Money |
Rare Candies |
Get All
3 Starter Pokemon From
Prof Elm |
Just keep
picking up starters until
he's out of them. |
Pokemon You Fight Are 255 |
Always Asleep And
Poisoned |
0100add7 |
Master Balls For Free |
Modifier |
Replace xx
with: 02 - Karate Chop 03
- Double Slap 04 - Comet
Punch 05 - Mega Punch 06
- Pay Day 07 - Fire Punch
08 - Ice Punch 09 -
Thunder Punch 0A -
Scratch 0B - Vice Grip 0C
- Guillotine 0D - Razor
Wind 0E - Swords Dance 0F
- Cut 10 - Gust 11 - Wing
Attack 12 - Whirl Wind 13
- Fly 14 - Bird 15 - Slam
16 - Vine Whip 17 - Stomp
18 - Double Kick 19 -
Mega Kick 1A - Jump Kick
1B - Rolling Kick 1C -
Sand Attack 1D - Head
Butt 1E - Horn Attack 1F
- Fury Attack 20 - Horn
Drill 21 - Tackle 22 -
Body Slam 23 - Wrap 24 -
Take Down 25 - Thrash 26
- Double Edge 27 - Tail
Whip 28 - Poison Sting 29
- Twin Edle 2A - Pin
Missile 2B - Leer 2C -
Bite 2D - Growl 2E - Roar
2F - Sing 30 - Supersonic
31 - Sonicboom 32 -
Disable 33 - Acid 34 -
Ember 35 - Flamethrower
36 - Mist 37 - Water Gun
38 - Hydro Pump 39 - Surf
3A - Ice Beam 3B -
Blizzard 3C - Psybeam 3D
- Bubblebeam 3E - Aurora
Beam 3F - Hyper Beam 40 -
Peck 41 - Drill Peck 42 -
Submission 43 - Low Kick
44 - Counter 45 - Seismic
Toss 46 - Strength 47 -
Absorb 48 - Mega Drain 49
- Leech Seed 4A - Growth
4B - Razor Leaf 4C -
Solar Beam 4D -
Poisonpowder 4E - Stun
Spore 4F - Sleep Powder
50 - Petal Dance 51 -
String Shot 52 - Dragon
Rage 53 - Fire Spin 54 -
Thundershock 55 -
Thunderbolt 56 - Thunder
Wave 57 - Thunder 58 -
Rock Throw 59 -
Earthquake 5A - Fissure
5B - Dig 5C - Toxic 5D -
Confusion 5E - Psychic 5F
- Hypnosis 60 - Meditate
61 - Agility 62 - Quick
Attack 63 - Rage 64 -
Teleport 65 - Night Shade
66 - Mimic 67 - Screech
68 - Double Team 69 -
Recover 6A - Harden 6B -
Minimize 6C - Smoke
Screen 6D - Confuse Ray
6E - Withdraw 6F -
Defense Curl 70 - Barrier
71 - Light Screen 72 -
Haze 73 - Reflect 74 -
Focus Energy 75 - Hide 76
- Metronome 77 - Mirror
Move 78 - Selfdestruct 79
- Egg Bomb 7A - Lick 7B -
Smog 7C - Sludge 7D -
Bone Club 7E - Fire Blast
7F - Waterfall 80 - Clamp
81 - Swift 82 - Skull
Bash 83 - Spike Cannon 84
- Constrict 85 - Amnesia
86 - Kinesis 87 -
Softboiled 88 - Hi Jump
Kick 89 - Glare 8A -
Dream Eater 8B - Poison
Gas 8C - Barrage 8D -
Leech Life 8E - Lovely
Kiss 8F - Sky Attack 90 -
Transform 91 - Bubble 92
- Dizzy Punch 93 - Spore
94 - Flash 95 - Psywave
96 - Splash 97 - Acid
Armor 98 - Crabhammer 99
- Exposion 9A - Fury
Swipes 9B - Bonemerang 9C
- Rest 9D - Rock Slide 9E
- Hyper Fang 9F - Sharpen
A0 - Conversion A1 - Tri
Attack A2 - Super Fang A3
- Slash A4 - Substitute
A5 - Struggle A6 - Sketch
A7 - Triple Kick A8 -
Thief A9 - Spider Web AA
- Mind Reader AB -
Nightmare AC - Flame
Wheel AD - Snore AE -
Curse AF - Flail B0 -
Conversion2 B1 -
Aeroblast B2 - Cotton
Spore B3 - Reversal B4 -
Spite B5 - Powder Snow B6
- Protect B7 - Mach Punch
B8 - Scary Face B9 -
Faint Attack BA - Sweet
Kiss BB - Belly Drum BC -
Sludge Bomb BD - Mud -
Slap BE - Octazooka BF -
Spikes C0 - Zap Cannon C1
- Foresight C2 - Destiny
Bond C3 - Perish Song C4
- Icy Wind C5 - Detect C6
- Bone Rush C7 - Lock -
On C8 - Outrage C9 -
Sandstorm CA - Giga Drain
CB - Endure CC - Charm CD
- Rollout CE - False
Swipe CF - Swagger D0 -
Milk Drink D1 - Spark D2
- Fury Cutter D3 - Steel
Wing D4 - Mean Look D5 -
Attract D6 - Sleep Talk
D7 - Heal Bell D8 -
Return D9 - Present DA -
Frustration DB -
Safeguard DC - Pain Split
DD - Sacred Fire DE -
Magnitude DF -
Dynamicpunch E0 -
Megahorn E1 -
Dragonbreath E2 - Baton
Pass E3 - Encore E4 -
Pursuit E5 - Rapid Spin
E6 - Sweet Scent E7 -
Iron Tail E8 - Metal Claw
E9 - Vital Throw EA -
Morning Sun EB -
Synthesis EC - Moonlight
ED - Hidden Power EE -
Cross Chop EF - Twister
F0 - Rain Dance F1 -
Sunny Day F2 - Crunch F3
- Mirror Coat F4 - Psych
Up F5 - Extremespeed F6 -
Ancientpower F7 - Shadow
Ball F8 - Future Sight F9
- Rock Smash FA -
Whirlpool FB - Beat Up |
Make Any
Pokemon Breed |
Through Anything |
Use At Your
Own Risk! Code will
sometimes cause your game
to reset, and the screen
get all glichy. Make sure
you turn off the
GameShark when you want
to walk into a building
or through a door. |
Trainers Pokemon |
Have the
GameShark switch off
until you fight the
trainer, then turn it on
and throw the ball. |
Level Up After Battle Won |
Just turn
off the GameShark when
you want the Level Up to
stop. |
Color/Sparkly Pokemon |
010719d1 |
Experience |
Pokemon in
Slot 1 |
016334da |