've been playing a goddamned game with us from the start, and I'm ready to fold...."

"Jess, don't tell me you're actually thinking about giving up! About joining them!" he cried.

"What other choice do I have?!" she retorted. "Don't you get it, James?! They're never going to leave me alone! This is one game I can't win...."

"No victory comes without its price," James told her. "But giving up...admitting defeat is too much of a price to pay."

"James, I already told you I can't win...and the stakes are too high for me to play anymore!" Jessie cried.

"What, exactly, is at stake?" he asked, placing his hands on her shoulders. "What's so important that it's worth selling your soul over?"

Jessie gave no reply. A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked sadly into his eyes.

"WHAT?!" he demanded.


James frowned and released her. "Fine. Guess we know where your priorities are...."

A fire sparked in Jessie's eyes. "What's THAT supposed to mean?!"

"You know damn well what that means!" he shouted.

"Shut up, James!" she shouted back. "You don't understand...." But before she could say anything more, her voice trailed off, and she began to cry.

"I'm sorry, Jessie. I didn't mean to yell at you," he said, putting his hand on her shoulder again.

Jessie pulled away from him and continued to cry.

"You're right -- I don't understand," James continued. "I don't understand why you'd do something like this...why you'd turn your back on me...on everything we've shared...."

Jessie turned and faced him again. "Because I don't have a choice...."

"There's always a choice, Jessie," he said, brushing her tears away. "There's a better way."

Jessie began to cry again.

"Look. Just promise me you'll think about this before you do anything. Okay?"

She slowly nodded and got onto her bicycle again. "Okay, James."

James sighed as he followed her. I thought you were too good to be true, Jessie. Maybe you are....


Once they got back to the hangout, Jessie disappeared into her room. She refused to let James in, and every time he knocked on the door, she ignored him. James honestly didn't know why Jessie had become so angry with him, and he didn't know why she was suddenly ready to surrender and let Team Rocket take her.

Why are you doing this, Jessie? Why? he asked himself.

That's when a disturbing thought came to him.

Oh, no! She's probably figured it out! She's probably realized that I'm in love with her, and it's scared her away! She's probably doing this to scare ME make me fall out of love with her.... A tear rolled down his cheek as he knocked on her door again and was answered by stony silence. Shit! Why does this always have to happen?! Why do I always have to screw things up?!

James continued to knock on her door and call her name, but Jessie refused to answer him.

Knowing that he wasn't accomplishing anything by pestering her, James decided to go back to his room for awhile. Jessie needed some time alone to think about what she was doing, and he needed time to clear his mind.

When he returned to his room, James flopped down on the bed and picked up his book. After he'd finished The Chronicles of Narnia, he'd started rereading the Tolkien books that Jessie had gotten him for Christmas. He'd already finished The Hobbit, and now he was almost done with The Fellowship of the Ring. He was at what he considered to be one of the sadder parts of the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy -- the part where the Ring's power had become so great that it turned friend against friend and disbanded the fellowship.

More tears rolled down his cheeks as he read the part where Boromir turned against Frodo and tried to coerce him into surrendering the Ring. I know just how you feel, Frodo. I know how it feels to be betrayed by someone you liked....

James continued to cry as he read the final pages of the book, where Frodo realized that he was putting his friends in danger by remaining with them and that if he stayed, the Ring he carried would destroy them all. He had no choice but to leave the fellowship and set out on his own -- he cared about his friends too much to see them get hurt for his sake.

But one of the fellowship wouldn't allow Frodo to face the darkness alone -- Sam knew where Frodo was going and followed him. James smiled in spite of his tears as he read the closing scene, where Frodo and Sam got into the boat and slipped away down the river while everybody else was out looking for them. Where the two friends vowed to remain together no matter what and face the coming darkness with courage...and even hope that they would someday return from it.

As he closed the book and wiped away his tears, James realized something -- Jessie wasn't like Boromir at all! She wasn't betraying him by thinking of joining Team Rocket...she was protecting him! She was afraid that their life on the run was putting him in danger. He knew that Jessie was going to choose to go with keep him safe from harm. He was sure of it.

But just like Jessie was going to make the same choice Frodo did, to go into the darkness alone for the sake of friendship, James knew he was going to make the same choice that Sam did, to follow his friend into the darkness and make sure that they stuck together no matter what.

After everything they'd been through...everything they'd shared, he could do no less.

And so, James quickly gathered his belongings and put on some comfortable clothes for traveling. He was going to be ready when Jessie made her choice.


That night, while James was sleeping, Jessie came to his room. "Well, I did what you asked," she began, seating herself by his side. "I thought about it, and I've decided what to do."

James opened his eyes, but he didn't turn to face her.

"I'm sorry, James. I know I promised that I'd never leave you, and I wish I could keep that promise...I wish to God I could keep it, but I can't," she said. "I have to go with them, James. I don't have a choice.

"You see, this is bigger than either one of us -- this goes way back...back to my mother," she continued. "Do you know who Miyamoto is, James? She's more than just my momma -- she's a Team Rocket agent...the greatest agent of all time. And that's why I don't have a choice. I was born into Team Rocket -- it's who I've always been...who I am now...and who I always will be. They paid for my education, they own me, and they're not going to let me escape...."

James could hear her voice cracking. She was starting to cry.

"....I could keep running, I suppose, but it's not worth it. Those guys we ran into today? They threatened to hurt you if I didn't come back with them. Do you think I want that?! James, I'd rather die than see you get hurt...and in a way, that's what I'm doing. I'm going with them...selling my soul as you put it, to keep you safe.

" They...they said you could come with me. That you'd be welcome in Team Rocket too, but I don't want that. It's not who you are. James, you are goodness...and light...and I'll be damned if I ever see that light extinguished! So just forget about me, James. I'm not the person you thought I was -- I lied to you...and I'd only hurt you if you stayed with me. You deserve better than me...better than what I can offer you. James, you deserve someone who's as good and sweet and caring as you are. You deserve someone who doesn't destroy everything she cares about."

