Lucky, Lucky

By The Team Rocket Twin

It must've been one o'clock am, at least. That cabin they were staying in was silent. Jessie looked to her left. He looked so cute and peaceful when he was sleeping. Her only true friend, aside from her Pokemon, Arbok. She wished more from James, though. She wished… she didn't know what she wished. She he'd been there for her though thick and thin, a true friend. But she wanted to be more than friends with him now. She loved him. If only she knew…

James was with a girl he was familiar with, but he wasn't sure who it was. He was very comfortable with her and he felt like he could tell her anything. The girl had told that she was his soul mate. He had always thought Jessie was his soul mate. This made the fact that the girl's face was hidden from view even more unbearable to the point where he couldn't stand it anymore. He needed... no. He had to know.

"Who are you?" he inquired after what seemed liked hours.

"I can't tell you," she replied.

"Why not?" James asked.

"You must find this out yourself. If you do not find out yourself, your partner will parish," the delicate voice told him.

"No! That's a lie! Jessie is in no danger of any sort, and if she were, she'd tell me! Don't threaten her like that," James yelled at the mystery woman, getting angry.

"I never said she was in any danger… now…"

Jessie got a worried look on her face. James was talking in his sleep. She could only make out a few things: her name (which she was happy about), trouble, and I'll protect her. She guessed he would protect her since she was in the dream.

The question was, though, protect her from what? What would be so dangerous that he would have nightmares about it? She decided to find out on her own. She shook him a little bit, no result. She shook him more violently, that did the trick.

"What's wrong?" Jessie asked while she clutched a brown teddy bear against her chest. James had woken up in a cold sweat, which emphasized that something was wrong.

"What?" James asked a little confused. He had been surprised she was treating him like she cared for him.

If he had woken her up, he expected a mallet over the head.

"You were talking in your sleep. I heard my name and…" she trailed off, not being able to finish the sentence without it sounding perverted.

"Oh, um. That, yeah. It's just a recurring dream I've been having lately," He stated, hoping she'd be satisfied.

"Is it good or bad?" obviously she wasn't satisfied.

"Well, I'd classify it as a nightmare, but…" this time he couldn't get it to not sound perverted.

"Was I in it?" Jessie had to inquire.

"Not really, you were mentioned. Not in a good way, though," he said. Recalling what the girl told him. "Define 'not in a good way'," she told him. She wanted to prolong this conversation. They were treating each other like…like humans!

"Well, you were being threatened, you were in danger and I, um, said I'd protect you. Cause we've been friends forever, Jessie," he gripped her free hand between his hands and looked into her eyes, "I'd be crushed if I lost you, Jessie." If only she knew how much he loved her.

"Get some sleep," she told him in a soft voice. She was very happy he felt this way, but she knew they were still just friends. He let go of her hand and got in his sleeping bag. She knew he didn't love her like that, did he? She really wished they were more than 'just friends'.

* * *

The next morning, Meowth was the first to wake up, for once. He looked over to Jessie and James. James looked like he was having another nightmare, while Jessie looked peaceful. Meowth smiled and thought, 'Those two would make a great couple.' Meowth trotted off somewhere to do cat things.

James awoke in another cold sweat. He really did think the dream was some sort of premonition. He didn't want Jessie to get hurt. She was his best friend. They'd been friends since Pokémon Tech. That was about eight years and that was forever to him.

He decided to change out of his boxers and black tee shirt (typical guy pajamas) and into his Rocket uniform. He didn't like to have the discomfort of Jessie being awake while he was changing. He changed, but he didn't put on the white jacket with the big, red 'R' on it. He padded over to the stove and wondered what he should cook for breakfast. He was Team Rocket's finest cook. He started to make pancakes. Jessie awoke to the smell of her meal. It smelled wonderful. She yawned so loudly that James could hear her.

"Oh, good morning," he said cheerfully. That same strand of hair was falling in his face, as usual, but that was what set the look.

