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From A Distance

"There she is, man." AJ McLean said to his friend, Brian.

"Bone, just chill about that girl. You don't even know her name."

"Yes, I do...well, I might not now, but I will soon." AJ told him eyeing the girl coming his way. She held a stack of college books in her hand and her hair flapped in the wind. "Here she comes, Rok."

"AJ, get a life. She probably has a boyfriend."

"Excuse me..." AJ said to her as she passed by.

"Smooth move, James Bond." Brian teased.

"Hey, you..." AJ called to her. The girl spun around.

"Yes." She said bluntly.

"Um...I'm AJ." He told her outstretching his hand.

"Uh...congratulations." She said glancing down at his hand and giggling. Brian laughed at AJ's failure.

"Uh...what's yours?" AJ asked.

"My what?" She questioned.

"AJ has been watching you come out of that classroom for the past two weeks, and he's really curious to know your name." Brian informed her.

"It's Tai. Well, hey, I have a class to get to." She said smiling at the guys and walking off.

"Mission accomplished." Brian said sliding his sunglasses on.

"Would you shut up?" AJ lectured. "She's gonna fall for me, and she's gonna go on a date with me." AJ said positively. "Tai." He said sighing.

"Someone's beaming with optimism." Brian laughed. As the two climbed into AJ's BMW, they saw Tai across the campus.

"There she is again." AJ yelled pointing.

"If you get on top of the car and yell maybe she'll see you." Brian said before shutting his door. "What do we come here for anyway?" Brian asked.

"Brian...don't you understand? She is the most beautiful creature ever, and I have to have her."

", what do we come here for?" Brian asked again.

"I have to see her everyday, or my life just doesn't complete it's orb."

"It's orb? Man, someone's got a complex." Brian said. "How do you know about her anyway?"

"Brian...goh, I saw her two weeks ago today while I was jogging. It was right at this very spot...and, she was wearing..." AJ trailed off.

"How could I forget?" Brian asked rolling his eyes. "I've only heard the story eight...teen times. Let's go." Brian said.

"But she's not out of sight yet." AJ complained. Brian reached over and put his hands over AJ's eyes.

"Now she is...let's go." In frustration, AJ cranked the car, took one last look at Tai, and drove off.

"Man, Krys..." Tai said to her best friend. "There is this guy at the college, and I swear...if he's not psychotic, I don't know who is."

"Well, Tai, you should know. You are the psychology major." Krys said nodding her head. They sat on Tai's apartment couch sharing a pizza.

"Krys, are you still jogging in the morning?" Tai asked her peeling the pepperoni off of her slice of pizza.

"You know it, girl."

"Krys, I just don't understand why you won't sign up for that writing class I'm taking."

"Tai, this is my first year in Orlando. Give me time to decide what I want to do. For now, you take your classes and I'll jog and go to work."

"Krys, you can't be a lifeguard forever." Tai lectured.

"Tai, I just graduated. Chill." She replied.

"So, Bone, how'd it go this time?" Kevin, one of AJ's friends', asked. Brian and AJ entered the huge penthouse apartment that they shared with three other guys. They all sat scattered around the living room pigging out on chips and dip.

"It went...great." AJ said sighing.

"Yeah, Romeo got to finally talk to Juliet." Brian informed them.

"Yeah, that's about it." AJ said dissapointed.

"What, AJ, did Tybalt break it up?" Nick, another guy, said like a child.

"Very funny. Her name is Tai." AJ told them taking a seat on the couch.

"Sounds African." Nick announced.

"Naw, she's like us...she's pretty cool." Brian said.

"Well, thanks, Rok." AJ told him.

"Anytime, man. Oh, it was so funny. She was dissing on him so bad." Brian said laughing.

"Thanks...bud." AJ said under his breath. Brian went on to tell the story of the encounter with Tai.

"So, AJ, you up for another two miles in the morning?" Brian asked.

"Brian, I can't run in the morning. I have to get to the college early. I'm gonna catch Tai before her class." AJ said excited.

"Bone, she's not a fish." Howie, the other guy said.

"For real. If she's not digging you, then let it go." Nick added.

"Thanks for the support, guys." AJ mumbled.

"Okay, listen, AJ, we'll jog in the morning, and we'll just happen to jog right up to the park in front of the college while we're at it. Deal?" Brian asked.

"Fine, but if I miss her..." AJ trailed off.

"What's the point of jogging if you're going to excersize for an hour first?" Tai questioned Krys as she grabbed her books for class.

