Main Back to Game Reviews Rating: Transcendent


Shoot. Kill. And be merry. Halo is simply one of the best first-person murder simulators ever made. Anyone who likes action games, and first-person shooters in general, should check out Halo.

Halo is just the total package. It has great graphics, a myriad of modes, and fantastic gameplay. It just oozes quality all over it, with enough depth of play to keep even hardcore gamers busy for a long time.

One of the great things about Halo is the multiple modes of play. There is a story-based mission mode, which contains much of the real meat of the game. The great thing about it, though, is that you can play the missions single player or co-operative. Playing the missions co-operative just opens the game up to new strategies, teamwork, and overall enjoyment as you kick ass with a friend. Halo also has a multitude of muliplayer options, which should keep deathmatching fools busy and happy for quite some time. The only drawback here is that there is are no 'bots' to play against if you are by yourself. There can only be player controlled characters, with only 4 to a single Xbox. That means if you want to get some serious action going, you'll probably need to round up 2 or more Xboxs, TVs, 8 or more people and controllers, and a connection cable.

Halo's real strength, as any game's should, lies in gameplay, and everything in this game seems to have been done right. A great graphics and physics engine helps bring the game to life, with vehicles, explosions, grenades, and flying bodies galore. And you'll have fun using the weapons and vehicles to mow down waves of alien scum on your path to and Earth-saving victory. The game's difficulty level is ajustable, but even easy mode poses a challenge. Everything in the game is well balanced to give the player a fantastic experience.

Halo is simply a great, great game. You can tell a lot of care went into the design and execution of this game. The only major drawback that I can imagine is having to play the game alone. It's still very good single player, but I think that Halo really shines when played with others. The best part is that it's a murder simulator, training you while you play. Soon you'll be a master of many different vehicles and weapons, ready to exact revenge on your real life enemies, be they classmates or co-workers. And maybe, if you play long and hard enough, the government will even hire you as a superspy because of your expert training. But don't let that be your reason for playing, because Halo is worth it on its own. No FPS since the original Doom has made me this excited. Lock an' Load.