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~*Italian Dream*~


_Chapter 1_

"This really sucks!" Nicole exclaimed as she threw her hands into the air.

"Yeah, tell me about it" Krisse agreed. She sighed deeply and plopped her butt down on the sand.

Since 2nd grade Nicole and Krisse had been the best of friends. They had met and instantly clicked and since then they had done almost everything together. Krisse had long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a pale complexion. At 5' she was quite short for her age. Nicole was the complete opposite of Krisse. Brown hair down to her shoulders, dark brown eyes, tan complexion, and she was 7" taller then Krisse.

"We get to spend the whole summer in Italy, mostly unsupervised, and we end up stuck on the beach with a bunch of foreigners that don't speak any English in 100 degree weather and to top it all off our boat is broken and we can't go on the ocean!" Nicole yelled and fell to the ground next to Krisse with an exasperated *harumph*.

"Calm down Cole! Your face is getting all red. People are looking at you." Krisse giggled.

"Oh... who cares? This is going to be a terrible vacation if we don't find something to do soon! Besides, they probably don't understand a word that I am saying. Stupid Italians!" Cole yelled at some people who were chatting away in Italian.

"I wouldn't bet on that Cole. Those two guys over there were laughing at you. I think they understood every word."

"What guys?" Nicole spun her head around in the direction that Krisse was looking. "I don't see any guys Kris."

"Well they were just there and they were laughing." Krisse insisted.

"Of course! We find some people that we might be able to talk to I scare them away!" Cole fell backwards into the sand and put her hands over her face. In a muffled voice she asked "Were they cute? If they were cute I will die." There was silence.

"Krisse? Did you hear me?"

"Uh uh yeah" was all Krisse could say.

"Well, where they cute??" Nicole asked again. It wasn't Krisse that answered.

"Well, I don't know 'bout my buddy Nick but I am a total babe." A gruff British voice answered.

Nicole slowly took her hands off her eyes. She felt her face growing red with embarrassment. She looked up and before her was a tall muscular guy. He had short brown hair and a sign of a goatee was on his chin. He had an eyebrow ring hanging fromthe corner of his right eye. Nicole thought he was very handsome and, from the look on her face, Krisse thought so too.

"Um, who are you?" Nicole murmured, very embarrassed.

"My name is Jason. Jason Brown if you want to be exact. And you are?"

"Oh... my name is Nicole and this is my best friend Krisse."

"Well, allo Krisse." Jason said and extended his hand out to her.

"Hi." Krisse said and grabbed his hand quickly, shook it and let go.

Nicole, feeling a little less embarrassed, asked him to sit down and join them. He sat down next to them and Nicole asked him a bunch of questions about why he was there and such. Krisse barely uttered two words through the whole conversation. Nicole knew she was just being shy because she thought Jason was cute. They learned that him and his friend Nick were in Italy for the whole summer because Nick's parents were very rich and they owned a big house and lots of property on the ocean. Nick came up here every year with them and this year he had invited Jason along because it was his first time coming alone. Nick was from Orlando, Florida and J was from Europe, but he had moved to Orlando last fall.

"How old are you guys?" Nicole questioned happily.

"We are both 19." Jay answered and looked at them waiting to hear there ages

"Krisse and I are both 18"

"Smashing!" Jay answered.

"Where is Nick now?" Nicole asked happy that there was two guys. Since Jason was not her type she was hoping that Nick would be. Besides she could tell the Krisse really liked Jason.

"Well, he headed back to the house right before I came to talk to you guys because he said he was not feeling well. To tell you the truth I think that he was just embarrassed. He is not all to good with girls and I think that he thought that one of you was pretty." Jason replied and smiled at Nicole. Nicole Blushed. "I think that after he meets you gals he won't be so shy. Even though I am not sure that your friend Krisse here can talk." Jason glanced at Krisse. Krisse Blushed so bad Nicole thought that her face was goin to explode.

"I can talk. I just ... well... I just don't have anything good to say that's all." Krisse gushed.

"Well, you better find something good to say by tonight. I want you guys to join me and Nick at his house for dinner and a boat ride. We have the house all to our self's and I heard you guys saying that you wanted to go on a boat so if you say no then I will just take it as a sign that you don't like me. So you are goin to say yes, right?" Jason asked eagerly.

"We would love to wouldn't we, Kris?"

"Yes, we would." Krisse answered with the biggest smile on her face.

"Great. I will come pick you guys up at 6:00 so that you have time to do ... well what ever you girls do. Where are you staying?"

"We are staying with my brother, but he is never home." Nicole said pointing to a house down the beach.

"Oh all right. That is very beautiful." Nicole looked at Jason and he was looking at Krisse when he said this, instead of the house. "6:00 it is. Bring your swimsuits and an appetite. Me and Nick are goin to cook up a fabulous meal. It will make your mouth water." Jason said in a mock chef voice and laughed. He got up and wiped the sand off his butt. "See you soon." He said and jogged off to where his car was parked.

"Yeah see you soon Jason." Krisse called to him as he ran off. He turned around and flashed a surprised smile. He called back to her,

"Please, call me J."


J leaned back in the seat of his black mustang convertible. He sighed and glanced at his reflection in the mirror. He could not wipe the smile off his face.

"I cannot wait to tell Nick about this. I have never seen such a beautiful girl. Krisse. Such a beautiful name." J said out loud to himself He started the car and switched on the radio. A song by the Backstreet Boys was playing.

"Ugh! I hate this group. I can't believe that Nick can like them so much. They are such... pussys." He turned the station "Now this is more like it. 'Baby when the lights go out....'" J sang as he drove down the road. All the way home all he could think about was Krisse and how happy Nick was going to be when he found out that Krisse had a friend. She was exactly Nick's type. "I'll be damned if I let him chicken out about this girl" He thought to himself. He was tired of seeing his best friend get rejected and being scared of girls. J decided that he was goin to be very firm with him. He sped into the long driveway and came to a screeching halt.

Inside Nick heard this and looked out the window. He watched J jump out of the car and do a little dance and spin around. Nick couldn't help but laugh.

"Looks like J had luck with he ladies as usual. I really did think the one with brown hair was cute though." Nick sighed and walked back into the living room and plopped his butt down on the couch and continued watching Pokemon. Soon he heard J barge into the house and call out

"Nick my boy, where are you?"

"On the couch watching TV" Nick yelled back "Come tell me about all the fun you had with the girls" he laughed. J walked into the living room and flashed a smile at nick.

"You know... I think that I shouldn't tell you what happened. You would have been there and known what happened if you weren't such a shy little white boy that about shits his pants every time he sees a girl that he might like. Then you run home and sit here and watch TV until I get back to share what happened. Well, not this time my boy. I will not tell you. Not now or ever again" J said very cockily

"You are so sensitive." Nick said sarcastically "Please tell me what happened." He said with a pout.

"You are so weak Dude. Well, I am not going to tell you. I am goin to take my shower now and get ready. You better get ready and start cooking too." J ran up the stairs

"J wait! Get ready for what?" Nick yelled to him

"Oh, Did I forget to tell you? The two girls are coming over in an hour and I promised them food and since I can't cook you better make something good." J ran into the bathroom before Nick could get one more word in.

"Great. J gets the girl that I want and now he is making me cook them food." Nick said ageraly and went to the kitchen and pulled out stuff to make Spaghetti but even through his anger he felt his heart start to beat faster in anticipation.


Krisse and Nicole Walked in the door of Nicole's brothers house.

"Omigod Cole! This is great. This will be so fun. That J guy was dreamy. Don't you think so? I mean I can't believe that we are going to go out with such dreamy guys... weren't they dreamy?" Krisse gushed and spun around the room and fell to the floor.

"You said the dreamy thing already." Nicole giggled "You are right though. He was hot. Not my type though. I hope that Nick is more of what I like. Did you get to see him at all before he bailed?"

"All I saw was that he was tall and blonde. That's your type all right. I bet that you are just loving that he is shy too aren't you?" Krisse looked at Cole with a knowing look.

"You just know me too well," Cole said and walked to the stairs "and I know us too well. If we don't start getting ready now we will NEVER be ready in time so I am going to take my shower first because you take forever chicka." With that Nicole was up the stairs and out of sight leaving Krisse alone. Krisse sighed and sat down in front of the computer. She started typing an E-mail to her friend Jenna back in the states.


Dear Jenna,

I have the best story to tell you and you will not believe it. Me and Cole were on the beach today wallowing in our misery about our boat not working when this guy came up to us and started chatting. He was gorgeous!! He had a nice chest and a face to die for. His name is J and he has a lovely British accent. We are goin there tonight and they are cooking us dinner. He has a friend and he seems to be Nicole's type. Blonde, scrawny... you know the drill. I hope that J will like me because I sure as hell like him. Well, got to go pretty myself up for the boys.



~^~about an hour later~^~

"I think that I am finally dressed and ready" Nicole checked herself in the mirror one last time and decided that she was good to go. She was wearing a long skirt down to her ankles with blue flowers on it that seem to be growing from the bottom. Her shirt was Pink and it buttoned up the front with sleeves that came 3/4 the way down and rolled up at the end. Underneath she had her bathing suit on and she was ready and rearing to go. She Left her bedroom and went downstairs. Krisse was sitting on the couch brushing her hair. She was wearing her Kakis and her swim suit top. Nicole thought that look was great on her. "Hey... you look good CoLe" Krisse exclaimed

"You look good too Kriss. I just hope the boys like us." Nicole giggled and sat next to her. "I have a feeling that this is going to be a night to remember." Nicole said and deep down she knew that it would be....