James trembled and did his best to fight back his tears.

"Stay here in Sunny Town, James. Stay here and forget you ever knew Jessie Parker of Team Rocket. The gang loves their Little Jim, and I know they'll take good care of you...which is more than I can say for myself. Just know that even after you've forgotten me, I'll always remember you, and I'll always care about you."

Before taking her leave, she leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Good-bye, James. I miss you already. I just hope you understand...."


While James was lying in bed listening to her, all of the books he'd read over the past couple of months suddenly took on a whole new significance to him. Now that she'd told him why Team Rocket was really after her and why she was choosing to leave, he realized just how similar fantasy and reality were.

Jessie was Edmund, and Team Rocket was the White Witch that held her captive!

Jessie was Frodo, and her mother's legacy was the Ring of Doom that she carried in her heart!

But James was Sam, and he was determined to stay with his best friend, no matter what. Just like the stout-hearted little Hobbit, he'd follow his best friend to hell and back if that was what it took.

Once Jessie had left, James wasted no time in jumping out of bed, grabbing his backpack, and sprinting after her.

Sam didn't let Frodo go into the darkness of Mordor alone, and I won't let you join Team Rocket alone, Jessie! he said to himself as he left the bike gang's hangout for the last time and followed Jessie up the street, making sure to stay in the shadows where she wouldn't see him. Tears clouded his vision, but he brushed them away and pressed on, making sure never to let her from his sight. You can't expect me to forget about you! You can't expect me to say good-bye to the only person in my life that matters! I'll do whatever it takes for us to stay together forever, Jessie! I love you too much to do any less....


When James finally caught up to Jessie, he found her at the corner where they'd run into the Team Rocket agents earlier that day. She was pacing nervously along the sidewalk and looking at her watch.

"Goddammit, that guy said they'd be here at midnight," she muttered, shifting the weight of her backpack. "It's quarter past twelve! Where the hell are they?"

James covered his mouth with his hand to stifle a sob.

"Hurry up before I lose my nerve and go back to James!" she continued. "Hurry up and take me away so he won't be in danger anymore...."

As James watched her, he could see the anguish in her sapphire eyes...the genuine concern and love she had for him in her voice. Oh, Jessie, how could you think I'd let you go through with something like this alone?! Now he really was crying.

Suddenly, Jessie tensed and turned around. "Who's there?! Show yourself!" she demanded, peering into the shadows where James was hiding.

Should've known I couldn't take her by surprise. "It's just me," he said, stepping into view.

Jessie frowned when she saw him. "James? What are you doing here?"

"Jessie, why?" he asked as tears continued to stream down his face. "Why are you leaving me?" Even though he knew why, he wanted her to look him in the eye when she said it. He wanted to know how serious she really was about this.

Jessie turned away from him. "I have my reasons, James."

"Like what?"


"Answer me!"

Jessie folded her arms across her chest and closed her eyes. She had every intention of remaining silent, but the sound of James sobbing finally broke her.

"I did it because I care about you, okay!" she shouted. "I'm sorry, but I can't go on like this! I can't live the rest of my life looking over my shoulder, and I don't want you to get hurt because of me!"

"Is that all you think of me?!" he cried. "Am I so pathetic that you think I can't handle whatever it is you're facing?!"

"No! That's not it at all!"

"Then what is it?!"

Jessie turned to face him again. "I just don't want you to do anything that you'll regret, James," she said softly. "You're a good person, and life with Team Rocket would destroy you...."

"Life without you would be even worse," he told her.


He silenced her by placing a hand to her lips. "Jessie, do you trust me?"

Jessie closed her eyes and sighed. After a moment, she opened them again, and the tears she'd been holding back began to flow.

"Do you trust me?" he asked again.

"Yes," she whispered. "James, you're the only person in this world I CAN trust...."

"Then trust me now," he told her. "Trust me when I say that I can take care of myself and that come what may, I won't let a life with Team Rocket change me."

"Why are you doing this, James?" she whimpered. "Why are you making this harder for me than it already is?"

He smiled and brushed her tears away. "Because I know you don't really want to leave me behind. If there were a choice, you'd want us to stay together, right?"

"Of course I would," she replied. "You have no idea how much it hurts me when I think about living my life without you."

"Then how do you think I feel?" he asked. "Do you think I could handle that any better than you? I'll do anything for you, Jessie...just don't ask me to go on alone. That's the one thing I CAN'T do...the one thing I WON'T do."

She sniffled.

"Maybe you don't have a choice, but I do!" he continued. "And I choose to stay with you, Jessie. No matter what."

"I...I'm glad you'd do this for my sake, James," she said. "But I feel like I'm asking too much of you."

James shook his head. "No, Jessie. I'm here because I want to be. No price is too high if it means I can stay with you. Besides, I promised never to leave you, and I always keep my promises, Jessie. Always."

Jessie put her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder. "Thank you, James," she whispered. "You have no idea how much this means to me...and I'll make it up to you...someday."

"You don't owe me a thing," he said, returning her embrace. "We've been through hard times before...and we'll get through this, too. We can do anything, long as we do it together."

Jessie looked up at James and kissed him lightly on the cheek. James held her closer and stroked her hair.

As he held Jessie in his arms and felt her warm embrace, James knew in his heart that everything was going to be okay. If two little Hobbits could emerge triumphant from the darkness, then so could he and Jessie. He was sure of it. Don't worry about me, Jess, he said to himself. That light you talked about...I won't let anybody or anything destroy it. And I won't let anything happen to your light either. We're going to be just fine. Just you wait and see....

"Well, I guess that settles it," Jessie said at length. "We're still a team."

"Always," came James's reply.

Jessie and James gazed into each other's eyes and held each other closer than ever before. They didn't break from their embrace until the black Team Rocket sedan finally arrived to pick them up.


