Who Knows, Who Cares


Jessie and James had just had a run in with Ash and crew. They had lost, as usual. "Well, let's go change out of these clothes," Jessie suggested to her partner. James nodded. They were both disguised as waitresses at a diner. Jessie was wearing a pink, tight fitting dress with hi-heels and James was wearing the same. They began to walk out of the restaurant but the manager of the establishment stopped them. "Just where do you think you two are going?" the middle age man yelled angrily. Jessie and James jumped, but then remembered they didn't work there. "Whatever, guy!" Jessie shouted back as they turned to him. "I'm not paying you to just stand around!" he yelled again. "You're not paying us at all!" Jessie informed. "Here, let me handle this," James whispered to her. He then smiled and turned on his girlish charms. "Oh, we know that," James began in his most seductive womanly voice, "We just wanted to step outside for a moment to get some fresh air, and some sun." As he rambled on about how much he and his counter part loved to lay out in the sun, the manager turned soft. "Oh," he said in a lovesick tone, "Well, then. I suppose 15 minutes couldn't hurt." "An hour," James insisted. "Oh, right. Fine," he agreed quickly. "Great," James smiled, "See you later." James motioned for Jessie and they walked out, with Jessie trying not to laugh.

When they were outside, they ducked into nearby bathrooms to change into their street clothes. They then began walking down the road together. "I think you were a little too good at that!" Jessie decided to comment. "Well, ya gotta be good at something," James conceded. "And your talent is being able to woo men?" she questioned. "I guess," James shrugged. "What?" he asked at Jessie's raised eyebrow. "Nothing," she shrugged, "I guess that just answers a long awaited question." "Oh," James said, not really understanding. Then realizing what she meant, "Hey! Wait! No, no, no. I think you misunderstood. I mean, you think I'm batting for the other team? You think I've got sugar in my tank? You think I'm a switch hitter? You think I'm-" "Gay?" Jessie interrupted, "It wouldn't really surprise me." "Well, it surprises me!" James said, taken aback, "Why? Why? Why would you think this?" "Um, gee. I don't know," she answered sarcastically, "The cross dressing, the interest in guys-" "Ok," James stopped her, "The cross dressing, I'll give you. But that interest in guys? When was that?" "Like when we revisited the bike gang," she listed, "You were real glad to see Chopper." "And you were glad to see Tayra!" James argued. "Yeah," she insisted, "But I said 'Tayra, it's been a while!' Where you said 'You're looking good, Chopper!'" "Well," James shook his head, "I admit his hair was strange looking but what was I supposed to say? 'Your hair looks freaky, Chopper.'" "Oh, whatever!" Jessie sighed, giving up. "I agree!" James said frustrated, "How come no one has challenged your sexuality?" Jessie looked at him and laughed, "I'm not the one dressing up in a tutu!" "There was no other costume!" he defended, "You took the one with pants!" "I wanted to see if you'd put up a struggle for them! And you didn't!" she told him. "Like I was in the mood to get smacked with a mallet!" he shouted, "God, you know, I can't even believe we're talking about this!" Jessie paused and smiled at him. "Ok, James," she started in a softer tone, "I'm sorry. Just answer me this, and I'll never mention it again. Do you like men that way?" "No!" he answered without hesitation. "Ok," Jessie accepted. "Good," James nodded, "Now let's go get pretty!"

Back at the apartment that they shared, James talked Jessie into going to a night club. Just for fun, Jessie agreed saying that it would be nice to get out and meet new people. They both were in the huge bathroom standing in front of the length room mirror, getting ready to go. "Jess, are you doing anything with you hair?" James asked her. "Just what I normally do....Why?" she questioned as she put on her mascara. "Well, I don't know. Don't you ever want to do anything different?" he cautiously asked. "Listen, James," she warned, "I can take alot of things, but do not insult the hair!" "Ok," James backed off. After a brief pause, he asked, "Is that what you're wearing?" "James!" "Allright, allright. Can I borrow that?" he asked. "Sure," she said. Without thinking, Jessie handed James her mascara and he began to put it on. After a few seconds, she looked over at him. "Um, James?" she asked. "Hmm?" he mumbled. "You are going as a man tonight, right?" she questioned. "Of course!" he answered, annoyed, "Didn't we talk about this?" Jessie smiled, "Well, then you might want to take off the mascara." James froze and immediately began to scrub the make-up off. "This is all your fault, you know!" James blamed. "Why me?" she wanted to know. "All this time making me dress in drag so often," he explained, "That now whenever I dress out of uniform, I automatically dress out of gender!" He began to dry his face, then slammed down the towel, "Great! Now I'll have to re-do my base make-up!" Jessie stared at him questioningly. "I'm not gay!" he screamed. "Uh, huh," Jessie agreed as she began to work on herself again.

