By: Desert Butterfly

Jessie was in a beautiful field. There was wildflowers growing all over the place and a little stream running through it. She smiled at James.

"This is the most beautiful place I've ever seen!"

"I thought you'd like it" He took her hand and led her towards the place that he had put their picnic things.


"I'm exhausted!" Meowth yawned

"Yeah, it's been a long day. Look, Jessie's already fast asleep." James couldn't help but think how cute she looked when she was asleep.

"...most beautiful place...ever seen!"

"You say something James?"

"No. I think it was Jessie!"

"But Jessie's asleep!" James and Meowth exchanged looks. Sleep talking, eh? They moved closer to her, so they could hear her better.

"He he! I guess I could stay awake for dis!" Meowth laughed


The picnic was perfect. They were under a big, shady tree near a river.

"This day has been so perfect!"

"The best day ever."

"James, it was such a good idea to do this."


Meowth and James were listening intently and thoroughly enjoying themselves. When you're a member of Team Rocket you take any opportunity to make fun of a team mate and you enjoy it as much as possible.

"Sounds like she's having a good time!"

"Wonder what it was dat was such a good idea of yours!"

"Maybe we'll find out."


Jessie gazed at James. He was so cute. He looked up at her and she felt those butterflies in her stomach start to flutter around.

"Jessie, I...I need to tell you something..." The butterflies in her stomach kicked up a storm. She hoped desperately that he was about to say what she had wanted to hear for so long.

"What is it James?"


James and Meowth were hanging on Jessie's every word, trying to figure out what was going on in her mind.

"Hey James, it sounds like you're about to say sometin'!"

"Ooooooh! Maybe I've figured out a way to capture Pikachu!"

"We'll see..."


James took Jessie's hand and gazed into her eyes.

"Jessie, I've been wanting to tell you this for the longest time. At first, I didn't know whether it was real or not, but now, every time I look at you, I know even more that it is." He paused and took a deep breath. Jessie's heart was racing.

"Jessie, I... I love you." She had never felt so happy. This was a dream come true for her. She was so happy she could barely talk or for that matter do anything except look at James and grin like an idiot.

"James! I...I..."


"She sure sounds happy!"

"Ha! Ya must've done someting right for once!"



Jessie stuttered. She paused and tried again.

"I love you too James!"


James and Meowth were stunned. For ages, they just stared at her, frozen to the spot. When he could finally talk again, Meowth spoke.

"M-Maybe we should get some sleep"

James nodded slowly. He couldn't think straight. Almost robotically, he moved to his sleeping bag, but there was no way he could sleep.


'Does she really love me? Is that possible? It must be. She said it herself...' James couldn't help but think these things throughout the entire night. He had no idea what to do. He didn't think he could even face her in the morning. But there was no way he could just wake up and act like nothing happened.

No way.


Jessie's dream continued through the night. It was the same one that she'd had countless times before, but each time it felt more special. They would tell each other that they loved each other and then they would kiss and not let each other go. But always, it was just a dream. She hated having to wake up from it.

If only it was real...


Jessie yawned

"Mmmm. What a great dream! Morning everyone!"

"Morning?! Already?! How can dat happen?! Are you sure?!"

Jessie couldn't help but laugh at Meowth. "Pretty sure."

"Dat was da shortest night in history!!"

"Quit complaining!" She said as she stood up and stretched

"James? Meowth, is James still asleep?"

"How should I know?!"

"Alright! Alright! Geez, you are really not a morning person. James?!" When she got no answer from James she decided that he must still be asleep.

'Well then,' she thought as she headed over to her sleeping bag 'I'll just have to wake him up myself'.

"James... James? JAMES?!"

Meowth could hear her yell from the other side of camp and came rushing over.

"Jessie, what's da matter?!"

"James isn't here!"

"What do ya mean he's not here?!"

"See for yourself!" She showed him James's empty sleeping bag and began running around the campsite. To say she was panicked was an understatement. "Meowth, do you have any idea why he isn't here?!"

Meowth paused. He'd been afraid that something like this might happen.

"Dis aint good. I shoulda known..."

"Shoulda known what?! Meowth, what is it?!"

"Jess, what did ya dream last night"

Jessie blushed. "I-I don't really remember. And why does it matter anyway?! We're trying to find James here WHY DO YOU NEED TO HERE ABOUT A DAMN DREAM?!!!"

Meowth sighed. This wasn't going to be easy, but he knew he had to tell her. It was the only way to explain James's disappearance. Meowth took a deep breath and started talking...


James was tired. He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep the night before and he'd been walking for hours. His pockets were weighed down with money - he was going to need every cent he had. He was coming into a more populated area now. He considered taking a bus, his legs were aching, but up ahead he could see the building.

