"Here comes the bride all dressed in white...."James sung as he walked into Jessy's bedroom.He put his around her and kissed her on the back of her neck,Jessy giggled and said:"James,don't you know its bad luck for the groom to the bride on their wedding day!"

"Ahh Yes,but,conscidering that your the bride bad luck don't stand a chance."James blissfully replied.

"True,but however,it makes me feel uneasy so,bye."Jessy said gigglish like.

"Your not supersticious are you,Jess?"James taunted.Jessy remarked:"No I'm Not. I just love toooooo um,keep old traditions alive."

"Uhuh.Yeah.Right."James sighed."Besides your mother would skin you alive if she was to catch you in here."Jessy added.

"Your right! But!I shall return."And after saying that he kissed her hand and made his way downstairs.

When he reached the last step he was stopped by Ash,Brock,Misty,and Pikachu."Oh-No!"James said to hiself.

"Gee you look great,James!"Misty complemented.

"Thanks."Said James.

"Pika-Piiiiika!"added the little yellow electric mouse Poke'mon that was on Ash's head.

"What?"James said puzzled.

"Pikachu says congradulations."Meowth said,walking up from behind Brock.

"You look kinda pinkish,something wrong?"Asked Ash.

"Just nervous I guess,must be all the people."James replied.

"Pi-Pikapi-kachu!"Said Pikachu."Meeowth, Pikachu said just pretend dat I'm dee only one dere."Meowth translated.Pikachu hopped off of Ash's head and onto James shoulder.

Jamesgiggled:"ThanksPikachu.""Chuuu!" Pikachu said and licked James's cheek.James tried to pet Pikachu,but Pikachu was still a little leary of James and hopped back onto Ash's head.

"I just wanted to pet you."James said.

"Pikachu doesn't fully trust you yet,maybe next time."Ash added.

"Is it alright if we look around,James,its not often we're invited to mansions."Misty asked.

"I guess so,just don't go in the room thats on the second floor,3rd door to your right."James answered.

Misty grabbed Ash's arm and drug him off to look around."Say James,who's that beautiful girl with the teal colored hair in the velvet dress?"Brock asked with that lover boy tone.

"Let's go Romeo!"Misty yelled pulling Brock away from James by his ear."But all I wanted was a name!C'mon guys!"Brock said as Misty pulled him away."Boy,does he need a hobby."Meowth said.

Meanwhile upstairs James's Father was looking out the window at all the guests when his wife walked in:"Aren't you coming,Dear?"She asked him."Why should I?"He responded bitterly."He's your son,isn't that enough!"She remarked."My son would never run away from his home and tradition,my son died when he ran away the second time."He replied.

"How dare you say that about James,he's not dead!"She remarked.

But her husbands responce was colder than ice:"Maybe it be best if he were."

"You can't possibly mean that."She reponded,crying some."I can see he's fooled you to."He remarked.

"LOOK!James made a mistake by running off,and now your making the same mistake,two wrongs don't make a right,I don't know maybe it took this incident all these years to make me realize just how much I do love James just for being hiself,not the person who's perfect in every way.

Now this wedding will take place either with you or without you."She stated then walked downstairs."Oh hi my names Brock whats your's.Hi are you buisy tonight, Why hello there I'm Brock and your gorgous.Hi what s you name and do you have a boy friend."Brock said to different girls as he floated behind them with his head in the clouds.

" Mom I've been looking for you,do I look ok?"James said walking up to his mother."Yeah you look fine,who's that weird boy?"She asked.James answered:"Who?Oh him,thats Brock and his devoted life long strive is,to find a girl who would date him or for that matter just to give him their name would be a start."

Meanwhile Jessy stared at herself in the mirror, gazing at herself in her wedding dress,which had sleeves that cuped around her arm below her shoulder,the skirt of the dress was pure silk with the outside of it outlined in lace,she also wore tall silk gloves and her vail hung from a gold band on her head with an emereld centering it.

Jessy was so happy but yet, very nervous and a little scared."Now calm down Jessy everythings going to be alright."She said to herself.Outside eveyone took a seat.

"Whoa man!This place has more people than wild Poke'mon in the Saffari Zone!"Ash said amazed at the the number of people.

"Oh look Ash a Vaporeon,I've always wanted one of those."Misty remarked."Hmm,I'm gonna check and see what Dexter has to say adout Vaporeon."Ash said,flipping open his Poke'dex."Vaporeon thee bubble jet Poke'mon,thee evolved form of Eevee with thee use of a waterstone.This talented Poke'mon can melt into water and make itself disappear.""Aw man,maybe I'll catch an Eevee someday."Ash hoped.

"Pika-pika."Pikachu said wagging its tail up and down."Isn't it beautiful."Misty complemented."Yeah,she is isn't she."Brock sai all light headed.

"Huh?I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE WEDDING DECORATIONS!"Misty yelled at Brock."And so are they and who could leave her out."Brock added."Brocks gone bye-bye again."Ash sighed."Brock let me point out one thing to you."Misty said."And whats that?"Brock asked."YOUR A GUEST AT A WEDDING NOT SOME JUDGE AT A BEAUTY CONTEST,SO WOULD YOU PALEASE BEAM YOUR BRAIN BACK TO EARTH!!!"Misty ranted.

"Hey-hey chill out Misty."Ash said to her."Tell that to Romeo over here."Misty remarked."Piiiii." Pikachu sighed.

The ceremony was about to start and James was in his room fixing his bow tie:"There,perfect."He said looking at hiself in the mirror,he was dressed in a black tux.

He was more nervous than a long tailed Persian in a room full of rocking chairs.Then he heard the door ease open,he turned to see who it was and it was his Father.James didn't know what to say or do,so he just sat down on the edge of his bed.His father walked over and sat down beside him,James noticed he was all dressed up.

"James.....Son,about before well I'm.."His father started but was interupted by James:"Dad you don't have to apologize I know you didn't mean all those things,I guess I'd be angry to."

"I am sorry,your right you know,no one's perfect,sometimes I blame myself for the reason you left,your mothers worries about you and Jes.well you know who I mean."His father said.Then he put his arm aroun his son.

"I love you,Dad."James said.

"I lve you to."His father replied back."Well why are we sitting around in here we got a wedding to start."

To Be Continued...