Dusting himself off, he asked her, "What do you think?" She turned and looked at his outfit. "It's nice," she nodded. "But what?" James questioned, knowing she was holding something back. She smiled, "Well, you have such nice muscular arms and you can't see them." Looking at his long sleeved shirt, "Go short sleeved?" "Yeah," she nodded, "Just a nice black one, I think. Everything else is fabulous." "What about hair?" he asked. "Pulled back or down?" he asked as he put it up a rubber band. "Down, defiantly!" Jessie said as she took the thing out of his hair and smoothed it nicely down. They both smiled. Jessie played with his hair more slowly, until she was almost stroking it. She then jerked herself out of it. "Allright! Now me!" she stated. "Hmmm," James said sizing her up, "Not changing the hair?" "No!" she said sternly. "Ok," he smiled, looking at her dress, "I like it! It fits you well and shows off, without showing everything." Jessie smiled, "Great! Now I just need shoes!" "Oh, god!" James sighed, "Now we'll never get out of here!" "Oh, shut up!" she teased, holding up a pair, "I'll just wear these ones! Let's go, girl!" James shook his head, "I'm a guy!" "That's the spirit!" she agreed as they walked out.

Dressed in their decided outfits, looking fabulous as usual, they entered the club. "Wow!" James commented, "This place is crowded!" "Yeah," Jessie agreed as she surveyed the lay of the land, "But look at those guys! Wow!" "They're not so great," James scoffed. Jessie smiled, "Look at her," she said as she pointed out a really hot looking chick. James reluctantly glanced over, but then was glad. "Whoa yeah!" he agreed. "See," she nodded, "There's something for everyone! Ok, you ready go out on your own?" "I guess. If not, you'll find me hiding outside," he sighed. "Ok," she smiled to him, "Go get 'em, kid!" Before she turned to go, she lightly kissed him on the cheek and then walked away.

Later on, James was sitting at the bar. Jessie walked up and sat next to him. "So how's it going?" he asked her. "Oh, it's ridiculous! I mean, alot of guys are interested in me but all the good men are either old, taken or gay!" she complained, "How about you?" "Pretty much the same thing, except for the gay part," he said, but paused, "At least I think." "You want to get out of here?" she asked. "Yeah," he nodded, "Let's go home."

Back at the apartment, James sat on the couch, flipping through the channels on TV. Jessie was in her room with the door open. "Jess?" James called. "Hmm?" she answered within her room. "Why do you waste all your time with me?" James wondered out loud. Jessie immediately appeared at her doorway. "What? What are you talking about?" she stuttered, "Why do you say that?" Turning off the TV, and turning to her, "You saw those guys! They were crazy over you! You had to beat them off with a stick!" "A fan, actually!" she corrected. She sighed happily, "It was so nice to get all that attention from all those men! Even if I didn't particularly go for any of them. I had nearly forgotten how wonderful it felt to have complete strangers want to touch you, talk to you, buy you drinks, anything just to stay near you!" She sighed again and looked at James. He was feeling a little left out. She smiled at him, "It's just too bad that they all want me, but I'll only go home with one guy." "But who would you want to go home with?" James asked. "I'll give you a hint, his name ain't Brock!" she joked, as she gave his forehead a quick kiss. "You still didn't answer the question," he muttered. "James, are you serious?" Jessie loudly demanded. "What?" She shook her head, "If I saw someone that could even begin to compare to you, I would have grabbed him!" "Really?" James wondered. "Of course," she told him, then in an irritated tone, "I swear, I don't see how someone as handsome as you, can be so insecure!" James smiled, "You think I'm handsome?" "Not only do I think so," she baited, "But you should have heard all the other girls!" "They were talking about me?" he asked. "In-between giggles, yes," she teased. "So giggles are good?" he questioned. "Yes, giggles are good," she informed him as she sat down next to him. "Um, Jess?" James asked after a brief silence. "Yes?" she asked. "Um," James started, "Did anyone happen to ask you if you and I were, you know, together?" "A couple people did, yes." she answered and paused, "Anyone ask you?" "Oh, sure, yeah." he nodded and paused, "What did you say?" "Oh, I said no.....not really....I don't know. What did you say?" she nervously asked. "Uh, I don't remember," James quickly covered. "Oh, hell!" Jessie yelled out of frustration, "Enough fooling around! James, I have to ask you something. Something that's been on my mind for ever so long, and I think it's been on yours too.....But I always hesitate to say it because I'm afraid it'll change our entire relationship." "That might not be a bad thing though," James offered. "I hope not, because here goes," she warned. James took her hands in his. She summed up her courage and began, "Um, ok. James, we've known each other a long time. We went to school together, joined Team Rocket together, for years it's been just you and me. I love you and I don't want that to ever end." James just stared into her eyes, stunned by the emotions she had just laid out to him. "Wow, Jess," he continued softly, "I've been thinking the same thing forever also. You know I care for you. And since we did this other people thing tonight, I don't think I've ever appreciated you more. I love you too, Jessie." James said as he went to his pocket and pulled out an engagement ring, "Would you marry me?" Jessie was stunned, she just couldn't believe it. "And I just wanted to know if we were dating!" she laughed. She looked at him, "Yes, I will." James slipped the ring on the appropriate finger and kissed it. "Sealed with a kiss," he whispered. "You could seal it with cement because it is never coming off," she kidded. "I love you, Jessie." "I love you, James." And they marked the occasion with their first, certainly not to be the last, kiss.