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Be Captain Falcon

Complete the game on any difficulty with any character and difficulty and any # of lives then defeat Captain Falcon (reportedly you have to beat the game in under 15 minutes)

New Outfits

At the character select screen press C-Left, C-Right, C-Up or C-Down

Be Luigi

Finish the Bonus 1 "Break the Target" with all eight original characters . You can do this with Bonus 1 practice, then if you lose you can use another character for a rematch. Finish it with all 12 characters (Secret ones) to get sound check

Be Ness

Finish the game using normal difficulty with 3 lives and no continues and defeat Ness

Music Test Option

Complete Bonus 1 & 2 with all characters including secret ones and a "music test" option will be on the data screen

See Mew in the Pokeballs

Get all 4 secret characters to see Mew (randomly) in the Pokeballs.

Get Mushroom Stage

Finish the game with all original characters . Mushroom stage will be available under versus mode

Get Item Switch menu

First, you have to ENTER (not complete) a multiplayer match 100 times. What does that mean? It means it can take you under an hour to get the item menu!

Go into a match, and as soon as it says "GO!" Pause the game, and immediately hit A + B + Z + R (the reset command). It will say "NO CONTEST", meaning the match was cancelled. Do that 99 more times, or play some of the matches if you want. Doing the "NO CONTEST" thing COUNTS AS A MATCH! Either way, when you do it your 100th time, you get the item menu!

Get Jigglypuff
Beat the game with any character

Kirby Taunt

After eating another character Press L to do his taunt

Taunt for Points

Use the L key to taunt your opponent right after he dies. If your character is taunting as the camera zooms you will get 100 points for the stance.

Borrow a Life (multiplayer)

In multiplayer if you die and you want to borrow a life from a teammate that has a extra life press A+B+Z+Start

New Outfits

Change character outfits at the character select screen by pressing the four C buttons

Have Other Peoples B Magic With Kirby

When you're Kirby swallow your opponent (B) and then you have that peron, or animals costume or head on top of you. Then all you have to do is press B to do the opponents B move. You don't have to press down while holding B.
(ex. You are Kirby, you press B and swallow
Yoshi, then you have Yoshi's head on top of you and when you press B, instead of swallowing Yoshi again you do Yoshi's B move. which is sticking out your tounge and swallowing them and makig them go into an egg.)

Unlimited lives

To get unlimited lives in super smash brothers simply to vs mode and change the game to time or time team and change the time oo and start the game you will now have unlimited lives!!

One hit knock-out

You ever wondered how to knock your best friend out of the level in just "ONE" hit!? Well here's a way to do it. First you start fighting, you see that weapons fall down every so often. Wait until you see a bat. Grab that bat, wait for your friend to come close and press >,>,A. Your guy will power up and knock him right out of the level. You can do this as long as you don't loose the bat. After that, you can laugh at him.

Power hit with luigi (fire uppercut)

To do the fire uppercut u have to be luigi and get under the opponent or right next to him and do the uppercut move but at the same time push the anlog stick slightly up and the direction your opponent is faceing and you should hear a ping and if they are high in power they will get lots of damage and if they are hurt enough they will fly out of the arena. this code dose work just takes practice to get the timing right.

More Points!!!!!!

On the one player game to get more points when you battle FOX get him killed by an ARWING
when you battle SAMUS get him killed by the ACID that comes up!

More Points cont.

1. Tornado Clear - Get Link killed by the tornado
2. ? - Be Fox and kill the opponent with only the laser
3. ? - after getting Mew in the pokeballs get Mew to show up in a match
4. Poke Finish - Kill an opponet with a pokemon
5. Speedster - Beat opponent in under or exactly 30 seconds
6. Pasifist - Kill your opponent with out actuly touching them (ex. in pokemon land get "electrode to blow up and kill him)
7. Judo Warrior - only use punches
8. Vegitarian - eat 3 tomatos in one match
9. Heart Throb - get 3 hearts in 1 match
10. Throw Down - Kill opponent by throwing him
11. Kirby Ranks - Kill the Kirby's in the order they come down
12. Yoshi Ranks - Kill the Yoshi's in the order they come down
13. Star Finish - Kill opponent with a hammer
14. Booby Trap - Put a mine down and have it kill opponent
15. No miss - Don't miss opponent
16. land on all platforms or destroy all targets(Complete only for the bonus rounds)
17. Player Stance - Taunt opponent
18. Smashless - Don't use smash move
19. DK Perfect - You kill DK without any of your ally getting hit
20. DK Defender - 15,000 points for each ally that suvrives
21. True Friend - Kill Mario and Luigi with out getting your ally hurt
22. Good Friend - Your ally doesn't die
23. Heavy Damage - You have over 300 damage
24. Jackpot - damage total matches (ex. 11,22,33,etc.)
25. Lucky 3's - Time =3:33
26. Comet Mystic - u and opponent both get killed at same time but u win because u have another life
27. Acid Clear - Kill Samus by having her touch the acid
28. Arwing Clear - Have arwing kill Fox
29. No Item - Don't use an item
30. Cheap Shot - Hit opponent when they are trying to get over an edge

