By: Shadowcat

Story One: Genesis

He stared into the glass, running his hand down its smooth surface, as if he were stroking a treasured pet. He looked at his reflection, his slicked-back obsidian black hair appearing almost sienna in the dim light and against the pale brownish-green fluid in the cylinder. Her frail and naked form was almost completely fleshed out; she stared at him with dead eyes.

"It won't be long, now;" he whispered; "Soon you will breathe. How I have missed you, oh, how I have missed you."

Giovanni slowly walked down the darkened corridor, leaving the Cloning Lab in silence.

She was only two years younger than he was when she had died. They both were ud. They both were up-and-coming members of Team Rocket when Mother had sent her to the Andes to find the legendary pokemon, Mew. She had never returned. Mother had sent a lesser agent to inform her husband and young daughter of the tragedy, but Giovanni was one of the first to hear.

It had been a devastating loss for all of the Organization, for she was its best agent. Giovanni had supposed that had not the tragedy occurred, she would have been his Mother's successor as the Boss of Team Rocket instead of him. He had been her Partner, and he ran Team Rocket the same way as his Mother had in the old days, with Partners. He had longed to be more than a Partner to her back in his youth, but she had married another man...still, he felt a great love-a great longing for her, and a very deep friendship. He had felt a great deal of guilt that he had not gone with her to the Andes...not died with her in that avalanche, but that was the past. Giovanni lookked toward the future.

"Oh, Mya..." he sighed as he slowly closed the Lab's great steel door behind him. She would not be...quite the same as the woman he once knew. They never were. Giovanni knew that it was that way with the Jennys and Joys.

Back in the annals of the History of Team Rocket, the Organization had not always been devoted to criminal activity. It had once worked with the law; it had been organized to better society. The Team was still trying to do that now, but now, society was against them, and so they had gone underground and turned criminal.

When the Team had worked with the law was back when Grandfather was The Boss. He was a brilliant biologist, pokeologist, and geneticist. The Team had started as a group of Scientists he had organized, his colleagues who had taught at universities and who had run Pokemon Research Institutes-way back when only 80 species of the monsters had been discovered...

These elite wte were far more advanced in their fields than the world ever knew, and secretly, they met and worked with high-level people in government and social service positions, with the goal of helping society run smoother for both people and pokemon alike.

It started with the creation of stronger pokemon-for the Police Forces. They needed dogs that had better senses of smell, of hearing, and more muscle-mass for the finding and apprehension of criminal suspects. Team Rocket took the basic Growlithe-and created a Super-Canine. Unfortunately, it did not turn out as hoped. The dogs became aggressive, turning on their trainers. Their mental capacities were unstable, they were fine as pups, but as they grew older, would become insane, as if rabid. Their brains would break down. Something in the spliced recipe was not working, a part having to do with the Growlithe brain.

There was more success with human DNA, however. There were two women who volunteereded for the experiments. Renowned Pokemon R.N. Joy Happenstance and Commissioner Jennifer Justicia of the Viridian City Police Department. They gave blood and tissue samples-for clones of themselves. The idea of Team Rocket was to create the world's perfect force of civil servants. Ms. Happenstance and Ms. Justicia were the tops in their fields.

The human project had gone a lot better than Project Canis. The clones were viable, and the young Joys and Jennies lived and grew with no problems. Grandfather and his small syndicate raised that First Generation. The young clones were given growth hormones during their gestation period, so as to mature them in a short amount of time, so that they would be ready for service within a few short years, and so that Team Rocket could see the results of the first experiments quickly.

The Joy and Jenny clones were "conditioned" for their future occupations very carefully. The Joys were exposed to o pokemon and taught how to care for them, while the Jennys were encouraged to play games like "Cops and Robbers", and were taught the importance of helping innocent people and punishing the guilty. The girls were also put in special bedchambers to sleep in at night, where taped messages conveying to them their desired values were played to them in soft, almost inaudible sound over speakers as they slept.

Ever since then, the cloning procedures for the Joys and Jennys had continued, even though now no longer sponsored by Team Rocket, but by the councils of a few of the major cities and by the older Joys and Jennys themselves.