_Chapter 3_

Nick looked at his watch. He was pacing back and forth. His palms were sweaty and he was more nervous than he had ever been in his life.

"J has been gone for an hour. He will probably be back with the girls anytime. I have to get ready fast!" He said to himself and pulled the noodles off the stove and poured them into the drainer. He hurried upstairs into his bed room and looked at himself in the mirror. He noticed sweat stains under his arms. He lifted up his shirt and stuck his nose in it.

"WOO! I need a shower! All of this worrying has got me stanky." Nick walked into the bathroom and took off his clothes and jumped into the shower.

"I've been watching you! You've been watching me! Lets stop playing games girl COME and dance with ME!" He belted out as he lathered up.

Nick wasn't even sure if these girls would like him or give him a chance. After all they already had J and that was enough for 11 girls. He was determined to try this time though. He hopped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, rapped it around his waist and stood in front of the mirror to check things out. He needed to shave badly. He pulled out the razor and went to it... after about 20 more minutes in the bathroom he went out to his closet to tackle the clothes. He stared at them and finally decided on a blu-ish gray shirt with long sleeves, kaki cargo pants, bare feet, and a black backwards baseball cap. He looked at his watch again. "They must be here by now. I better go make my grand entrance." Nick said with so much confidence that he was sure that he would not screw up tonight. That confidence was short lived. As he was going down the stairs two at a time he tripped over the last step and came crashing down on his face. He laid there and moaned. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He hoped that it was J and not one of the girls. He rolled over and looked up into the face of the beautiful brown haired girl that he had seen at the beach.

"Omigod! Are you Hurt?" Nicole gasped

"Just my pride and selfworth." Nick looked at her and felt his body get all tense. He didn't know what to say. "I'm, uh, I mean I'm..."

"Nick. Right?" Nicole asked

"Yeah. Nick." He pulled himself off the ground and smiled at Nicole. "What's your name?"

"I'm Nicole" She extended her hand out to him. He grasped it and shook. Nicole looked into his eyes. She had never seen eyes as deep and blue as his. Nick started to get uncomfortable and Nicole realized she was staring.

"What are you staring at me for?" Nick asked "Never seen such a klutz?" He smiled and that made Nicole feel more comfortable.

"No. I would have done the same thing. I am the biggest Klutz." Nicole laughed. She looked up at Nick again. He was strikingly beautiful. She wanted to know what his hair looked like and without even thinking she reached up and pulled off his hat. The beautiful blonde hair fell around his eyes and Nick just stared at her. He didn't know what to say and he could not be mad at her. He didn't even care. They were just standing there looking at each other when J walked into the room.

"Looks like you two have met. Well, foods served come and get it."

They followed him into the room holding hands. They felt such a strong connection that they didn't even think twice about doing this. Nick pulled out the chair for Nicole and she thanked him and sat down then they waited for J to bring in the food. He walked in with two plates full of spaghetti and sat one in-between Nick and Nicole and one in-between Krisse and himself.

"I thought that it would be a good way to get to know each other if we ate it this way. So eat up." J sat next to Krisse and she giggled and took a forkful and put it in her mouth.

Nick could not keep his eyes off of Nicole the whole time they were eating. Nicole couldn't decide if this was a good or bad thing. As they were finishing up their meal Nicole looked at the plate. There was one peace of spaghetti left and she a had an idea. She lifted the peace off the plate and told Nick to open up.

"Why?" He asked with a dumb look on his face.

"Trust me this will be fun." She placed one end of the spaghetti in his mouth and the other in hers. Nick caught on quickly. They started moving towards each other and there lips locked. It was a short but passionate kiss. Nick pulled away and Nicole thought that he didn't like it. She turned to look at Krisse and J who were making out big time. Nicole was upset that Nick didn't like the kiss because she really liked Nick. Suddenly she felt Nick's lip brush against her ear.

"I like you a lot Nicole. Don't get me wrong. I think that you are beautiful and funny and well perfect but I don't want to rush this. I am not used to girls liking me when I like them"

"Well I do like you." Nick smiled at her and he turned her head back into his for another, longer kiss. Nicole didn't want it to ever end.

_Chapter 4_

"I'm king of the world!" J screamed as he stood at the front of the boat.

After dinner the four of them made there way down to the boat and they were now slowly drifting on the ocean.

"Get down her and keep me company." Krisse pouted "I'm getting cold. Besides. That movie sucked."

"I'm coming my lovely!" J grabbed a rope, swung down like Tarzan (even making the Tarzan call) and landed next to Krisse. Everyone clapped and J took a bow.

"Tarzan. Now that's some movie. That boy is SEXY." Krisse laughed "I think that it is the loin cloth that does it for me."

"Damn you guys! This boat is huge. Its like a Yacht." Nicole looked around in awe.

"That's because it is a Yacht." Nick laughed

"Oh shut up." Nicole playfully pushed him. "Not all of us can be filthy rich."

"No, not all of us. We can, however, all get rich boyfriends." Krisse laughed and winked at J.

"Well, I don't know about you guys but I want to try out that rope thing." Krisse said and jumped up and started climbing up to the front of the boat.

"Be careful! Please!" J called up after her. It was dark and they were getting kinda far into the water. He didn't want anything to happen to Krisse now that he was starting to fall for her.

"I will be fine." Krisse grabbed the rope and jumped off the ledge. As she was swinging across the deck her foot got tangled on the railing. Krisse let out a bloodcurdling scream as she went flying off the boat into the deep ocean water. Without a thought J went plunging into the water after her.

"Wait!" Nick Screamed and ran to the side of the boat. "He can't do that. He can't swim!" He said franticly. Just as Nick was about to jump in after both of them Nicole grabbed his arm.

"Look!" She pointed into the darkness and what Nick saw was enough to make him laugh. Krisse was swimming back to the boat with a waterlogged J under one arm. She pulled him to the boat and they climbed up. She fell to the floor of the boat trying to catch her breath while J just sat there looking very embarrassed. Finally when she had regained herself she rolled over to face J. She gave him a sly smile.

"See. I told you that I would be all right"


All four of them climbed off the boat wearily. They slowly walked into the house. Nicole watched as J took Krisse's hand and without a word took her upstairs.

"Go Krisse. Getting right to the point." Nicole laughed slightly. She was worried that Krisse might do something that she would regret.

As if he could read her thoughts Nick said, "Don't worry about Krisse. J is a gentlemen underneath all of that sly exterior." He kissed Nicole's cheek and whispered in her ear "Wait here. I will be right back." He hurried up stairs and came back down holding a big blanket. He took her hand and lead her outside and down to the beach. He spread the blanket out on the sand and laid down on it. Nicole was exhausted so she laid next to him and curled up in his arms. Soon she was fast asleep and Nick laid there looking at her.

"She is so Beautiful. I haven't even known her for a day and I think that I might be falling in love. ' Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine I'm leaving my heart in your hands. People say I'm crazy and that I am blind risking it all in a glance.' Nick sang to himself and soon he too was fast asleep.

_Chapter 5_

Nicole felt a splash of coldness hit her forehead. She moaned and wiped at the spot with her hand. Her eyes fluttered open and all she saw was the cloudy sky. She forgot where she was and a wave of fear swept over her but then she looked to her side and found the beautiful face of Nick laying there sleeping like an angel. Everything that happened yesterday came back to her in a rush. Her thoughts went back to the drip of water that had woken her up. With no time to think the rain started to poor down, Nicole screamed and woke up Nick. They got up quickly and ran for the house laughing. They entered the house and Nick guided her to his bedroom. They left a trail of water all the way.

"I'm soaked!" Nicole exclaimed. She grabbed at her clothes and caused more water to drip all over the floor.

"So am I!" Nick laughed. "Here you can change into some of my clothes. They will be big but comfy" Nick went to his closet and pulled out some sweat pants and a T-shirt. He handed them to her.

"I will go change in there." Cole said and nodded towards the bathroom. A few minutes later, she came out all changed and dry. Nick had changed too and into the same thing.

"Here, let me throw these in the dryer." Nick said referring to the pile of wet clothes on the floor. "I will be right back, you just sit and chill." He left the room and Nicole started to investigate.

It was a pretty plain room, white walls with dark green plush carpet. He had an unmade king sized water bed with a blue bedspread and green sheets. Their were basketball posters and memorabilia spread all over the walls. On the wall opposite the bed was a large entertainment system fully equipped with television and VCR, CD-player, dvd, huge speakers, and tons of CDs. She went straight to the CDs, the kind of music a person listens to was always very important to Nicole. As she scanned through she saw that he had a wide taste in music. He seemed to like everything from Nirvana to Journey and even, Nicole's favorite, the Backstreet Boys.

"Whatcha lookin at?" Nick asked as he came up behind her. He put his arms around her waste and his chin on her head.

"Just your CDs, I love the Backstreet Boys, I didn't think that I would ever meet a guy that liked them, man, you ARE perfect." Nicole giggled at him. "They're coming to Italy tomorrow and I wanted to go. It was all sold out though" She put on a smile and turned to Nick, she leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the nose. Nick smiled. "Shall we go make breakfast?"

"Lets." Nicole answered. They went downstairs and into the kitchen, Nicole went to the fridge and pulled out the milk, "How about we make some pancakes?"

"Sounds good." Nick gathered the rest of the ingredients while Nicole mixed. Krisse sleepily walked into the room and yawned. She stretched her hands up above her head and Nicole noticed she had exchanged her clothes for one of J's big button up shirts.