"Bastards!" Jessie hissed.

Bonnie and Clyde laughed again.

Jessie was suddenly gripped by a disturbing thought. Weezing, Lickitung, and Victreebel were supposed to be guarding the cave! That means....

"Don't worry. We didn't kill them," Bonnie said, as if she could read her mind. "Which is more than we can say for you."

"Yeah! After all, we can always use more pokemon," Clyde added. "And we caught some real nice ones after you blasted us off for the second time. I think we'll show them off before we finish you off!"

"Sons a bitches!" Meowth cried as he began to struggle.

Bonnie tightened her grip on his scruff and started choking him. "Shut it, you mangy flea-bag!"

With an incredible act of will, Meowth twisted himself around and slashed her across the face with his razor-sharp claws. Bonnie screamed and threw him as hard as she could. As her friend rocketed through the air, Jessie reached out and caught him before he slammed into the wall.

"Thanks, Jess," Meowth groaned as the pain finally overwhelmed him and he slipped out of consciousness.

"" she whispered, folding the cat into her embrace.

"The little fuzzball is loyal to you...I'll give him that," said Clyde. "You should've heard the way he screamed when we were torturing him! We practically killed him, and he STILL wouldn't tell us where you were hiding!"

Jessie scowled at them and gently stroked Meowth's cream-colored fur. "You goddamed assholes," she growled. "James and I were only following orders! Why did you have to make this so difficult?! Why did you have to make it personal?!"

"Because when people mess with us, we take it personally!" Bonnie retorted.

Clyde grinned. "Yeah! Didn't YOU take it personally when Butch and Cassidy showed you up on Mandarin Island? You sided with a bunch of twerpy kids...and the LAW and sold your fellow Rockets down the river!"

"That was different!" Jessie spat. "They betrayed us first! They stole our pokemon! They had to be stopped, and we got them sent to jail, but we'd never do anything like this to them!"

"And what of those twerps?" Bonnie asked. "I hear they mess you up on a regular basis! Tell me, Jessie. Don't you take THAT personally? Don't you at least fantisize about getting revenge on them? Wouldn't it feel good to make them suffer? Don't you just want to kill them sometimes?"

Jessie gasped. "You sick bitch! They're CHILDREN!"

Bonnie laughed.

"You're insane," Jessie said through clenched teeth. "You're goddamned insane! We hate them, yes, but we'd never even THINK about killing them! Hell! We don't even use violence against them!"

"Hmmm...maybe that's why you have such an outstanding record of failure," Clyde mused. "You don't have the killer instinct -- that makes you weak."

"And only the strong survive in Team Rocket," said Bonnie.

The two of them brought out their poke balls.

"Oh, and in case you're wondering...the boss won't ever find out about this," Clyde informed her. "Accidents happen all the time, you know...and won't it be a shame that three of his field-agents came to such a tragic end, attacked by wild pokemon in the Safari Zone?"

"Yes, we're going to kill the cat, too," said Bonnie. "After all, we can't have him talking about this, now, can we?"

Jessie smirked as she laid Meowth next to the now comatose James and got to her feet again. "Ah, but you're forgetting something," she told them.

"What's that?" they asked.

"The strongest opponent of all is the one who has nothing left to lose," came her reply.

"We'll see about that," they laughed. With that, they threw their poke balls and unleashed their new pokemon.

A Scyther and a Tauros suddenly materialized before Jessie.

"Get her, Scyther!" Bonnie commanded.

As soon as the mantis caught sight of Jessie, he became enraged. Scyther was a pokemon that went into a battle-frenzy every time it saw the color red, and her long mane of crimson hair was like a beacon.

"SCYYYY-THERRRRRR!!!!" the pokemon screeched as he began slashing at her with his razor-like appendages.

Remembering her unpleasant encounter with a Scyther swarm on Murka Island earlier that summer, Jessie was prepared for anything Bonnie's new pokemon could dish out. Jumping out of the way as the Scyther brought his blades down (and making sure that her hair stayed safely out of hacking distance), she threw one of her own poke balls. "Vulpix! Fire Spin!" she shouted.

When the little red fox emerged, Scyther became more enraged than ever. Evading the Slash attacks, Vulpix ducked in and exhaled a cyclonic blast of fire, incinerating him on the spot.

"Shit!" Bonnie screamed as her pokemon collapsed.

While Jessie was commanding her Vulpix and dodging the Scyther's attacks, however, Clyde was sending out his pokemon, too. "Go, Tauros! Rip her to shreds!" he cried.

The wild bull charged in, but by the time Jessie saw him coming, it was too late to react, and she was slammed into the wall.

"Now finish her with a Stomp attack!" he commanded as she crumpled to the floor.

"Go...Arbok...." Jessie groaned, mustering all of her strength and throwing another poke ball.

As Tauros reared back and prepared to bring his hooves down on Jessie, Arbok emerged and paralyzed him with a Glare. Then, she bound him in her coils and began to squeeze.

This gave Jessie a few seconds' purchase, and she used it to pull herself out of harm's way. But once she was out from under Tauros's hooves, she saw Bonnie and Clyde hovering over James and Meowth.

They grinned wickedly when they saw the horrified look on her face. "Don't worry, Jessie. We're just putting them out of their misery," they said, pulling out their guns and taking aim.

"Arbok...stop them!" she cried.

Wasting no time, Arbok turned her Glare on Bonnie and Clyde as they cocked their guns and paralyzed them before they could pull the triggers.

Jessie smiled. "Now finish them...."

Arbok unwrapped herself from Tauros, and slithered over to Bonnie and Clyde. Once she was close enough, she swung her tail and sent them flying across the room, knocking the guns from their hands in the process. After they slammed into the far wall, she bound them in her coils and held them tightly.

