(Later that evening)Jessy returned home,she opened the door and saw that all the lights were out.There was a table for two set,lit by candle light,and a delicious meal had been made.There was soft romantic music playing lowly.She just stared and grinned,suddenly she felt two hands around her hips,she turned around and saw that it was James,he was dressed in a black shirt, white pants,and his black boots.He said to her:"Happy Valentines Day Jessy."Then he kissed her hand.

Jessy remarked:"This is such a surprise."

James replied:"And i'm just starting."He escorted Jessy to the table.He pulled out the chair for her and she sat down,then he scooted up the chair.Jessy giggled.Then James went to sit down at his chair,and they began to eat, making conversation as well.Later when they were through with there dinner,they sat down in front of a nice warm, cozy fire place.Jessy leaned herself onto James's chest,she said:"Oh James what a beatiful night,I wish it would never end."She looked up into his sparkling emerald green eyes and said:"You are the most romantic man i've ever met,hmm,I love you...

James looked down into her shining crystal blue eyes,he remarked:"I love you more.....Jessy there's something i've been wanting to ask for quite sometime now."

"Ask away."She said.

"Wait here ."He replied.Jessy raised up,and James walked into his room,he came back with a small black box.He faced the wall so Jessy couldn't see what he was doing,she stared in confusion,while James took out the ring,he sat the box on a table and walked over to Jessy,he got down on one knee in front of her and held her right hand and said:"Jessy,I love you more than my own life, and I want to be with you always,and what i'm trying to say is,marry me Jessy,be my wife?..."

She stared at James for a moment.He added:"I will always love you Jessy,no matter what,and I'll take good care of you....I promise."Then he kissed her hand.

Jessy gazed into his shimmering green eyes,she smiled and answered him:"Oh darling! of course I will!"She cuped her hands around his cheeks and kissed him on the lips.James entwined his arms around his bride to be and twirled her around once then laid her on the sofa and gave her a kiss that lasted for minutes.

Jessy asked:"When?"James replied:"April 17th,its in the center of spring the most beautiful time of year for the most beautiful woman on earth."

Jessy giggled as she blushed,she said:"Its perfect."

(The next day)Meowth returned home,he kicked the door open and yelled:"I'm home you's two!"Jessy and James exchanged a look of happiness for a depressed sigh and said."He's back,ohhhh."

Meowth replied:"Yeah, I'm happy to see you to......Did ya miss Meowth!

James replied:"If you can call sorta,missing then I guess so."

Jessy replied:"We did miss you some."

Meowth ran up and hugged his masters.So how goes your Poke`mon family?"asked James.

"Great."Meowth answered."But Mummsy's still mad because I won't evolve into a Persian.

"So evolve already."suggested Jessy.

"YUK!NO WAY!NOT ME!I just love being MEOWTH!

Jessy replied to the cat Poke`mon:"It was only a suggestion."

Meowth said:"Oh!before I forget how did your Valentines Day go?then he whisphered to hiself:"As if I didn't know."James and Jessy grinned and giggled at each other.

Meowth asked:"Okay what happened,what'd ya do?

James gently picked up Meowth and sat him down on the kitchen table and said:"Meowth, this coming April Jessy and I are getting married.

Meowth's mouth fell wide open as he stared at James and Jessy,then he said:"Ohhh I get it, its a joke,this is all just a great big gag,you had me goin dere for a minute.Jessy and James said:"But,but."Meowth interupted them by saying:

"My two good trainers get hitched,ITS HISTARICAL!HA HAAAAaaaa!!!"BAM!!!!

Meowth flung to the other side of the room and landed on his head in a corner."ITS NO JOKE YOU MEASLY LITTLE HAIRBALL!"said Jessy waving her mallet.

"Congradulations."said the cat Poke`mon in a dizzy voice.

To Be Continued...