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Different Kinds Of Love


_Chapter 1_

"Do you have date with Aj tonight?" Anna's voice called from the bathroom.

"Yeah, I do. Yet another one of our fabulous dates. He always seems fits me into his hectic schedule of girls." Stacey said in a mocking voice. She walked into the bathroom and stood beside Anna who was doing her makeup. The reflection that they girls were seeing looked very different. Stacey was a beautiful blonde with deep blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the light. Her long hair fell down her back and curled naturally on the bottom. Her slim body only stood 5 feet 4 inches but she had learned how to work with what she had. Anna had long dark brown hair that fell down her back and at 5' 9" she towered over Stacey. Her brown eyes were deep and she knew they drove men wild and her tan complexion was a rich and beautiful. Stacey and Anna were roommates along with Lissa. The three girls were best friends and inseparable.

"Big date with Bri?" Stacey smiled.

"Nah, we have gotten to the point where our idea of a big date is watching a movie and cuddling. It's wonderful!" Anna giggled and spun around with her hands in the air.

"Whoa! Come down off that cloud girl." Stacey laughed.

"I can't help it. I am so in love and he is just so perfect. Perfect for me at least." "You better not say that stuff too loud or 'you know who' might hear you." Stacey smirked and pointed towards the door into the living room.

"Hey! I heard that!" Lissa walked in and glared at them. "I could get a Boyfriend if I wanted one. I am just not looking for one." They all looked at her for a second. Anna and Stacey burst into more fits of laughter until they finally had Lissa laughing with them. Melissa, Lissa for short, was almost an exact duplicate of Stacey. Everyone teased them and said they must be twins in denial.

"Lissa, I still think you should go out with Aj and Brian's roommate. He is really sweet! Kinda cute too, if you like that blonde scrawny type." Stacey said through her giggles.

"No! If he is rooming with your two goons then I would rather not!"

"Who you calling a goon?" Aj questioned as he stuck his head through the front door.

"You!" Lissa Stuck her tongue out at him.

"No need to be hostile. I just came to get my date." Aj smiled wickedly "So where is she?"

"I'm right here baby." Stacey stepped out of the bathroom and smiled. Aj's jaw fell and he sucked in his breath. Stacey had on a short black leather miniskirt to show off her legs, a deep maroon spaghetti strapped shirt with black lace over the bust part and black pumps with straps on the top. Her hair was pulled up into a swoop on her head and glitter shimmered through it.

"You look... I mean.... wow... look at you!" Aj stuttered. Stacey just giggled.

"Come on. I wanna get to the club and get my groove on." She waved good-bye to her friends and headed out the door with Aj following close behind, still a little dazed. Anna laughed and walked into the living room where Lissa was now sitting watching T.V. She handed her a brush and turned her head so that Lissa could reach it. Lissa started to gently brush her hair until it was soft and flowing.

"I really wish that my hair was like yours. So healthy and shiny. Mine is just dull and worthless." Lissa sighed and handed Anna back the brush.

"Oh Lissa. Whatever will we do with you? You know you are beautiful. You just don't spend as much time on yourself as me and Stacey. That's just not you." Anna smiled and got up off the couch to get her coat.

"I know that isn't me but its hard to find a guy that likes me like this. There has to be a guy that will just like me the way I look now!" Lissa exclaimed and flipped her hair up and let it fall. Anna looked at her for a second and then laughed.

"I gots to go now. I don't want to be late! Are you sure you don't want to meet Nick? He really is a sweetheart. A little rough around the edges but I think you like that."

"I don't know. Maybe sometime. I will think about it. Is that good enough for you?"

"Yeah. I guess it has to be. I'll see you later chica!" Anna exclaimed and rushed out of the door.

_Chapter 2_

Lissa sat on the couch and flicked through the stations one more time before she switched off the TV. She stood up and stretched her hands above her head. Glancing at the clock she saw that it was 7:30. She walked into the kitchen and started to make herself a sandwich. Lissa piled the last bit of chicken onto it and pressed the bread onto the top. As she took her first bit she heard a soft knock on the door.

"I wonder who that is." She mumbled to herself as she walked though the living room. She opened it to find a tall blonde man facing away from her. He heard the door click open and spun around. He had strikingly deep blue eyes and a beautiful smile. Lissa stared in awe at the beautiful face that stood before her. The guy smiled and extended his hand to Lissa. Lissa, still in a trance, held up her hand and placed it in his. It was warm and strong and Lissa melted inside.

"Hi, I'm Nick." He said and smiled. He looked at her waiting for a reply. "Are you going to tell me your name? Maybe it's classified and if you do you will have to kill me." He laughed slightly and Lissa snapped out of her trance.

"Oh! I'm sorry. My name is Lissa. I don't know what came over me. Come in!" Lissa stepped to the side and let Nick pass through. Nick made his way over to the couch and Lissa shut the door and followed. "Can I get you something?" she asked him, still semi staring.

"Yes, actually. I need your help. It is very hard for me to admit that I need help but I do." Nick said as he looked down to his feet in embarrassment.

"You need help from me? What could I possibly do to help you? We don't even know each other."

"Well, yes we do. I'm Nick and your Lissa." He smiled. Lissa smiled back at him. She noticed how nervous he seemed.

"Ok then, what do you want my help with?"

"Well, I have heard from my friends that you are extremely smart and I am having a hard time with my math classes. I was wondering if you would mind tutoring me. I mean I would pay you and everything, I just don't want you telling anyone that I am being tutored."

"Yeah, I think I can help you and don't worry, it'll be free of charge." Lissa was beaming inside because she loved the thought of getting to spend more time with Nick. She has just met him and she already knew that something good could come from this. "When would you like to start?"

"How about tonight?" Nick looked at her hopefully.

"Sure, tonight works for me. It's not like I was doing anything. Just let me change. I am kinda grubby." Lissa pulled at her clothes.

"No, I think you look very pretty." Nick said and blushed slightly. "Can we study somewhere else though? If we stay here then I know your roommates will catch us and I am sure that Aj and Brian would find out then."

"Aj and Brian? As in Aj and Brian, my roommates Boyfriends?"

"Yeah, I am the other roommate. They told me about you."

"Anna was right." Lissa mumbled under her breath.

"What was that? Right about what?" Nick asked confused

"Oh nothing. Ready to study?"


"That was a great movie." Anna said as she sat up and stretched.

"Yeah it was. Although I don't really remember what happened." Brian grinned and pulled Anna back into his arms. He nibbled on her neck and Anna giggled.

"Brian! I need a little break. Sheesh."

"OK OK! I guess we could go get something to eat." Brian suggested.

"Good idea. I am starved." Anna said and rubbed her stomach.

"How about I make us some Mac-n-cheese?" Brian offered.

"I knew that you were going to say that. We never eat anything other than Mac and cheese."

"And you love it because you love Mac n Cheese just as much as me. You must be my perfect match and we were meant to be together." Brian said with a smug smile and Anna just laughed.

"You sure know how to get women to fall for you."

"Nope, just you." Brian smiled and kissed her. He picked her up off the ground in a swift move and carried her to the kitchen. He set her back on the ground and gave her a quick kiss before he set to work making the food. Anna hopped onto the counter next to him and watched as he filled the pot with water and set it on the stove. After he turned it on he leaned between Anna's legs. Anna played with is hair as he softly hummed to himself.

"Don't you have a doctor's appointment tomorrow?" She asked him

"Oh Yea, at 3:00! I almost forgot. I don't understand why I need to go though. I am fit as a fiddle and maybe even better than that."

"Well, if you want to keep playing Basketball then you better go." Anna said and rapped his arms around his chest and bent down so her face was next to his. "You know what the coach said."

"Yeah, I know. Before I met you, I would have skipped the doctors appointment and probably gotten kicked off the team. I am so happy that I found you."

"Why? So I can remind you of your doctors appointments?" Anna smiled

"No, so you can remind me about how great women are." Brian smiled back "I love you Anna." Brian whispered

"I love you too Bri." She whispered back.