Jessie scowled and pulled herself to her feet. She was covered with slashes, and there was a burning pain in her chest from where the Tauros had cracked her ribs, but at the moment, that was the last thing on her mind.

"Where's the antidote?!" she demanded as she strode over to Bonnie and Clyde.

"How do you know we even have one?" came Clyde's reply.

Jessie smirked at them again. "Because you were working with poison," came her reply. "You'd have to be pretty goddamned stupid to not have an antidote on hand. Now where is it?!"

Bonnie and Clyde scowled at her.

"If James dies, so do you," Jessie told them, her eyes narrowing to slits. "I may not believe in killing children, but murderers are another story entirely."

Arbok constricted and bared her fangs at them, as if to emphasize the point.

"In our backpacks!" Bonnie croaked.

Jessie nodded grabbing one of the backpacks and beginning to root around. After a couple of the longest minutes of her life, she finally found what she was searching for.

"Aha!" she cried triumphantly as she produced a pink bottle of antidote from the bottom of the backpack.

Running to James's side, Jessie quickly uncorked the bottle and knealt down next to him. He was no longer breathing, and his skin had become so pale it was practically blue.

Please...please don't let me be too late! she silently prayed.

"Here, James! I've finally got the antidote!" she whispered, pouring some of it onto her fingers and pressing them against his cold lips. "Please wake up! Please be okay! Please don't leave me, James! I love you...."

Chapter 10 -- Light Shining Through Darkness

James opened his eyes and found himself on a gray, barren plain, surrounded by mist and fog. All of the pain in his once aching shoulder was gone, and his body was no longer numb. Looking down at himself, he saw that all of his wounds were healed, and that he was dressed in a clean uniform.

"J-Jessie? What's going on?" he asked.

But Jessie gave no reply. She wasn't there.

"James?" a familiar voice asked. "Long time, no see, boy!"

James turned and saw a middle-aged man standing behind him. His shoulder-length violet hair was pulled into a short ponytail, and he had a pleasant smile beneath his thick, brushy mustache. His green eyes glittered like two sparkling emeralds. If James didn't know any better, he'd have sworn he was looking at an older version of himself.

"Do I know you?" he asked.

The man chuckled. "Of course you do!" he said, brandishing a white rose.

James looked more closely at the man. His eyes widened with shock when he realized who it was. "G-grand-papa?!"

He nodded. "Hello, James."

Tears streamed down James's face as he ran to his grand-papa and threw his arms around him. Jim Morgan smiled and returned his grandson's embrace.

"I missed you so much, grand-papa," James whispered.

"I missed you too, James."

For several minutes, the two men remained in their embrace, silently enjoying each other's company.

It was James who broke the silence.

"I still can't believe it's you!" he said, looking again at his grand-papa. "It's been such a long time!"

"Nigh on seven years," said Jim Morgan.

James grinned sheepishly. "And...I didn't recognize you for a moment -- you look so...young!"

This made him laugh. "Well, naturally! You think Heaven's full of old geezers? That's part of the reward for a life well-lived -- you get to spend eternity in your prime. Besides, you weren't around back in the days when I looked like this -- all you ever knew was the old man."


"Speakin' of prime, you certainly grew up to be a handsome young man," he continued. "The spittin' image of your grand-papa, if I do say so, myself!"

James chuckled. "I guess good looks run in the family."

Jim grinned. "On the Morgan side, anyway. You sure as hell don't take after your father!"

"Thank God!"

Now both of them were laughing.

After a moment, James became serious again. "So...I guess you're here to be my guide now that I'm no longer in the land of the living?"

He nodded. "That I am."

"I thought as much," James said. "But if you don't mind, I'd like to stay here for awhile. I'm not ready to go anywhere just yet...and there's a lot of things I really need to talk to you about." He was beginning to cry again.

"That's what I'm here for," Jim replied, brushing his grandson's tears away. "What's on your mind?"

"Grand-papa," he began. "I often wonder if I was able to keep my promise to you...if I was able to make myself someone you could be proud of...."

Jim placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't you ever doubt that, James...not even for a second! I'm very proud of you!"

James looked at him in disbelief. "You are?!"

"You never let your parents or that bitch fiance control you or break your spirit," he said. "You made good use of that money I left you, and you always followed the road of your choosin'. What's not to be proud of?"

James laughed bitterly. "Even though I chose this?" he said, pointing to the red R emblazoned on his white jacket.

"You had a reason for joinin' Team Rocket," Jim told him. "And that reason wasn't evil. You didn't join for want of money, or to live the life of a criminal -- you joined because of love."

More tears streamed down James's face as he closed his eyes and sighed. "Yes. I joined because I love Jessie."

Jim Morgan nodded. "That girl never had a choice. Her mother was the greatest Team Rocket agent who ever lived -- she was born into that life...and she couldn't escape from it. A legacy is harder to run from than an inheritance, after all."

"I know," said James. "Jessie told me all about Miyamoto last winter. She told me why she joined Team Rocket...why she tried to leave me behind at Pokemon Tech...and again at Sunny Town...."

"Yes," he said. "Jessie loves you with all her heart, and she didn't want you get hurt because of her. That's another reason I'm proud of you, James -- you found the girl who was made for found your soul-mate, and you never let anything stand in the way of true love."

"How could I?" James asked. "How could I let her walk that road alone?"

"You couldn't...and you didn't."

James nodded.

Jim Morgan smiled. "You chose well, if you don't mind my sayin' so...not just the road, but the girl. Jessie is a beautiful woman, on the inside and the outside. Puts that harpy, Jessiebelle, to shame, she does."

"I've always thought so," said James.

"She tries to wear a mask to hide that inner-beauty," Jim Morgan continued. "But she was never able to hide it from you. You were always able to look beyond the surface and see the best in everybody, and you saw the light that shines in her soul. She wears that mask because she was hurt by so much, but you were able to teach her how to trust...and to love again. If ever anybody deserves the love of a good, gentle man like you, it's her."

