Episode 2

In Episode 2 of 2gether:The Series, Chad is faced with the dilema of his girlfriend dumping him right before a big show. He leaves the stage right in the middle of the song, "The Way You Do Me". He makes it back on stage for his big solo, only to be crying. The music is mysteriously cut short and Chad is left singing acapella to the crowd. After the show, Chad is approached by his fellow band about the sudden outburst of tears, only to be told that his girlfriend, Heather, dumped him after 2 and 1/2 dates. (The half was a very heavy phone conversation.) The producers loved the performance so much they wanted Chad to cry on camera for the making the video of "The Way You Do Me". Chad some what agreed to and it was set for them to start making the video. Heather then dropped by the house to see Chad, finding out that he was getting more famous by the minute, and Doug threw her out on her butt. Later, when they were making the video, Chad got a call from Heather, telling him that she was thrown out. This info angered Chad greatly, enough to punch his own brother Doug in the stomach. This man, (forgot his name), then stepped in to help fix the situation between Doug and Chad. He said he had helped all bands (such as Hanson, but all the info was wrong!!) with problems such as these, but since they were brothers, they needed to work it out on their own. At the same time, QT is trying to get buff for the video with the help of Jerry. When Chad brings Heather back to the house, Chad asked Doug to apologize for thowing her out. Doug then asked her to explain why she wanted to get back with Chad, and she let out her true colors of her dreams with Tom Cruise. After that, Chad threw her out and was very upset with his love life. So, he decided to go to his favorite hiding spot, the trash can. After being found by Doug and getting a little lechture about life, he realized what he had to do. (Eat a twinky) After he was ready to cry for the video, thanks to Doug, they filmed it and was ready to be watched. QT was still a little upset about his unbuff body, so Jerry fixed it where they would put a body double in place of QT's body. Unfortunatly, they put in a female body in a bathing suit instead of a male.

*Mickey was also in this episode but had no major part. He was just funny as usual.