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Rio Grande do Sul

Rio Grande do Sul is the southernmost State of Brazil, and the State with the fourth highest Human Development Index (HDI) in the country. In Rio Grande do Sul we can find the most southern city of the country, Chuí, on the border with Uruguay. The mountain region, where winter can be rigorous, has cities with European characteristics, such as Gramado and Canela. In the region of Bento Gonçalves and Caxias do Sul, the largest wine producing center of Brazil, the attraction is Italian gastronomy. Besides the European influence, the gaúcho, or inhabitants of Rio Grande do Sul, cultivates the traditions of the Pampas — region of the border with Uruguay and Argentina — such as drinking mate tea, known as chimarrão, eating the typical barbecue or churrasco and wearing bombachas (baggy trousers), boots and large hats.

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