"Aren't you guys the early birds? And look at you two, you look like twins!" Krisse laughed. Nicole looked at Krisse confused, then she looked at what she and Nick were wearing.

"She's right!" Nicole started laughing so hard that she started to cry. It was contagious and soon they were all laughing right along with her. A sleepy J walked into the room. He yawned and stratched his butt.

"What did I miss?" and that just made them all laugh harder.

_Chapter 6_

"Where the hell were you all night?!?" Nicole's brothers voice bellowed as Nicole and Krisse walked into the house. After they had all eaten breakfast at Nick's house Nick had driven them home so that they could get cleaned up and changed into some different clothes. They were all going on another date later that night. Nicole watched in fear as her brother walked towards them. He was swaying back and forth and falling into things. He finally gave up reaching them and fell into a chair. He glared up at the two girls. "I worried about you all night! Look at me! I drank too much because i was so worried." He slurred out

"That is bunch of bull Branden." Nicole shot back "You would have drunk yourself into a stupor no matter if we were home or not. I bet you didn't even get home from the bar till the break of dawn and didn't even notice we were gone till we walked in the door."

"Don't talk back to me you little slut. I bet you and your little friend went working the corner."

"Fuck you Branden." Nicole knew better than to talk back to her brother when he was drunk but the words came out before she could stop them. "Get your damn drinking problem under control!" Branden's face turned red with anger and there was fire dancing in his eyes.

"I do NOT have a drinking problem. NEVER EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!" Branden came charging at Nicole ready to strike. She ducked away trying to escape his blow but she couldn't. His fist came crashing down on her cheek. Nicole fell to the ground in pain. She felt his foot kick into the flesh of her stomach. She cried for him to stop but he was in a different world and he didn't hear a word. His kept kicking until it felt as if his foot had mad a hole in her tender flesh and she thought he might beat her to death this time. Suddenly she heard a voice.

"Get the hell away from her or I will kill you!" Nicole looked up and saw Nick standing in the doorway. His face was red with anger, his fists were clenched, and his eyes glistened with pure rage. Branden looked at him and laughed. He turned to Nicole and kicked her as hard as he could. Without a work Nick ran at Branden. Nicole watched as Nick punched him and grabbed his head and slammed it against the wall. Nicole felt dizzy and everything went black.


Nicole opened her eyes and looked towards the dark ceiling. Flash backs to what had happened flooded her mind and she screamed. "Don't Branden.Don't hurt me. I'm sorry!" She looked around franticly, ready to fight back if she needed to.

Suddenly the light flashed on and Nick came running into the room. He went to Nicole's side and pulled her into his embrace. "It's ok. Everything is ok now." Nick held her tight as Nicole pounded her fists into his back. Soon Nicole started to calm down and she looked around and realized that she was no longer in her brothers house. She was in Nicks bed. "How did I get here? What happened? I thought..."

"Don't worry. I am taking care of you now. You will never go back to that house. I took care of your brother. He knows what it is like to be beaten now." Nick sat on the edge of the bed and stroked Nicole's hair. Nicole started to calm down.

"I thought that I was going to die Nick. I really did. How did you know I needed help? I thought you had left."

"I was pulling out of the driveway but I had a feeling that something was wrong so I turned around and came back to check. I ran as fast as I could and when I saw what was happening I just went nuts. I had to protect you. I should have gotten there quicker. Look at what he did to you." Nicks eyes swelled with tears.

"No Nick. Please don't. This is not your fault. Hell, it isn't even the first time he has done this to me. I should know better than to talk back to him when he is drunk." Nicole reached up and wiped the tears out of Nicks eyes. He smiled down at her.

"I was just about to go to your brothers house and get all of your things. I don't want you to have to go there for any reason." The thought of being alone right then scared Nicole. She reached up and grabed his neck.

"Please don't go Nick. I don't think that I could handle being alone yet." Nick looked down at her and he realized that he couldn't leave her. He felt a need to protect her. "I guess J can do it just as well as I can. I have to go tell him. Will you be ok for a couple of minutes?"

"Yeah. I will manage." she smiled lightly. Nick left the room and walked downstairs. He found J sitting on the couch with a sleeping Krisse in his arms.

"J..." Nick whispered. J looked up at Nick.

"Yeah man?"

"Can you and Krisse go and get Nicole's and Krisse's stuff? I was going to go do it but I can't leave her."

"Sure we can." Krisse replied. The sound of her name had woken her up. "Can't we wait till morning though? It is dark out and I am afraid. What if Branden is there?"

"Well, I would rather not wait. You both are going to need stuff tomorrow and I don't want either of you going to get it alone. You have to get Krisse's stuff too and I think that there is a good chance that Branden is at the bar right now, drinking away his pain."

"All right man. We can go." J smiled at Krisse "I will protect you from Branden. You know that"

"Thanks." Nick sat down on the couch and put his face in his hands and sighed. Krisse reached over and put her arm around him.

"Are you going to be ok?"

"Its just that I can't stand the thought of losing her. I only just found her. I have never cared about anyone so much before and I have only known her 2 days. That scares me. I never believed it before but I think that there is such a thing as love at first sight." Nick stood up "I need to go back to Nicole. Go and get the stuff and hurry. If her brother is there then do what ever you have to do so that you can get the stuff. Kill him if you have to."J started to laugh but then thought better of it. He was not sure if he was joking.

Nick turned around and headed up the stairs. He went into the bedroom and found Nicole was fast asleep. He crawled in the bed beside her. Gently and slowly, so not to wake her, he pulled her as close to his body as he could and held her tight. He laid there watching her sleep for a while and soon he was fast asleep with Nicole in his arms.

_Chapter 7_

The sunlight poured in to the room through the window and splashed onto Nicole's face. Her eyes fluttered open. She reached her hand over to find Nick but he was gone and in his place there was a note.

-Sorry I had to leave. Had something very important to do. Be back as soon as I can. Love forever


She sighed and got out of the bed. She walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Branden had not hurt her face too bad. There was only a small bruise under her right eye that would be simple to hide. She had been hiding them for a while. She looked and saw that J had gotten her stuff. It was laying on the floor by the sink. She took a quick shower, got dressed, and hid the bruise.

She went down stairs to see if anyone was awake yet. There wasn't any sign of life. She went into the kitchen to try and find some food. All she found was a pile of dishes in the sink a mile high. Nicole laughed.

"Men." She walked to the sink and turned on the water to get it hot. She bent down to get the dish soap from under the sink. Pain shot through her body and she groaned. Her ribs were very sore from yesterday.

"Nicole Danielle!"

Nicole spun around and found Krisse standing in the doorway with both hands on her hips and her foot tapping. "You do not think that you are going to do the dishes do you? I will not allow that. You have been through way too much and you need to recover. Now go lay down on that couch now!" Nicole didn't know what to do.

"Really Kris. I am fine."

"No, you are not fine." Krisse walked up to Nicole, Grabbed her arm, pulled her out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Now go sit on that couch." Nicole knew she was not joking around so she went and laid down. She did have to admit that it felt good.

"Krisse, the dishes need to be done and I have the stuff all ready in the sink.

"Damn right it needs to be done. Stay here I will be right back." Krisse raced up the stairs and minutes later she came back down pulling a very sleepy looking J behind her. She pulled him in the kitchen and 5 minutes later she came back out and sat down. "I got it taken care of. Don't worry. You just sit and rest"

Nicole thought that a nap sounded good right now so she closed her eyes. She wondered what Nick had to do that was so important that he would leave and not tell her that he was going. A wave of exhaustion hit her and she was soon in a deep sleep.


Nicole Felt something warm soft and wet on her cheek.

"Stop that Nick. It tickles." She waved her hand around and it hit something soft and furry. Her eyes whipped open and she reached over and turned on the light. She found a little Chihuahua sitting on her lap.

"Well, hi. Are you what Nick had to get?" She picked the dog up and it licked her face. "Well, aren't you the cutie?" Nicole got up and carried the dog into the Kitchen. Krisse and J were sitting at the table. Nicole noticed that all the dishes were done. "Well, look who woke up. You have been out for a while" J smiled at Nicole. "Where you get the puppy?"

"I don't know. He woke me up. I think maybe Nick brought him. Have you guys seen him?"

"Nope we haven't. We just got done with the dishes." J smiled. "Krisse taught me that when you do dishes in the dishwasher you have to wash them before you put them in and that when dishes are clean there is not supposed to be little spots on them." He smirked and Krisse through her hands in the air.

"This is the thanks I get for trying to help." J grabbed Krisse and kissed her.

"Thank you for helping. You are an angel"

"Now that's more like it"

Nicole just shook her head and laughed. "I am going to go see if Nick is home and figure out what he is up to." She left the kitchen and walked to the stairs. She heard some very familiar music coming from up stairs. She hugged the puppy tighter and climbed the stairs. She came to Nicks door and it was closed. Inside she could hear music. "I wish I could give the world to you but love is all I have to give."

Nicole pushed the door open and peered in. There was no one in the room but there was a rose and a card on the bed. She walked to the bed and picked up the rose. She inhaled its sent and picked up the card. As she opened it and 4 pieces of paper fell out. All the card said was "Look at the papers and turn around." Nicole picked one up and read it.

She started Screaming "No way NO WAY!" As she turned around she found Nick's smiling face standing before her.

"You! You did this. How? I thought there wasn't any left" Nicole squealed with joy.

"I guess that means you like my present."

"Like it? I love it! But how?"

"I have connections. Special friends."

