
You have a story about you and your fave 2GE+HER member, email them to me and i will put them up on my site!

My name is Kate and I love 2gether. I was an extra in the movie. My fav member is Chad. He is so hott!! Anyway, one day when we all had a break, I was in a good mood and started dancin with my friends to "Say It, Don't Spray It." Chad walked up behind me and started dancing with me. I didn't realize who it was. I thought that it was one of the guys that I met on the set. When I turned around I saw him and just stared. He was one of the hottest guys that I had ever met. I burst out laughing. He thought that I was laughing at him when I was really laughing at myself for acting stupid. I apologized and we became good friends. We still talk. And he is still as hott as ever!