Whose clothes are these?!?

By Team Rocket Twin

I woke up, to the smell of wood burning.

It was dark outside, and there was a fire burning in front of me.

"Jess, where are you?"

No answer, where'd she go?

I got up from my sleeping bag, and looked around.

Where the hell could she be?

Hey. Maybe she's getting some food! Ohh. DONUTS!!!

I looked around and noticed that one there was a black glove on the ground, and some rose petals.

I started to get worried. I walked in the same direction where I found the first glove, and found the other, more petals.

"The DONUTS" I whimpered.

"I followed what looked like a path, and found a white Rocket jacket, "Maybe it's Jessie's".

"Whose clothes are these?!?"

I figured by now that who ever it was must be getting cold, so I hurried up.

"I wonder where Jessie could be?"

As I walked further down the "path", I noticed a white skirt, it looked like Jessie's but it probably wasn't.

"I'd better hurry up."

I started to hum, it was a song I was familiar with, and I kept walking.

Next I found a boot. "Hey, who ever this is has a good fashion sense,"

Soon I found another boot.

Next a bra. I was following the petals and running.

I came to a lake, right in the middle of the woods. It was huge!

At the edge of the lake there were some black panties, and a rose.

"Hey that's one of my roses! On the rose was a note.

"Come on in James"

Wow, whoever wanted me to come on in also knew my name.

I looked up at the moon, it was full, and looked down at the reflection of it in the water.

A figure crossed the reflection, causing the moon to look like it was rippling.

I couldn't make out who it was.

I took off my boots, and shirt, and pants. I also took off my boxers. 'What the hell' I thought as I walked into the lake, clutching the rose, I held it up to my nose, then tossed it on top of my clothing.

IT WAS COLD!!!!! But who ever else were in there did it too, so I walked in to my chest and started to float.

The person in there started to swim around me. I got really nervous.

They put their hands on my shoulders and pushed me under the water.

I tried to open my eyes to see who it was but they swam away too quickly.

I resurfaced and looked up at the moon. It was so big and shiny!

The mystery person slowly crept their hands up my back and over to my shoulder.

They pressed their lips lightly on mine, and whispered in my ear.

"Havin' fun yet Jimmy?"

Only Jessie called me Jimmy.

Who could it be?

The person wrapped their arms around my neck and started to kiss again.

I noticed um, well, *ahem*, boobs and was relieved that it wasn't some creepy old guy or something.

I kissed her back, running my hand through their hair.

It was long, and curved to the left side, like Jessie's.

"What do you look like?" I asked the mystery woman as calmly as I could.

"Well right now I'm naked, but I have blue eyes, long ruby colored hair, model's body, and a flawless face."

"Wow, you sound like my partner Jessie, I can't find her, and I'm getting kinda worried."

"What does she look like?"

"Well, just like you, and she really is stunning in woman, sometimes I just wanna"

"So you like this Jessie person?" She whispered.

"No. I love her, and I've loved her for a very long time."

The mystery girl started to kiss me again. Swimming *very* close to "Little Jim".

"Wow" was all I could say.

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked

"Waiting for someone."


"My partner."

"Oh really, what does this person look like?"

"He has *Damn it!!! * . Blue hair, green eyes, devastatingly handsome, 5'10", masculine, well built"

"Wow, he kinda sounds like me"

"He is you..."

The mystery girl kissed me again. Now *intentionally* brushing up to "Little Jim".

"What's your name?" I gasped to her.

"She swam closer to me, and started to whisper in my ear


"Jessie" I slowly repeated. "My Jessie?!?"


The mystery woman WAS Jessie, I couldn't believe it!!!

"Well, hello there." I could feel my face burning bright red.

"Hello yourself" She kissed me on my lips and slowly put her tongue in my mouth.

"W-wow!" I managed to gasp.

I was relieved that it was Jessie.

"I was looking all ov. Wa-was that your hand Jess?"

"Yes" she slyly whispered into my ear.

I wanted to put my hands all over her, touching what I had always dreamt about.