Nicole jumped into Nicks arms and planted kisses all over his face. "You wonderful man. You knew just what I needed to make me feel better."

Krisse came running in followed be J. "What's all the commotion about?" Nicole jumped down from Nick and ran to Krisse and waved the paper in her face.

"Omigod! Omigod!" Krisse screamed and threw the paper in the air. She and Nicole jumped up and down and started dancing. J was totally lost in what was happening. He walked over to one of the papers that were laying on the floor and picked it up. He groaned.

"Backstreet Boy tickets? I don't like the Backstreet Boys."

Krisse laughed. "Learn to like them. I did. Nicole made sure of that."

All of the noise and Excitement had gotten the new puppy hyper and he started yipping and spinning around. He got his foot caught in a Tye Die Shirt and fell down. His tiny body got tangled in the shirt and he was trapped. He started wimpering. Everyone laughed. "I think that we should name him Tye Die. Ty for short. What do you think Nick?"

"I think it is perfect."

Nicole looked up at the clock on the wall. "The concert is tonight! Me and Kris have to start getting ready!" Nicole exclaimed and started pushing the boys to the door.

J looked up at the clock too. "The concert is not for 4 hours!"

"Don't remind us. If we don't start now we will never be ready!" Krisse squealed and helped push them out the door

_Chapter 8_

For the next 4 hours Nick and J sat in the living room watching the girls run around in a frenzy to get ready. There heads were going back and forth following them. "I feel like I am watching a tennis game." J laughed.

Nick looked down at his watch. "Girls! We have to go. We have a half an hour till the concert starts. I know you don't want to be late."

J grumbled "Yeah we do." Nick looked at him and shook his head. "BsB is not that bad."

"We are ready sweets. Just a second." Nick and J got up off the couch and went to the bottom of the stairs to wait.

"Ready?" Nicole's voice called from above. J was about to make a smart ass remark about how he had been ready for 4 hours but when he saw the girls he could not utter a word. Krisse and Nicole reached the bottom of the stairs and stood before their men.


Nick and J just stared for a minute. Finally Nick managed out "Damn!"

Krisse giggled. "We will take that as a complement. Right Cole?"

Nicole laughed "Right."

J had Finally regained himself and he reached over to Krisse and pulled her to him. "You are a knockout babe." He said and nibbled on her neck.

Nicole looked towards Nick for some of that kind of attention but he just kissed her and told everyone that they had to leave now.

"Wait." Nicole stopped. "In all the excitement I never looked to see what row we are in." Nick laughed and ran out to the car.

"You devil. Come back here." Nicole ran after him. She got to the car and pinned him down.

"Hey. Let go."

"Not till you give me the tickets."

"You will just have to get them yourself." Nick laughed.

Nicole smirked. "All right I will." She reached her hand around behind him, put her hands in his back pocket, and ripped them out.

"Hey now." Nick reached around to his butt. "Be careful with that. It's special." He said cockily.

Nicole laughed at him and looked at the tickets. "Omigod! Front Row Center? How did you do this?"

"Like I said. I have these special friends."

"Can I meet them sometime?" Nicole asked "I have to thank them big time. I love them. I might end up leaving you for them."

"Definatly. I think that you can meet them very soon but you better not leave me for anyone of them them. Now come on."

Nicole and Krisse both hopped into the back of the convertible and Nick and J got in the front. Nick turned on the car and started pulling out of the driveway when Nicole heard the sound of yipping. "Is that Ty? I thought that I locked her in."

Nicole looked around for the dog but didn't see it anywhere. She looked towards J and noticed his jacket was moving.

"J, what's wrong with your Coat?" Nicole questioned.

"Nothing. Its just my hand."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah... " But before he could get one more word out a little furry head popped out of his jacked and licked his nose. Everyone laughed at him.


What? I didn't think that we should leave her there all alone. Its not like I like her or anything." J turned red.

"Honey, that is so cute!" Krisse exclaimed and rapped her arms around his neck.

"It is? Oh... I mean I know it is." J made a quick save.

"Come on Nick! Lets go!" Nick stepped on the gas and the squealed out of the driveway. Krisse hopped up onto the back of the car seat and pulled Nicole up beside her.

"All you people can't you see, can't you see?" Krisse Screamed into the air.

"How your love's affecting our reality!" Nicole screamed back.

Nick laughed and J shook his head. " My girlfriend likes the Backstreet Boys. What did I ever do to deserve this?"

They made it to the stadium and hurried and found there seats. Soon the lights dimmed and music started blasting from the speakers. Krisse and Nicole squealed with delight and Nick and J stepped back behind them to let them enjoy the concert. Suddenly the 4 Backstreet boys came flying over head. Every girl in the stadium screamed at the top of there lungs. The boys landed and did there song "Larger than life." After a few more songs they brought out some stools and sat down.

"Show me the meaning of being lonely" the Backstreet Boys sang out with all there hearts.

Nicole jumped up and down with joy. "This is my favorite song!"

Brian took a deep breath and started his part. "So many words for the broken heart." Brian got off of the stool and started walking towards the audience. "So hard to see in a crimson love" He climbed down the stairs and walked towards the area where Nicole was. She gasped as he came to her and took her hand. "So hard to see. Walk with me." Brian leaned forward and whispered "Walk with me" into her ear. Nicole's mouth was gaping open and Nick gave her a friendly push from behind. She followed Brian dumbfounded up on to the stage. When they got back to Brian's stool he sat her down on it and got down on one Knee. "Show me the meaning of being lonely. Its just a feeling I need to walk with. Tell me why I can't be there where you are. There's something missing in my heart."

Nicole looked towards the audience and at every jealous girl in the place. Her gaze went down to Krisse. She looked a little upset. Nicole felt bad for her but out of the corner of her eye she saw Kevin walking towards Krisse in the audience. When Krisse saw this she just stared at him blankly. He took her hand and sang to her as he pulled her on stage. When the boys had finished the song Aj got up and took Nicole's hand and Howie got up and took Krisse's hand and they led the girls back down to there seats. Aj Kissed Nicole's cheek and whispered "See you backstage." Nicole had no idea what he was talking about but she was too happy to care. When the concert was done and the boys had said there good-byes Nicole turned around and jumped into Nick's arms. She kissed him deeply and ran her hands through his hair.

"I cannot believe that just happened to me. I can die now and I will be happy." Nick laughed.

"That makes me feel good. So are the Backstreet Boys more important than me?"

"Uhm... well.. huh... Can I get back to you on that one?" Nicole smirked. Nicole turned to look at Krisse and J. They were deep in a makeout section.

"I don't think that we will ever get them apart." Nick laughed

"The only thing that could do that is if Howie walked by in a wifebeater." Krisse broke the kiss.

"Where?!" Everyone laughed. Nicole looked at where everyone was going to get backstage to meet the boys.

"I wish that we could go back there."

"Maybe you can." Nick said and grabbed Nicole's hand. "Follow me." He took them outside and around to the side of the building. He pulled them towards the gates where the bus was parked.

"Nick we can't go back there. There is a guard." Nicole pulled back

"Come on. I know what I am doing." He walked up to a mean looking guard and taped him on the shoulder. He spun around ready to yell at whoever was there to go away but when he saw Nick his face lighted up.

"Nick! Long time no see."

"What's up Dave?" Nick punched Knuckles with the man. Krisse and Nicole's mouths dropped.

"Not to much. Just doing my job. Brian and the guys should not be to long. You can go wait for them on the bus."

"Kewl. Thanks man." Nick pulled Nicole to the bus with Krisse and J following.

"How did that man know you Nick?" Nicole questioned. Before he could answer Brian Littrell came running out of the bus with a water bottle and towel in hand. He saw them standing there and smiled

"Nick! I am so glad you are here. Go in the bus and make yourselves at home." With that he went running towards the screams of girls. Nicole turned to Nick and Stared at him blankly.

"OK so let me get this strait. Your 'Special Friends' are the Backstreet Boys?!" Nick looked at her and smiled slyly.


_Chapter 9_

"You know the Backstreet Boys and you were holding out on me?" Nicole was sitting in the back of the tour bus watching Nick play N64 with J. Krisse was just sitting next to her wide eyed.

"I thought that it would be a kewl surprise. It is isn't it?"

"Well, duh. I just am in shock. How do you know them?"

"Brian has been my best buddy from when I was about 13. They weren't big then. Stop talking to me or J is going to win." Nick focused back on the game. Nicole sighed and turned to Krisse.

"Can you believe this? We are on the Backstreet Boys tour bus and they actually know about it. We didn't have to sneak on." Nicole giggled

"I know. I just can't wait till they get here. I wanna see Kevin looking damn fine." Nicole smiled and leaned back on the couch.

"Do you hear that?" Nicole looked at Krisse

"Hear what?"

"Barking. J did you let Ty out of your jacket?" Nicole questioned.

"Na man. She is still in here and wiggling like crazy." J shifted uncomfortably.

Nick sat up and listened. "TYKE!" He jumped up and ran over to the bunks and started looking in them. He stopped at one and pulled out a little ball of fur that looked just like Ty but with lighter hair. Nick carried the dog over to Nicole. "This is Brian's dog Little Tyke." He handed him to Nicole and Tyke barked and jumped up. Ty started yipping and moving around.

"I think that she wants out." Krisse laughed at the look on J's face

"My pleasure." J unzipped the jacket and Ty jumped out and ran over to Tyke. Tyke looked at her for a second and then sniffed her up and down. Ty gave him a little doggy kiss and laid down next to him.

