On this page you'll read 'bout your favorite Team Rocket members. You know. Get info.


Jesse is the beautiful female member of the team. Her brilliant mind is only surpressed by her style and personality. Jesse was born into a poor family and spent most of her childhood wishing for things she couldn’t have. Her biggest wish was a set of Pokemon Princess Dolls of her very own. When Jesse was seven years old her mother, Miyamato, who worked for Team Rocket at the time, died in an avalanche. After that Jesse was sent to a foster home where her foster mother fed her snow. When she came to her early teens she decided to become a pokemon master and set off on a journey. She lost this decision quickly and wanted to become a pokemon nurse. The school would not accept her application, so Jesse went to the Pokemon Nursing School where only pokemon learned. On graduation day she watched as all the pokemon graduated, and she left in an upset. Her pokemon friend Chansey ran after her and gave her half of its pendant to resemble “friends forever.” By that time Jesse’s foster parents raised enough money to send Jesse to Pokemon Tech. There Jesse met James and their friendship started. Jesse’s natural hair color is fuchsia, and she loves its length and natural wave. Obsessed with looking good, she loves to shop and favors brands by top designers. She is also very bossy and constantly ridicules James’ ideas. Jesse has blue eyes and her nicknames are: Jesse, Big Jess, Chainer Jess, and Jess. Also her Pokemon are Arbok, Lickitung, Wobbuffet and Meowth.


James is the male half of Team Rocket. When it comes to thinking up plans to steal Pikachu, James has a million of them. He’ll need them – since they all tend to fail. Unlike Jesse, James was born into a wealthy family, and decided to run away after his parents tried to arrange a marriage between him and a local debutate named Jezebel. After running away his parents decided to send him to the prestigious Pokemon Technical School where he met Jesse. Partying the night before the entrance exam wasn’t such a good idea, considering that they failed. Not only were they rejected, but they eventually learned that their entrance exam scores were the lowest in the schools history. Jesse and James ran away from Pokemon Tech and joined a bike gang where they were nicknamed “Chainer Jess” and Little Jim.” Eventually both joined Team Rocket. James has a sensitive side; he often wears dresses, and has secret pockets in his pants for hiding roses. Brock and James have something in common: both go weak at the knees when a pretty girl is nearby. James has blue hair and green eyes. His nicknames are: Little Jim, Jim, and Jimmy. His Pokemon are Weezing, Victreebell, Meowth, and his Growlithe, Growlie, which stays home with his parents. Also James says that he has the looks of a movie star, the agility of an athlete, and a head that is too small for his brain.


Meowth is the feline mastermind who’s diabolical plans never fail. The only thing sharper than his mind are his claws. Jesse and James’ boss, Giovanni, paired them up with Meowth, his former top-cat. Meowth was replaced by a Persian, Meowths evolved form, and resents the substitution so much that he refuses to evolve. Meowth hopes to be the favorite cat again by capturing Pikachu. The golden charm on Meowth’s forehead gives him intelligence. Perhaps this is why Meowth is the brains behind most of the schemes. Meowth is also the only Pokemon that can speak a language other than its Pokemon name. This is because when he was a young Meowth he fell in love with another Meowth. Her name was Meowsey, her owner was very rich so Meowsey loved humans. When Meowth asked her out she said he was a dirty street Meowth with no money, so she would never love him and always love humans. So Meowth decided to turn himself into a human. He taught himself how to walk and talk like a human. He went back to Meowsey and asked her out again. This time she still said no because he was still a dirty street Meowth with no money, but also a walking, talking freak. Meowth got upset and said that one-day he would be rich and powerful, so he joined Team Rocket.


Butch and Cassidy, also known as Team Rocket Two. They are Jesse and James’ biggest rivals. Butch has green hair and brown eyes, and Cassidy has orange hair and purple eyes. Butch and Cassidy have a Raticate, Primape, and a Drowzee. Their three biggest schemes where: one, they turned a Pokemon breeding center into a Pokemon stealing center, two, they hypnotized Pokemon with their Drowzee, and three they sold fake Pokemon fortune telling books.


Giovanni has brown hair and brown eyes. Giovanni is the evil, (but extreemly hott ^_^) leader of Team Rocket and the Viridian City Gym. He dreams of world domination, power and controll of all Pokemon. He inherited Team Rocket from his mother, Madam Boss. Persian, his most favorite pokemon, is always seen next to him, under his petting hand. Giovanni is shrouded in mystery. He runs the Viridian City Gym in his spare time, but the rest of his day is devoted to Team Rocket. It was Giovanni who sponsored the creation of the most powerful Pokemon, Mewtwo, and the later expidition to recover it in the movie, "Mewtwo Returns". He is remarkably tolerant of Jesse and James's constant failure, even though they obviously annoy him. He always says that he will fire them, but he still hasn't. It might be because they know to much or he just doesn't have the heart to. Any way there are many things that are unknown about Giovanni. There also is a rumor that he is Ash's father.


Madam boss is Giovanni’s mother. She was the leader or “The Boss” of Team Rocket before Giovanni. Madam boss was the one who sent Jesse’s mother, Miyamoto, on a mission to find Mew in the Andes Mountains.


Miyamoto is Jesse’s mother. She worked for Team Rocket when Madam Boss was the leader. She was sent on a mission by Madam Boss to find the legendary Pokemon Mew in the Andes Mountains. She had died in an avalanche just before capturing Mew. Rumor has it that Miyamoto is not dead, but is Lorelei of the Elite Four.


Mondo is Jesse, James, and Meowth’s assistant. He helps them after they “blast off again,” brings them food to eat, and prepare the Meowth balloon for action. Mondo is only fifteen years old, and has brown hair and brown eyes. Also he has a crush on Jesse.


Domino appeared in the Johto special “Mewtwo Returns," the sequal to "Mewtwo Strikes Back." In this special, Giovanni is after Mewtwo since he couldn't get him in “Mewtwo Strikes Back." Domino was sent by Giovanni to spy on Ash and find out what happened to Mewtwo. She joins Ash and his friends as they go to the mountains with some researchers to test the water there because it has some kind of healing effect. She even pretends to be in love with Brock to get info and betrays them as soon as they lead her to Mewtwo. She’s especially mean to Jessie and James, who she makes her slaves after Giovanni rewards her for finding Mewtwo. Domino carries black tulips that shoot out lighting bolts and she uses these on her enemies.


Vicious is an elite Team Rocket member. He has invented the Dark Ball, a pokeball that instantly turns a pokemon evil if they are caught in it. Vicious also has a giant spider like Mecha that he uses to terrorize people. He does finally capture Celebi and turns her evil with his dark ball, and he falls in love with Jessie and kidnaps her and ties her to some vines. Also Vicious's mask gets broken and he looks a lot like Giovanni. His pokemon are Tyranitar, Scizor, and Sneasel.