(one week later) James got out of the jeep and gazed at his home once again,he said:"Jessy I can't do this,I just can't."Jessy brushed the side of his face with her hand and remarked:"Yes you can,you have to."

James replied sadly:"But,I don't know what to say to my mother,especialy my father."

Jessy added:"Just say what you feel."she looked into his teary green eyes with confidence.James took off his gloves and Team Rocket jacket and laid them in the back seat of the jeep,then put his hand over Jessy's and said:"I'll try."

"Its now or never."added Jessy,then she kissed him,James asked:"Come with me?"

"Meowth too!"exclaimed the poke'mon."Meowth too."said James.The three of them walked up to the door,it was cracked open just a tad."Thats odd?"said James."Whats odd?"asked Jessy.James remarked:"The door?""What about the door?"she questioned.

James answered:"Its slightly open."

"So."Meowth added."Its not like my parents to leave the front door unlocked,I hope everythings alright."remarked James.

Jessy added:"Well you'll never know unless you go inside."So James pushed the door open gently."Hellooo, mooom,daaad,is anyone here."he said."Roooowl."whined Growli as he walked beside James with his head lowered.

"Where is everybody?"asked Meowth."Uh James, who do I know with mid-length creepy hands?"Jessy asked nervously.

"Young Master."said the man."AHHHH!"screemed Jessy as she ran and hid behind James.The man stepped out of the shadows.

"Hobkins?"said James,"Jessy you can relax now."

"I'm sorry sir,I didn't mean to frighten your friend."Hobkins apologized.

James asked:"Hobkins,wheres my parents?"

He replied:"Upstairs in their room,but I don't think.."

"THANKS!"James interupted and ran up the flight of stairs.

To Be Continued...