"Looks like you got Rok's dog a Girlfriend." Everyone looked up and found Aj standing in the doorway. He looked tired and sweaty. "Hey everyone. Longtime no see Nick."

"Nick was here this morning getting the tickets." Brian pushed through the doorway and sat next to Nick. "Wait. You were hungover sleeping in the bunk weren't you? You didn't see him."

"I wasn't hungover! I was just sleepy." Aj insisted and sat down in an empty chair.

"Sure you were." Kevin and Howie both walked onto the bus and found places to sit.

"Hey Nick. Lets play some N64. Then I can whoop your ass so good. Like I always do." Brian grinned and grabbed a controller


Whatever wussy boy. Your on!"

Nicole looked around. She could not believe where she was. There had to be more to how Nick new them but she didn't want to pry right now. She just wanted to take in the moment. The moment was knocked into when Aj plopped next to her and smiled.

"Hey. You like our bus?"

"Yeah. Its pimp."

"If you would like I could give you a little tour. Maybe show you where we sleep or something." He gave her a sly grin.

"Step off Horndog. She is mine." Nick laughed

"All right, all right. Just offering." Nicole laughed and looked around. Kevin was looking at Krisse and he got up and went to sit next to her.

"Hi. I'm Kevin. You are the girl that I sang to, right?"

"Yeah. That would be me. Thanks for doing that even though I am sure that Nick told you to." Without looking up from the game Nick replied.

"No, I didn't. I just told Brian to come get Nicole. I didn't even see Kev today."

"Yeah. I didn't know about any of this. I just thought you were cute." Kevin blushed. J looked at him ready to kill.

"Not that I would try anything." Kevin said quickly

"Damn! I cannot believe you won!" Brian Threw down the controller. Nick get up and laughed right in Brian's face. He started jumping up and down doing the cabbage patch. Everyone laughed at him.

"What?" Nick asked dumbly

"Thank you for that Nick. You just made losing to you so worth it." Brian laughed.

"Honey," Nicole reached her hand up to him. "Come sit down over here and stop embarrassing me." Nick blushed and sat down. Aj Jumped up.

"Hey. We have a day off tomorrow. Can we stay in your kickass house Nick?"

"I guess. Sure."

"Hell yeah!" Aj ran to the front of the bus and soon came running back. "All set. I got us a car to go in so lets go!" J got up and pulled Krisse, who was in deep conversation with Kevin, up with him

"I think that we will go take the mustang home." He pulled her off the bus before she could say another word.

"Looks like you made J jealous Kev." Howie smile. Kev blushed slightly.

"We were just talking."


Aj ran inside. "I am claiming my room!" and he ran up the stairs two at a time. Kevin and Howie followed him a little more calmly.

Brian looked at Nick and Nicole. "I think that I will just sleep on the couch if its OK with you."

"Yeah. Whatever. Suit yourself man" All of a sudden the door flew open almost sending Brian flying. He jumped out of the way only to be shoved the other way by J. He stomped up the stairs and slammed the door to his and Krisse's room. Krisse walked inside sheepishly

"He is a little mad at me about Kevin."

"I can tell." Brian rubbed his arm where J had shoved him out of the way.

"Oh. Sorry about that. I think that I will go up stairs and try and make it up to him." Krisse giggled and ran to there room.

"J gets jealous easy." Nick stated simply. "I want to go for a walk. You coming?" Nick asked looking at Nicole.

"Yeah. I want to talk to you." They told Brian good-bye and walked out to the beach. They walked together in silence for a while until Nick stopped and turned towards the ocean. Nicole leaned back against his chest and he rapped his arms around her waist.

"I am sorry if I am acting weird." Nick told Nicole. "I always get like this when he guys are here."

"Anything you want to talk about?"

"Na. Why bring up the past. Maybe sometime." Nick yawned. "I am tired. I think that I am going to go to bed. You coming?"

"I think that I want to stay out here for a while."

"Don't be too long." He kissed her and walked back to the house. She watched him until he was out of sight and then she sat down. There was a small breeze blowing and it felt good as it hit Nicole face. She closed her eyes to think.

"Looks like you have a lot on your mind." A voice behind her startled Nicole and she turned quickly. Brian was standing there in some kakis and a gray hooded sweatshirt that zipped up the front.

"Yeah. I do."

"May I?" Brian asked and pointed to the sand next to her. Nicole nodded and sat down.

"So let me guess what is bothering you. Nick wont tell you what is bothering him and you are frustrated by it?"

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"I have known that boy since he was 13 and he is always doing that. It is a little problem that he wont work on." Brian shrugged and leaned back. "Did you know that the Backstreet Boys was going to be a 5 member group?"

"No. I didn't." Nicole shook her head. "Wait, do you mean Nick?"


"What happened then?"

"Who knows. He was a part of the group for about a year. We were not very famous at all. Then one day he came to us and said that he couldn't do it any more. He couldn't be in the group. He never gave us a reason and we never pressed real hard for one. It is sad though. He is really talented. Have you heard him sing?"

"No I haven't. I didn't even know he could sing"

"Well he is very talented. I don't know why he stopped singing." Nicole shivered suddenly realizing how cold she was. Brian saw and started unzipping his sweatshirt.

"Here. Put this on." He took it off and handed it to Nicole.

"Thanks." He was now wearing just wearing a tight white shirt and the kakis. His muscular body was beautiful and Nicole couldn't help but stare. Brian started to shift uncomfortably.

"What are you looking at?" Nicole Blushed.

"Nothing. I mean well I am looking at you. I never thought in a million years I would be sitting on the beach in Italy talking with Brian Littrell. It is kinda trippy you know"

"Well, I like talking to you."

"I like talking to you also." Nicole and Brian lost all track of time and they ended up talking to each other deep into the night. When dawn light started to glow Brian suggested they go in because Nick would wonder where she was. They got up and walked inside.

"Thank you for the wonderful night Nicole. I really enjoyed it." Brian Confessed

"I enjoyed it to." Nicole smiled and ran up the stairs. She went into there bed room and crawled in the bed beside Nick. She kissed him on the forehead and pushed the hair out of his eyes.

"Where have you been?" Nick questioned

"I was on the beach thinking. I lost track of time."

"Is that it?"

"Of course that's it."

"Why are you wearing Brian's sweatshirt then?" Nicole looked down. She had forgotten all about it.

"Well, he came out to keep me company. I got cold and he gave this to me. That's all it was. We talked for a long time. You believe me don't you."

"Of course I believe you. I guess he probably told you about me being in the group."

"Yeah he did."

"Aren't you going to question me about it and tell me I was stupid to leave."

"You said you didn't want to talk about it and I respect that. Besides, you can do what ever you want in your life. You do not have to justify it to me." Nick smiled and pulled Nicole closer to him.

"You are too good for me." Nicole Kissed his nose and then his lips and fell asleep with him holding her.

_Chapter 10_

Nicole woke up. She looked at the clock and it said it was 10:00. Nick was not beside her and she could hear the shower running in the bathroom. Nicole rolled over and tried to get more sleep because she had only had a few hours but it was no use. Finally she stood up and lazily walked to the living room. Brian was laying on the couch watching TV.

"Good Mornin'!" he smiled at her.

"Not so good. I am so tired." Nicole yawned. Brian sat up and made room for her to sit down.

"I must be used to this. I am not tired one little bit."

"Brag why don't you." Nicole shoved him playfully.

"I see you are still wearing my sweatshirt. What did ol' Nickers have to say about that?"

"Not to much. Just made sure that I didn't fuck you or something."

"Yeah, that is what I thought he would do. He has always been jealous of me and he is afraid I will take his girl. In this case I can't blame him." Brian started at Nicole intensely.

"Brian I... " but before Nicole could say anything else Nick walked in. He saw the way Brian was looking at Nicole and he came and sat down in between them.

"So... what's on TV?" Nicole was glad to have a reason to not talk to Brian for a while. She didn't know what he was going to try but she wasn't going to let it work.

They sat on the couch watching TV for a couple of hours. Around 12:00 Krisse and J came down stairs. Krisse was all smiles and J looked like he had forgiven her. The more Nicole thought about it she realized J had a look of satisfaction on his face. Nicole gasped

"Krisse! You didn't! Did you?" Krisse smiled.

"I don't know. Did we?"

"Yes, we did. Remember?" J questioned.

"Gah! Ruin my fun. I wanted it to be a secret." Aj, Howie, and Kevin came walking down the stairs.

"If you had ears and you were in this house then you should have known what they were doing."Howie laughed. Krisse blushed.

"I tried to be quiet. I really did."

"I am sure that you did, Honey." J laughed and kissed her on the cheek. Krisse looked up at Kevin. He looked upset.

"What's wrong Kev?"

"Nothing is wrong" He exclaimed and stormed into the kitchen.

"What did I say?" Krisse asked.

"Nothing. Kevin has a little crush on you and he didn't like hearing all the noise last night." Aj answered

"Well he better get over it." J said gruffly.

"So what are we doing today?" Aj asked "I have a day off and I want to do something!"

"Well, I need to go buy some new shoes. Any one want to join me?" Howie asked eyeing Aj.

"SHOPPING!" Aj screamed. "Lets go!"

"Go where?" Kevin asked as he walked back in from the Kitchen.

"Shopping!" Aj screamed again. Howie shook his head.

"You wanna come man?"

"Sure." Everyone said good-bye and they left.

"Well, I think J is getting grumpy again. Maybe we should go upstairs and see what we can do about that." Krisse laughed. J jumped out of the chair and carried Krisse all the way up to there room and slammed the door.

