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The Weezer Catalog
Weezer is a great band that I really enjoy, and that continues to make great music. They have just released their 4th album, Maladroit. In honor of the release I am doing a special review of all of the Weezer albums, from newest to oldest. Enjoy.
Maladroit - This is the latest album by Weezer. It is a bit different in style than the previous Weezer records have been. On this album, songwriter and singer Rivers Cuomo was going for a more raw, rock sound. Well, he got it, and this album is a collection of riffs and solos that are solid rock while still maintaining that good old Weezer sound. It has 13 tracks, which breaks the Weezer mold, but it still only clocks in at around 33 minutes. But that is okay, because you'll just want to listen to it over and over again anyway. Rivers once again proves his mastery of the 2.5-3 minute song, and you'll love every minute of it.
Weezer (the green album) - This is the band's third album, conveniently without an official title. It is commonly referred to as the "green album" because the cover and CD are bright green. This album saw the return of Weezer after a long hiatus from the music scene. They re-emerged strongly, as this album surely shows. It is 29 minutes of radiant pop-rock, with and abundance of great melodies and hooks. The album's 10 tracks will have you singing along in no time.
Pinkerton - This album is like the bastard child of Weezer. Rivers doesn't like to talk about this album because it is a very emotional and revealing album for him. I don't know if it is supposed to be or not, but this album is also very funny at times. The music and themes are a more dark and depressing than the first Weezer album, but the music is as good as ever. The music is more raw and honest, but within the boundaries of the ever catchy Weezer formula. It is a great album, and definitely should not be overlooked by any Weezer fan.
Weezer (the blue album) - This is Weezer's first album, and it doesn't have a title, and is therefore referred to as the "blue album" because of its blue cover and CD. This album is a masterpiece. It is an ultimate mix of rock and pop, with catchy lyrics and great music. It really is a must have album for any fan of music. It is definitely a modern classic. I simply cannot say enough about this album, yet I am at a loss for words over how great it is. Just go buy it and begin loving it yourself. NOW.