"Morning. What's for breakfast?" she asked looking at the pan he was holding, "And where's Meowth?"

"We're having pancakes. I have no idea where that cat went," answered 'Master Chef' James.

"That dumb cat can get hit by a truck for all I care," she replied. Back to her old self.

She told James to go outside while she changed. He went outside and found Meowth playing with a ball of yarn he got from who-knows-where. He rolled his eyes at his feline companion. After a while, Jessie yelled out to him that he could come in.

He returned to cooking. He fixed about twenty pancakes- two for Jessie, nine for him and nine for Meowth.

When breakfast was over, they reviewed their next plan to steal Ash's Pikachu. After they figured it out, they decided to take the day off. They didn't have the supplies they needed at the moment and they needed a break. Since the humans took the day off, Meowth went to man the big TV screen, which the boss used to communicate with them.

"What should we do today?" James asked to no one in particular.

"I don't know. Maybe we could see a movie. There's a town close by and…" she started, but before she could finish, Meowth burst in the room.

"The Boss wants to see you guys! He says it's urgent," Meowth yelled. When it was The Boss, it was serious. Jessie and James got worried. What did the boss want with them? James was worried that this might have something to do with his dream.

They walked into the room where the communications screen was put up. The Boss's face was hidden from view, as usual. They looked at the 60" screen with frightened faces.

"Hello Jessie, James. You way be wondering why I called you here," James didn't like the way The Boss said his name. He put a menacing tone in his voice. Jessie was always The Boss's favorite. He didn't show any fear and nodded in unison with Jessie.

"I have a new assignment for you two. There is a gym somewhere near Marsh Town that deals with genetically engineered Pokémon. I want you two to find it for me. They have some rather interesting Pokémon I want for my collection," he told them somberly, "I want you to capture all Pokémon in that gym. Or is this too much for you to handle?"

"No, it's not," Jessie, answered.

"Very well, then. Good luck," The Boss then mumbled under his breath, "You'll need it." The screen went black. James knew this had something to do with his dream.

* * *

They were on the road again. They headed towards Marsh Town in search of this elusive gym. Jessie had been unusually quiet during the long trip. Meowth was shooting his mouth off, as always. They had traveled for about two hours and their legs were sore.

"So, anyway, as I was saying, I found this great ball of yarn and…" Meowth blabbed on.

"Jessie, you're so quiet. Anything wrong?" James asked, then realized what he was saying and covered his head, preparing to get hit with a mallet.

"Nothing's wrong," Jessie sighed. James was surprised again: no mallet. Surely something was wrong. He didn't feel like forcing it out of her.

'I wish I could just tell him. I hate this kinda thing,' Jessie thought, 'It would be so much easier if I could tell him. He would probably just laugh.' She sighed again, 'On the other hand, he did have a dream about me!' After that thought, she perked up. Meowth didn't care and he kept talking.

After another hour, they had located the gym. It was about one hundred kilometers away from Marsh Town. It was a small, two-story building with pine green vinyl siding. It looked like a house. They weren't sure how tough the Pokémon inside were, but just in case, they had hand and shotguns. They hoped they wouldn't have to use them, though.

James suggested that they enter through the ventilation duct through the back. Jessie agreed and by now they were inside.

The place was dark and creepy. It was bigger that it looked because the majority of it was underground.

They figured they were in a large room because their footsteps echoed. They had no idea where the Pokémon they were looking for were kept. They thought they could wing it. It turned out more difficult than anticipated. Jessie was scared, but she hid her fear since she was the toughest of the gang.

"I wish The Boss had told us more," James sighed. He didn't seem frightened at all.

"Shhh," Jessie held her finger to her lips, even though the only one who could see in the darkness was Meowth. They continued to walk in silence. Meowth, who was leading them in the darkness, told James to grab hold of the doorknob that led them to a lighted hallway.