"I need to get something to drink." Stacey yelled to Aj over the loud music that was blasting in the club. Aj nodded and continued to dance. Stacey made her way through the crowd of people towards the bar. She bought her drink and sat down on a stool. She watched as girls came up to Aj left and right trying to get a date with him, or at the very least a dance. Aj would always dance with them if they asked but that was fine with Stacey. She was used to Aj and his thousands of women. Somewhere deep inside she knew that Aj was the right guy for her and she was going to make him see that someday. Trying to get him to settle down was going to be quite the task and she wasn't quite sure on how to do it. Stacey slowly sipped on her drink and thought about ways to go about getting Aj to be hers when a guy sat down in the stool next to her. She turned her head towards him slowly and found herself looking at a handsome man. He seemed to be in his late 20's and he was smiling devilishly. Stacey smiled back at him

"Hey baby. Wanna dance with me ya sweet thing?" he asked and stood up to go to the dance floor. Stacey was about to say no thank you and that she was with a date but when she saw that Aj had his share of women to take care of she hurried onto the floor with him. By the end of the song the man was all over Stacey. Stacey was about to tell the guy thank you and find Aj when she felt herself getting pulled away from him.

"Aj? What's wrong?" She asked puzzled when she saw who it was that was ripping her away.

"What's wrong? What do you think is wrong? When I take someone on a date I don't expect them to be hanging all over other men." His face was red with anger. Stacey looked at him baffled for a second and then burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at?"Aj asked, still very angry.

"I am just trying to figure out how you can get so mad about me dancing with one guy when you have been all over different women all night." Stacey exclaimed still laughing.

"Well, I.. I just... Well, you know those other girls don't mean anything to me." Aj said quietly.

"I can't hear you! What was that again?" Stacey yelled at him.

"It's too loud in here, let's leave and talk somewhere else." They hurried out of the club and got into Aj's Silver BMW Convertible.

"What is it that you said in there? Something about me meaning something to you?" Stacey asked smiling.

"Stace, you know that you are my best girl and that I love you. I just can't settle down. Ya know that you mean the world to me don't you?" Stacey looked at his cute little puppy dog face.

"Yeah yeah.. I know it. Let's go back to your place." Stacey laughed and Aj put the car in drive and sped away.

_Chapter 3_

"Aj! Get up! We are so late for class." Stacey yelled into his ear as she shook his shoulders violently.

"Whoa, what? Huh?" Aj shot up confused

"Class, late, get up, NOW!" Stacey spat at Aj, obviously upset that he had not set the alarm clock. Aj rubbed at his his eyes and yawned.

"Do you really want to go to class? Lets just stay here today and relax. I'll make you breakfast and we can just be with each other." Aj smiled at Stacey as he watched her face light up. He had always known how to push her buttons.

"Well, that does sound nice" Stacey giggled and fell back into Aj's arms. He turned to face Stacey and started deeply into her eyes.

"God your beautiful." Aj sighed and his eyes shifted to the side. Stacey knew this meant he was thinking about something.

"What's up babes?" She questioned. "You know you can tell me anything."

"I know I can. I was just thinking.. " Aj pulled himself up off the bed and started pacing. "You know I love you more than anything. Your my best friend and a lot of fun to be with but I know that you want more from me." He stopped pacing and kneeled down next to the bed.

"I don't want anything more from you than what your willing to give." Stacey smiled and grabbed Aj's hands. "Yes I love you, but I do not want to have a relationship with you if you aren't going to stay faithful to me"

"Well that's just it. I want to try that. Try being faithful and just having one girl."

"Oh really? Who's the lucky one?" Stacey smiled, enjoying making this more difficult for him.

"Stace! You know I mean you. I am not sure if I can do it but, if I am going to try, your the only girl that I would want to try with." Aj looked at her face and Stacey saw how much he meant what he was saying. Tears started to fill her eyes.

"Hunny! Don't cry, if you don't want this then I understand but..."

"Shut up! Of course I want this!" Stacey cried out and rapped her arms around his shoulders. He stood up and picked her off the bed as he did.

"I think this is right. I really do." He said softly as he leaned down and kissed her lips. Stacey shuddered with happiness as she realized that the thing that she wanted the most was finally coming true. She worried though, could Aj really do it? Could he be with her and only her? She knew that she had to trust him but if it didn't work out, she knew her heart might never mend.


The light shown brightly through the window and hit Brian's sleeping eyelids. Slowly they fluttered open and he yawned as he reached over to cuddle with Anna. His arm fell to the bed and found it was empty. He sat up surprised and scanned his eyes across the room. He saw that Anna's stuff was still there so he got out of bed and pulled on a wifebeater. He opened the door and walked into the kitchen where he found Anna sitting at the table drinking a glass of orange juice and flipping through a magazine. She looked up when he entered the room and smiled.

"Morning sleepy head!" She cooed at him and he smiled groggily.

"What time is it anyway? I feel like I have been sleeping for days!" He rubbed at his eyes and went to Anna and kissed her on the forehead.

"It's 1:30 already. Stacey and Aj already got up and went out for lunch. I just let you sleep today. I figured you needed a day off cus I couldn't even get you to budge this morning" She laughed slightly and watched him as he walked to the fridge and pulled out the milk and started drinking out of the carton.

"Ew, Bri! Do the guys care that you do that?" Anna asked and scrunched her nose up in disgust.

"Well, they all do it too.. so I don't think they care. I have to have my milk! It keeps my bones strong!" he smiled and set the milk back in the fridge. "Why should you care anyway? You've got LOTS of my germs!" He pointed out and reached down to kiss her. "See?"

"I guess your right!" She giggled and kissed him again. "Now I have to be going because I am meeting the girls later and I have things to do. Don't forget your doctors appointment today. Ask him about that bruise on your arm. It's so weird that you don't know how you got it." she told him as she walked into his room to grab her stuff.

"I have another one on my leg too. I am sure they are just from BBall though.. coach plays us hard you know. Speaking of that. Are you going to come to the big game?" he called to her.

"Of course I am baby! I wouldn't miss it. All the girls are coming too. Even Liss! Can you believe that?" she called back. She came out and went over to him. "I love ya babe. See you soon and call me tonight so you can tell me what the doctor says." She kissed him and headed out the door.


~^~^~^~^Earlier that morning~^~^~^~^~

"Yeah, yeah! I think that I am finally starting to get this a little bit!" Nick said with his nose pointed at a book and his pencil scratching away at the paper. Lissa just stared at his hair dreamily and got lost in her thoughts. Nick looked up suddenly. "What are you looking at? Is there something in my hair?" He asked and started brushing his hands over his head.

"Oh, No. I was just dazing." Lissa said quickly and turned her head so he wouldn't see her blush.

"Yeah. I guess maybe we have been doing this for too long. It's almost 3 in the morning! Maybe we should be getting back."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Lissa agreed and they both stood up and stretched. Nick found himself staring at Lissa's face and looked down quickly before she would notice. They left the study area headed back to Lissa's room. Lissa poked her head inside the door. "Hello?" She called. She listened but there was no answer. "I guess no one is home. Would you like to come in?"

"Uhm, no. I think that I should be going. Thanks for the help. Do you think you could do it again?" He smiled and shuffled the books in his hands.

"Sure. How about tomorrow night?" She asked hopeful

"That would be great. The more help I get the better! " He smiled and said good-bye. Lissa shut the door and went to the couch. She looked at it and soon a huge grin started to come across her face.

"Thank you god!" She squealed and ran to her bathroom to get ready for bed. When she had her pajamas on she heard a soft knock on the door. She rushed out to answer it. "It must be Anna or Stacey! I have SO much to tell them!" She pulled the door open and found Nick standing there again. "Nick?! What are you doing here again?" She asked surprised.

"Well, It's kinda funny actually. I got back and when I went to my room Stacey and AJ were... well... ya know..." Nick blushed slightly. Lissa Smiled.

"Yeah, I know. I am sure I will hear all about it at our dinner tomorrow." Lissa laughed.

"And Brian and Anna were sleeping in the other room and I didn't want to disturb them and I didn't want to sleep on my couch and listen to Stacey and Aj all night so I thought maybe I could sleep on your couch tonight. Only if you want. I mean I can suck it up and go to my couch if you would be uncomfortable."

"Oh it's fine. I really don't mind. Come inside and sit down and I will go get you some blankets and a pillow." Lissa said and ran to her room. When she got there she started dancing around in excitement but when she caught a glimpse of her in the mirror she stopped suddenly. She realized that she had been wearing the night shirt that her dad had given her for Christmas the year before. On it was a little girl with a crown and it said in pink bubble letters, "Daddy's Princess" Lissa's jaw dropped and she ran to her closet and pulled out something a little shorter, sexier, and red. She slipped that on and hoped he wouldn't notice she had changed. Grabbing the sleeping stuff she ran back in to the other room. She found Nick had changed into some sweatpants and was laying sitting on the couch without his shirt on. Lissa saw him and yet again her jaw dropped.