James sighed. "I love her so much, grand-papa. I love her more than anything...even life itself! I died for her, after all...and I'd die for her again if I had to...."

"No," Jim broke in.

"No?! What do you mean, no?!"

"You didn't die for her, James," he said. "How can you die for someone when you're not dead?"

James's eyes widened. "You mean I'm still alive?! Then why....?"

"No. You're not alive, either."

James gave him a quizzical look. "You're not making any sense, grand-papa!" he cried. "If I'm not dead, and I'm not alive, then what the hell am I?! Why am I here?! What's going on?!"

"You're at the crossroads, James," came his reply.

"The crossroads?"

"Yes. The crossroads between life and death," he explained. "And you have a choice to make. That's why you're here...that's why I'm here...."

"A choice," James muttered. "To live or to die."

Jim Morgan nodded. "If you choose to die, you'll come with me and dwell in Paradise for all eternity...."

James smirked. "Heaven, huh? I guess I made it, after all!"

"Why are you so surprised, boy?" he asked. "Your path may not have been the straight and narrow, but it was never a path of evil. Nor was it for Jessie and your friend, Meowth, either. Whether the three of you know it or not, there is no evil in your hearts. There may be some evil in the organization for which you work, but none of you will ever let it become part of who you are...and if anything, it only makes you better! The lights that shine the brightest are the ones surrounded by darkness, after all."

When he heard this, a light began to sparkle in James's emerald eyes, and his smirk became a smile.

"Yes. You and your friends are good people, James," he continued. "And good people are always rewarded in the end...."

"That's good to know," said James.

"Besides, it's actually a good thing that you and Jessie joined Team Rocket."

James raised an eyebrow.

"Think about it!" said Jim. "If you and Jessie never joined Team Rocket, you never would have met Meowth!"

James closed his eyes and smiled again as he thought about his feline friend. He remembered how Meowth could always make him and Jessie laugh with a joke or a smart remark, how funny he looked when he played with a ball of string or a catnip toy, the cute way he'd always hitch a ride on their shoulders and heads, how he sometimes curled up next to them while they were sleeping to keep them warm, how soft his cream-colored fur felt when they petted him, and how relaxing the sound of his purring was.

But more than any of that, James remembered how much he and Jessie loved Meowth...and how much he loved them in return. He'd often heard Meowth say how empty his life was before he'd met them, and how they were the only people who truly cared about him. And just as he and Jessie were the only ones who really understood him, he was the only one who really understood them. In all of their travels...all of the people they'd ever met, Meowth was the only one whom he and Jessie had actually welcomed into their circle of friends.

"I can't picture life without Meowth," James said. "Jessie and I are happy by ourselves, but we're so much better off now that he's with us! We'd have missed out on so much if we'd never met him...and where would he be without us?"

"He'd be lonely," came Jim's reply. "Meowth may talk about wantin' to be the top cat again, but that's all it is -- talk. If Giovanni did offer to take him back, it'd take him all of two minutes to realize how much he misses you and Jessie, and he'd beg to be put back with you!"

James laughed.

"It's true!" he said. "That cat loves the two of you more than anything. He gave up the chance to be a god so that he could stay with you, after all. And if you and Jessie hadn't come into his life, he may have remained the top cat, but there would have been an emptiness inside of him...the feelin' that something was missin' from his life."

James thought again of all the moments he and Jessie had shared with Meowth, and his smile grew even wider. "Yes. Meowth's friendship means so much to us. You're right, grand-papa -- that alone made joining Team Rocket worthwhile!"

Jim Morgan nodded. "And like I said, there may be some evil in it, but on the whole, it's not so bad," he continued. "The Team Rocket that you and Jessie work for isn't the Team Rocket that Miyamoto worked for. The son regrets his mother's mistakes."

"You mean the boss?" James asked.

He nodded. "You'd be pleasantly surprised if you knew what goes on inside Giovanni's head. He's not as mean and rotten as he lets on, and he likes the three of you more than he'd have you believe. He'd have gotten rid of you long ago if you were really the incompetent failures he always says you are, you know."

"'ve got a point," James said as he pondered this.

"You may never have succeeded in gettin' him that Pikachu he wants so badly, but then, none of his other agents have ever been able to get it either," Jim said. "But you, Jessie, and Meowth are the only ones who keep on tryin'. He notices things like that...and he respects you for it."

James smiled once more at the thought that Giovanni actually liked and respected them. "So, this whole thing with Bonnie and Clyde wasn't a setup to get rid of us -- he really didn't know!"

"No, he didn't. If he knew those two were goin' to go renegade, he would've taken care of the situation himself."

"Something else that's good to know," said James. "Doesn't make what we went through any easier, but...."

"But at least you know he wasn't sendin' you on a suicide mission," Jim said, finishing the thought for him. "No, he wouldn't do that. Giovanni may talk tough, but he'd never intentionally harm his employees."

James frowned. "That still doesn't explain the blimp," he said. "He knew that damn thing wasn't airworthy -- he put us on the Blimp Brigade because he wanted it to crash so he could collect the insurance money!"

"Believe it or not, that wasn't a suicide mission either," Jim told him. "He didn't put you on the blimp because he wanted to kill you -- he chose you for that mission because of all his employees, he knew that you were the ones who could survive. Remember what I said about your persistence in followin' those kids, no matter how many times they electrocute you or blast you off? He notices how you three can always take a beatin' and keep comin' back for more. You're survivors!"

"Speaking of surviving, you said that the choice to live or to die was mine to make," James said, changing the subject. "You've told me what happens if I choose to die, but what of the other option?"

"If you choose to live, the journey back will be extremely painful," Jim warned him. "You were hurt pretty badly, and it's goin' to take its toll on you for awhile."

"I see," he said.

"To live or to die. Which is it goin' to be, James?" Jim Morgan asked.

