Ash and Misty began to make bets on who would cry first at the wedding."$10.00 that girl balls."Misty started the bet.

"Naaaa.$15.00 its James's mom."Ash chalenged.

"Your on,just get ready to pay up Ashyboy!"Misty added."

Will you two be quiet this is a wedding not a Ponyta race,and besides the music's starting so behave like nice kids."Brock said.

"Like kids!"Ash and Misty said together.The music started,James's father escorted Jessy down the isle.

"Huh,what the?Cassidy is Jessy's maid of honor."Ash whishered.

'No way."Brock added.

"SHhhhhhh!"Meowth motioned for them to be quiet.Jessy approached the end of the isle and join James.

The Reverend started the ceremony:"Dearly Beloved,we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in the sight of God,in Holy Matrimony...."and by the end of the vow.

"I do."James said.The Reverend continued:"And do you Jessica take this man to be your lawthfully wedded husband,to love and honor,to charish and hold,for rich or for poor,in sickness and in health,keep thee only unto him so long as you both shall live."I do."Jessy said.

"The ring please."Said the Reverend.Meowth handed the ring to James.Then James placed the ring on Jessy's finger.

"Then by the power invested in me I now pronounce you Husband and Wife,you may kiss the bride."The Reverend finished.

James pulled up Jessy's vail and kissed her.His mother slowly began to cry.

"Ah-Ha!I win the bet pay up Misty."Ash gloated.

"OOOoooooo-okay.$5,$10,$15.00,HAPPY!"Misty grouched,Ash nodded with a huge smile on his face.

"Thank you precious."He teased.Misty sarcasticly replied:"You're welcome cupcake."

Weezing,Arbok,Meowth,and Pikachu were in tears."Hey guys how long have you been crying?"Misty eagerly asked.

"Ever since the start of the ceremony."Meowth answered her drying his blured eyes.

"Thank you Meowth, Aaaaaash,hey!wait up!"Misty said."What is it,Misty,your not a sore looser are ya."Ash remarked."I DIDN"T LOOSE ANYTHING,ASH!"Misty yelled at him.

"Whaddaya mean?"Ash asked.

"Look at the Poke'mon their practicaly drowning in their tears."Misty said.

"So?"Ash responded."I asked Meowth how long they have been crying,and it was when the wedding started."Misty explained.

"So what?"Ash remarked.

"SO GIVE ME BACK MY $15.00 BUCKS YOU LITTLE WORM!"Misty shouted."But I beat you."Ash said."Na-ah-ahhh Ash,the Poke'mon cried first so neither one of us one."Misty continued.

"But their Poke'mon not people!"Ash remarked.Misty replied:"True.But,you never said that Poke'mon didn't count."Ash gave Misty the $15.00 back and began moping."Ash,this is a wedding be happy man."Brock stated."Yeah your're right,Brock."Ash said to him.Jessy threw the bouqet "Catch It Mistyyyy!"Ash shouted out.Misty dove for it and she missed, she fell to the ground,the bouqet bumped into a chair in front of where Misty landed,and it fell into her hand.

"You caught it Misty."Brock said."Good job."Ash added." Huh,Hey I did."Misty said sitting up.

"Dat was da weirdest catch in history."Meowth stated.

Jessy, James and Meowth never stole anything else from that day on,they even made friends with Ash,Brock,Misty and even Pikachu."Hey!Paws of rat!Dis is my slice of cake Meowth argued.Pikachu's cheeks sparked:"PIIIKACHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!"


Two years have passed since the wedding James sat in the study riffling through some of his fathers old books,he looked on the wall at a picture of hiself with his parents and his eyes became blurry as they filled up with tears.

"You miss him to,don't you?"His mother said. James nodded his head slowly."Its alright James,I miss him to."She added.

"JAAAAMES! JAAAAMES!"Jessy called for him as she entered the mansion."I think the young mistress is home,sir."Hobkins said.

"I heard."James remarked."Meowth, the way she's holer'in y'd think the house was colaps'in."Meowth added."Growl?"Growli was puzzled.

James ran out to see what was wrong,he opened the study door.

"JAAAAMES!!!"Jessy yelled right into his ear."Ooops,sorry dear."She smiled.James fell to the floor,his eyes were in swirls.He moaned:"Oo-hoo-hoooo."

"James,Iam so so sorry,I didn't here you coming and I just yelled at the same time you opened the door."She apologized helping him up."I think the hearing in my left ears dead now."James whined."Owhhhhh you're okay.Guess what?"Jessy asked.

"You're physical didn't go right."James said."Nope,its good news."Jessy added."It went right."James replied."Yeah,but it went extra extra good."Jessy said.James thought for a moment."I give up,what happened?"James asked.

Jessy answered:"We're gonna have another mouth to feed."

"You mean."James started.Jessy nodded."Your're going to."He paused.Jessy nodded again.

"I'M GOINT TO BE A FATHER!!!!"James shouted for joy.

"Eh,Now I'm deaf"Jessy mumbled.James kissed Jessy."Dis is da actions of a very,very excited parent."Meowth said.James continued shouting.