"Oh my." Nicole looked up the stairs after them. Brian stood up and stretched.

"So Nick. Up for a little 1 on 1?" Nick perked up


"Well, what are we going to do with Nicole?" Brian smirked at her.

"Oh I supposed I can just stay here and miss you both terribly." Nicole pretended to cry.

"No way! We have to have someone watch. Otherwise what is the point." Nick laughed. 15 minutes later they were on the court. Brian ran to one of the hoops and Nick was close behind. Nicole walked over to a shaded area and sat down to watch. Brian won the first game. He jumped up and laughed in Nicks face.

"I let you win." Nick threw the ball at him "Play again"

The day went on like that. Nick won the next game and Brian one the next one, so on and so on. They would do tricks and hard shots always trying to out do each other and impress Nicole. Nicole started to realize that it was starting to be more about who would win the girl and not the game. It started to get dark and Nicole eye lids started to droop. She tried to stay awake and watch but it was no use. The next thing that she remembered hearing was Brian saying that he would carry her up to the bedroom so that Nick could check on some things. He got up to the room and laid her on the bed but he didn't leave. He sat on the edge of the bed stroking her hair. Nicole laid still, hoping that he would think she was asleep and go away but the next thing she knew Brian lips where pressing against hers. She was going to push him away but it felt good and before she knew it she was kissing back.

"Wait! No. Go away. Brian No! Stop." She shoved him away

"Ok. Fine. I shouldn't have done that, but it felt so good. I know you liked it."

Nicole rolled over and faced away from him. Brian stood there for a second and left the room without another word. Nicole started crying because he was right, it felt too good.

_Chapter 11_

Nicole woke up the next morning and looked at Nick's sleeping face. She thought about what had happened between her and Brian the night before. She had hardly slept a wink thinking about what to do. Looking at Nick was making her realize how she was falling in love with him. It was every girl dream, including her own, to have Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys kiss them and now that she had that she knew that was not what she wanted. She wanted Nick and she needed to tell Brian that right then and there. She quietly got out of the bed and tiptoed out of the room. When she got downstairs she found all of Brian stuff was gone.

"Damn!" Nicole sat on the couch and sighed "He's gone." She leaned forward and glanced the coffee table. There was a letter laying there propped up against a vase. The envelope read "For Nicole." She Quickly grabbed it, ripped it open and pulled out the letter and started reading


I wanted to say this to you in person but the truth is I think that this will be easier for me. Kinda sounds like I am taking the easy way out huh? I guess that is what I am doing. I enjoyed last night and I stayed up all night thinking about you. I want you to know that even though I have only known you for 2 days I have very strong feelings for you and I can see why Nick can love you so much after only a short time. You make quiet the first impression. I know that you love Nick and he is my best friend so this is a terrible situation for me. I don't want you to leave Nick for me so that I will lose his friendship. If you ever have any problems or you ever need someone to talk to I want you to know that I will always be here for you even if you never have feelings for me more than a friend. We have to tour in Europe for another month. After that I will be going back to the US. If you need me I am just a phone call away.



"Brian? Is that you?" Nicole pressed the phone closer to her ear. "I can barely hear you."

"Nicole? I can barely hear you. Hold on a sec." Brian yelled into the phone and Nicole had to laugh. In the back ground she could hear AJ and and a bunch of girls. After a few seconds all the noise was gone.

"All right. You still there?" Brian asked through the phone.

"I am right here. AJ having a party?"

"Of course." Brian got quiet "I was afraid you weren't going to call."

"Well, I think that we need to talk about stuff. Don't you?"

"Definitely... but what do you want..."

"Just let me talk for a second Brian. I need to get this out." Nicole took a deep breath. "I love Nick and nothing is going to change that. I keep thinking to myself that I am crazy and that I should go with you. You are a Backstreet Boy and one of the sweetest guys alive. I keep saying that I should go with you but I love Nick so my heart says that I need to go with him and that is what I am going to do."

"If you keep saying all that stuff to yourself then why do you assume that it is wrong?"

"Brian. I will always be friends with you but right now there is no chance of a relationship. I am sorry. I need to go."

"If that is the way you feel then I respect that but that don't change the way I feel."


"No wait. I will still always be here if you need me. Nick does have a temper and if he ever does anything..."

"He wont!"

"Ok... just don't forget about me and keep in touch."

"Of course. Good bye." Nicole hung up the phone and stared at the wall. What was Brian talking about? Nick had saved her from being beaten. He wouldn't start doing it. Would he? She shook the thoughts out of her head and stood up. She went into the kitchen and found Nick sitting at the table looking at a magazine. She walked up behind him and rapped her arms around his neck.

"I really love you. You know that right?" Nicole kissed his cheek.

"Of course I know that. Where did that come from?" Nick looked puzzled

"I just wanted to make sure you knew."

"Well I love you too." Nicole smiled. She knew that he could never hurt her. This is where she belonged.

_Chapter 12_

Nicole spent the next month enjoying every moment she had with Nick. Anytime she could be with him she would be. She hadn't spoken to Brian since there last phone call. She didn't want to give him false hopes of them ever having a relationship. Krisse and J had grown very close, but ever since the Kevin fiasco J had been a little on edge about everything that she did.

"I wanna do something tonight Hun." Krisse complained to J as they sat in the living room one afternoon.

"You do huh?" J smiled and leaned forward on the couch to nibble on her neck.

"I don't want to do that. We do that every night. Isn't there something else we can do?" Krisse pushed him away.

"What else could you want to do besides that?" He looked confused.

"I don't know. Maybe have a party or something."

"Why? So you can go out and flirt with some other guys?" J frowned.

"You are so difficult." Krisse spat at him and looked at the door. Nicole had just walked in carrying a small shopping bag.

"You didn't buy much." Krisse looked at her.

"I wouldn't bet on that." Nicks voice called from outside. Nicole stepped to the side and Nick came staggering in with 11 bags piled up in his arms. He walked to the stairs and dropped them on the floor. "I think that we finally found someone that can out shop Aj." He smile.

"Can I really? Well, I guess that I should go live with him and we can be shopping buddies." She laughed but Nick lost his smile.

"Do you want to?" He questioned

"Of course not silly. I was joking around."

"Oh, ok." The troubled look didn't leave his face. "I think that I am going to go lay down. All this shopping gave me a headache."

"Do you need anything?" Nicole asked concerned.

"No. I am fine." He turned around and ran up the stairs. Nicole went and sat on a chair close to the couch where J and Krisse were sitting.

"What is wrong with him?" J looked puzzled.

"I don't think that J is the only one worried he is going to be left for a Backstreet Boy." Krisse smiled and poked him in this side.

"You really think so?" Nicole looked at her.

"Yeah. Haven't you noticed he gets a little edgy when someone talks about them? Especially if you talk about Brian."

"Well yeah, but I thought that it was just about the whole him leaving the band thing."

"Maybe, but I think that you should watch what you say."

"Ok, I will then." Nicole gave her a warm smile. "Thanks"

"No problem." Krisse stood up to give her a hug.

"So what are we going to do then?" J looked at Krisse with pleading eyes.

"Fine. Lets go up to the bedroom." J smiled and they both ran up the stairs. Nicole got up and went to the kitchen. She found a magazine laying on the table so she sat down to read it. A few minutes later she heard a noise and looked up. Nick was standing in the doorway with a look of mixed anger and pain.

"What's wrong baby?" Nicole questioned. Nick took a few steps forward and just looked at Nicole. "Nick Hun. What is it? Are you sick?"

"Do you love me like you say you love me?" Nick sputtered at her.

"What? Why would you ask me a question like that?"

"Just tell me. Do you love me?"

"Yes, of course."

"You do, do you?" Nick closed his eyes. Slowly he opened them. "If that is true why would you sleep with my best friend?" Nick slammed a piece of paper on the table and took a step back. Nicole looked at it and gasped. It was the letter Brian had written her.

"You were looking through my things!"

"That doesn't matter. How could you do this to me?"

"Nick I didn't sleep with him. I swear I didn't."

"Don't lie to me. This letter says it all." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes again. "It's says that Brian wants you with him and I want you to go be with him. I don't want you here anymore." Nicole leaped from her seat and ran to Nick and rapped her arms around him.

"You don't mean that. You can't mean that."

"Get off me!" Nick yelled and swung his arm around smashing it into Nicole's face sending her flying against the wall. He gasped "Nicole I didn't mean to... I'm..."

Nicole looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I love you Nick. How could you?" She ran out of the room without one more word. Nick watched her leave. When she was out of sight he fell to his knees and cried.

_Chapter 13_

Nicole stood in front of the bathroom mirror. The tears were steadily falling down her cheek. In the room next to her and Nick's she could her Krisse and J. Krisse was giggling. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply. They sounded so happy.

"I can't believe he hit me. I guess Brian was right." She said out loud to her reflection. "Brian..." she remembered his promise to her and decided she would call him. She didn't know what else to do. She walked out into the bedroom and went to the phone. She picked it up and dialed Brian's cellphone number. It started to ring and she waited. A strange voice answered.


"Uhm... is Brian around?"

"Brian? Is that one of those Backseat Boys? Is that who this belongs to?" Nicole couldn't help but laugh.

"Backstreet Boys. Yeah he is. Can I talk to him?"

"Well, surely you can missy, but which one is he?"

"He is... well... he is kinda short and has little curly bangs. A little country accent."

"Oh... that one. I will go get him. You just sit tight." Nicole waited and in the back ground she could here shouting and loud pounding. A few seconds later the phone picked up.