"It's no contest, really -- I've already made my decision," came James's reply. "Made it the moment you said I had a choice."

Jim nodded approvingly. "That's what I thought. You chose freedom, you chose Jessie, you chose friendship, and now you choose life -- I knew you'd make the right decision."

Tears welled up in James's emerald-green eyes again. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to miss you, grand-papa...because I will," he said. "But I'd never be happy if I went with you now. All the joys of Heaven and Earth are meaningless without my Jessie to share them with. Physical pain is temporary...and something I've grown accustomed to, but death is eternal. I know Jessie and I would be reunited again someday if I came with you now, but I could never endure the ache in my heart...the emptiness in my soul at being away from her for such a long time, and I don't think she could bear it either. And what about Meowth? I couldn't leave him behind any more than I could leave Jessie! I don't just choose to live, grand-papa -- I NEED to live!"

"I know," Jim said as he began to cry, too. "I'll miss you so, James, but you're right -- it's not your time to die. No matter what happens, you belong with Jessie...with your friends."

James nodded. "There's nowhere I would rather be."

Jim Morgan smiled in spite of his tears.

"Besides," James continued, "I've always promised Jessie that nothing would ever make me leave her...and nothing is going to make me break that promise. Not even death."

"That's right," said Jim. "Love is the strongest force in the universe...stronger, even, than death. And you and Jessie -- your love for each other...and your friendship with Meowth and your other pokemon is particularly strong. Your love is strong enough to see you through anything. And though your lives may be filled with misery and pain right now, your love will be what saves you. Your friendship and love will lead you to a better life...a white tomorrow."

The two men embraced once more. "I love you, grand-papa," James whispered. "I wish I didn't have to say good bye again, but...."

"But you have a promise to keep," he said, finishing the sentence for his grandson. "Don't worry, James. We'll be together again someday. But until then, I want you and your friends to find the special joy that each day brings...and I want you to remember that I'll always love you, that I'll always be proud of you, and that as long as you keep me in your heart, I'll never really be gone."

"I will, grand-papa. I promise," said James.

Jim Morgan nodded and brushed his grandson's tears away one last time. "Good bye, James," he said.

"Good bye, grand-papa," James echoed.

With that, Jim Morgan turned and started heading up one of the roads. He cast a final glance over his shoulder as he walked away, and after a moment, he was engulfed by a warm, white light. Then, as suddenly as he had appeared, he vanished.

Once he was alone, James looked down the other road. It was dark and foggy and not nearly as pleasant looking as the one his grand-papa had taken, but he wasn't afraid. He knew that Jessie was waiting for him at the end of this road. So, without hesitation, he began to follow it.

The darkness deepened, and the fog thickened around him, and before long, he felt a searing pain in his right shoulder. James did his best to ignore the pain, but it intensified with every step he took. Boy, grand-papa wasn't kidding when he said this would be painful, he said to himself. But I can't turn back now...I WON'T turn back now!

James pressed on in spite of the pain. Every time it became unbearable, he reminded himself that an aching body was nothing compared to a broken heart. He didn't want to leave Jessie, so he willed himself to keep moving.

It seemed as if hours had passed as James kept walking down the dark road, but he didn't feel like he was getting anywhere. The pain had spread from his shoulder and was now radiating through his entire body, making it almost impossible for him to move, and the world around him had become so dark that he could no longer see what lay ahead. Looking back over his shoulder, he noticed that the other road was still right behind him. One step backwards and he could follow his grand-papa to Heaven. The temptation to give up and take the other road was almost irresistable.

Maybe I never really had a choice -- maybe I'm supposed to go with my grand-papa, after all, he said to himself as he fell to his knees and gazed at the road behind him, bathed in a soft, celestial light. Before he could turn back, however, he quickly stopped himself. No. Grand-papa said I DID have a choice...and that I made the right choice. He'd never lie to me...especially not about something like this! Maybe this is just some kind of test.

James took a deep breath and got back to his feet. "Well, test or no test, I'm NOT turning back! I love Jessie too much! I'll keep walking forever if I have to!"

Then, as if to confirm that he was making the right decision, James heard a voice. He'd never heard it before, but it sounded familiar to him, somehow. It was a woman's voice, and it was singing:

Just one step at a time,
And the closer to destiny --
I knew at a glance,
There'd always be a chance for me:
With someone I could live for,
There's nowhere I would rather be.

It was a song James remembered well -- the song he'd been listening to at the moment he realized that Jessie was his soul-mate and that he loved her. He remembered how Jessie had said Miyamoto always sang this song, and at that moment, he could swear she was the one who was singing it to him. "That's right," he whispered as he listened to the angelic voice singing the song. "Jessie is my destiny. I have to live for her...and I'll get back to her. Just one step at a time...."

Is your love strong enough?
Like the rock and the sea?
Am I asking too much?
Is your love strong enough?

"You could never ask too much of me, Jessie," he said. "Just don't ask me to go on without you...."

Just one beat of your heart,
And stranger than fantasy --
I knew from the start,
It had to be the place for me:
With someone I would die for,
There's no way I could ever leave.

"I would die for you, Jessie -- I'd do this all over again if it means I could save you. But there's no way I could ever break your heart. I belong with you, and I'll never leave you...."

Is your love strong enough?
Like the rock and the sea?
Am I asking too much?
Is your love strong enough?

"Yes, it is," he replied. "I love you more than anything, and I won't let anything keep me away from you...."

And so, James continued to stumble painfully along the dark road. The path to Heaven continued to always be one step behind him, but every time he faltered and thought about turning back, he listened to the song and conjured an image of Jessie in his mind's eye. And every time he thought of her, he found his strength redoubled.

After what seemed like an eternity, the song slowly faded away, and from somewhere in the darkness, he heard Jessie's voice calling to him.



Come back to me, James....

"Jessie, where are you?"

Please don't leave me, James...I love you....