"I hope you don't mind that I am wearing this. It's what I always sleep in but I can put on a shirt if you like." Nick said quickly when he saw her expression. He started to reach for his shirt.

"NO!" Lissa yelped. "I mean. Wear whatever you want. I mean it's just your chest. I can handle it." she smiled at him and felt her cheeks get red. Nick smiled back at her and sat back down. Lissa walked over to him and handed him the blankets and pillow. As she helped him get settled down she couldn't take her eyes off of him. His face, his hair, his body, but especially his eyes. Every now and then she would make eye contact with him and Nick would just smile at her. She was falling in love with that smile. When he was all situated and laying in down Lissa went to her doorway.

"Goodnight Nick. If you need anything just help yourself."

"Goodnight Lissa. Thankz for letting me stay here. Thankz for everything actually. I really think that with your help I can maybe pass math."

"It's my pleasure." Lissa started to turn and leave the room.

"Hey Lissa." Nick called

"Yes?" She asked turning to look at him.

"Nice nightgown. Do you think Daddy would call you his princess if he saw you in that?" Lissa's thought that her face must be as red as her clothes. She just laughed and hurried to her bed.

Nick laid there and listened until he didn't hear any noises coming from her bedroom. He reached up and switched off the lamp that was there. He sighed and rolled over.

"That is some girl." He thought to himself and soon fell asleep

_Chapter 4_

Nick felt a sharp poke into his side. He opened his eyes and sleepily poked his head out from under the blanket. His eyes met with Anna's and she started half squealing and half screaming. Nick jumped off the couch and grabbed Anna's shoulders.

"What are you screaming about?" he asked covering her mouth. She bit his palm slightly and he pulled away.

"What are you doing here?! Did you and Lissa sleep together?" she questioned and hopped back and forth on her feet happily. Nick just shook his head.

"Anna! Calm down! If I had sex with her, why would I be on the couch?" Anna stopped dancing around and her smile faded.

"Good point. Then what the hell are you doing here?" she said with a sigh and flopped on the couch. Nick grabbed a his shirt and pulled it over his head. He told her about needing a place to stay while he gathered his stuff and when he finished she giggled.

"You like her huh? I knew you guys would like each other!"

"Not so fast. She is just helping me. I don't even know her." Nick pointed out "When Lissa wakes up tell her thank you and that I will see her tonight."

"Tonight? Oh I was right! You do have a thing!" Anna said with a smile.

"Get off it Anna. Your not right about this one." Anna stuck her tongue out at his back as he turned to leave. Nick turned back around.

"And since I know you just stuck your tongue out at me here is one for you." Nick smiled as he stuck his tongue out. Anna's face got flushed with anger.

"Just leave you big monkey! If you don't like her then you don't know anything!" After he had left Anna ran to the room that she shared with Lissa. She dumped her bag on the floor and belly dove on to the bed next to Lissa. Lissa's body flew into the air and fell landed on the ground. Anna gasped and slowly peaked her head over the side of the bed. She found Lissa in a big heap of sheets on the floor. Her head slowly peaked out and Anna didn't like the look on her face.

"Uhm, I didn't mean to do that Lissa, I swear!" but before she could get another word out she was being chased around the apartment while Lissa tried to smack her in the head with her pillow.

"WAIT!" Lissa screamed and both of them stopped dead in there tracks. "What did you do with Nick?"

"I didn't do anything with him. He had to leave. He told me to tell you he would see you tonight." Anna smiled and they both went and sat on the couch, there fight momentarily forgotten. "You like him don't you! I knew you would!" Anna giggle triumphantly.

"Well..." Lissa hesitated.

"Come on girl! I KNOW you."

"Ok Ok. So I like him. He doesn't like me. He just wants help passing math." Lissa shot her hand to her mouth. "I wan't supposed to tell you that. You won't tell anyone will you."

"Oh. Of course not!" Anna smiled slyly.

"Anna..." Lissa stood up with the pillow in hand.

"Ok ok. Just don't hit me!" Anna squealed. Lissa grinned.

"Well I know is that I can not wait till tonight." She raised the pillow up over her her head and pounded it on top of Anna's head.

"HEY! I said I wouldn't tell anyone!" She protested and stood ready to run.

"Yeah. But I still have to get you back for knocking me off the bed!" Lissa giggled and whomped her on the side of the head.


"Well, I don't think these bruises are anything to worry about but we'll take some tests to be sure." The small stout doctor glanced at Brian over his glasses as he spoke. Brian set on the hard examining table and shifted his weight.

"Good. Fine. Whatever you need to do is ok with me. I just want to be able to play Basketball."

"Yeah, we would all be very sad if something was wrong without all star player." the doctor smiled and shuffled through some charts.

"Right. I don't need anything happening to me now. The championship is coming up soon and if I can't play I lose my scholarship. That just can't happen." Brian looked as the doctor. "You really think that it's nothing?"

"Well, we can't be sure. That's why we'll do the tests. Don't worry about it to much. Lets just get you changed into a hospitol gown." He saw the concern in Brian's face. "I promise, after they are done it will take a while to get the results. I will call you as soon as I get them." He smiled kindly at Brian and left the room so Brian could change.

"I really hope that I'm ok. My whole life depends on that scholarship. Without it, I won't know what to do."


Stacey sat across from Aj in small cafe that they had finally dicided on eating at. She stared into Aj's deep brown eyes as he chatted about a new song that he had written.

"Stace. Stace! Are you listening to me?" Stacey snapped out of her daze and realized that she hadn't heard a single word that Aj had said. Aj just smiled. "I didn't think so. What are you thinking about so hard?"

"Oh... just your eyes, your hair, your face, your body, the fact that your mine." she giggled at the thought. "Mine, allll mine." Aj smiled and took a sip of his soda.

"Yes baby. All yours." Stacey smiled again.

"So tell me about this song. Since you found out I wasn't listening."

"Well I was just saying that I started writing you a song." Aj was very musical. All three of the boys were. "I just started it though. You can't read it yet!" Aj smiled as Stacey snaped her mouth, that was about to ask that question, shut.

"Be that way!" she spat at him and pouted. Aj just continued to smile.

"I've havn't been this happy in a long time. I guess that your good for me huh?"

"Duh. I have been telling you that for how long?" Stacey pointed out and reached to grab his hand. She clentched it in hers and pulled it to her mouth. She planted a small kiss on his palm and closed his fingers around it.

"And hopefully we will be good for each other. Forever."

_Chapter 5_

"Will that be all for now?" the waiter asked as he finished filling Melissa, Anna, and Stacey's Champaign glasses. The three girls sat around a round table covered with a white table cloth and chit chatted about the events of the last week. This had become a ritual. They sipped there Champaign and laughed as they ate there meals. They had plenty to talk about. The last 24 hours had been very eventful.

"Are you and AJ seriously a full time couple?" Lissa questioned with a smirk.

"I know what your both thinking! I have been thinking the same thing. I have to trust that he can do this though. If I don't try it, I will always wonder." Stacey sighed and smiled back at Lissa. "What about you and Nick girl? I heard the whole story from little miss mouth over here." She looked at Anna. "Spending the night and everything?"

"Yes, spending the night. You know nothing happened though!" she glared at Stacey and Anna as they laughed.

"You like him! You told me!" Anna nodded at her.

"Yes I like him, but that doesn't mean that he likes me too." Lissa pointed out.

"Ok ok." Stacey and Anna said simultaneously. Stacey shifted her questions to Anna.

"Didn't Brian go to the doctors today?" Anna nodded. "Have you talked to him since? I mean I hope nothing happens to him. Basketball would suck without him!"

"Yes I talked to him. The doctor said that he didn't think that there was anything serious but the results of his tests arn't in yet. I am so glad that you care about my boyfriend. That you know what is important about this whole thing. I mean, he could lose his scholarship and have to drop out of school, but that isn't important. Just making sure that you have something to watch on Friday nights is the main thing." Anna snapped in her most sarcastic voice.

"Chill girl. You know I didn't mean anything by it!" Stacey smiled and patted her hand. "You know that me and Lissa think of Brian as a brother and would die if anything happened to him. You yourself said that there wasn't anything serious."

"I said they didn't think there was anything. I just can't help worrying a little." Anna sighed.

"If anything does end up being wrong, which I doubt, then we will be there for you both all the way." Lissa assured and Stacey nodded.

"Thanks guys. I love you both! What would I do without you?" Anna smiled and they hugged around the table.