"Not far to go now" He told himself as he pulled himself along. "Nearly there..."


"You gunna be okay Jess?" Meowth asked, genuinely worried. She had not reacted well. She needed to lie down for awhile and she was still white as a sheet.

"I-I'll be fine...I think" she mumbled

"Ya want me ta leave ya alone?"

"No...no, stay here" She closed her eyes and began to rub her shoulders, as if she were cold. Meowth couldn't believe that James would do this to her. It wasn't like him at all.


James looked through the store, not really being able to find what he wanted. It would have to be absolutely perfect - if he was going to do this, he was going to do it right. He walked towards a display at the back, feeling hopeful for some reason. He wasn't disappointed. When he reached the display his face lit up.

He had found it.


Meowth looked up. "Hello?" he said.

"What is it Meowth? Is someone there?"

"I dunno. I thought I heard sometin'" Meowth was right, there was definatly some movement in the trees and now both he and Jessie could hear the twigs snapping and the leaves rustling.

"James?" Jessie asked hopefully, jumping up from her sleeping bag.

But it wasn't James. Now entering the clearing were none other than Ash, Misty and Brock.

"Da twerps!"

"Argh! It's Team Rocket!"

"Dat's right kid!" Meowth stood in a dangerous looking pose, ready for Jessie to start doing the motto.

After about 10 seconds he realised that she didn't seem to be doing the motto.

"Uh, Jessie?"

"Oh...right. P-prepare for... oh it's useless! I can't do this without James! I just can't!"


James was running. He wanted to get back as fast as he could.

'Almost there' he thought as he ran along the track heading towards the clearing. It was in sight now. He paused to catch his breath and also, well to gather up his courage. He was extremely nervous. When he felt ready, he looked into the clearing.

'What are the twerps doing here?!!' he thought angrily when saw them. He almost reconsidered going in but then he saw Jessie. She was on the ground, her face in her hands, crying her eyes out. James knew that he had to do this now.


"Why did things have to turn out this way?!" Jessie wailed. Meowth tried to comfort her but it was a lost cause. Ash, Misty and Brick stood back silently, completely clueless to what was going on. All they knew was that James wasn't there and that Jessie was really upset about something. It was a really awkward situation to be in. Brock was thinking about just leaving quietly, unnoticed when his thoughts were interrupted.


"James? Is that you?" Jessie stood up to see James entering the clearing.

"You - you came back!"

"Of course I came back!" Jessie opened her mouth to speak but James interrupted her. "Before you say anything, I have something to ask you..."

She had no idea what he would ask her, and she was just a bit worried. How could this question possibly be easy to answer, after all that had happened that day?

"Ok. What is it?" she asked nervously. James smiled at her. Slowly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box.

"Jessica", he said as he got down on one knee, "We've been through so much and I can still remember clearly the day we met. I remember thinking that you were the most beautiful I'd ever seen. I still think that. But now you're so much more special to me." James paused, the emotion was getting to him.

"Jessie... will you marry me?" It took a little while for James's words to really sink in. But when they did, Jessie couldn't believe that this had really happened. She had never thought it possible to be this happy.

James could still see tears rolling down her beautiful face, but by the look on her face he could tell that now they were tears of pure joy. Jessie could barely talk, she was so overwhelmed. But somehow, through tears, she managed to speak, just to say one thing.


James took her face in his hands and kissed her, with such love and passion that neither of them had ever experienced. They let themselves get lost in the kiss, it felt like there was no-one else there in that clearing, or in the entire world. Just the two of them. This was all Jessie had ever dreamed of. When they eventually came apart and James put the ring on her finger, she thought that maybe it was a dream.

It wouldn't be the first time she had dreamed of a moment like this. But she knew it was real, because never in a thousand years could something this amazing happen in a dream.


Jessie and James watched their children play in the yard with the family Growlithe. James put his arm around his wife and thought about how great things had turned out. Ever since he had asked Jessie to marry him, nothing but good things had happened to them.

They lived an honest life now, they had left Team Rocket as soon as they had become engaged and had set up a small general store together. Their kids were named Jasmine and Andrew and Jessie and James loved them dearly.

Jessie didn't sleeptalk anymore, it seemed that she had only done that when there was something she wanted to tell James and they told each other everything now.

Jessie looked at James. Even though they had been married for ten years she still got butterflies when she looked at him. She felt so lucky. Not everyone could be married to the greatest guy in the entire universe.

James smiled at her and pulled her closer. They had been through alot in their time, but now they were happy. They were together.

'And that', Jessie thought as she kissed her husband 'is all that matters'.

The End