"I love you, too, Jessie!"

Suddenly, James became aware of a warm presence in the darkness. Concentrating on it for a moment, he realized that it was Jessie. Even though he couldn't see her, he could feel her body next to his and her gentle hands caressing his face. There was no need for him to go any further -- he'd finally reached the end of the road.

The pain in his body was more intense than ever now, but James continued to ignore it and focus on Jessie instead. After a moment, he saw a warm, white light shining through the darkness. The light engulfed him, and he could feel himself being taken away. But it wasn't the celestial light that had taken his grand-papa back to Heaven -- it was the light of Jessie's love...and it was bringing him back to her....


Tears streamed down Jessie's face as she whispered James's name, pleading for him to awaken. She was afraid that she was too late, but after what seemed like an eternity, James began to stir. At first it was just his lips parting slightly and quivering as he began to breathe again. Then, his eyes slowly fluttered open, and he looked up at her.

Jessie simultaneously gasped with delight and heaved a sigh of relief as she took James in her arms. "Come on, James! Drink this!" she said, gently placing the bottle between his lips and pouring the antidote into his mouth. James brought his head up slightly and swallowed the pink liquid.

"Yes...yes...drink it all!" Jessie said softly.

Once he'd finished, some of the color returned to his face, and his once glassy eyes became clear, sparkling emeralds again.

"Jessie...." he said in a weak voice.

"Oh, James!" she cried, folding him into a tight embrace. "James, you're alive! You're going to be okay!"

"I love you, Jessie," he whispered.

"I love you, too, James! I love you so much!"

James smiled and put his arms around Jessie, and the two of them began to cry again. His right shoulder and her broken ribs protested, but at that moment, the pain didn't matter. All that mattered was that they'd survived.

As they held each other and pressed their lips together, however, they suddenly heard footsteps approaching. Then, a familiar voice shouted, "Aha! There you are!"

Jessie and James looked up and saw Officer Jenny standing at the entrance to the cave.

"I've been tracking you two for days! You're under arrest for pokemon poaching!" she said, producing a couple pairs of handcuffs.

They tensed, but their fear quickly turned to relief when they saw her cuffing Bonnie and Clyde.

Once the shackles were secure, Officer Jenny looked and saw Jessie and James huddled in the corner. "Did you do this?" she asked.

"We...we were only...." Jessie began.

"You stopped the poachers! You two are heroes!" she exclaimed before Jessie could finish.

Jessie's eyes widened with shock. It wasn't every day that Officer Jenny called her and James heroes.

Normally, she would've taken the opportunity to make a quick exit, but that wasn't possible now. Their pokemon had been injured, Meowth was unconscious, James was still too weak to even move, and she wasn't going anywhere without them. She hated having to humble herself, especially to Officer Jenny, but her friends were more important than her pride.

"They...they tried to kill us," she said. "My friend was poisoned, and our pokemon are hurt. We need to get to a hospital...."

Officer Jenny nodded. "Don't worry! I'll call an ambulance right now!"


Night was falling as Ash, Misty, Brock, and Tracey arrived in Fuschia City.

After returning to Pallet Town from their summer in the Orange Islands, Ash and Misty had been pleasantly surprised to find that Brock had returned from his stay with Professor Ivy on Valencia Island and that he wanted to join the group again. However, something had happened to sour his friendship with the professor, and he became dejected every time her name was mentioned. Tracey, meanwhile, was eager to meet another professor -- Professor Oak. When Ash went to his lab and presented him with the GS Ball, Tracey went along, hoping to become the professor's aide.

Professor Oak was thrilled to finally have the GS Ball, and he was now studying it, trying to discover what secrets it held. Ash, however, didn't want to wait around to find out why the GS Ball was so special -- after being defeated by Gary in their first real pokemon match, he'd gotten the urge to travel again. So, he'd decided to take a little side-trip while he waited for Professor Oak to conclude his studies on the GS Ball.

One of the places Ash had enjoyed visiting over the course of his journeys was the Safari Zone. He loved how there was a big park filled with rare pokemon, just waiting to be captured, and ever since his last visit, he'd wanted to go there again to see if he could catch something other than a herd of Tauros.

And as much as Tracey wanted to stay with Professor Oak and be his aide, he wanted the chance to study rare pokemon even more, hoping to beef up his collection of sketches and observations before presenting them. So, he'd decided to accompany Ash on his excursion to the Safari Zone. And Brock, still broken-hearted about what had happened with Professor Ivy, had come along, hoping to take his mind off of his troubles for awhile. And of course, Misty had gone with them because Ash still owed her a bike, and she wasn't going to let him out of her sight until he paid her back.

So once again, the four children had set out from Pallet Town in search of adventure.

As they walked past the main gates of the Safari Zone, however, they saw ambulances and police cruisers everywhere.

Brock blushed when he saw an exhausted Officer Jenny standing next to one of the police cars. "It's Safari Ranger Jenny -- the most beautiful one of all!" he sighed.

Misty frowned and tweaked his ear. "Some things never change," she grumbled.

Pulling free from Misty's grasp, Brock raced up to Officer Jenny and took her hands in his own. "What's going on here?!" he asked, his face turning redder than ever. "And what can I do to help?!"

Officer Jenny blinked. "We...we just apprehended a pair of dangerous pokemon poachers," came her reply.

"Pokemon poachers!" the four children said in unison.

Officer Jenny nodded. "Yeah. A guy and a girl from Team Rocket. They caused some serious damage in there -- we're going to have to close the park for a few days...."

"Team Rocket! I could've guessed!" Misty snapped.

Tracey rolled his eyes. "Those two just don't know when to quit."

Ash gritted his teeth. "Why are they ALWAYS causing trouble for us?!" he growled.

"PIKA!" Pikachu growled, as if to agree.

"Don't worry," Officer Jenny told them. "Those two will be in jail for a long time to come."