Nick sat on the couch flipping through the channels waiting for Aj and Brian to get home with dinner. Thoughts of the beautiful girl that he had met the night before raced through his mind. He was jolted back into reality when he heard pounding at the door.

"Nick! Let me in! I have my hands full" Brian's voice called from the other side of the door. Nick jumped from his seat and pulled it open. He found Brian with his arms full of pizza, soda, and Chips. Nick grabbed some of the stuff and helped Brian take it to the kitchen.

"Where's Bone?" Nick questioned

"Well, he WAS going to help me carry this stuff but he found some girls downstairs. You know how that goes." Nick nodded in agreement.

"Did I hear you guys talking bout me?" Aj asked as he walked into the room and hopped on the counter.

"Aj, ya know you probably shouldn't be flirting with other girls if your going to do this boyfriend thing with Stacey." Nick looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"What would you know about it Nickerz? You don't have a girlfriend." Aj smiled at him. Nick stuck out his tongue. "Very mature." Aj shook his head.

"Come on guys. Cut it out." Brian pushed through the two and motioned for them to get their food and sit down. "Anyway, I have a girl so I know Nick is right. Besides, you need to start listening to this boy." Brian smiled and patted Nick on the shoulder. "I heard from my loud mouth of a girlfriend that Nicky stayed the night at a girls last night." Nick felt his face grow red as Aj's face lit up.


"Well, I slept on her couch. Nothing happened.. " Aj cut in

"NICK'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND! NICK'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND! NICK'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!!!" He sang as he jumped around the kitchen.

"Now who's being mature?" Nick mumbled. Then the phone rang. Brian hopped out of his chair and grabbed it. He motioned for Aj to be quiet. "Hello?"

"Is this Brian Littrell?" The voice asked.

"Yes, this is Brian. Who is this?"

"This is Dr. Murphy. I knew how eager you were to here your results so I got them done today." His voice sounded solemn.

"You did? That's great! What were the results?" Brian asked eagerly, hearing the tone of his voice. "They are all ok I hope." Brian's heart was in his throat.

"I am sorry to have to tell you this Brian..."

_Chapter 6_

"Yes, I understand. No, no. I'll be there." Brian mumbled and let the phone fall from his grasp. Aj and Nick waited in silence and watched Brian as he stood motionless.

"Bri, what's wrong? Who was that?" Nick broke the silence. Brian slowly looked at him.

"It was, it was..." Brian's voice faded as his legs gave out and he went crashing to the ground. Aj and Nick ran to his side. Then bent down to help him to his feet but he just pushed them away. His shoulders started to shake as the tears fell from his eyes. Nick and Aj just sat next to him puzzled.

"Brian, WHO was that? What happened?" Nick asked again. Brian lifted his head and looked into Nicks eyes. He took a deep breath and through his tears said,

"It was my doctor. He says I have leukemia."


"I think I should call Brian. Ya never know, the doctor might have called and told him something." Anna said to her friends as they walked through the door of the dorm.

They both nodded in agreement and sat down on the couch. Anna picked up the cordless phone and dialed the number.

"Hello?" Aj's voice came on the line.

"Aj. It's Anna. Can I speak with Brian?"

"Well.." Aj's voice hesitated.

"Well? Well what? He is there right?" Anna questioned.

"I don't know.. uhm.. hold on." Aj said quickly and Anna heard muffled talk. Soon Brian's voice came on the line.


"Yes, yes. It is me. What was that all about?"

"Nothing. I was just.." Brian Hesitated " the bathroom. He didn't know if I was out yet." Brian finished quickly.

"Are you ok sweetie? You sound a little sad."

"I'm fine. Really." Brian tried to sound happy.

"Well... I just called to see if you heard from the doctor yet."

"Yes I did."

"And? Come on! Don't keep me in suspense." Anna exclaimed

"And... " He paused. "..and he said that I was fine. Nothing is wrong with me at all. Fit as a fiddle. Just like I said I was."

"Really!? That's great.. we should celebrate. How about dinner tomorrow?" Anna suggested.

"Dinner? Sounds wonderful." Brian said quietly. Then he added, "I love you. Your everything to me. You know that right?"

"Of course I know that. Brian sweetheart. I am going to let you go now. I'll see you tomorrow.. ok?"

"Yes ok. I love you."

"I know!" Anna giggled and set the phone down on the receiver. She glanced at her friends on the couch. From the way they looked at her, she knew the worry in her must be showing. "He said that nothing was wrong with him. The doctor said was very healthy."

"Then what is that look for?" Lissa questioned.

"I don't know. I just feel that he isn't telling me something. I don't know why he would lie to me. I'm just being silly huh?" Anna smiled slightly and shook her head.

"If he said that nothing is wrong, then nothing is wrong." Stacey pointed out.

"Yes, I know your right. I just can't help but wonder..."

_Chapter 7_

"Brian!" Nick's voice shot out as Brian hung up the phone. "Why didn't you tell her? She, of all people, SHOULD know." Brian looked at him and Nick could see the fear in his face. His eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"No, she is the last person that should know right now! I don't want her to worry and I don't want her to see me like this. I don't want anyone to see me like this. The doctor said that I should come in for some more tests so that we can be absolutely sure. I will tell her then."

"Come on Bri. I know this is terrible but you have to tell her. She loves you." Aj persuaded.

"I will tell her! When I know for sure. I don't want to talk about it anymore. You two had better not tell anyone! Not your Girlfriends, not anyone." Brian spat out and started to walk towards the door.

"Wait.. where are you going?" Aj called after him.

"Out. I need to think."

"Brian just.." Nick mumbled. Brian turned to look at his friends.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything stupid. I just need to be alone." He added quickly and walked out slamming the door behind him.


"I think that I am going to out for a drive. Anyone want to join me?" Anna asked Lissa and Stacey. They had taken their places in front of the TV to watch their weekly dose of the Real World.

"No No. We are watching our show!" Lissa said without taking her eyes from the screen.

"Oh yeah. Isn't this the week where the gay guy is going to get drunk and sleep with the Mormon girl because she is dressed in drag for Halloween?" Anna smiled.

"Very funny. Just go for your drive." Stacey said and pointed to the door. Anna laughed lightly and headed outside. She reached her car and pulled the keys out of her purse. She unlocked the door and jumped in. As she was adjusting her mirrors she saw a familiar figure walking down the sidewalk someway down. She started the car and started driving in his direction.

"Bri!" She called out from her car window. His head turned and she saw his cheeks were full of tears. Brian's eyes fell on Anna's and he turned quickly and started to run to his car.

"Wait Brian! What's wrong! Where are you going?" She yelled and jumped out of her car but it was too late. Brian had jumped into his Jeep and sped away. Anna just stood there confused.

"What was that about?" She asked herself. She got back into her car and glanced at her reflection in the mirror. "If there is nothing wrong.. why was he crying?" She put the car into drive and started after him.

_Chapter 8_

"I've searched everywhere for him." Anna told Lissa as they talked on the phone later that night. "I don't know where he could be. I hope he is ok, I mean he really didn't look good. I have no idea what is wrong."

"Me either. That isn't like Brian. At least from what I know about him." Lissa added.

"No. He hates showing his emotions to anyone, but he always felt like he could with me. I don't know what could be different now. I am going to head home now. Be sure to beep me if you see him or anything." Anna reminded Lissa and they said their good-byes. Anna pushed the off button on her cell to end the call and tossed the phone into her purse. She popped the car in gear and started to drive towards home. She kept her eyes pealed for Brian or his car but didn't see anything. As she pulled into the parking lot of her building she saw Brian's car was back in his spot. She parked and raced up to his floor not even stopping at her own room. She reached the door and pounded her fist on the door. As soon as the door started to open she pushed through before anyone could tell her no. Aj stood there stunned and watched as Anna hurried to Brian's bedroom. Without knocking she opened the door to find Brian laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. He sat up quickly and smiled.

"Don't you smile at me Brian! Now I want you to tell me what is wrong and you better tell me now." Anna rushed out and ran to his side. Brian rapped his arms around her, pulled her close and kissed her. Anna pulled away "You have to talk to me about this. I am going crazy." She said as tears filled her eyes.

"Oh Anna. There is nothing wrong. I was just crying cuz.. well cuz I was so happy nothing was wrong with me. You know how important it was that I was healthy and I got myself all worked up over the possibility. Please don't cry baby." Brian kissed away one of her tears and sighed.