I wrapped my arms around her slender body, and started to kiss her.

I was tired of being shy; it was time to let her know how I really felt.

I kissed her all over her face and neck, and umother places, she gasped with delight.

She pulled me closer to her; I knew that there wasn't one single inch where the front of our bodies weren't pressed together.

What a great feeling!!!

I started to kiss her again, knowing that she would enjoy it.

Her hand grazed "Little Jim" again, I gasped. I *never* in my wildest dreams, (this being one of them) thought that Jessie actually liked me back.

My hands slowly moved all over her, she looked into my eyes and gave me a cat-like smile.

She started swimming away.

"Oh on you don't!" I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her back into me.

She started to laugh.

I could swear there was steam all around us.

Through all the kisses and *ahem* touching, I managed to stay *cool*.

But I blurted out three words.

"I Love You"

Suddenly Jessie stopped kissing.

My stomach filled with butterflies.

She looked up into my eyes, she knew I was sincere and she started to cry.

"I love you too" she sobbed. Holding me close to her.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close.

"What's the matter Jess?"

"I can't believe it James."

"What, that I love you?"


"Why on earth would I not?"

"Because I beat you up, and treat you like shit"

"It's okay Jess, I've loved you for a very, very long time."

"James," she said softly, "You are the first person to ever tell me that, even my mother never told me that she loved me"

"I always will Jess."

I thought that she was going to smack me, not start to cry.

She started to kiss me again, but with more *sex* wait that's not the right word! It starts with a 'P'Damn it, what the hell is that word...Passion, passion, yeah that's it. Scratch the "sex" thing.

We got caught up in each other, and slowly started to drift to the shore.

We lay down on the shore, half in the water, half out.

I was overwhelmed. I mean really overwhelmed.

I swam back out into the water, my face glowing bright red.

"James what's the matter?" I knew what it was, and was sure that she had an idea or two. She started to swim towards me, doing the *gulp* breast-stroke. 'I think I'm having one of those'(breast stroke, get it hey, I thought it was funny!)

She came over to me, and put her arms around my neck.

"What's the matter James?"

I was blushing too hard to reply.

"Is everything okay?"

"Well, um, yeah"

"So what's the matter then, she said it with such sincerity, that I melted.

I went on "Innocent-Little-Kid Mode"

She looked into my eyes, and *knew*

She tightened her arms around me, and whispered in my ear.

Ya know, in the soft voice that gave me goose bumps *everywhere*

"Let's go James"

"Go wher oh, *THERE*."

We slowly drifted into the shore, and climbed out of the water. I was still too embarrassed to look at her *ahem* naked.

I followed her out of the water.

She walked over to patch of grass, with little lavender flowers spouting up everywhere.

There was a huge white sheet over in the middle of it.

Jessie sat down in the middle of it, and patted the ground where she wanted *me* yes, me to sit next to her.

I noticed her true beauty while the moonlight glistened off of her.

She drew me closer to her, and I kissed her on her ruby lips.

I was holding my upper-body up, with my arms, which were on either side of her head.

I looked into her blue eyes, they were telling me something.

I want you James

And she had *me*

Oh *yes* she did.

"OHHJJJJAAAAMMMMEEEESSSSS" she gasped, Ohh was right!

I mustered up enough strength to grab an end of the sheet and wrap it around us.

Give me a break, it was *REALLY* hard lifting up that sheet

That woman drained *ALL* of my energy.

We laid down in each other's arms.

I kept looking at her, her beautiful eyes, flawless skin, and really, really *really* big.

"James I Love You James."

"I Love you too Jess."

We were lying in each other's arms staring at the sky.

Everywhere I looked I saw Jessie.

Usually I would look up at the stars so I could *ahem* fantasize about her, but I didn't need to do that any more now did I.

I've loved Jess for a *really* long time, almost ten years, but was never able to tell her until tonight.

I'm glad I did, and so is she

"I Love you" I said sleepily

"I Love you too"

We woke up, each other's arms then next morning.

It was just so beautiful, she is still sleeping now.