She gestured to one of the police cruisers, and much to their surprise, the children didn't recognize the two prisoners -- the guy was blonde with a scruffy beard, and the girl had short, green hair.

"Wait a minute! That's not Jessie and James!" said Misty.

"Well, they're not the only Team Rocket agents, you know," Brock told her. "Just because there's trouble doesn't mean they caused it."

"Hmmm...good point," she conceded.

"A couple of trainers were in the Safari Zone when it all started, and they almost got killed, but thanks to their brave efforts, we were able to bring Bonnie and Clyde to justice," Officer Jenny continued.

Misty gasped. "Almost got killed?! Are they gonna be okay?!"

"They'll be fine...once we get them to the hospital. We couldn't get the ambulance in because of the explosion, so they're being escorted out by the paramedics," she explained.

"I wish I knew who they were," said Ash.

"Yeah," Brock agreed. "I'd really like to thank them!"

"You just may get your chance! Here they come now!" Officer Jenny said, pointing towards the main gate.

When they looked, they saw a young man with blue-violet hair being carried on a stretcher. A young red-haired woman cradling an unconscious Meowth in her arms was following close behind.

"THEM?!" Ash, Misty, Brock, and Tracey said in disbelief.

At the sound of their voices, the woman looked over at them, and her sapphire eyes narrowed to slits. "Oh, no! Not you twerps again!" she groaned.

The woman handed her Meowth and five poke balls to a Nurse Joy so that she could give them emergency treatment at the local Pokemon Center. Then, she cast a venomous glare at the four children as the paramedics helped her into the ambulance with the man.

"We salute you for your heroic deeds!" Officer Jenny said to her. "Thanks to you, Fuschia City is a little safer!"

The woman nodded, and the paramedics closed the doors. Then, sirens blaring, the ambulance roared to life and took off for the hospital.

Ash, Misty, Brock, and Tracey fell over, anime style.


As the ambulance drove away, Jessie heaved a sigh of relief.

James reached over and took her hand in his own, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Well, Jessie, it looks like Team Rocket survived once again," he chuckled.

Seeing how happy James looked and that he was feeling well enough to make light of all that had happened, Jessie began to chuckle, too. After a moment, however, the laughter began to make her ribs ache, and she clutched them in her free hand. "Ow! Ouch!" she said, half groaning and half laughing.

James's mirthful expression gave way to one of concern. "Are you okay, Jess?"

She smiled at him. "Don't you worry about me, James -- I'll be just fine. What about you?"

He returned the smile. "Never better."

The two of them twined the fingers of their joined hands and gazed into each other's eyes for a moment.

"Why did you do it, James?" Jessie asked after a moment of silence. "Why did you take that arrow for me?"

"Because I love you," he told her. "I'd rather die than see you get hurt...."

When he said this, Jessie began to cry.

"But I didn't," he quickly added, brushing her tears away.

"I know...I know...." she whimpered, tightening her hold on his hand. "But I was still so worried. You can't imagine how much it think that I might've had to go on without you...."

"I was worried about it, too," he said. "But then, something amazing happened...."

"W-what do you mean, James?" she asked.

James smiled at her again. "You know how they say when a person is dying, their life flashes before their eyes, they go over all of their old memories...the things they've accomplished...the things they regret?"

Jessie nodded.

"Well, that's what happened to me," he told her. "I looked back on my life...on everything that's happened...."

"And what did you see?" she ventured.

"I saw that I don't have any regrets," came his reply. "I saw just how important you are to me...what a big part of my life you are. Jessie, you are the best part of my life, and I saw why we became friends...why I fell in love with you."

Jessie smiled in spite of her tears. "You mean everything to me, too," she whispered. "James, you've made me so happy. I couldn't exist without you."

"That reminds me of something else I saw."

Jessie raised an eyebrow.

"After all of those flashbacks, I had the coolest dream," he said. "I...I saw my grand-papa, and I got to talk to him for awhile. I don't remember everything he said, but I do remember that he told me the choice to live or to die was mine to make...."

"And you chose to live."

James nodded. "Jessie, I could never leave you. Not after all we've been through together...not with everything we still have to do. That was something else from my dream -- after I made the choice to live...I heard someone singing to me. It was that song your mom always sang to you. The one about how as long as you have love in your heart, everything will be okay. I know this sounds crazy, but I like to think that maybe it was Miyamoto singing that song to me...that she was singing it to me because I made the right choice, and she wanted to give me strength...."

"That doesn't sound crazy at all, James," Jessie told him. "It sounds beautiful!"

James's smile grew even wider. "Well, at any rate, everything I saw...everything I heard made me sure that I've been making the right choices all along...and that I always will."

Jessie smiled back and rested her forehead against his.

"Besides," James continued, putting his arms around her. "I've always promised never to leave you, Jessie. And that's one promise I'll always be able to keep. Our love is strong enough that not even death can make me break that promise!"

Jessie began to cry again as she returned his embrace, but now they were tears of joy.

James brushed her tears away and held her closer. "This is going to be one hell of a story to tell our grandchildren someday!" he chuckled.

Jessie thought once more of the time she and James had disguised themselves as an elderly couple, and her crying gave way to laughter. She was going to be able to see him as an old man after all. He was going to live, and they were going to spend the rest of their lives side by side. As she gazed into her lover's emerald eyes, she thought of all the wonderful things that were still in store from them -- getting married, having children, telling stories to their grandchildren, and how nothing was ever going stand in the way of their happiness. "I love you, James," she whispered.

"I love you, too, Jessie," he whispered back. "I'll always stay with you."

"And I'll always stay with you," she echoed.

"Together forever...and that's my oath to you!" they said in unison.

Then, as if to seal their promise, Jessie and James held each other closer and locked their lips together. This time, there was nobody to interrupt their kiss, and they didn't release each other until the ambulance finally arrived at the hospital.

The End