Easy hits (actually a strategy)

Here's a clue on how to get some extra hits in a team battle.
First, you need a constant hit attack that goes in the air (like the Screw Attack or Down and A in the air for some folks).
Then, the level needs a transparent platform.
Have one player hold 'em on the platform while the other gets hits. And if the victim is thrown, then it counts for the constant kicker. Yippee

Easy Pokemon win

First start a battle with someone. Find a pokeball and throw it below you. Quickly push R so you can grab the opponent but hold it. Pokemon will come out. Hopefully it will be Meowth, koffing, charizard, or blastiose. If its one of these your in luck because while your holding your opponent the pokemon will be attacking the enemy, but the enemy can't do anything.

Samus without Her Armor

Well first unlock Ness, then select versus mode and choose Samus as your opponent. This trick is easier if Samus is set as a human controlled player, so she stands still. Next, go to any place(preferably the ship) and fire the PK thunder at yourself so Ness slides into
Samus. Then right as Ness hits her, pause the game. If done correctly Samus will no longer be wearing her suit.

Pokemon in the Pokeballs
The Pokemon in the Pokeballs have the following powers:

Flies off to get the rest of its hive to attack the opponent.

Blasts opponent with water spray.

Pops out and give you an item.

Starts to breath fire in each direction.

Just blows fire in one direction (only in Saffron City stage).

Arrives and mimics one of the other available Pokemon's attacks.

Flops around trying to hurt opponent.

Comes out and flies at the opponent doing a kick attack.

Arrives and starts blasting foul smoke in the air.

Pops out and showers out coins that hurt opponent.

The special secret 151st Pokemon makes his appearance and flies away.

Shows up, flies up top, and then boulders drop from the ceiling.

Rams you or the opponent (only in Saffron Citystage).

Pops out, flies up, and then comes down huge, hurting your opponent.

Finds opponent and blasts them with rays.

Razor Leaf attack; leaves from this Pokemon fly at opponents (only in Saffron city stage).
This Cheat/Hint submitted by ( on Tuesday, September 21, 1999 at 18:59:25

Brutal Death

The following must be used to do this:
1. A pokeball(will work with Charizard,Maybe others)
2.a green shell
3.Link's stage's Tornado
4.Two player works best
Place the green shell near a place where a tornado will appear.( link's stage)Pick up a pokeball.When your opponet comes up,throw the pokeball behind the green shell.If it's charizard,it'll hurt your opponet and send the green shell into your friend.If a tornado appears and your friend gets caught while being hurt, It'll throw him out of the stadium.
My friend did it and his opponet's health went from 2% to 246% in 3 seconds.TIMING IS CRUCIAL!!

Healing Cheat

Play at the Saffron City stage with any player on any mode.When Chansey pops out of the door,run to the her as fast as you can,if it works,Chansey will heal 5% of your HP.

Smashing Bonuses (1P game)

