It was March 12th, 5 weeks until the special day.Jessy saw that James had a somewhat depressed look on his face,so she walked over and sat beside him and asked:"Is something troubling you?"James grew silent for a moment, he laid his head onto Jessy's shoulder and answered sadly:"Its home,do you think I should let my parents know abot are previous engagement,or not?"

Jessy replied:"Ohhh,well I don't think it would hurt to go back and tell them,in a way I think you should."

James remarked:"Naaaaa,I coulndn't possibly."

"You should at least let them know that your alive,you owe 'em that much anyway."said Jessy.

"Meowth, dats right!"agreed the little cat poke'mon.James just sighed pretending not to hear them.

"James."said Jessy.

He turned to her and answered:"I can't go back."

"Why?" Jessy asked.

James answered:"You wouldn't understand."

Jessy remarked:"What wouldn't I understand?"

"Look lets just drop the subject there's a Pikachu to catch."said James.

"Pikachu can wait...James your 18,your an adult,is it Jessibelle that bothers you?" replied Jessy.

James answered:"Not realy,its just best if."

Suddenly there was a strange sound in the bushes."Meowth,do you's hear some 'm?"asked the poke'mon.

James pluged his ears and replied:"No."

POW! "Ooooch!" Jessy wacked James with her paper fan then said:"Chicken,now go see what it IS!

James replied:"But what if whatever it is grabs me?"

Jessy answered:"Thats just the chance I'll have to take,march.

"But,but."James stutered.

"James,you wanna marry me so learn to stand up,go on."added Jessy.

"Meowth,show it your a man James."remarked the little catlike poke'mon.

"Meowth you go to."Jessy said waving around her paper fan.

"Yeah Meowth."added James.Meowth gulped and said: "Okay."James and Meowth crept over to the rattling bush,while Jessy watched from a safe distance.

"Okay Meowth,you scare it out and I'll grab it."whisphered James.

"No way. answered Meowth.James said:"Okay,we'll flip a coin,heads I win,tails you win.""Aright."

replied Meowth.James flipped the coin, it landed on the ground,James immediately said: "Heads I win."Meowth walked silenty over to the bush,then suddenly the thing leaped out of thebushed,ithowled:"GRRROOOWWWLITHE!Meowth screamed and ran to Jessy,the dog poke'mon landed on James, sending the both to the ground,then the Growlithe began licking James,"GROWLIII!"said James as he laughed."Okay boy let me up."He added.

Meowth was hihing behind Jessy's legs and asked."Who'sdat?"James replied:"Meowth, Jessy,you remember my poke'mon Growli don't you?

"Jessy remarked:"So this is the vicious beast you got so scared of."James's face turned a redish pink,and he lightly giggled."Grrrrrrrrowl,grrrrroooooowl."whinned the doglike poke'mon as it pawed at James's hand."What is it boy?"asked James as he knelt down to his poke'mon.Just then he noticed a small note attatched to Growli's neck,he pulled back some of his furr to untie the string.

James began reading the note it said:(To my dear James,alot has happened since I last saw you,your father is very ill and I wish for you to come home.Its not a trick this time,but if you choose not to I understand,I've changed a great deal,Jessibelle's gone to Scottland to live with her family,please come home.Love you always,Mom.)

James slowly put the note down,he had tears in his eyes,Growli nudged his chin.

"What did it say?"asked Jessy.

James replied in a somewhat depressed voice:"Here see for youself."He handed the note to Jessy,she read the note then stared at James with a sad look in her eyes,she asked: "James,what are you going to do?"

He changed a look of sadness,for a stern look and replied:"Nothing."

"Rowlll."barked the dog poke'mon."WHAT!"exclaimed Jessy.

"You heard me!"remarked James with a form of anger and sadness in his eyes.Jessy replied: "But you read what.""Believe me Jessy!No one wants to believe this letter more than me!" interupted James,with tears flooding his eyes.

Then Growli jumped in front of James and began to speak:"Grrrowl,owwl,rowwlithe,ithe,rowl,rowl,ithe,growwlithe!"'Huh,you mean you want me to back home,your kidding."said James shocked by Growli's reaction.

The cat poke'mon translated:"Growli has just stated that if it was a trick do ya tink dat I would come get you,to put you in danger."

James apologized:"Yeah,I guess your right,I'm sorry Growli."Growli licked James on the cheek."Jessy?"he said.She replied:"Yes James?"

"Would you come with me?"James asked.Jessy nodded.

"Hey,don't forgetMeowth!" exclaimed the cat poke'mon.

James said:"Okay Growli,lets go home."The dog poke'mon howled:"GRROOOWWWWWWLITHE!!!"

To Be Continued...