True Love

By: Megadude

Jessie and James were at the Poke Ball, an annual ball that showed off people’s Pokemon, their money, and their riches. Meowth was currently on vacation; if Team Rocket did well, they would be also. Jessie was in a beautiful white lace gown, with an emerald and jade necklace. James was in a black tuxedo with a blue-violet tinted rose corsage. His partner and himself were dancing to a beautiful waltz by Strauss. The song abruptly ended, and went into a tango.

“You know, James, we have to begin our plan,” Jessie said, then shifted to the opposite position.

“We’ll begin now, then, Jessie. First, our watches,” James whispered as he lowered his dancing partner close to the floor, then snapped her upright. James then whirled Jessie around, causing her skirt to flare up slightly. She landed in James’s strong arms, and stared into his emerald green eyes. He stared lovingly into her sapphire blue eyes as well. They then clasped each other’s hands and held their arms straight. They creeped along the floor, shifted direction, then pulled in close. The song was over.

They clapped, and a few of them threw roses. A flower then fell at Jessie’s feet. It was a tiger lily. The pink-tinged flower was picked up by James, and he looked up. He knew this was their signal to begin the mission. A figure with dark brown hair and deep brown eyes stared down at them. He was dressed all in white, in a white tuxedo and white corsage. It was none other than Mondo. The young Rocket descended the staircase and put his hand up to his ear.

“Can you two hear me?” he asked quietly.

“We copy that,” the duo answered.

“Good. I’m gonna guide you two through the mission. Good luck to both of you.”


“See those Pokeballs over there?” he turned toward the large display.

“They’re... they’re...” James said.

“Beautiful,” Jessie replied, stroking James’s face. There were three Pokeballs in the case. One was made out of diamond, another 24K silver, and the other one 24K gold.

“Your mission is to steal those Pokeballs. They are valued at ¥2,500,000,000. Each.”


“Yes, they are, aren’t they, Jessie?”

“I’ll plant the smoke generators.” James offered.

“I’ll get the costumes.” Jessie proposed.

“Meet here at 10:59 PM. One minute before closing.” Mondo said.

“Let’s go!” Within mere minutes, each had accomplished their objectives. They met right in front of the case in 5 minutes just like they had agreed. James checked his watch.

“ now!” the Team Rocket members had both syncronized their watches to the alarm system’s. Exactly one minute later, they ignited the smoke bombs. Everyone was in a panic, and desparately trying to leave the Ball. Jessie and James used this time to change into their guard costumes. They broke into the alarm system database using their own personal laptop, and disarmed it. Finally, they smashed the case and made their escape.


Jessie and James were in their own room on a cruise ship. They sat in deck chairs on the promenade, enjoying the sunset.


“Yes, Jessie?”

“I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a long time...”

“What would that be?” he asked, knowing full well what Jessie would tell him.

“James... I love you.”

“I love you too, Jessica.” They then kissed. James could feel her full lips on his, and his warm body pressed against hers. Her arms wrapped around his neck, sending goosebumps rippling across his back. They shut the door to the promenade and closed the blinds. Jessie took off her top, revealing her tight shirt underneath. James did the same.

She could feel his surprisingly strong chest as her hand ran down it. James felt every line and curve on her, as well. They were so absorbed in the feeling and the moment of it all that they didn’t care about life’s little problems. They just seemed so far away. All they were interested in now was each other. Jessie brushed James’s hair out of his face, and James hugged her as tight as he could. Jessie embraced him, and they both knew that now, nothing could keep them apart.

“I’ll never stop loving you, James,” Jessie said lovingly.

“And I the same, Jess,” James smiled. That night, they fell asleep in each others arms, now knowing that they always were meant for each other.