"Well... why did you run away? You could have just told me. You can tell me anything." Anna looked into his eyes and Brian's heart burned. He hated having to lie to her. "Don't ever scare me like that. You ran away and I had no clue what might have happened to you. I don't ever want to lose you." She pulled herself tighter in his arms. "Will you just hold me for a while?"

"I'll hold you forever." Brian whispered in her ear as his eyes too, filled with tears.


"Nick.. Nick!?" Lissa yelled into his ear. He snapped back into reality from a place that seemed to be far from it.

"Sorry Lissa. I was just thinking about something. What were you saying?" He asked and looked down at his math book.

"It was nothing. You know, if something is wrong then you can tell me. I am a good listener and I wouldn't tell anyone." Lissa smiled as she looked into the deep baby blues that were now looking at hers. Nick saw in her face that she was telling the truth. He needed to tell someone about Brian. He couldn't hold it in or he would explode.

"Ok. I will tell you but lets go somewhere else." Nick stood up and grabbed his coat.

"Where?" Lissa asked as she grabbed hers.

"The water. I always think better there." Nick smiled and took her hand and they walked out the door together.


Aj walked back to the couch after letting Anna in. He sat down next to Stacey and she smiled.

"Looks like she is going to have words with Brian." Aj smiled slightly and pulled her close in his arms.

"I am so happy I have you. This is a good thing. Isn't it?"

"Yes. A very good thing. I love you and you love me, right?" Stacey gave him the evil eye.

"You know I love you more than anything. We've been over that. Can I asked you a question?"


"What would you do if I died?" Stacey sat up surprised.

"What kind of a dumb question is that?" She demanded.

"I just want to know what you would do, that's all."

"Well I don't know. I've never thought about it really. I don't want to think about it. Your not going to die. Don't ask stupid questions."

"Hey! You said 'anything' "

"Well what I meant was anything but that. I love you. If you died, I would die. Lets just leave it at that." Stacey poked him in the stomach. Aj grinned and kissed her softly on the lips. When they pulled apart she rested her head on his shoulder. "I don't hear anything breaking. I guess he didn't get into too much trouble. I wonder what that whole thing was about. Do you know?" She asked Aj. Aj sighed.

"No... I don't know at all. I am sure when the time is right he will tell us all." Aj's eyes filled with tears. He buried his face in Stacey's hair so she couldn't see them. 'If only I could tell her.' he thought. 'If only there was nothing to tell.'


Lissa and Nick sat together on the sand and stared out into the water. Nick took a deep breath and turned to Lissa.

"I wish that I didn't have to say this. I wish there was nothing to say. You have to promise me you won't tell anyone. Everyone will find out when the time is right."

"Of course Nick. I promise." Lissa said and placed her hand in his. She squeezed it tightly knowing whatever he was going to tell her had to be hard for him to say.

"Brian's doctor called today. I know you all think that nothing is wrong but he lied." Nick's eyes filled with tears while he thought about his best friend.

"What? Lied? Why would he do that? Is it something serious?" Lissa's eyes filled with fear.

"Yes it is. He has leukemia." The tears started to pour down Nick's face. Lissa gasped.

"Oh my God. This can't be. He has to tell Anna."

"He will. When he knows for sure. He is hoping it won't be true. I am so scared for him Lissa. He is my best friend and if he dies... " Nick trailed off. "You won't say anything will you?" Lissa encircled her arms around his body and pulled his tear-filled face close to hers.

"I won't say a thing. I just want to be here for you because.. well because I've fallen for you. Just let yourself break apart and cry. I will pick up your pieces." He nodded and started to sob and pulled her closer to him. As Lissa held Nick close trying to comfort him she wondered how so many emotions could be racing through her body at once. Her fear for the hard times that would lie ahead for everyone and her new found love for this man that lay crying in her arms.

_Chapter 9_

Lissa sat in the crowd waiting for Brian's basketball game to start. Nick sat on one side of her with Anna on the other. Aj and Stacey were behind her. The last week since she had learned the truth about Brian had been hard. Everyone was in a sad state and Stacey and Anna couldn't figure out why. Brian had gone back to the doctor and they had confirmed his tests. He had promised Nick he would tell Anna right after the game tonight.


"This game is too important for me to miss!" he insisted. "I will tell her tonight after we win."

"Bri, you have to stop acting like this isn't happening." Nick said seriously.

"I am not acting like it isn't happening! Like you understand this at all. It isn't happening to you!" Brian yelled back at him. Nick's eyes filled with hurt.

"Just because it isn't happening to my body does not mean it isn't happening to me. I love you like my brother. Stop being so selfish. We all love you and it isn't fair that you have been shutting us out this past week. You keep it up and it will be too late!" He yelled back and stormed out of the room leaving Brian feeling like a knife was stabbed in his heart.


That was earlier today. Now Nick sat waiting for the game to start. He looked to his side and saw Lissa seemed to be thinking about something too. He placed his hand in hers and squeezed it gently. He knew that he wouldn't have made it through this week if it wasn't for her. She smiled at him and kissed his lips lightly and turned her attention to the court, waiting for Brian to come out. She had a terrible feeling about tonight but she couldn't tell him not to play. This was way too important of a game for Brian's future and she knew he wouldn't have listened anyway. The music started and the cheerleaders came running out signaling that the players wouldn't be far behind. Lissa and Nick stood up with the crowd and half-heartedly cheered. Anna gave them a look and cheered as loud as she could. All week they had been acting like this and she didn't understand it at all. She glanced back at Stacey and she shrugged. She didn't understand it anymore than Anna. She nudged Aj and he smiled and clapped. Watching as Brian ran around the court doing his warm ups Anna started to think about something that happened a few days earlier.


"Aj... where's Brian?" Anna asked as she stood in the boys living room.

"Uh.. I don't know. He said he had to do some errands." Aj said without looking at her.

"Why do I get the feeling that you aren't telling me the truth. " Anna tried to get him to look at her. He just turned and walked to the kitchen. "Aj.. come back!" Anna insisted and followed him into the other room. Nick was sitting at the kitchen table staring blankly out into space. "Nick.. will you tell me where Brian is?" Anna asked jolting him back into reality.

"Brian?" he said slowly. "He went out. That's all."

"Damn it you guys! I know something is going on here. I can't believe no one will tell me!" she yelled and stormed out of the room. As she walked out into the hall she collided with Brian.

"There you are!" she exclaimed and kissed him. Brian smiled lightly.

"Hi baby. I can't talk right now. I have stuff to do." He said weakly.

"We are supposed to go out to dinner. Remember?" she asked looking into his eyes. They looked worn out and tired.

"Oh yeah. Can I have a rain-check? I really can't do it today. I'm sorry. I love you. Bye Bye." He said quickly and disappeared into the room. Anna stood there bewildered.


That has confused her even more. She felt that all this must have something to do with what happened the day she found Brian crying. Tonight, after the game, she was going to confront him and make him explain.

Anna watched as Brian made another Basket. He was amazing and so happy while he was playing. She knew that he had nothing to worry about. As long as he played this game he would have is scholarship and be able to use it to study to be the teacher he always dreamed of being. She was brought out of her thoughts by the feel of Lissa's hands grabbing her and the sounds of screams through out the Gym.

"What?" She asked frightened.

"Look!" Lissa pointed to a heap in the middle of the basketball court.

"Omigod... Brian... " Anna started screaming.

_Chapter 10_

Anna's mind was a blur as she ran to the court and fell on her knees beside Brian. The area was crowded with people but all she could see was her life lying on the ground, unconscious. She looked at his face in disbelief.

"Ma'am. Are you a relative? Do you know what could be wrong?" She heard a voice ask.

"No... I mean.. I.. I don't understand." She shook her head. She felt tears burning behind her eyes but they wouldn't come out.

"Well, we need to get him to the hospital now. Are you coming with?" Anna just continued to nod grabbed his hand. She ran with them to the ambulance, never once letting go.



"How could you not tell me Brian?" Anna sat beside Brian's bed with her fingers still intertwined with his. He laid there still and lifeless. A monitor beeped rhythmically with Brian's heart beat. "I had to hear it from the doctors. 'Complications have caused your boyfriend to go into a coma... '" Anna repeated what they had told her. "They said you've known for a week. A WEEK! You knew you shouldn't play that game. Now look at you. Everyone is worried and Nick is hysterical. I'm not, I know you are going to wake up. I just know you are. There is nothing to worry about. As long as that machine keeps beeping everything will be OK." Anna sighed and laid her head on his chest. While she listened to his heart beat softly she thought back on the hours before. It all seemed a blur but she remembered one thing vividly.