"I'm stretching, Tai." Krys continued her warm-ups.

"Well, I gotta go." Tai left the apartment. Not long after, Krys got up and headed for the door also. She stepped out, locking the door before shutting it. She jogged in place for a moment before taking off.

"Come one, Bone, just lock the door." Brian said to AJ. AJ pulled the door to, quietly not wake anyone. The two rounded the corner and ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry." Brian said taking her hand and pulling her to her feet. He looked into her bright, green eyes. "I'm Brian." He said. "And, this here is AJ." Brian motioned to AJ.

"Krys." Krys said shaking Brian's hand then AJ's.

"So, you going jogging?" Brian asked retorically.

"Um...well, I thought about it." Krys said slightly giggling.

"Brian...we need to--" AJ was cut off by Brian.

"Where do you jog?"

"Around the track at the college." Krys answered.

"The college? The one right down the road?" AJ answered.


"Wow, how ironic. That's where we jog." AJ said shooting Brian a look.

"No, it's--"

"Yes, it is, Brian. Remember?" AJ said raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, how could I forget?" Brian mumbled. "Well, Krys..." Brian started. "...seeing as how I so rudely knocked you down, how about you accompany me and my friend, and we can jog together. Just the three of us." Brian smiled.

"Sure. If that's okay with you." Krys said looking to AJ.

"Fine, we just better hurry." AJ said in a rush. The three walked out of the building and headed to the track.

"Tai, can you stay after class for a moment." Professor Edwards said as the whole class exited the room.

"Um, sure." She answered gathering her belongings and walking down the steps to his desk.

"Tai, I really enjoyed your paper. I know it's not your major, but have you ever considered being a writer?" The professor handed her a paper with a 96% marked above her name.

"Acually, sir, I've always been writing, but I've never really considered it." She observed her four page essay on the color blue. The object was to describe a color to a blind man, and Tai had to use blue. It was the first piece of the year. Kind of like an entrance exam for a writing class.

"You're very good." He informed her.

"Thank you, Professor, but I'm not near as good as my friend Krys. I've tried to get her to sign up, but..." Tai trailed off.

"Here give her this." He grabbed a pamplet off his desk and handed it to her. "Maybe these will help persuade her."

"Thanks, Professor Edwards. I'll try my best." She smiled before walking off.

"Come on, Bone, you can't just run up and down this one strip all day." Brian said as he and Krys met up with AJ again.

"Brian, I'm fine. Just let me jog." AJ answered turning around and going back the way he came. Brian just shook his head as they kept on.

"What's his deal?" Krys asked curiously.

"Some girl he likes." Brian casually answered. Krys thought nothing of it.

"So, do you run often?" Krys asked.

"Yeah, you?"

"It's pretty much required for my job."

"What do you do?" Brian asked.

"I'm a lifeguard. Only temporaraly, though." Krys answered.

"Well, what do you want to be?"

"If you promise not to laugh...a singer." Krys shied away.

" too." Brian said surprised. "Me and my friends have a little group going. Nothing big, just a few talent shows and stuff."

"Is he in it?" Krys asked looking back in AJ's direction.

"Yeah, he is. He's usually not this weird. I can't seem to find him a girl now that he's hung up on this one. He won't agree to anything."

"I have a friend." Krys announced. "She's double majoring in psychology and theater here at the college. She's twenty. How old's he?" Krys asked.

"Twenty-four." Brian replied. "Are you trying to set my friend up?"

"Well, I know what it's like to really like someone and they not like you."

"How could you possible know that?" Brian asked flirtatiously.

"Brian..." Krys said blushing.

"Well, how about we start out like this..." Brian started. "...hey, Krys, you wanna go out this weekend? I mean, seeing as how we have a lot of the same interest, and all. Well, jogging atleast." Brian asked.

"That sounds like fun, Brian." They slowed their pace and finally stopped.

"Let me walk you home." Brian proposed.

"Okay. I'll give you my number there." Krys agreed. They found AJ and informed him of their plans and left.

"Where is she?" AJ asked quietly. Just then, Tai walked out of the building with a smile on her face. AJ's eyes lit up when he saw her. "Act natural." He said to himself. Tai shifted directions when she saw him up ahead. "Tai." He called to her. Tai stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to him.

"Hi..." She said with a fake smile. "Um...what was it? Eric?"

"AJ." He corrected her.

"Right, AJ." She repeated.

" was your class?" AJ asked noticing the books in her arms.

"Good." She answered adjusting her arms.

"Here let me get those." AJ said reaching for her books.

