James finally made it to the bed room and silently opened the door,his Mother saw the door move in the corner of her eye.

"Who's there?"She asked.

James replied:"It's me."

His Mother stood up swiftly and exclaimed:"JAMES!"He nodded his head,his Mother ran to him and hugged him."I never thought I'd see you again."She said with tears streaming down her face.

"Don't cry,Mom,I'm back now and everythings gonna be fine now you'll see."James stated."Forgive me?"He added.

"I did,along time ago,Oh I've missed you so." She replied,then kissed his cheek.

James looked at his Father and saw him moaning,and sweating,he was also shakey and coughing.A few tear drops ran down James's face,Jessy and Meowth watched sadly from the bed room door.James walked over to his Father's bedside and asked:"Dad,can you hear me?"

"Who's there?"He replied.

James added:"Its me,James."

His Father looked at him sternly and remarked:"So you finally decided to come home to watch your old man die!..."

James replied:"NO! I didn't,look I know you've got reasons to hate me,I know this probably doesn't mean much after 10 years but I,I'm sorry for everything I want another chance to be a good son,forgive me,please?"

His Father remarked:"Yes,I'm sure you'd like that,after dishonoring me,your mother,and our entire family,we get you back you leave again,I gave you another chance last time,remember."

James remarked tearfully:"I remember, but I've changed my way's,I....Okay so I'm not the perfect son or gentlemen, but no one is perfect, not even I mean Jessebelle."

"I never expected you to be perfect.But I did expect you to be polite,courteous and have good posture. In other words James a gentlemen. But your not even one of these things,bring a reproach on are entire family, first you run away,then Team Rocket and God knows what else."His father scolded."MAYBE I'D JUST BE BETTER OFF DEAD, HUH!!!"

James shouted."MAYBE YOU WOULD!!!"

His father remarked to him.

"Now dear calm down,calm down,now both of you stop it,stop it this instant!!!"James Mother said trying to prevent a massive argument.

"If you want me to calm down then get him out of my sight."James father said.

"But Dad I...."James started but was interupted by his father:"Go. YOU HEARD ME GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!!"

James ran out of the room into his in tears.Jessy and Meowth followed James to try and make him feel better,but weren't much help."He hates me."James told Jessy.

She replied:"No he doesn't, he's just uh,just um,um."

Meowth interupted:"Mad as a disturbed nest of wild Beedrill."

"MEOWTH!"Jessy scolded.

"Well 'e is."Meowth remarked.

"Meowth we're suppose to make James feel better, and stupid comments like that are not helping."Jessy whisphered to Meowth.

"Sorry."The Poke'mon apologized.

"I haven't even told him that we're engaged."James said.

"Don't! Well not yet and the mood he's in would only make matters worse for you."Jessy advised him."Aw James don't worry, things'll work out,we started this together and thats how we'll finish it.I promise."She added hugging James."And no matter what happens,you'll always have me,Meowth,and our Poke'mon."Jessy said.

"Yeah why am I mopping we got a wedding to plan."James said kissing Jessy.

Meowth added:"Meeeeowth,dat's right!"

To Be Continued...