Mickey's Quotes

"Yo, Mickey P. got one hoe, and one hoe only, and that's Mickey Parke,fool."

"uh,hu. Yo Mickey P. don't dress like no star spangled Elvis."

"Uh,hu. Yo best back up bitch. Robin's Egg blue,yo, that's my color,hoe."

"Don't make me come down there...that's it. I'm goin' down."

"Mickey P's gonna dos what Mickey P's gotsta dos."

"Whose in da band?Mickey's in da band,hoe."

"Don't make me get off this bike. Ok, I'm getting off the bike."

"Did I say I wanted pie,hoe?"

"Nooo man nooo. He's not no gangster, he be walking around
like mr.2% milk, mr.kahki pants, mr. touched by an angel, get outta my face."

"Let me sum dis up for ya.A burger with no fries and
a soda,hoe. I don't want no onions."

"Eww, that's disgusting.What is this? I ain't drinking that!"

"We could do dis...we could do dis...I dunno.
I don't wanna go breakin' your wrist or nuttin'"

"I'll probably bust a David Lee Roth, you know what I'm saying?"

"I put him in a smack down hotel, didn't I?"

"Yeah, those fools bitchjacked us man!"

"Mickey Parke rules the world, you know what I'm sayin'"

"Yo bitch, this cotton candy's dry!Don't make me come up there!"

"Ya, I'm a rebel! Like that dude in the Matrix!"

"I might get grounded by my moms..."

"Already callin' me like I'm his dog, I ain't yo dog man!"

"Jerry,c'mere fool! Look what he's drawin' about me!"

"Yo, those fools lip sync?"

"It's not about the fame, or the money, or the girls-it's about respect and integrity."

"I cant hear a damn thing."

"You still rolling, cut foo I don't want to hear that!"

"Give Mickey P some hoes and some bitches and his fine. Oh,and some a. k and some chronic dat"

"I'm going to hang with my zoo-loo crew."

"Chill out man, I'm talking to the camera."

"Don't make me get up fool, I don't drool."

"No onions on the burger man!"

"Give Mickey P some hoes and some bitches and his fine. Oh,and some a. k and some chronic dat"