FULL NAME: Alexander James McLean
ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
BORN: January 9th, 1978
BIRTHPLACE: West Palm Beach, FL
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 147 lbs
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Brown
PARENTS: Denise and Bob McLean(his parents were divorced when he was only four)
SIBS: None
PETS: Dachsund named Tobi Wan Kenobi,2 shitzus Panda & Bear
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Bass Guitar, Saxophone
MUSICAL GROUPS: Blackstreet,Boys II Men,Dru Hill
SONG: "I Swear" by All 4 One
ICE CREAM: Vanilla w/caramel toppings,and mint chocolate chip
COLORS: Yellow, and sometimes Purple
SCHOOL SUBJ.: English, history
SPORTS: Billiards,basketball,volleyball
HOBBIES: Drawing Cartoons,puppeteering
MOVIE: Pulp Fiction
ACTRESS: Gina Davis
ACTOR: Dustin Hoffman
TV SHOW: Seinfield, Boy Meets World
COLOGNE: CK One,JOOP! for men
OUTFIT: Calvin Klein,Tommy Hilfiger,NIKE,& DKNY
BSB MEMORY: First live show in front of 5000 fans