The door takes you to a room full of portraits. Portraits of Syra.

    These are portraits people have done of my persona, Syra. Syra is a cross between an angel and a demon formed from a battle taken place between good an evil. Such a powerful energy was released from the battle that new life was born, Syra. Syra looks to be human except for her angel wings. These wings, however, are tainted and instead of being pure and white like an angels, the demon side of her had turned them black. Syra appears to be in her mid to late teens though her true age is unknown. She is normal height with a delicate, slim build. Her hair is black and falls below her waist while her eyes are dark brown. She has a silver snake like bracelet on her upper left arm and a cross necklace with a silver cross. The snake represents hell while the cross represents heaven showing her division between the two. Syra has the ability to shape shift into the shape of a panther with or without wings. She can either appear to be fully panther or become a furry, half panther half human. Feel free to take a look around but no touchie, take nothing. If you ever want to do a trade or anything feel free to contact me.


SyraPantheress.jpg (47437 bytes) Syra in anthromorphic form done by Myrror syrachibi.gif (9976 bytes)

Chibi-Syra done by Jaysen of Aikousha.

Keeper.gif (66304 bytes)

Syra in anthromorphic form done by Pyscokat.

syrapanthersig.jpg (18878 bytes)

Syra in anthromorphic form done by Air Raiser.

shadowsyra2.jpg (40935 bytes)

Syra in panther form done by Kidari.

Forsyra.JPG (68871 bytes)

Syra in normal form done by Tim Byrne

syrachibi2.gif (10964 bytes)

Chibi-Syra done by Arborwin as part of a trade I have yet to finish @_@

Persona-Syra.jpg (70347 bytes)

Syra in normal form done by DragonFlight.