"Hello, this is Brian."

"Brian. It's Nicole."

"Nicole?" He sounded surprised. "I didn't think that you would call again."

"I didn't think I would either but..." She started to softly cry.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Its me and Nick. We had a bad fight and he told me to leave and he ... well he just told me to leave. I needed to talk to someone and you were to first person that came to mind."

"He really told you to leave? Was it really that bad?"

"It's just his temper. You were right. I think that he will get over it but... I need to get away for a while. I cannot stay here right now."

"Then you will come with me. I am only an hour away getting ready for the last show over here. I can be there in no time."

"Come with you? I don't know about that..."

"I am going back to the states right after this show. You can stay with me for a while until the summer is done. Where else do you have to go?" Nicole thought about it.

"Ok. I will go with you."

"Good. I will be there soon." He hung up and Nicole cradled the phone in her arms. She slowly hung it up and started to pack. Getting away was just what she needed. She had lived her whole life with abuse and she couldn't handle the one she loved hitting her, even if it was an accident. She needed to sort things out. Everything had been going too fast. When she had almost everything packed she went to her dresser. She pulled open the top drawer where she kept everything that meant a lot to her. She carefully packed it all into her suit case and took one last look into the drawer to make sure that she had not missed anything. In the corner there was a dried up rose. She lifted it out gently and looked at it. It was the rose that Nick had given her when he had surprised her with the Backstreet Boys tickets.

"Those damn tickets are what started this." She thought to herself. She gazed at the rose. The tears swelled in her eyes and she clenched her fist, smashing the rose into small pieces. She opened her fingers and looked at the little red Pieces of petal and tippingher hand, let them fall to the floor. She walked out of the room carrying all of her bags and stopped in front of Krisse and J's door. There was no noise coming from the inside so she softly knocked on the door and waited.

"Coming!" J's voice boomed from inside. Krisse laughed

"That didn't sound very happy dear. You just sit there and I will get it." Nicole watched as the door flew open.

"Cole!" Krisse looked and saw her bags. "What's happening? Are you leaving?"

"Yeah... I am... me and Nick got into a huge fight and I am going to go back with Brian. He is going to take me to the US with them." Nicole tried to smile.

"A fight? Was it really that bad that you have to leave?" Krisse asked as she gave Nicole a bug hug.

"Yes it was. I can't really talk about it now. I will tell you eventually." Nicole smiled slightly. Krisse looked at her feet and she seemed to be deep in thought. "So I wanted to say good-bye for now. We will see eachother in a month or so. When you go back. I will miss you like crazy though."

"No you will not!" Krisse exclaimed. Nicole looked puzzled.

"Of course I will."

"You will not because I am going with you. Just give me time to pack. When are we leaving?" Krisse ran back in the room and started pulling out her suitcases.

"In an hour. Are you sure you want to go?"

"Go where?" J asked, lost in what was going on.

"I have to go. I am leaving with Nicole." Krisse was running around franticly trying to find her stuff.

"Go with Nicole where?" He asked even more confused.

"She is going to go back to the US with Brian and the guys and I can't just let her go alone!" Krisse stopped her running and turned to look at him.

"I knew it. You are leaving me for... for... Kevin!" J stood up and walked to Krisse.

"I am not. I love you and you should know that. We were all going back soon anyway. I am just leaving a little early. We will be together in a month." Krisse put her arms around him. "Of course, you could always come with us." She looked up hopefully

"You know I can't. I have to stay with Nick." He kissed her and a tear fell down his cheek. Nicole decided to leave the room and let them be alone. She went down and laid her things by the door. She walked to the kitchen and out the back door to the ocean. She stood there staring out on the blue water. Behind her she heard a noise. She turned around and saw Nick standing in the doorway with tears in his eyes.

"You are leaving?"


"Nicole. You know that I didn't mean to hurt you. I would never..." Nick lost his words and looked down at his feet.

"This isn't about you hitting me Nick. I know that you didn't mean to do that and I can forgive you for that."

"Well, what is wrong then? If you can forgive me then why are you leaving." Nick asked with a glimpse of hope in his eyes.

"Because, you hurt me worse than any broken bone or bruise could." Nicole reached and took his hand. She lifted it up and placed it over her heart. "You broke this." Nick looked in her eyes and pulled his hand back as if it had been burnt. He pushed passed her and ran to the shore and Nicole watched him as he stood there letting the water splash on his feet.

"I do love you." She wispered, kissed her hand and blew it to him. When she was back in the living room she found Krisse and J standing there holding each other.

"I promise that I will come find you when we go home." J assured her. Krisse nodded and kissed him. She turned to Nicole.

"I am all packed and semi ready to go." She said looking at J. He smiled and ran up the stairs. "He said he was bad at good-byes." Krisse told Nicole and she nodded. They heard a knock at the door and Brian came barging in. He smiled when he saw Nicole.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah. Krisse is coming too. Is that ok?"

"Whatever will make you happy." Brian grabbed there bags and told them he would take them to the car. Krisse followed close behind eager to get away from J before she changed her mind but Nicole lingered behind. She looked around remembering the last month. Suddenly it hit her. She was about to leave the only place where she had ever felt totaly safe. That thought terrified her.

_Chapter 14_

Nicole sat in the car next to Brian gazing out the window. Krisse was curled up in the back seat quietly sleeping. Nicole looked at Brian and sighed.

"Thank you so much for letting me come with you. It means a lot." Brian looked at her and smiled.

"If it makes you happy then I am happy to do it."

"You're sweet." Brian looked at his hands and quietly asked, "Does this mean that you and Nick are no more?" Brian looked at her hopefully.

"I don't know what it means but I do know that I still am not going to be with you. At least not yet."

"That is what I thought you would say. I have never met anyone like you before. Every other girl in the world would die to have me want them. Not you though. You are completely faithful. I think that is what I like about you." He laughed. "I will be lucky to have a girl like you."

"Don't worry. I know that someday you will find the perfect girl for you." Nicole reached over and touched his arm. Brian just smiled and looked at the road. About 20 minutes later they pulled into the parking lot of a huge stadium and drove around the side to where the bus was parked.

"I will take your stuff to the bus but I have to get back to sound check." Brian got out of the car, grabbed the bags, and ran towards the bus. Nicole reached back and shook Krisse gentally.

"We're here. You got to get up sleepy head." Krisse sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked around and started to giggle.

"What's so funny?" Nicole looked at her confused.

"It's just, this morning I told J that I wanted to do something different from what we always do. I guess I got was I wanted." Krisse Sniffled.

"Don't cry. You will see J sooner than you think." Krisse nodded and got out of the car. She and Nicole walked to the bus and got on. There things where laying on a table and Brian seemed to be gone.

"I am tired. I think that I am going to take a little nap." Nicole told Krisse and walked to a bunk. She made sure it was empty and crawled in disappearing behind the curtain. Krisse looked around and decided to go for a walk to watch everything that was happening. Try and get her mind off of J. She walked off the bus and to the side of the stadium. She found a door and opened it to find a large burly looking man in her way.

"Sorry miss. You cannot come in here." He looked at her with big piercing eyes.

"But I came here with Brian. He knows me. Just go ask him." Krisse told him. He shook his head.

"Sure you did missy." He started to close the door but someone behind him shouted.

"You let her in here right now!" The man turned around.

"Sorry Mr. Richardson. I didn't know that you knew her." The man stepped to the side and let Krisse in. Kevin ran up to her.

"Hey. I didn't know you where here." He smiled and lead her over towards the stage.

"I just got here. Brian brought me and Nicole." She smiled. Kevin stared at her and Krisse blushed. "What?"

"Nothing. I am just so happy to see you." He looked around. "Did J come with you?"

"No, he had to say back with Nick." She looked at the ground so Kevin couldn't see the tears in her eyes but he saw them. "I miss him." Kevin looked at her thoughtfully.

"I know what will help you take your mind off of him." He grabbed her hand.

"Kev, we didn't break up or anything. I am still with him." Krisse pulled her hand back.

"No, that is not what I mean. Wait right here and don't move a muscle." He said as he lead her to a seat in front of the stage. Krisse waited and looked around. All of a sudden music started to play and Kevin came out onto the stage dancing and wiggling his hips. He jumped up to the microphone and looked at Krisse.

"There's no one like you. There is nobody. Who can make it right. Nobody else can do it. Nobody but you. You know what to do. Nobody else but you. Nobody, nobody but you ." Krisse jumped out of her seat and clapped and cheered. Kevin smiled and laughed.

"Thank you. You are all to kind." He jumped down of the stage and went to Krisse. "Did that help you?"

"Yeah, very much so." She smiled

"Hey Kev! Stop flirting with the girl and come here. We have rehearsal to do!" Aj called to him from the other side of the stage. He looked to Krisse.

"I have to go. I am glad that I could help. Will I see you later?"


"Great! I am looking forward to it."

"Me too."

Kevin turned and ran to the stage disappearing around the corner. Krisse watched him and then ran back to the bus. Nicole was sitting in the back watching TV.

"Why are you all smiles?"

"Kevin just cheered me up that's all. He is a really sweet guy." Nicole looked at her with wide eyes. "What is that look about?"

"You aren't gonna turn around and fall for Kevin are you?"

"Of course not. At least I don't think so. I mean... man Nicole! You really know how to bum a person out don't you." Krisse sat back in the chair.

"I'm sorry Kris. I just don't want to see you doing anything you will regret."