"No, I've got it." Tai jerked away. AJ's hand brushed all the books out of her arms and onto the ground.

"I'm so sorry." AJ said kneeling down to pick them up. At the same time, Tai knelt down too, bumping heads with AJ.

"Look, AJ..." Tai pushed him away. "...I've got it. I don't need any help. It was really great talking to you again." Tai scooped up her books and walked off.

"He shoots...he misses." AJ mumbled to himself.

"So, this is your apartment?" Brian said as they approached the door.

"Well, half way." Krys answered.

", is our date still on?" Brian asked for reassurance.

"Sure is."

"You want me to bring AJ?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah, and I'll bring a friend." Krys said. "Call me." Krys said walking into the room and waving goodbye to Brian.

"How was your day?" Krys asked Tai ten minutes later when she walked in the room after school.

"It was wonderful." Tai said handing Krys her A paper. "Wow, Tai. That's good."

"Here, I got you these." Tai pulled out the pamplets on her class. Krys observed them.

"Tai...I told you--"

"Just look at them." Tai said cutting her off. Krys agreed with a smile.

"Tai, I have the best idea." Krys announced.

"Oh, great." Tai rolled her eyes.

"No, listen. Okay, today while jogging, I met the sweetest guy in the world. He's so funny, and he looks...really...good, Tai. Anyway, he asked me out for Friday, and well, he has a friend...and I have a friend, and I was wondering...if..."

"No way, Krys. I'm not going on a blind date."

"Tai, would you rather me go alone with a guy I barely even know."

"So, it's a no win situation?" Tai asked.

"Tai, his friend is really sweet, too. He's a cutie, and he'll like you." Krys assured her.

"Whatever, but if I do this, then, you have to sign up for that class." Krys sat thinking for a moment.

"Fine, I will." Krys agreed.

Brian entered the room to find AJ leaning over the bar. He was skimming through the thick newspaper.

"Hey, Bone." Brian said approaching him.

"Hey." AJ kept his eyes on the funny page.

"I've got a plan." Brian said. AJ let out a slight chuckle. "What?" Brian asked.

"Here, read Garfield." AJ said pushing the paper in Brian's direction.

"Not now, AJ, listen. Okay, you remember Krys?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, the jogging girl?"

"Yeah, well, I asked her out for Friday, and we want you to come along."

"Nope." AJ answered briefly.

"Come on, AJ. You can't watch Tai forever."

"I'd rather watch her forever from a distance, than hold someone else for a lifetime." AJ stared into space.

"Okay..." Brian said. "So, just this one date. Krys is bringing a friend, and we think it'll be nice."

"We?" AJ questioned. "You sit here telling me how pathetic I am, but you're already making decisions with someone you've know for...what, two hours?" AJ said.

"But, are pathetic. No, no, no, I'm pathetic, you're...way pathetic." Brian said. "What do you have to lose?" Brian asked him.

"My faithfulness." AJ answered.

"To what, AJ? Your faithfulness to a girl who doesn't even care to know that you exist?"

"You're so supportive, Rok." AJ told him.

"If you just go on this one date, I'll never bug you about what's her name again."

"Fine, just this once...Tai."

"What did you just call me?" Brian asked jerking back.

"Her name, Brian. Her name is Tai." AJ said. Brian nodded while walking out of the room.

All week long Tai became more and more excited about the blind date, while AJ dreaded it more each day. He'd changed his hair color twice already, and was planning on doing it again. That's what he did when he got bored, and he got bored when he was nervous. He restrained himself from talking to Tai again, but he would still go and watch her at the school. He figured that Brian was right. She didn't care about him, so why bother? Still, he couldn't keep from wanting to see her. Brian and Krys spent a lot of time together through the week. They jogged every morning, and talked on the phone everyday. Brian would come and see her at work, and Krys would go to see Brian's group perform. The two were falling for each other quickly. Tai prepared all week on a project for her dramatic arts class. She was to combine three works from three different authors, and make it into a stage play. She spent so much time at the library and in her room reading that she never had a chance to meet Brian. Plus, Krys spent most of her time over at Brian's apartment chilling with the other guys.

Finally the night arrived and the girls sat on the couch waiting for the doorbell to ring. They had just settled down after a long trip through "what shall I wear?" land. It had taken all week to decide, but they finally did. Krys had settled on a pair of khaki's and a white tank top, with a hunter green button up over it. While Tai was wearing a pair of Tommy jeans and a pale, yellow, knit shirt.