Everyone had to adjust to the light. Light wasn't good. It meant there were people there and people could catch them. There were six doors in the hallway. Four were locked. The two that weren't locked were just utility closets.

Meowth's ears perked up. "Someone's coming you guys! Hide!" Meowth hid in the closest closet, as did Jessie and James. They didn't realize it at the time, but they had hidden in the same closet!

"Oh, hi," stuttered a very uncomfortable Jessie.

"Shhh! They're coming," James warned, trying to sound professional.

Suddenly they heard footsteps coming closer. They seemed to stop once they reached the closet. The handle slowly turned.

"I have an idea!" whispered James. Suddenly he began to kiss her. 'What the hell is he doing???' Jessie thought, 'We're about to get sent to jail and he's making out with me!?!'

The door opened to reveal a very embarrassed janitor.

"Oh, I…I'm so sorry!" The janitor stared at the couple for a second then closed the door. Immediately, Team Rocket stopped making out.

"What was that for?" Jessie asked, blushing.

"We didn't get caught, did we?" retorted a smirking James.

"Nope we didn't, but, oh, James, I hear footsteps again…"

"I don…" Jessie pulled James toward her and started kissing him.

Meowth stepped out of his closet and opened the door to the closet that Jessie and James were in.

"The coast is…Uhh, neva mind…" And Meowth closed the door and walked down the hallway, he sat in front of the door of the closet that he was in and thought about things.

"Who needs Team Rocket anyways? We neva eva get that ugly electric rat, and bein' bad ain't all it's cracked up to be.

Back in the closet, Jessie and James were still kissing, both knowing that no one was coming, but they didn't care, and didn't want to stop. But they had a job to do.

Suddenly James got a very sharp feeling in his stomach. "Jessie, we have to go." "What?" "I have a bad feeling about this place…"

At that, James grabbed Jessie by the hand and ran out of the closet. "Meowth, lets move!" screamed James. They all hurried out of the vent and Meowth went first, then James, but before Jessie could get fully out of the vent she fell and twisted her ankle.

"James, wait, MY ANKLE!" she screamed.

James ran back over to Jessie and picked her up like a baby.

"Don't worry Jess, I'll take care of you, and I always will."

James and Meowth started running away from the house. They ran until they could barely see it.

"J-James, why are we runnin'?" gasped Meowth.

"I have a bad feeling about that place." Just then they heard a huge explosion. The building that they were in had just exploded.

"J-James, you saved us, you saved me…" gasped Jessie.

"Thank you James" Jessie wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. James looked down at her and blushed.

They all started to walk back to their cabin; Meowth was walking a few feet in front of James and the helpless Jessie. James started humming a song that was familiar to them both.

" Dun-na-nuh-na-nuh-na-nuh-na-na-na-na-na-Na-na…Dun-nuh-na-nuh-na-na-na-na-NA…Dun-na-na-na-nana-na-na-na-na-na-Na-na…"Lucky, Lucky…Na-na-na-na-nana-na-na-NA…" Jessie smiled up at James. She really did love him, and he treated her so well. He didn't have to carry her all this way, her ankle didn't even hurt that much any way, but she was comfortable where she was. She liked the song that he was humming, it made her shake a little, she knew that he was humming the song to her. Jessie wrapped her arms around James' neck and placed her head on his shoulder. James looked down and blushed again. They were approaching their cabin, and soon went inside.

James made a bed for Jessie on the couch from both of their sleeping bags. He carefully placed her on the "bed" and before he placed his sleeping bag over her he slowly took off her gloves, boots, trying to be careful for her ankle, and white Rocket jacket. He looked down at her and smiled, he didn't care if she was using his sleeping bag, he was just glad that she was safe and okay. He sat on the floor, next to Jessie on the couch, and looked at her. He just kept staring at her perfect face, wishing that he could just kiss her soft ruby lips.

James started to get ready for sleep, although he had nowhere to sleep. He took off his white Rocket jacket, boots, gloves, shirt and pants. He sat back down on the floor and, leaned himself against the couch. He took another look at the sleeping angel, and closed his eyes.

