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Summer Stories

Tú: Which has been one of your best summer experiences?

Marit: One of the best things I've lived was during last summer when I went with 10 of my best friends to this music festival in Denmark. Around 150 bands played there during 10 days, so we put up our tent and lived there for that time, it was great!

Marion: I was like 14 or 15 and I went on vacation to my grandparents house on the north of Norway. Any of the kids of the block where my grandparents live went out on vacation, so we were all together hanging in the town for two weeks. We spent the time going to the beach, going out at night, lighting up fire and playing pranks. The best thing is that we were like 20 kids between 14 and 20 years old, that made it more fun!

Tú: What's your favorite place to go on vacation?

Marion: I'm a fan of going to Spain, I go every year even just for a few days.

Marit: The romanticism of France, specially Paris, drives me crazy!

Tú: Have you ever had a summer love?

Marit. My story is one of those flashy that we all girls have. When I was 12 I went to Greece and met a guy. We were deeply in love, we dated during our whole stay. The saddest thing is that, after that, we never saw each other again and the truth is that I've never cried more for anyone else than him. On the bus from the hotel to the airport all the passengers ended hating me coz I wouldn't stop crying.

Marion: The summer love is not my thing, I'm luckier during new year. Two years ago I met a really hot guy on new years eve party. We went out for a while, but then we had to broke up and we haven't seen each other again. It was kinda sad.

Tú: Has any of your songs been inspired on a summer experience?

Marion: Yes, the song "Don't" it's about a situation that happened to both of us during a summer. It's about when you have a boyfriend you're really in love with, but suddenly comes to your life a new guy who will end liking you and getting you in a big dilemma.

Tú: If you could chose to spend the summer with a celebrity, who would you chose?

Marit: Josh Hartnett, he's really cute.

Marion: I'd love to spend it with Ashton Kutcher, I think he's a really funny guy, just my style!

About Love & Friendship

Tú: Have you two ever had a really big fight?

Marit: Although it seems incredible, in spite of we've been together for so long, we've never had a big fight. Before work mates, we are friends.

Tú: How do you do it to keep that harmony?

Marion: It's really important being who you are and, since we re such good friends, we know each other perfectly, besides we try to concentrate on what we like the most, which is our music.

Tú: Have you both ever been in love with the same guy?

Marit: No!, we have different tastes. I like guys who play the guitar, I think is very romantic, plus, that way we understand better each other. Is really important that he's positive and very confident.

Marion: I prefer funny guys, I'm a little shy, so I like to have the opposite and that they're open. However, I don't like that they're noisy. Aside being my boyfriend, he will have to be my friend.

Tú: Would you go out with someone famous?

Marion: I don't think so, it's really hard coz we travel a lot and, if he was famous, surely he'd live in airplanes too, so we'd never see each other. Actually, we don't have a boyfriend right now.

Tú: You're excellent friends since a long time ago, do you share the same friends or each one has her group aside?

Marit: We do have different friends where we live.

Tú: What do they think of what you do?

Marion: They're really happy for us, they try to keep in touch through e-mails and, when we can, we visit them.

Tú: Which one do you think is the main element to keep a good friendship?

Marion: I think honesty is basic, you have to respect and accept each other, besides having a lot of details with each other.

Marit: You have to be open and let see who you are, so that your friend will know what you like and what you don't.

Dreams & Realities

Tú: If for any strange and maybe unreal reason you had to stop being a duet, to become a trio, who would you chose to be the third integrant?

M2M: Paul McCartney!, we admire him so much.

Tú: Many young singers are trying luck on the movies, are you interested as well?

Marit: No, I don't like that. I love musical theater, but I have to accept I'm a girl 100% of the music.

Marion: I'd love to do suspense movies, like "Don't Say A Word", or action movies, like "Tomb Raider". In fact, I'd love to be a power puff girl.

Tú: Who are your favorite actors?

Marion: I'm a big fan of Angelina Jolie and I like all the Michael Douglas and Bruce Willis's movies.

Tú: Would you like to have a career as long as Madonna's or this is just for now?

Marion: I'd love to have a career as long as Madonna's or Cher's.

Marit: Music is what keeps me alive and I can't imagine myself without it.

Tú: Do you see yourselves being together always or maybe in the future you could separate?

Marion: We don't know, we're having a good time now and our music is growing really fast. I think we'll be doing this as long as it's fun. Personally, I think I'll always be in the business and, even if I'm 40, I'll try to be connected weather it is as a producer or a song writer. What is a fact, is that Marit and I will always be friends.

Tú: Your album is called "The Big Room", what do you mean with that?

Marion: Is the studio where we recorded. We planned the whole record there, we sang and we had a lot of fun. It was like a summer camp, which you always remember like one of the best things of your life. We all were like a small family living in 'the big room'.

Tú: What's your favorite song on this album?

Marit: My favorite song changes everyday. Since all the songs were written from our emotions, when I listen to them, strong feelings come to me and I immediately connect with them. For instance, today I could say "Sometimes" is my favorite.

Marion: I love "Everything", coz what it says is really cool.

Top Secret!

Tú: What's one of your best beauty tips?

Marit:  The most important is having a good skin. You have to clean it and keep good habits, it's basic to use the products you fell comfortable with, coz every person is very different and what works for me is not what can work for everyone.

Marion: I think the same as Marit, every night I clean my face with make-up remover, astringent lotion and finally a bit of cream. One of my big secrets is never stop applying mascara and make-up, your expression will be different!

Tú: What's the garment you wouldn't live without?

Marion: Jeans!, specially ones I have from "Miss Sixty", because, besides being comfortable, I think they're super sexy!

Marit: Since I'm very small, my basics are the hill shoes, because besides they help you looking taller, they stylize your figure and your legs look larger.

Tú: If you could live in another time, what time would you chose?

M2M: The 70's!, coz of the fashion, the lifestyle and the music. It was the time of The Beatles, everything was about love and people looked for being themselves.

Tú: Does your family always go with you?

Marion: I travel with my dad pretty much all the time, sometimes I do it with my mom, my brother or my sister-in-law, but usually is with my daddy because he's my singing teacher.

Marit: Before, my mom traveled with me, but now I'm trying to do it by myself.