"What do you mean a coma?" Anna looked at the doctor in shock. Nick and Lissa were beside her.

"Well, his heart weakness and the medicine he is taking now for that along with his new medicine caused a unforeseeable problem."

"Wait... what other medicine? He didn't tell me he got new medicine."

"The medicine for his leukemia. They gave him some drugs to help him before he started going in for his treatment." The doctor looked at her and saw the puzzled look on her face. "You did know about his leukemia didn't you?" Anna's mouth gapped open.

"No.. I.. are you sure?"

"Yes.. one hundred percent.. I'll leave you here with your friends. You can see him soon." The doctor walked away and Anna turned to Nick and Lissa. She glanced at Aj and Stacey that were sitting on chairs near the wall.

"Did you know about this?"

"I didn't know a thing! I swear." Stacey looked at her with tears in her eyes. Anna's gaze fell on Nick's face and she walked close to him.

"Did you know?" Nick looked into her fearful eyes and everything inside of him he had been trying to hold together fell apart and he started sobbing hysterically. He collapsed into Lissa's arms and Anna ran to his side.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry.. I wanted to tell you.. he wouldn't let me.. he's going to die and it's my fault.. I'm so sorry Anna."

"No, no Nick. I didn't mean that..." She looked at Lissa who was trying desperately to get Nick to calm down.

"Anna, I am going to take him outside. Go see Brian. Everything will be explained soon. I promise." Lissa said as she gave her a quick hug and led Nick's shaking body towards the elevator.

_Chapter 11_

Lissa and Nick sat on the curb outside the hospital. It was late but the moon was glowing bright and Lissa could see Nick's face as it stared blankly into the night.

"Nick... are you going to be ok?" Lissa said softly. He didn't look at her but kept staring into the darkness. Lissa sighed and rapped her arms around his body. She felt him relax a little.

"I know this is hard for you. It's hard for everyone but you can't blame yourself." She continued. "Brian told you not to say anything and... "

"Shut up." Nick said quickly without moving.

"Wha.. what?" Lissa said and pulled away.

"I said shut up. Don't try to make me feel better. I know this is mostly my fault and if he dies... I'll die." He stated flatly. He rubbed his fingers through his hair and stood up.

"Don't be silly. He isn't going to die. You aren't going to die." Lissa said firmly. Nick turned to her.

"Listen to me carefully. If he dies... I will die. I'll make sure of it." He said and walked back towards the hospital doors leaving Lissa shocked, and afraid.


"Aj, did you know about this?" Stacey looked at him with sad eyes. Aj nodded solemnly.

"We found out about a week ago. Brian told me not to say anything." Stacey sat next to him quietly. After a few minutes she looked up.

"I can't believe you." she said quietly.

"Huh?" he asked confused.

"You knew about this and you didn't say a thing? I just cannot believe you Alexander James Mclean. This is one of your best friends and you think what HE wants is more important than your good judgment? Now look at him! He is laying in there just hanging on by a thread and I just.. just.. just.. AHHHHHHH" Stacey screamed and stood up. Aj looked at her with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. Just as she was about to start screaming some more Nick walked into the waiting room. Aj looked at him. Stacey turned to look at him. Nick looked at them both. Then Anna came running into the waiting room with Lissa behind her. Everyone looked at them.

"Brian... he's.. he's.. " Anna panted.

"Brian's what??" Lissa urged.

"Brian's dying!"

"WHAT?" Nick asked in shock.

"He went into cardiac arrest... the doctor's.. the told me to come out here... they are doing everything.. oh god guys.. it doesn't look good.. he is going to die and I can't even be with him." She sobbed and collapsed to her knee's. Lissa bent down next to her and motioned for someone to help her get her to a chair. Nick seemed to be frozen in place so Aj hurried over and pulled her into his arms. He carried her to the nearest chair and sat her down. Still sobbing she mumbled thank you. They huddled in a group, holding Anna while she cried it all out. After a few minutes, Anna started to calm down.

"I'm sorry guys. I was trying to be strong but when his heart started to give I just lost it."

"It's ok, you have every right to be scared. We are all scared. Brian is a fighter... he'll be ok." Stace soothed.

"I'm not so sure. They can't fool me. I don't think they knew what to do. They didn't know how to help." Anna shook her head.

"Well, when are we going to know?" Lissa asked angrily.

"As soon as they know I guess." Anna shrugged and sat back in her seat. The rest of them found chairs around her. Lissa looked around the room.

"Wait guys... where did Nick go?"

"I thought he was there." Aj pointed at where Nick had been standing. "Uh oh.. you don't think he went to Brian, do you?"

"Oh god." Lissa's heart started beating faster. She jumped out of her chair and ran down the hall. As she turned the corner to the hall that Brian's room was in she saw Nick standing outside his doorway. She stopped quickly when he looked at her. His tear streaked face was full of fear.

"Nick..." Lissa said carefully. He shook his head slowly and started to back away from her.

"No... no.. I have to go.. I have to.. oh god..." he stuttered and ran for the door that said 'stairs'. Lissa ran after him at full speed but it was too late. He had already disappeared. Lissa sank back against the wall as the tears filled her eyes.

"Oh lord... Nick... please don't do what I think your going to do."

_Chapter 12_

The wind howled loudly through the night sky. Nick stood on a large cliff that over looked the ocean. Many times he had come there to think but right now, he was beyond thinking. Below him in the darkness he could hear the waves crashing through the sharp rocks and he took a few steps closer to the edge of the cliff. Thoughts of Brian, laying lifeless on the bed while doctors hurried around him trying to save his life, flashed though Nick's mind. As soon as he saw him he knew it was too late. He knew Brian was dead. He knew what he must do.

He sighed and looked down towards the water. In the shadows he thought he caught a glimpse of Lissa's face. Shrugging it off he assumed it was his imagination running away with him but it made him stop for a second. What would this do to Lissa? Never before had he felt such love for a woman and he knew she was the one. Would have been the one.

"If only I hadn't fucked it all up!" He screamed into the night. His face was free from tears for the first time in 24 hours and he knew it was time. Time to do what he knew was right. He took a deep breath and took his final step towards the edge of the cliff. Into the empty darkness he whispered his final words. "I'm sorry..."


Lissa had been driving around the city for hours searching for Nick. Fear had enveloped her mind and all she could think about was finding him and taking him into her arms, where she was sure he was safe. She pulled the car off into the side of the road and shifted into park. Placing her head in her hands she thought about all the places he could be that she hadn't checked yet. Her mind was a jumble and she wasn't getting anywhere so she sat back in the seat, took a deep breath, and tried to clear her thoughts.

"Think of Nick. Think of when you met Nick." She whispered to herself and her mind flooded with his beautiful smile. The fear started to subside a little and she knew if she hurried, things would be ok. "But where could he be?" She asked herself angrily and then it hit her. "The water." She popped the car back into gear and sped towards the ocean. As soon as she reached it she was out of the car and running full speed to the area of the sand where she had confessed her love for him. He wasn't there so she scanned up and down the shore. Still no Nick. Defeated, she fell to he knees on the sand and looked towards the cliffs. She gasped at what she saw.

"Oh god nick.. no..."


Anna sat in the waiting chairs outside of Brian's room. After Lissa left to find Nick she felt she wanted to be as close to Brian as they would let her be. They had stabilized him but he was still holding on by a thread and they had been working feverishly for hours trying to keep him alive. Anna was terrified. Aj and Stacey sat on the floor across from Anna, asleep in each others arms. Anna sighed and closed her eyes, drifted to sleep and dreamed about happy times with Brian. She was shifted out of her dreams by a hand shaking her gently.

"Wake up miss.. wake up." She opened her eyes to see a doctor standing over her. She shot out of her chair.

"Is he..." she started fearfully.

"No.. no.. he is fine.. we have him stable.. "he smiled happily. "I think he is going to make it."

_Chapter 13_

Anna walked slowly into Brian's hospital room. Looking at him she saw his eyes were closed but she could hear the beeping of the heart monitor again and she breathed a deep sigh of relief. She reached his bed, leaned over, and kissed him on his forehead. Slowly his eyes fluttered open and Anna's eyes filled with tears. He smiled and opened his mouth to speak. All that came out was a fit of coughs. Anna brushed her finger over his lips.

"Shhhh... it's ok. You can beg for my forgiveness later. Right now just rest. I'm not going anywhere." Brian continued smiling, closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.


He was awaken again by the sound of Anna and Stacey's voices talking quietly.