Jessie woke up and wondered where she was. All she remembered was looking up at James as he carried her. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she realized that she was on the couch. She noticed the sweet cologne James wore, and realized that James' sleeping bag was on top of her. 'Where is James then?' Jessie thought to herself. He was resting his head on her stomach. She looked down and smiled. She placed one of her hands on his head. She slowly got up and looked at the clock across the room. It read 1:24pm, and she was awake now. Jessie slowly slid off of the couch, making sure that James didn't wake up. Jessie sat on the floor next to him, and put her head in his lap. She then pulled the sleeping bags down on the floor, and wrapped them around James and herself. She smiled to herself and closed her eyes.

The early morning sun streamed in the windows. It woke up a still sleepy James. James noticed that Jessie was not the couch now, but was sleeping on his lap. James picked up Jessie slowly and sat at the end of the couch. He rested a still sleeping Jessie between his legs, so that the back of her head was resting on his upper chest. James placed both of his arms around the back of his head and started to think. ' She must really care about me, she didn't need to give me any of the sleeping bag, nor did she need to put her head where she did. And I didn't have that dream last night.' Contented, James wrapped both of his arms around the sleeping Jessie and closed his eyes. Jessie woke up warm and content from a good night's sleep. She noticed that she was back on the couch, and James was on the couch also. That didn't bother her at all. She flipped over to her stomach, and rested her face on James' chest. He slowly wrapped his arms tighter around Jessie, and opened one eye. "Good Morning" "Hello yourself" replied a blushing Jessie. She nuzzled herself closer to his face; She could feel him breathing heavily, and placed her head back on his chest, listening to his heart start to race. She lifted her head back up, and started to whisper in his ear. She delicately said, "You are my soul mate." James' eyes widened, that was the same voice from his dream. The mysterious woman was Jessie, and Jessie is his soul mate." "And I am yours" he replied smiling. He kissed her passionately. She now blushed a beet red, and answered back to that kiss, with a paralyzing kiss, that sent waves of sheer pleasure down through his body. They lay there in each other's arms for what seemed like an eternity but was only a few minutes. Meowth padded into the living room and noticed a cuddling Jessie and James together on the couch. ' I'm glad that they like each other, but did they have to do that mushy stuff everywhere?' Meowth then let himself outside, to retrieve his fantastic ball of "mystery" yarn.

Jessie slowly slid off of James, and stood up, stretching out. James soon followed her, and walked into the kitchen. Jessie, who was terribly un-comfortable in that little white skirt and bra walked over towards the bathroom, and started throwing her clothes on the floor. Skirt, shirt, bra, and underwear, but by the time all of her clothes were removed, she was in the bathroom. James snapped his fingers, and resumed making the pot of coffee. Minutes later, Jessie walked out of the bathroom, with a towel on her head and one on her body. She sat down at the table, where her cup of coffee was waiting for her. James was sitting on the chair next to her, slowly sipping from his mug. Just then, James asked her a question. "Jess" "Yeah James?" "Could you take the towel off of your head? I would like to see what your hair looks like when it is down." Hundreds of tiny ringlets of ruby fell from the towel. The hair fell well below her waist. "May I touch it?" "Yes…" The beauty of it all captivated James; the sun gleamed off the shiny red hair, making it look even more angelic. Two large curls fell in front of her face. James liked the way her hair looked down. "Could you let your hair stay down today?" James asked "Okay…" James twirled a long piece of her hair around his finger. "Jess, we have to leave here today." "Why?" "The boss tried to exterminated us yesterday, I'm sure that some one will be coming here to pick up all of this Rocket equipment, and make sure that we aren't alive. "That's right, James, why are you so good to me?" Jessie got up and sat on James' lap. He kissed her,"Because you are so good to me."