Brian and AJ said goodbye to the other guys, and AJ assured them he'd be home soon. Brian took long strides to Krys and Tai's apartment, while AJ stayed behind. The guys were beaming with style and they hadn't spent all week going through the closet. AJ wore the usual baggy jeans and a red button up over a black wife-beater. Brian, on the other hand, was wearing a nice, navy-blue polo shirt, and a pair of polo jeans.

"Coming." Krys called to the other side of the door as she lept from her position. Tai wandered into the other room to fix herself once more.

"Brian..." Krys said falling into his arms. AJ watched as the two greeted each other. "Come on in. Tai has to get her purse."

"Who?" Brian and AJ said in unison, AJ the more dominant one.

"Um...Tai. We are doubling, aren't we?" Krys answered confused.

"Maybe it's a different Tai." Brian whispered aside to AJ.

"Tai, are you ready?" Krys called into the other room.

"Yeah, I just had to get--" Tai stopped when she saw the two guys standing in her living room. "Wait a second, Krys. You didn't tell me that he was the blind date." Tai said observing AJ.

"It's just like fate, Rok." AJ said to Brian low enough to keep Tai from hearing.

"So, you two know each other?" Krys asked surprised.

"Yes, Krys, this is..." Tai pulled Krys aside. "...this is the psycho." She whispered.

"Come on, Tai. Give him a chance. Please, for me." Tai agreed and the four were gone. They all piled into Brian's jeep for the date, and headed to Patty's Put-Put for a game of golf.

"I can't believe I'm actually on a date with you." AJ said to Tai as they stood in line paying their way in.

"Me either." Tai said lightly.

"Come on, Tai, give the guy a chance." Krys told her as the guys grabbed their golf clubs.

"Krys, he's weird." Tai complained.

"We're back." Brian said as they approached the girls. They all made their way to hole one.

"Who's first?" Krys asked.

"Well, Bone, you're the golf fanatic. Why don't you go first?" Brian proposed.

"You like golf?" Tai asked surprised.

"Yeah, I do." He answered.

"Wow, isn't that ironic?" Krys said. "Tai loves golf." She told AJ.

"It's not my absolute favorite, but it's close." Tai said.

"What's your favorite?" Brian asked curiously.

"Well, probably tennis, or...pool. I love pool."

"Pool's my favorite thing in the world." AJ said excited.

"Just great." Tai said under her breath. The date continued on, pretty much the same. In the end, Tai and AJ tied while Brian and Krys lagged way behind. No one really cared. After all, it was just a game. After the last hole they all sat down near the concession stand and ate a hot dog. Finally, it was the drive home.

"I had fun, Brian." Krys informed him as they all four headed back to the apartments.

"Yeah, I did, too." Brian replied shooting her a smile.

"Did you?" AJ asked looking to Tai.

"Did I what?" Tai asked. AJ raised his eyebrows. "Oh, did I have fun...yeah, I guess."

"Well, that's great." AJ said looking at her over his slightly tinted sunglasses that never seemed to leave his face. Tai turned from him and directed her gaze out of the window.

"I'll talk to you later, Tai." AJ said as they approached Tai and Krys' apartment. Tai smiled before walking in the door.

"Um...AJ..." Brian started. "...can we have a little time alone?" He asked looking at Krys.

"Yeah, I'll leave." AJ said. "Later, Krys."

"Bye, AJ." Krys waved goodbye.

"So...looks like it's just the two of us, huh?" Brian slyly smiled.

"Looks that way, doesn't it?" Krys agreed.

"Krys, I have to confess..." Brian said taking her hands is his. "...I really like you."

"Wow..." Said Krys astonished. "...that's quiet a confession there. I think I might have a small confession, too."

"What's that?" Brian asked.

"Well, Brian...I like you, too." She smiled.

"So...where can we go from here?" Brian quietly sang. Krys blushed as she glanced down to the ground.

"How about here?" Krys pulled Brian closer and kissed him softly.

"AJ..." Kevin said as AJ walked in the door. "'d it go?"

"I really don't know." AJ answered confused.

"Well, that's good." Nick said.

"Hey, I'm gonna go for a ride. Does anyone wanna come along?" AJ asked.

"Naw, you go ahead." Howie said.

"Come on." AJ pleaded.

"AJ, it's midnight. No one wants to go riding." Nick told him.

"Fine. I'll be home later." AJ grabbed his keys and left.

"Where you going, man?" Brian asked AJ as soon as AJ stepped out the door.

"For a ride. Wanna come?"