All the Joys and Jennys now were raised in two large "families", with the young members (newly de-canted) being raised by the older members, including a very few male clones "Roys" and "Kennys". The young Joys and Jennys were never told of their origins, and were raised as if they had d come about by natural birth, within "normal" families. Many of the elder Joys, Jennys, Roys and Kennys would change their names and their appearances slightly to keep the Family Secret.

This way, they would grow up believing that they were normal (except for the fact that they had some siblings and several cousins and aunts that looked strikingly similar to them and bore the same name). The semblance of normalcy allowed them to do their destined jobs much better than if they had known the truth. This also caused them to avoid becoming pariahs, as, if society ever found out, they would probably face much discrimination for being "freaks". The growth process in the clones was necessarily slowed down to that of the normal human maturity rate. And a Joy or a Jenny would learn the family secret as to continue their respective races no sooner than their 37 nth birthday.

Team Rocket, for reasons that were never made clear, went ununderground and criminal in the later years of Grandfather's life, and continued that way through Mother's, and now Giovanni's. The Organization still continued certain experiments, and the goal of "bettering society", in its own ways. The Team was much, much larger than it had been in its early days, growing in strength and branching out worldwide. Most of its members, petty thugs, often young people, hired off the streets for the promise of excitement and a few dollars because they had no hope, knew nothing of what its shadowed inner workings were.

Pokemon that were brought to Boss Giovanni he either used for his personal collection (used for pokemon battling, his hobby) or for the research and experimentation of Team Rocket's geneticists. The rare ones often went to the Labs. Team Rocket had been trying for a very long time to create the "perfect" pokemon. They had almost succeeded with Mewtwo.

The Doctor who worked d on the Mewtwo Project had also attempted to clone his own daughter, who had died in an automobile accident. He, however, wanted to re-create the REAL her. The Joy and Jenny clones had been a success, but only because they were not...exact...copies of the original Joy Happenstance and Jenny Justicia. They were different in subtle, but numerous ways. AiTwo-the exact copy of her namesake-proved unstable. The project was a tragic failure.

Team Rocket and Giovanni, had set their sites on a new Project. The Team was plagued within its ranks with incompetents. Agents were frequently getting caught by the Police (poor Jennys who knew not that they owed Team Rocket their existence) or were just constantly failing in their assignments. Giovanni sighed sitting at his desk as he thought of Myamoto's daughter-she had proved to be one of those hopeless incompetents, a disgrace to her mother's memory.

If the Project was a success, it would be the dawn of a new era for Team Rocket. The Plan was to create an army of the "perfect" Team Rocket agents, soldiers who would be absolutely loyal, competent, and reliable.

Team Rocket kept not only extensive files on all members, created when they joined, but also took and kept on file blood samples. Many new members asked why they had to have their blood drawn while Officially Joining, and were told that they were simply being screened for information concerning their health-should they ever be hurt and need of medical attention-to collect vital health data such as their blood type. It was a lie. This was to keep tabs on everybody, used as a genetic-identifier system. Every Rocket, past and present, was on file.

For the Project, only the people who had been the very best Team Rocket agents were considered. Myamoto Lillis had been the Best the Organization had ever known. Intelligent, athletic, skilled, and loyal. For the Project, the "in-utero" growth hormones that were used on the First Generation Joys and Jennys were put back into use, so the First Clone could grow quickly and be studied before going ahead with any more. MyamotoTwo would have to be dubbed a "success" before the risky business of raising an entire army of "perfect" agents. She would have to be trained, treated as a child at first, though she would emerge from her tank in an adult body.

Giovanni sighed as he sat at his desk in his Main Office, going over paperwork while he poured over the many thoughts and memories flying about his mind. He would have his Myamoto back, in a sense, but she would not be the same. She would have none of the memories, and her personality would necessarily be slightly different.

Suddenly, Giovanni's desk phone rang. He picked up the receiver to hear the voice of Dr. Smith, one of his Head Geneticists.

"Hello?" He said, voice quavering with excitement and fear at the same time.

"Sir;" came the answer; "Sir, we believe she's ready..."

To Be Continued...