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Star Wars: Epic Duels Game

"Hold still Dad, there's a fly on your hand"

Star Wars: Epic Duels Game is a board game that lives up to its name. Playing this game is both fun and extremely addictive for Star Wars and strategy game fans alike.

This game is like crack: once you start, you just can't get enough. Epic Duels is a strategy title that puts you in control of many popular characters in the Star Wars universe. The game lets you re-enact famous battles from the movies or create your own. The fun definitely lies in creating your own battles. The game gets really good when you have multiple players, whether on teams or in a free-for-all.

The game works like this: you pick a character and a playing field, and you prepare for battle. Each character has a predetermined amount of hit points, secondary characters, and a deck of cards. You set up your players at the beginning of a match, roll a die, and draw cards from your deck. The cards represent your attacks and defenses within the game. The goal, oviously, is to drain your opponents of all their hit points. There is lots of detail and strategy in the game; it is surprisingly deep. Each character has unique traits and powers that have to be taken into account. It becomes a test of wills; a true contest.

The matches of this game really result in epic duels. This is a great strategy game using Star Wars characters. It is fun, deep, and extremely addictive. Don't be surprised if you start seeing "Duel Dealers" on the streets offering you the first match for free. Beat them to the punch and get it yourself at your nearest game or toy store. Now I must go back to playing it....I must obey my master!