"No thanks, AJ." Brian answered.

"So, I imagine you had fun tonight." AJ remarked.

"Yeah, I did. Hey, AJ, man, I'm really sorry things aren't working out with Tai. There'll be somebody else." Brian assured him.

"Thanks alot, Brian...but...I don't want anyone else." AJ walked off and Brian went inside the apartment.

"So, did you have fun tonight?" Krys asked Tai sitting on the couch.

"Well, it wasn't exactly my idea of a great date...but, it wasn't too bad." Tai complained.

"Tai, you're idea of a great date is going to the tennis courts or the library or something. You need to loosen up a bit. AJ really likes you." Krys said.

"Okay, I'll try." Tai said quietly.

"So, another date next weekend? This time only you and AJ." Krys said.

"No way. I'll loosen up, but not that loose, Krys." Tai told her.

"You're so stupid, AJ." AJ scolded himself at a redlight. He thought about how forward he was with Tai, and now he regreted it as he banged his head on the steering wheel. He looked over to his left and noticed the man next to him was staring concerned at AJ. When the light turned green AJ took a right and headed into the back roads of Orlando.

"Hello?" Tai said cheerfully answering the phone at exactly 2:47 a.m. "Oh, Brian, let me get Kr...oh, okay. What?" Tai's words frightened Krys, sitting next to her listening attentively. ", Brian. Okay, we'll be right there." Tai hung up and tears enveloped her eyes.

"What is it? Is Brian okay?" Krys asked.

"It''s AJ." Tai slowly answered then jumped to her feet and grabbed her coat and keys.

"What's going on?" Krys pleaded to know.

"AJ's had a wreck. We have to go." Tai said rushing Krys to her feet. Soon, they headed to Tai's car and sped to the hospital.

"Come on." Brian said to them when they arrived. He stood outside waiting on them to show them to the correct floor. "Right now, we know nothing." He informed them.

"This is all my fault." Tai cried as they walked into the waiting room and saw all the other guys and family members of AJ's.

"Listen to me, Tai. I don't know you that well, but I'm going to tell you this anyway. None of this is your fault." Brian said stopping and turning to her.

"Brian..." Krys said pulling him aside. " he going to be okay?"

"I don't know, baby." Brian said wrapping his arms around her.

"You must be Tai." A women said approaching Tai.

"Yes ma'am."

"I'm Denise, AJ's mother. I've heard so much about you."

"Really?" Tai asked wiping the tears from her eyes and noticing the ruins of tears in Denise's.

"Yes..." Denise looked down. "...I'm so scared that I'm going to lose my baby. He's all I have, and...and if anything ever happens to him..." Denise trailed off.

"I'm so sorry." Tai whispered.

"Denise, come sit down." Nick said taking her hands and leading her to a chair. He sat down next to her and quietly comforted her. Tai stood watching all the people in the waiting room, and she was suddenly overcome with guilt.

"Ms. McLean..." A doctor said walking out of the two swinging doors that led to the emergency room. Denise jumped to her feet and rushed over to the doctor where they quietly conversed. The others saw Denise gasp and cover her mouth.

"My baby." She exclaimed as the tears poured down her cheeks. Everyone rushed to her side "He's in a coma...he might...he might...not make..." Denise couldn't finish. Tai slowly took a seat away from the others.

"I can't believe this is happening." Brian said to Krys.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I wish I could do something to help."

"Well, if the doctors can't fix it, I doubt you can either." Krys nodded in agreement.

"Um...Krys, I'm going to head home." Tai said approaching the two.

"You're leaving?" Krys asked.

"I really don't belong here. Plus, he wouldn't want me here anyway."

"That's not true." Brian told her. "I don't know how hard it would be to convince you, but AJ really likes you...maybe even love." Tai stood astonished for a moment.

"I have to go." Tai rushed out of the hospital.

"I have to go." Tai rushed out of the hospital.

"Can I see my son, yet?" Denise cried out to a nurse passing by.

"Ma'am, I have nothing to do with Mr. McLean. You'll have to wait." The nurse quickly rushed off in another direction.

"They could atleast talk to her." Brian said to Krys. The two sat next to each other in the corner of the room waiting for some news. It had been over an hour since they had all arrived in the waiting room, and still they knew nothing.

"Maybe they don't know anything." Krys said looking at Brian. He acted strong, but she could see the hurt in his eyes. After all, AJ was one of his best friends, and Brian didn't know how to handle this.

"They know something, Krys. How can they know that he's in coma, but not know if he's going to survive?"

