Rating List
These are the ratins stated in the fanfics. Please read them carefully, I'm not resposible for you if you read a fic and your innocence is tarnished. Besides, if you still have some innocence, what are you doing on this site? Go play at Pokemon.com or something.
Ratings! (Just Like at the Movies)
- PG= not for 12 and under
- PG-13= not for 13 and under
- R= not for under 18's
- NC17= no children under 18!! LISTEN TO THIS RATING WHEN YOU SEE IT!
Reason for Ratings
- Yaoi= boy x boy relationship
- Shouen ai= boy + boy relationship
- Yuri= girl x girl relationship
- Lemon= detailed sex scene
- Lime= mentions sex but does not discribe
- Fluff= Just cutesyness
- Angst= Not a happy story
- Shigeru x Satoshi= Gary and Ash in an involved relationship
- Shigeru + Satoshi= Gary and Ash together, but mostly fluff
- Kasumi x Hiroshi= Misty and Richie as a couple