Jessie got semi-dressed, in her bra and panties only, while James was in the shower. She packed all of her things into her little backpack. She carefully placed the pictures of them both as safe as she could. They were pictures from when they were in school, in the bike gang, when they first joined Team Rocket, and a baby picture of James. She smiled as she looked at them, usually she would burst into tears, but today was different. She zipped up her backpack, and started to get James' things together. James waltzed out of the bathroom, over to the table to finish up his coffee. He was wearing a towel around his waist. Knowing what he would do, Jessie came up behind him, and put her arms around his neck and kissed him on his cheek, James reached behind and wrapped his arms around her neck as well, letting the towel drop to the floor. His face blushed a shade of red that Jessie had never seen before.

"Uhh, Jess, um, I'm sorry, hold on a minute." James attempted to lift up his towel, but couldn't wriggle his arms free, Jessie, pulled James backwards to the couch, and threw him on it. "I have waited long enough" Replied Jessie, "Wa..What are you going to do to me?" asked a startled James. Jessie jumped on top of James, and removed her bra. James' eyes popped open, and a smile crossed his lips. "Uh, Jess what are you doing?" "Loving you the way that you love me." Jessie started to kiss James on his face, then on his neck, then chest, then back to his lips…"No. Jessie, it's my turn." He picked up Jessie and slowly took off her panties. She wrapped her legs around his back, and they looked into each other's eyes. "I love you Jessie" James managed to say, through all of the panting. James had placed his hardened member in between Jessie's throbbing legs. They rocked back and forth, kissing each other. James hugged Jessie very hard. He wished that this moment would last forever. Just then Jessie threw her head back and started to scream. James knew that he was ready to climax also, and couldn't contain it anymore. He exploded into Jessie, smiling down at her after they had finished climaxing together. James looked at Jessie, he loved her so much, and she loved him. They stayed like that for a while, hugging each other. Both knowing that they had found what they were seeking. Each other. Jessie, James and Meowth were walking with their belongings on each of their backs. Only James knew where they were going. They kept walking until dark, and set up a camp deep in the forest. Jessie and James claimed their side of the tent and let Meowth have his choice of where to sleep, which was usually in the far right corner of the tent and there he made his kitty nest. Jessie complained of the cold, and decided to wriggle herself into James' sleeping bag. He didn't mind. She slept on top of him, resting her head right next to his. Her breath tickled him, and he kissed her before he had closed his eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, and drifted off to sleep.

James was twirling his fingers around Jessie's hair, and looking at it glimmer in the sun. Jessie slowly opened her eyes and looked at James. She really liked being with him. She was so happy, happy about James, and how much she knew that he loved her. A tear streaked down her face. James caringly wiped it off, "What's the matter Jess?" James said with such compassion it melted her. "I was just thinking about things. I've had an empty void ever since my mom died, and you have been there for me, through it all. I remember meeting you, it was after she had died, I was trying to stay alive in our little house. My dad left my mother before I was born, and I had no one; I remember the day exactly. I was sitting in rags outside, and I saw you on your bike. You were laughing and smiling, even then you looked so handsome in your little blue suit." Another tear streaked down her face. "You looked at me and said hello, I was so happy that you had spoken to me. I remembered how we got closer as friends. You gave me some clothes, a shirt, and I was so happy. You made it a point to see me everyday… ' God, even I loved you back then…' We were older now; you had entered PokéTech, and had risked stealing money from your parents so I could go with you. After we flunked, you ran away from home, all we had were each other, and then we joined the bike gang. You looked so handsome in your black gang outfit. Now were we're about 15. God, how I wanted you then too. We joined Team Rocket soon after that. God, how I needed you even more. The countless times I had slapped you. All those times I wanted to be in your arms." Jessie was crying now. "And now we are leaving Team Rocket." "Don't worry Jess, I have it all planned out." "Jessie looked up into James' innocent eyes, and smiled. "I love you so much, and for ten years I've needed you. Thank You James. Thank you my love."

James wiped the tears off of her face, and kissed her.