"Brian, he's going to survive."

"You don't know that, Krys. You don't know AJ." Krys turned from him so he wouldn't see her tears.

"We have to pray for the best." Krys said placing her hand on his knee. Brian closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I know." He sighed.

Tai sat indian style in a kitchen chair, staring down at the glass table. She held a half-empty coffee cup in her hand as she thought about all that was going on.

"Hey, Tai." Krys said walking in the door. "What are you doing up so early?" Krys asked looking to see the clock on the microwave read 5:30.

"I didn't go to bed." Tai answered taking a drink of her luke-warm coffee.

"They're letting people see him now." Krys said sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Is he okay?" Tai asked with concern.

"Okay? Well, he's not talking, he has a broken collar bone, a concussion, slight brain damage, he's not awake, but he's breathing." Krys let the conditions roll off of her tongue. She looked up to see Tai crying.

"I should go to bed." Tai said standing to her feet.

"You can't keep running." Krys said to her as Tai walked into her room. Tai stopped in her tracks. "You should really go see him."

"Do you think I wanna see him lying helplessly in a bed?"

"Do you think his best friends did? Do you think his own mother did?" Krys raised her voice.

"But...I don't have to." Tai walked into her room and shut the door.

"Dr. Johnson, phone call on line one." Everyone heard the annoying receptionist say for the third time.

"Won't she just shut up?" Nick said slightly raising his voice. Just that time Denise walked into the room on Kevin's arm crying her eyes out.

"Denise, maybe you should go home." Kevin told her. She had been sitting by AJ's bed waiting for him to wake up for a long while.

"I'm not leaving until my baby wakes up." Denise said.

"Denise, Kev's right. There's no point in being here. They'll call you when something happens." Howie said trying his best to persuade Denise to go home and get some sleep.

"Fine. I'll go home for a bit." Denise said.

"I'll drive you." Howie offered. The two left the waiting room.

"Let's go see him." Nick said to Kevin and Brian.

"Okay." Brian answered standing up and stretching. They made their way to AJ's room. There were only supposed to be two people at a time in there, but they didn't seem to care. They all three hesitated before walking in the room.

"I can't do this." Brian said quickly exiting the room.

"I'll go wait with Brian. I've already seen him." Kevin said following Brian.

"So...AJ, how's it going?" Nick asked as if AJ could sit up and talk. "I met Tai. When she finally gives in, she'll be a really lucky girl. Well, hey, I'll let you get your sleep, man. Oh, yeah...just so that you know, AJ...we really need you around." Nick walked out the door to meet Kevin and Brian.

"Let's go home." Kevin said.

"Yeah." Nick agreed.

"You know, guys, I think I'm gonna stay here." Brian announced. "In case anything happens."

"Are you sure, B-Rok?" Kevin asked him.

"Um...positive." The two guys left Brian there and they went home to their apartment.

"Krys, I'm going to the library to work on some stuff for my writing class." Tai said coming out of her room with her backpack and a fresh set of clothes.

"Okay." Krys said lying down on the couch and never looking up at Tai. Tai stood in her tracks for a moment then walked out the door. When she reached her car, she threw her bags in the back before cranking it. As she put the car in reverse, she started to contemplate going to the hospital. Atleast to see how he was doing.

"Could I have the room number for AJ McLean, please?" Tai asked the receptionist. She looked around the waiting room and saw no one familiar. The woman told her the number and Tai walked off. "242, 244, 246, here it is." Tai told herself as she slowly pushed open the door to AJ's room.

"Oh, hi." A petite nurse said to Tai as she walked in the room. "Friend or family?" She asked.

"Neither...I mean, friend." Tai covered up.

"I'll leave you two alone." The nurse smiled as she exited the room. Tai took a seat in the chair next to his hospital bed. He didn't seem to be scarred up that bad, atleast not on his face. All the wires that ran from his body scared Tai. She heard a beeping coming from the other side of the bed, and it slowly drifted into the back of her mind as she buried her head in her hands and cried. She lifted herself from the chair and walked over to a window that overlooked a portion of Orlando. She slid her hands into her back pockets and took a deep breath before walking back over to him. Tai stood right next to his bed and she gripped the side rail.

"I'm so sorry." Tai said through her tears. "I know that I don't deserve to be forgiven, and I know that you deserve a million times better than me, and maybe it's too late to say this, but...AJ, I really do like you. This is so stupid." Tai scolded herself. "Why am I even talking to you? You can't hear me, you'll never want to even hear me. Not after all the...crap I've put you through."

