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Zoe-from New Bark Town
Full Name: Zoe Ann Uniohsi
Age: 12
Birthday: December 20, 1990
Pokédex Count: 20
Badge Count: 2 (Hive Badge, Fog Badge)
Friends: Lance, Nobi, Zan, and Ashley.
Is Cousins With: Zan
Has a Crush On: Lance
Quest: To be the best lighting and psychic-type Pokémon trainer there is!
To study and learn about Pokémon.
People She Looks Up To: Lt. Surge, Sabrina, and her friends that she can count on to be there for her.
Bio: She started with her Pokémon Zappy and Sparky who are very speical to her. She likes hanging with her friends but most of all loves to study about Pokémon! She wants to learn every little thing about them. She wants to become a Pokémon trainer of lighting and psychic-type Pokemon, but she will catch other types, too. An examlpe of this is Wartortle and Croconaw.

She uses these Pokémon:

Pokémon Picture Stats
Pikachu (Shiny/Zappy)
Evolved from Pichu in episode: Ecruteak City!
Pichu (Sparky)
Started with in episode: A New Day!
Umbreon (Shiny/Fluffy)
Evolved from Eevee in episode: The Past of Ashley...
Wartortle (Shell Shocker)
Obtained in episode: The Mysteries of Zoe
Obtained in episode: The Mysteries of Zoe
Evolved from Slowpoke in movie: The Battle for Earth
Caught in episode: VS. Whitney! Fight for the Plain Badge!
Caught in episode: VS. Whitney! Fight for the Plain Badge!
Evolved from Scyther in movie: The Battle for Earth
Mew (Shiny/Bluemoon)
Hatched from Egg in episode: Saving Lance's Family
Eevee (Shiny)
Obtained in episode: What's This Thing With Ho-Oh?
Obtained in episode: What's This Thing With Ho-Oh?
Psyduck (Charm)
Obtained in episode: Bye, Ecruteak City! Head to Olivine!
Recieved in episode: Bye, Ecruteak City! Head to Olivine!
Recieved in episode: Bye, Ecruteak City! Head to Olivine!
Chinchou (Shiny)
Caught in episode: Train Hard! Getting Ready for the Whirlpool Cup!

Pokémon She Has Had:

Eevee (Shiny/Fluffy)
Obtained in episode: A New Day!
Evolved into Umbreon in episode: The Past of Ashley...
Pichu (Shiny/Zappy)
Started with in episode: A New Day!
Evolved into Pikachu in episode: Ecruteak City!
Caught in episode: The Mystery of the Slowpoke
Evolved into Slowbro in movie: The Battle for Earth
Caught in episode: The Bug Catching Contest!
Evolved into Scizor in movie: The Battle for Earth