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Why Is Hollywood Going 'Skin And Bones?'

From left to right: Acresses Natalie Portman, Hillary Swank, and Brittany Murphy have all lost considerable weight within recent times

Before I start my ranting, I'll get some things clear for the sake of argument. I am a young, straight male with 20/20 vision. I am also educated, and I am sane. Now....

Why is it that the current trend that actresses in Hollywood must lose weight in disastrous proportions? It seems like every actress who gets famous now ends up shedding 15-20 pounds or more, just to "look good." I think this is horrible. All of these women looked better in their previous forms. Now they are bordering on anorexic. It does not make them look better; the effect is exactly the opposite. They also like to pile on hordes of make-up that make them look nasty. I am not just referring to the ladies pictured above; they are just a few examples of the many affected by this trend. These things do not make them look better; they prove to have the exact opposite effect. I'm sure some guys would argue with me, but, for the most part, they are ignorant and not hard to please.

This is a call for reason. Stop starving and EAT something for heaven's sake! We don't need skeletons up on the big screens. It is not healthy, nor does it look attractive. It is not a good role model for our children. Now eat something before you trip and break every bone in your body.