"AJ will forgive you." Tai heard a voice say. She spun around to see Brian.

"Brian..." Tai said wiping her eyes with the palm of her hand. " long have you been there?"

"Long enough. Tai, you don't have to blame yourself, and if you think that AJ wouldn't forgive you, then you don't know AJ." Brian walked closer and took one look at AJ's body. "Gosh, Tai...that boy really cares about you. I don't think you can ever do anything to make that change."

"'s too late." Tai turned back to look at AJ. "I feel so guilty that I treated him like crap, and then I had the audasity to walk in here...knowing that he'll forgive me because he cares about me. I'm not trying to be stuck up here, it's just that, now I'm so confused. When I first heard about AJ I was really scared. Then, when I saw him lying there, unable to do anything...I got that really sick feeling in my stomach...I thought for a split second that I really cared about him. Then, I thought it was just the guilt. Now, I don't know what to feel."

"Tai...AJ's my best friend. Sometimes, I envy him so much. I know that being envious isn't right, but he's got so much that I don't have. He's got so much courage, this great outgoing personality...he's just...he's just AJ."

"Brian...I don't know you that well, but it seems to me that you have all those things. I mean, you did ask Krys out, didn't you? I guess what upsets me the most is the fact that I messed up, and I want to start over...but, I can't. I want to just forget that I was ever rude to him, and start over."

"I don't know what to tell you, Tai." The two sat for a moment watching AJ sleep, before wandering back down to the waiting room.

"Brian." Krys said opening the apartment door.

"Hey, baby. I just came from the hospital, and thought I owed it to you to come and say sorry." Brian said stepping into the room. "I saw Tai."

"You went to the library?" Krys asked curiously.

"She was at the hospital." Brian said slightly smiling at her.

"Really?" Krys said astonished. She led him to the couch and they took a seat. "So, how is he?" She asked.

"Same." Brian answered glancing down at the floor. "Krys, I'm really ashamed of myself for being so rude."

"Bri, you're so sweet." Krys said touching his face.

"I hope you understand that..."

"Brian, don't worry about it. I know that you're going through a lot of stuff right now, and...just don't worry about it." She leaned over and kissed his cheek. Just that time, Tai walked in the apartment and headed to her room.

"Have fun at the library?" Brian asked with a slight smile.

"A blast." Tai said throwing her bags on her bed and walking back into the living room.

"Tai, Brian said you went to see AJ." Krys mentioned as Tai headed into the kitchen. She grabbed the grape juice out of the fridge and began to pour her a glass.

"Yeah, I did." Tai answered before taking a drink. "I'm not as low as you thought, huh?"

"Tai, I never thought you were low." Krys informed her.

"Please, Krys, I know that you looked down on me for acting the way I did towards AJ."

"Tai, I look up to you. I could have never have made myself go to that hospital if I was you."

"Now, that's better." Brian said breaking in. Tai smiled down at the floor.

"Thanks, Krys." Tai said.

Brian, Krys, Tai, Nick, Kevin, and Howie walked into the waiting room where Denise and her parents sat.

"Hi, guys." AJ's grandmother, Ursula said.

"Hi, Mrs. Fernandez." Brian said hugging her. Everyone greeted everyone else and they all sat back down.

"So, anything new?" Kevin said.

"Nope." Denise answered.

"Can we see him?" Brian asked.

" can go in." Denise told him. Brian stood to his feet.

"I think I'll go." Brian made the long journey down the hall to AJ's new room where he lay in a deep sleep. The door was cracked and Brian pushed it open and walked into the room, taking a seat next to AJ's bed. "I guess you never realize how much you need something until...until it's almost gone. We're all falling apart here, AJ. Everyone thinks they can fix things. No one can. Only God. What scares me the most is...what if God's plan is...what if you don't pull through? Why do I have to be the pessimist? Tai came to see you. I knew she'd come to sooner or later. I don't know how you can pick someone out of a crowd of thousands and say, 'she's the one' and you be completely right. All my life I've tried to do that, and I just now did it. I guess I feel like Krys is 'the one'. I'd like to think so. What did you think of her?" Brian stood to his feet and began wandering around the room while he continued to talk. "All the other guys like her. I can't wait till you get better, and we can actually try really hard to get our group started. Now, there's that optimism I've been looking for. Just think, AJ...if you wake up...things'll be perfect. I'll have Krys, you'll have Tai...and we'll all have our band. We'll be at the top of the world." Brian stood over AJ and waited for him to awake. Suddenly, the repititious beeping from the machine sped up. Before long, two nurses and a doctor rushed in the room pushing Brian away.