"No, I haven't heard from Lissa since she left. I hope to god she found him. He was really shaken by this. I heard her mumble something about suicide."

"Suicide? What could that be about?" Stacey's voice asked with fear.

"I don't know but it can't be good. Aj just went to call Lissa's cell again right?"

"Yeah I did." Aj's voice rang in Brian's ears.

"Any luck?"


Brian opened his eyes and reached his hand out for Anna. Anna jumped up and hurried to his side.

"Brian hunny, what is it?" Brian opened his mouth and weakly said,

"Where.... is... Nick?"

"Well..." she hesitated. "We don't know where he is. He ran out of here when you started going into cardiac arrest."

"How long?"

"Since last night.. I am sure he is ok.. he must have needed some time to think and..."

"Don't lie to me. I heard you talking." Brian interrupted. He sat up in bed and started to swing his feet of the side.

"Wait! What are you doing?

"I have to find him. He is my best friend and he is in trouble."

"Brian no.. you can't just get up and leave.. you've been though a lot and Lissa is out looking for him.."

"Correction.. she was out looking for me." Nick's said from the doorway. Brian looked up and a smile spread across his face.

"Nick!" the room exclaimed in unison. Nick rushed over to Brian's side, with Lissa following, and they both gave him a huge hug. After a few minutes of hugging, and crying, and laughing, Nick, Brian and Lissa separated from the hug and Nick looked around the room at the rest of the worried faces.

"What are you all looking at me like that for?" Aj's jaw dropped.

"What are we looking at you like this for? The man tells Lissa he was going to kill himself and he wants to know what we are looking at him like this for. Unbelievable." Aj threw his hands into the air.

"I know what I said but look at me now. I am ok. I am not dead and neither is Brian."

"But why did you run off? What happened? You've been gone a long time and we were all so scared." Stacey almost yelled. Nick sighed and pulled a chair next to Brian's bed. He sat himself down and Lissa pulled a chair up next to him.

"I am not going to lie to you guys. I was going to do it. I was going to kill myself but when I was on the cliff, about to jump, I got this feeling. It was like I just knew that Brian was ok. That he hadn't died. Almost as if I could hear his voice telling me to stop." Nick looked and Brian and grinned. "Then I just collapsed on the ground and the next thing I knew Lissa was there, holding me in her arms and yelling at me through her tears."

"Why were you gone so long?" Anna asked.

"We stayed on the beach all day. Nick wanted to pull himself together before he came back. I kept telling him we should come back before something happened to Brian but he just told me that Brian was ok. We had all the time we needed. I didn't believe him but I guess he was right cuz look at you!" Lissa smiled and patted Brian's leg.

"Well I am not better. I am just past that little bump in the road. I still have leukemia. If I get over that mountain in the road I'll have another one waiting. I didn't get to play the Basketball game so I won't get my scholarship. I can't go to college without that money." At that everyone sat quietly and thought about what was just said. For a while everyone felt that it was all ok. Nick and Brian were both alive but now new problems were put before them. Brian broke the silence. "When do I get to go home?"

"Tomorrow morning." Anna answered.

"Well don't you all sit around here and mope. We will have plenty of time to do that in the weeks ahead. Everyone go home. Get some sleep."

"Are you sure?" Stacey asked.

"Positive." Stacey and Aj got up and waved good-bye, promising they would be back first thing in the morning to see him home. Lissa and Nick stood up to leave but Brian grabbed Nicks arm.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of course." Lissa and Anna went into the hall to give them some privacy.

"I wanted to say that I am sorry for putting you though that. I know I shouldn't have acted the way I did and I put way to much on your shoulders. I can't believe I was the reason my best friend almost killed himself." Tears filled Brian's eyes. Nick sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Don't do this to yourself Brian. It wasn't your fault. I was completely unglued and..."

"Nick.. it was my fault.. and I am sorry." Nick smiled.

"It's ok. I forgive you. I'll say that now so that 30 years down the road we won't have to go through therapy together." Brian laughed at Nick and laid his head against his pillow.

"Man, being in a coma really takes it out of you."

"I'll go now. I'll see you first thing." Nick said as he got up and headed for the door.

"Nick..." Brian called out.

"Yes?" He turned back to him.

"I love you." Nick smiled. Then his face squished up into a disgusted look.

"Eww man! None of that!" with that he headed out the door and left Brian to think about the hard times ahead.

_Chapter 14_

"It's good to be back in my own bed." Brian said with a smile.

"Well, I'm glad your alive to be in your own bed." Anna smiled and sat next to him. Brian pulled her close to him and they sat for a few minutes, cherishing the feel of each other's arms. Brian kissed the top of Anna's forehead and she sat up and turned to look at him.

"What are we going to do? I have had a taste of life without you. It was only a small one but I know that I couldn't do it for longer." Anna said sadly. Brian brushed his fingers across her chin and she took his hand and laid her cheek in it's palm. Brian looked at her and felt as if his insides might explode from happiness. Taking her hand with his free one he started to get out of the bed.

"Brian, what are you doing?"

"Hush, just come with me. I have something for you." She slipped off the bed and followed him to a chest in the corner of the room. Kneeling down he opened it up and pulled out a small velvet box. Brian turned and guided her to the floor with him. Anna saw what he clutched in his hand and gasped.

"Brian... is that...?" Brian placed a finger over her mouth and nodded.

"The day that I met you I went out and bought this ring. The moment I set eyes on you I knew you were going to be the one that I would marry. You're the only woman I have ever loved and the only one that I ever will love again. I was just saving this until I was sure we both were ready and now, with all of this hanging above us, I know it is now or never. Anna, my life will never be complete until you are my wife." Anna looked at him as a tear rolled down her cheek slowly and without saying a word, Brian knew the answer was yes. They fell into each others arms and laughed and cried together, knowing they would never be alone for the rest of there lives, but not knowing how long that would be.


Nick and Lissa silently moved around the kitchen getting dinner ready and setting the table. With Brian being home and well, at least for now, they all felt a need to be together. Everyone knew how precious time was, especially now. Soon they heard a commotion coming from Brian's room and they hurried to it, afraid of what they might find. Seeing Brian and Anna on the floor they assumed something bad had happened.

"Brian! What's wrong! Lissa, go call 911!" Nick yelled and rushed to the ground. Brian pulled out of Anna's embrace and laughed.

"Lissa, don't! I'm fine." Brian called out. Lissa came back into the room and looked at them puzzled.

"What are you doing down there then?" Anna smiled and jumped up and ran to Lissa.

"Look! We are getting married!" Anna exclaimed and pushed the ring into Lissa's view. Lissa's face lit up and she squealed with delight. Anna and her embraced and jumped up and down and both boys looked at them and laughed.

"Well you finally gave her that ring?" Nick said and held out his hand to help Brian up.

"You knew about it too?" Anna looked at Nick and then Brian. She put her hands on her hips.

"Of course he knew honey. He is my best friend. He listened to me talk about you all night and then went with me to get the ring." Brian patted Nick on the shoulder. Lissa grinned and ran over to him. She threw her hands around his neck.

"Your so wonderful. I can't believe I waited so long to meet you."

"Actually, I met you first."

"Yeah, speaking of that. We should get back with your studying.... opps.. I mean." Lissa shot her hand over her mouth.

"Oh no." Nick groaned.

"Your getting tutored?" Brian laughed.

"Leave me alone. I am not ashamed of it any longer. It brought me to Lissa and there is NO shame in that."

"Ok... ok.. sure..." Brian said, holding back more laughter. "Is it time to eat? I am starving."

"Yeah... I think I just heard Aj and Stacey come in. Lets go tell them the great news." Nick said and they all went out to the living room, laughing like they hadn't in a while.

_Chapter 15_

~*~*~6 months later~*~*~

"He isn't doing well." Anna said quietly to the rest of them as they sat around Brian's hospital room. During the last 6 months, they had all watched him slowly get weaker as he went though treatment after treatment that didn't work. The wedding was planned for December 11th and Anna prayed they would make it that far.

"He keeps floating in and out of consciousness. When he is awake he is in so much pain he doesn't know what is up or down. This last treatment was really hard on him." Anna continued solemnly. Everyone sat silently, not knowing what to say. Finally Aj spoke.

"There has to be something to do for him... to ease the pain."

"It will go away. It always does." Anna said and turned back to Brian. As she laid her hand on his chest he breathed a small sigh and seemed to be more peaceful. Everyone got up and quietly left the room, leaving Anna alone with her lover, slowly dying under her fingertips.