ACID CLEAR: Acid on Planet Zebus defeats Samus.
ALL VARIATIONS: Attack foe with all possible moves.
ARWING CLEAR: Mini Arwing on Sector Z defeats Fox.
BOOBY TRAP: Lay a trap (a mine) and get your enemy killed by it.
BROS. CALAMITY: Defeat Luigi before attacking Mario.
BUMPER CLEAR: Defeat your opponent using a bumper.
CHEAP SHOT: Overuse the same move.
COMET MYSTIC: Clear a level when you've become a star.
DK PERFECT: Defeat Donkey Kong without allies getting hit. (There's also a bonus for allies surviving but I forgot what it's called)
FIGHTER STANCE: Hit L button to "pose" as foe dies.
FULL POWER: Win with Damege Meter at 0%.
FULL POWER CLEAR: Defeat "Master Hand (the final boss)" with Damage Meter at 0%.
GOOD FRIEND: Defeat Mario & Luigi with ally still alive.
HAWK: Defeat enemy using only mid-air attacks only.
HEARTTHROB: Collect 3 or more Hearts in 1 level.
HEAVY DAMAGE: Inflict (or receive?) over 300% damage.
ITEM STRIKE: Use items only.
ITEM THROW: Defeat foe by throwing items at him.
JACKPOT: Damage Meter displays all one #.
JUDO WARRIOR: Only throw your opponent(s).
KIRBY RANKS: Defeat the Kirbys in the order of their strength (usually the order they come down).
LAST SECOND: Finish with 1 second left on clock.
LUCKY 3: Finish at 3:33 (on game clock).
NO DAMAGE: Defeat an enemy without getting hit.
NO DAMAGE CLEAR: Defeat "Master Hand (the final boss)" without getting hit.
NO ITEM: Use no items.
NO MISS: Don't die (the more levels you do it in, the more it gets multiplied and the more points you get).
PACIFIST: Clear a level without hitting your foe.
POKÉMON CLEAR(FINISH): Defeat a foe by hitting him with a Pokèball or a Pokèmon.
SHOOTER: Clear a level by only throwing your weapons at your opponent (Ness's PK Thunder, Yoshi's Egg, etc.).
SMASHLESS: Do not get "smashed".
SPEED DEMON: Finish the game 1P game in less than 12 min.
SPEED KING: Finish the 1P game in less than 8 min.
SPEEDSTER: Clear any level in less than 30 seconds.
STAR FINISH: Hit foe(s) skyward and turn them into stars.
TORNADO CLEAR: Kill Link by getting him thrown out of Hyrule Castle by a tornado.
TRICKSTER: Clear level 2(18 Yoshis),7(8 Kirbys), or 10("Fighting Team" of 30 guys that imitate other characters) by sending foes into the sky.
TRUE FRIEND: Beat Mario & Luigi without ally getting hit.
VEGETARIAN: Eat 3 or more tomatoes in a level.
YOSHI RAINBOW: Defeat the Yoshis in the order they appear.
If you discover any more, email (or IM) me.

Knock Out Pokemon

On the Pokemon stage, you can knock them out of the box. I've only done it with DK's running kick and sometimes the hammer. i could only knock out Chansey, Charmander, and once in a while Electrode.

Extra Points in Team Timed Mode

Put team attack on in options mode and you can hit your team mate off the screen and get points so that you will always come first.
NB Do it when there are others are around so you will never be suspected!!

Another Way to Get a Quick KO

You have to be Donkey Kong. As soon as you see the player you want to kill, walk up to them and press "R". Walk off the edge while still carrying your friend and let go when you know he/she won't make it back. You will get a point for knocking off your friend, and lose a point for falling. Your friend will just lose a point. Although you won't gain anything, your friend will lose something, thus puting you on top in the long run. This works best when playing one-on-one.

:Mario&Luigi tornado

If you're teaming with Mario and Luigi then let Mario first do the Mario tornado on a character and then do the Luigi tornado (figures) with Luigi. When the two tornado's are finished, Luigi will knock the enemy farther because Luigi's punches in his tornado hurts a lot more than Mario's punches.

Ultra Damage!!

Ok, this is hard to pull off but very very rewarding. First go to the Great Fox in multiplayer or in DK's place. Next throw a red shell down on the ground (set items in item select to only red shells and stars). Get a star and lure your opponent to the ground. Get him/her to get between you and the red shell, then watch the damage! They should bounce in between you and the red shell, adding damage by the 30s-40s. I had this happen to me at a party, my damage went from 102% to 886%, boy did it hurt......

Easy Captin Falcon/ Samus Kill

First go to team battle and play with a friend on the same team. Then pick Captin Falcon or Samus againest you. Pick Links place and you and your friend pick Kirby. Then you and your friend us Kirbys rapid kick move. Then damage is really heavey. After he gets up to around to 200 damage on him take him to the right edge and you and your friend take turns power bombing him. He is helpless.

Tons of Damage!

This is a little complicated, but well worth it. In multiplayer mode, make sure there are those bumpers. Go to the Yoshi level and wait for one to fall on the ground. Pick it up and throw it right next to the dip, about a DK's width from it. If you're lucky, a person will hit it from the indent side, and the bumper will fly across the screen.

Be standing right where the bumper would stop moving, although you may take some damage, let it hit you. That makes the bumper fly back across the screen, just in time to catch the person on the other side! if you're lucky, since it is a slant, they'll keep bouncing off it until you hit them, or the bumper dissappears!!

When the Yoshi's did it to me in 1 player mode, they got me up to 500% damage in 10 sec!

Easier Chance of Living

This may not be a cheat, but it can help you.
If you are Mario, Luigi, Samus, Ness, or Fox,
and you are about to die because you don't have enough jump power left, you can have a better chance of living. After you've used your last jump, (not B+up), press the down+B button once or twice. Once you've accomplished that, use the up+B move and you should be much closer to the edge. This works
best with Samus, Ness, and Fox.