"You'll have to leave, sir." The doctor said. They practically shoved him out the door and shut it. Brian ran to the window and watched them work diligentally. A few minutes later all the others ran to Brian's side and watched along with him.

"What's happening?" Krys asked coming to Brian's side. Brian shook his head in confusion as he grabbed Krys' hand for comfort. Tai stood alone near the end of the window watching in disbelief. Tears fell from her eyes and she held her hands against the window pane.

"I love you." She whispered hoping that by faith AJ would hear her. More and more people came in to work on AJ. Before long, they were blocking his body and all anyone could do was wait.

"He's gone." Denise said turning from the window and clasping her mouth.

"You don't know that, Denise." Howie told her.

"I'm a mother. I can feel it." Denise turned from everyone.

"Ms. McLean." A young doctor said walking out of the room.

"Yes?" Denise said under her breath holding back more tears.

"AJ seems to have had heart failure. We're gonna try our best to bring him back. Just go back to the waiting room and we'll inform you if anything happens."

"You mean if he dies, right?" Denise asked bluntly.

"Ms. McLean, we'll try our best." The doctor told her.

"Can you look me in the eye and tell me that my son will survive?"

"No, ma'am, I can't."

"But, I bet you can look me in the eye and tell me that he'll probably die...right?" Denise asked.

"Denise...come on." Nick took her hand and led her back to the waiting room. Everyone else followed.

"Tai..." Brian said approaching her. She sat alone on the other side of the room from everyone else. "...are you going to be alright?"

"Brian...I...I hate myself." Tai said crying. Brian sat next to her.

"Tai...AJ loved you with all his heart. Don't ever forget that."

"I don't know how it happened...but, I've fallen in love with him without ever even speaking to him."

"It probably happened the exact same way that he fell in love with you." Brian hugged Tai.

"What if I never have the chance to tell him that?" Tai asked.

"Tai...I think he'll know." At that time a doctor walked into the room with a look of gloom on his face.

"I'm sorry." Was all he could seem to say. The room became quiet. No one knew what to say. They just all began to cry. That day changed everyones life. It was hard for everyone to move on, but they did what they had to. Brian, Nick, Kevin, and Howie carried on with the group, and every night they would dedicate the show to AJ. It was his idea for the group, and it just wouldn't have been right to do a show without acknowledging his presence. A year had passed and the guys had become somewhat popular. Denise made all the guys her own. Brian ended up telling Krys that she was the one right before sliding a ring on her finger. Tai always felt in her heart that AJ did know, but every now and again she would miss him.

"We're on in ten." Kevin said poking his head into Brian's dressing room. Brian took one last look in the mirror before turning for the door. He stepped into the dark hallway illuminated by his dressing room light. Right before he hit the switch to turn it off, he saw something in the distance.

"Denise, is that you?" Brian called into the darkness.

"No, it's me, AJ." Brian heard that once familiar voice.

"Whoah...maybe I've been taking to much of that prescription medicine." Brian wiped his eyes as AJ came closer.

"It's really me, Rok." AJ said.

"Are you..."

"Yeah, I'm...well, I'm an angel. I know that's hard to believe." AJ chuckled. "Brian, I really hated the fact that I left without saying goodbye. I know I waited a little too long to say it, though."

"Why did you come to me?" Brian asked.

" were always my best friend, Brian. I trust you enough, to, tell everyone goodbye for me. Tell Mom that I really miss her. I really hated leaving her. Tell the guys bye, too. You guys are doing a really good job. I've seen every show so far. We're allowed to do that in heaven. Tell Tai I'll try to stop wandering into her dreams so much. You know how I am. I have to see her every day or my life just doesn't..."

"Complete it's orb." Brian finished him.

" remembered. Anyway, you've gotta go."

"Bye, AJ." Brian said with a tear in his eye.

"Oh, and Brian...congratulations."

"For what?" Brian asked.

"You're on top of the world, man." AJ smiled and turned and walked back into the darkness. As the tear dropped from Brian's eye he walked onto the stage, behind the curtain to join the others.

"I'd like to give a shout out to a good friend who I know is watching from above." Brian said into the microphone with thousands of fans screaming in their ears. He looked up to heaven. "AJ, this one's for you." The lights dimmed and somewhere in the distance they all heard AJ whisper goodbye.

~Author Unknown

If you know who wrote this, or if you did, Please Email me at so that I can give the author credit! Thankz :O)


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