"Lissa, yeah. He said he wanted us all to be here before he told me so I don't know." Anna said into her cell phone later that night. "Just get everyone and hurry!"

About an hour later everyone was huddled around Brian's room while Brian layed there, still pretty out of it. The doctor spoke to the whole room.

"As you all know. We have tried everything to help Brian. Right now it seems pretty hopeless but there is one more option."

"What? What is it?" Anna asked nervously.

"A bone marrow transplant. It is a long shot and we need to test family for a donar."

"Wait, just family?" Nick asked anxiously. "You mean we can't be tested?"

"No, you can but it is very unlikely you will match. Mostly it is family that matches and even then it is a slim chance."

"I'd still like to try." Everyone agreed.

"It's totally up to you. We can start the tests in the morning. The sooner we get this figured out the better. I want to tell you all that this is his only chance. Lets all pray we can find a match."

"We understand." Lissa said quietly and the doctor left the room. Anna leaned over Brian and squeezed his hand and a tear fell from her eye onto his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes and, seeing Anna, smiled.

"Hey baby Bri." Anna said softly. Seeing the tears in her eyes his smile faded.

"Why are you crying?" He asked asked and reached up slowly, wiping a tear that was falling towards her chin.

"Nothing sweety. I am just so happy to talk to you. It's been a while since you've been awake and able to speak to me."

"Well I am glad I can talk to you to. I don't really remember anything since my treatment." He glanced around the room, just noticing there was a crowd of people. "Well hi everyone. Did they tell you I was going to die tonight or something?" Brian said with a slight smile.

"Not funny Bri." Nick frowned.

"Sorry guys. I was just joking around. They didn't say that did they?" Brian suddenly got serious.

"No, don't be silly. Your not going to die anytime soon." Anna said decidedly.

"Oh yeah. I forget. Well if I'm going to be alive in the morning. Do you guys mind if I get some sleep?"

"Of course not Bri. Get your rest. We all have a big day tomorrow." Lissa said and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"A big day? Why?" Brian looked at her confused.

"You'll find out. Just sleep." Anna said and kissed his other cheek.

"I'm getting all the ladies here. Do you guys wanna take a try at this bed because it's working for me." He laughed. Nick and Aj laughed too, glad to see him happy. Everyone decided not to tell him what the doctor had said. There was no use in getting him worked up over it when there was really nothing he could do. Everyone left Anna with Brian and went home. That night before they all attempted sleep, every single one of them prayed for their friend. Prayed for his life and the chance to save it.

_Chapter 16_

"He has been in there longer than all of us!" Lissa said with a loud sigh. "I can't take this... maybe something went wrong!"

"Or maybe something went right." Anna said so quietly that no one heard. Just then Nick walked into the room. He face was still and sad looking. Everyone stood quickly.

"Oh no Nick. You don't match either?" Stacey asked sadly. Nick turned to look at her and a smile broke out across his face.

"The doctor just told me... well, he just told me we might have a chance to save his life. He said I have the same bone marrow. I am a match!"


Nick sat next to Brian while he slept quietly on the hospital bed. It had been 24 hours since they got the news and today was the day they were going to give Brian the new bone marrow. Everyone was scared to death it wouldn't work. Nick was just scared of failing his friend again. Brian shifted and opened his eyes slowly.

"Hey, Nick... how long have you been here?" He asked sleepily. "You should wake me up when your here."

"I was actually just about to."

"Were you? Got something to tell me?"

"Yeah.. I do. Two things actually. The first is that I got a call from the college yesterday. They said that as soon as your ready to go back to school... you'll still have your scholarship." Brian laughed sadly.

"That's wonderful but... I doubt I will be around long enough to go back."

"Actually, you might have longer than you think." Nick said, a small smile forming on his lips. Brian looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Well that is the other thing I have to tell you... we've found you a match. A bone marrow match." Brian looked at him with disbelief as his eyes filled with tears.

"You mean.. you mean.. you?" He asked shakily.

"Yes Bri... me." Nick looked at the joy that filled Brian's tear streaked face and his eyes too, filled with tears.

"I... I didn't know you got tested... I mean.. the doctors talked to me about it... they said that only family members..."

"Well, God knows we are brothers." Nick smiled. He rapped his arms around Brian and pulled him close. Though their laughter and tears he whispered.

"Your gonna live buddy. Your gonna live."


"What if he doesn't live???" Anna said as she paced frantically though the waiting room in the hospital. Brian and Nick had gone to have the procedure done about an hour ago. Anna was freaking out.

"I mean I know it is supposed to be an easy thing.. this isn't supposed to be the life threatening part of it all. You never know... they could miss the bone and.. and.. stab the heart! You don't think they could do that do you?" She asked with a sigh and started pacing faster.

"Anna! That's my Boyfriend in there too! Do you see me freaking out?" Lissa said. She got up and pulled Anna over to a chair. "This is what we want. This is the good part. This is the end to all of the bad stuff we have been going though." Anna looked at Lissa and smiled.

"I know.. don't you think I know that? I am just afraid... that after all of this shit we have been though... what if he doesn't make it?" Everyone sat quiet for a few minutes. Just when Anna was about to start pacing again the door to the waiting room swung open and the doctor came walking in. He scanned the worried faces until his gaze stopped on Anna.

"Guys... I have some good news. Some very good news."


"Brian Thomas Littrell! If you don't get your butt out here right now we are going to be late!"

"I'm coming... i'm coming! You don't really thing I would be late for my best friends wedding.. do you?" Brian said as he came walking out of the bathroom of their apartment, adjusting his tie.

"Well, why not? You were late for ours!" Anna shook her finger at him. Brian looked at her and smiled.

"Yeah.. well never again!"

"Never again huh? Were you planning on getting remarried anytime soon? I thought we were doing pretty good." Anna giggled as she undid Brian's tie and started to fix it strait.

"Yeah... I've put up with you for the last 5 years... I guess I could do it for.. oh say.. the rest of my life." Brian said as she pulled her face to his. They kissed softly.

"All right, all right. We have to get going. It took Nick this long to ask Liss to marry him.. I am going to be damn sure I am there to see it happen." Anna said as she grabbed Brian's hand and pulled him to the door.


"Now that I finally have Nick all to myself forever... I would have to say I am the happiest girl in the world." Lissa smiled at her friends as they sat around chatting after the reception.

"I guess I have one up on you then?" Nick looked at her with big eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I have been the happiest guy in the world since the moment I set eyes on you."

"Oh geez... why do you have to be so perfect?" Lissa laughed.

"Can't help it. I was born with it. It's part of the package." He smiled and kissed her on the head.

"I would have to say I like the package. I like the package a lot." Lissa laughed.

"Oh yeah? Well you can see the package a whole lot tonight."

"Save us!" Stacey cut in. "We don't want to know about your sexcapades."

"Well it seems to me that you have had some fun with Aj's package as well." Brian said as he pointed to Stacey's enlarged belly.

"I would have to say this is probably the greatest package I will ever make." Aj smiled and rubbed her stomach lightly.

"Someday... we can tell our kid that he was an accident. That we got married because of him. That'll really screw him up." Stacey poked at Aj's side.

"Married? Are we getting married now too?" He looked at her with his eyebrows raised.

"Someday babe.. someday."

"Oh yeah. As if having you guys as parents isn't material enough for the therapist." Anna laughed. Aj stood up and grabbed for his guitar.

"Hey, I have something for you guys. Kinda a present.. but for all of us." He sat down and started to play a sweet melody. These words came out of his lips.

Two different kinds of people

Two different kinds of love

These people come together

And angels are sent from above


God knows they are a perfect match

They know they can do no wrong

Even through the hardest times

They will stand together strong


When the bonds start breaking

They will have love by their side

And when nothing seems right

They will have faith as their guide


Even when the end is near

And there is nothing they're proud of

They will stay together

Because of their different kind of love

Aj finished quietly and looked up around the room. "It isn't much. I wrote it a long time ago but I never thought it was good enough to sing for you all. It started out as just a song for Stace," Aj pulled her into his arms. "but it ended up sounding like all of us." Aj looked down at his feet. Anna smiled as a tear ran down her face.

"Well I think it is beautiful. It's very fitting. Not just for our love for our husbands and boyfriends.. but for all of us.. as friends. We are not only different kinds of love.. we are the best kinds of love."

"Cheers to that." Brian said and lifted his glass of champaign into the air.

"Cheers." Everyone rang out in reply and clanked there glasses together, happy to be alive and happy to be together.

~Written by: CoLe (



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