"Don't worry. I love J and that is all there is to it." Nicole wondered if that was the truth. She didn't pry anymore though. Krisse was a big girl and she could take care of herself. She knew what she wanted. "If only that was true for myself." She thought and turned her attention back to the TV.

_Chapter 15_

The next few weeks when by in a blur. They flew over to the US and started traveling around promoting there new tour. Brian had let up on trying to get Nicole and started looking for a girl of his own. He had met a girl one night at a club and they had been seeing each other as often as the could. Brian said that he thought she was the one he had been looking for. Krisse said that she reminded her a lot of Nicole. Nicole was still having a hard time forgiving Nick for what he did and she had not talked to him since the day she left. Krisse was constantly pushing her to call him but Nicole couldn't.

The day before the tour started they were all lounging around the bus heading for the first city. Kevin had bought Krisse a cell phone and she was blabbing away to J on it. Kevin had bought her lots of things to make her happy while she was away from J. He has sort of adopted her as a little sister, even though he wanted more. Nicole gazed out the window listening to Krisse talk.

"I can't wait to see you. I am so glad you will be here in a week." She chirped to him. "I should probably let you go so I don't waist a lot of money. Oh he does? I will ask her." She pulled the phone down and looked at Nicole. "J says that Nick really wants to talk to you." Nicole shook her head.

"I can't talk to him yet. Not until I get things figured out in my head."

"Come on Cole. J says that he just mopes around all day. Can't you just talk to him a little?"

"I am not ready." Krisse sighed and picked up the receiver. "No, she doesn't want to talk to him. I know that but what can I do? I love you too. See you in a week!"


They arrived at there hotel later that night and by then Aj had all ready planed a party. Soon there Hotel rooms were filled with people and music was pumping. Nicole decided she wasn't in the party mood and went to an empty room to sleep. Aj was dancing in the middle of the room with almost every girl in the place grinding on him. Howie and Kevin had left to go buy some party supplies and Krisse decided that it was a good time to celebrate her J coming home. She was dancing and drinking and before long she was wasted. She jumped on a table and started doing a strip show for all of the guys in the place. They gathered around in a circle and started to shove money down her pants. She unbuttoned her shirt and ripped it off. Just as her pants started to come off Kevin came into the room. He saw what she was doing and ran over to her pushing his way through the guys that were now all trying to get a good feel of Krisse.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" He asked angrily.

"Loosen up man. I am just having fun." She giggled and raped her arms around his shoulders.

"Great. You are drunk." He put his hands around her waist and lifter her over his shoulder. He quickly carried her out of the room and down stairs to the bus which was the only place without people. He carefully stood her back on the ground. Krisse smiled and rapped her arms around his waist.

"Lets dance." She started swaying back and forth. Kevin smiled and pulled her closer. Krisse started to kiss him passionately. Kevin knew that he should stop her but he couldn't. This is what he had been wanting for so long. She slowly took off his shirt and undid her bra. She pushed him back onto the couch.

"Krisse. I can't. This is not right. You are wasted." She looked at him and swayed her head back and forth.

"Make love to me J." He looked at Krisse who was now laying on his chest half passed out.

"That's what I thought you might say." He lifted her up and rapped her half naked body in a blanked. He laid back on the couch and laid her on his bare chest. She rapped her arms around him tight and fell asleep.

The next morning Krisse and Kevin were both jolted awake by the sound of the door bursting open.

"Krisse! Where are you? I came early. Surpri..." J's voice faded away when he saw Krisse and Kevin both franticly trying to get up and get fully clothed. J stared at them.

"What the?" He dropped his bags. "I knew it. I knew that you would leave me for him!" He screamed and ran off the bus.

_Chapter 16_

"J! Where are you?" Krisse called as she searched the grounds of the hotel for him. "Come on J. You can't hide all day. Let me explain what happened." Krisse stopped and grabbed at her head. "I have the Hangover from hell." She mumbled to herself.

"What could you have to say that could make it better?" Krisse spun around to find J sitting under a large tree. His eyes were red and blood shot and he looked terrible.

"Oh J. I thought maybe you had left." She ran to his side and rapped her arms around him. He just sat there without moving. Krisse pulled back and looked at him. "Please let me explain. I promise I didn't do anything with Kev. I swear I didn't."

"Sure. That's why you where laying there half naked with him." J spat at her.

"I was very drunk. I was celibrating your coming home to me. I thought he was you. He wouldn't let anything happen. He stoped me from stripping for a bunch of horny guys and that was why I was naked. Then I passed out. I understand if you can't forgive me." She looked at him with pleading eyes. J looked down at the ground.

"Is that what really happened? You aren't lying to me?"

"I promise I am not. I love you and only you." She started to cry. "I don't know what I will do if you don't forgive me." J reached over and wiped a tear out of her eye.

"I love you so much that I could never stay mad at you..." He wrapped his arms around her. "...and I will never let you go."


Krisse and J went back to the bus. Everyone was happy to see him and very happy to see that everything was ok because by then word had gotten around about what happened. Kevin sat in the corner quietly looking out a window. J walked over to him and stood there glaring at him. Kevin looked up.

"I am so sorry. I never wanted anything to happen between you and Krisse. Please don't hurt me." Kevin whispered and looked at his stone face. Suddenly J's expression turned happy.

"Thank you man. That was a decent thing that you did. If I were you I would have a hard time saying no to Krisse but you did it and I am forever grateful. Just don't ever let anything like that happen again." Kevin smiled surprised.

"I won't I promise."

"I'm so glad your back J." Nicole smiled

"So am I."

"Did Nick just stay in Italy?" Krisse asked. She knew that Nicole wanted to know. Nicole flashed her a look saying thank you.

"No, he flew back to Florida this morning. You should call him Nicole. He misses you a lot." Nicole just nodded and got up.

"I am going to take a walk." She told everyone and got off the bus. Brian was standing next to the door talking on his cell. When he saw Nicole he whispered something and hung up.

"Hey girl. Don't be going anywhere. The bus is about to leave for the stadium. You don't want to miss the concert. We have something new that we are adding to the show."

"Really? What is it?"

"It's a surprise but I think that you will love it."

~^~Later at the stadium~^~

"Do you know what this new thing that they are adding to the tour is?" Nicole asked Krisse as they sat in chairs in front of the stage.

"Nope. Not a clue. I tried to get them to tell me but they said I have a big mouth. The nerve! I think that it might be a new song that they are adding though." She smiled. "Maybe Brian wrote you a song."

"I hope not. That is not going to help me get through this." Nicole shook her head.

"Well, the concert is going to start in an hour. We will find out then I suppose."

~^~An hour later~^~

The stadium was filled with screaming girls and Nicole and Krisse were amongst them. Brian had insisted that they go watch from the audience instead of the backstage.

"But why Brian? Shouldn't we let the fans have those seats?"

"Trust me. The surprise won't be as good if you don't."

The lights dimmed and the show started. It went just the same as usual. They came out and sang most of the songs from the new album and some old ones too. Nicole didn't see anything different about it until half way through the show. Instead of the whole group coming out, Howie came all by himself and went to a mic standing in the middle of the stage. The whole audience quieted down till it was almost silent. Howie smiled.

"We have a surprise for you all tonight. We have a very special song. A new song that you all have never heard before. It was written for a certain girl in the audience and we have someone very special to sing it for you all tonight. Krisse looked at Nicole. "I was right."

Every light in the place went off till it was pitch black. One single spotlight came on and shone on the mic. Nicole gasped.

"Open up your heart to me and say what's on your mind. I know that we have been through so much pain but I still need you in my life this time." Tears filled Nicole's eyes and she stood there staring with wonder.

"I need you tonight. I need you right now. I know deep within my heart. It doesn't matter if its wrong or right. Cus I see Heaven in your eyes." Suddenly the music quieted.

"Everyone. My name is Nick Carter and I am the newest Backstreet Boy."

"Backstreet Boy?" Nicole gasped. She watched as Nick slowly walked off the stage into the crowd. Everyone watched him with wondering eyes and stepped aside as he walked up to Nicole. He stopped and fell to his knees and looked into her eyes.

"I love you Nicole. I love you with all my heart and soul and I am asking you to please give me one more chance. I can't go on without you." Nicole started back at him as tears fell down her face.

"Boy can you make a girl feel special." She laughed through her tears.

"Does that mean you will give me another chance?"

"I can't really say no in front of all these people now can I?" Nick laughed and threw his arms around her.

"I've needed that." He smiled. Nicole looked at him and giggled. "Me too."

"Kiss her already." Krisse's voice chimed in.

"Yeah Kiss her." Someone shouted from the audience. Soon every one was chanting "Kiss her! Kiss her!"

Nicole gazed into his big blue eyes. "You better give them what they want." Nick pulled her close and pressed his lips tight on hers. Everyone cheered.


On Nicole's 21st Birthday she became Mrs. Nickolas Gene Carter. Nicole stood at the alter. She glanced to the side at Nick who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Now you may kiss the bride." Nicole turned and faced Nick.

"You look beautiful." Nick said with love in his eyes.

"I look like a whale." Nicole laughed.

"No, you look beautiful." Nick put his hand on her stomach. "You have a beautiful mother son. Always remember that."

"Why are you so sure it is going to be a boy?"

"I just have this feeling." He smiled.

"Come on. Kiss her all ready." Brian nudged Nick.

"Yeah. Kiss her. I though we already went through this." Krisse giggled.<

"You better give them what they want." Nicole leaned up and kissed him. Soon they were at the reception. After a lot of dancing and partying J took Krisse's hand and went up to the table and asked for everyone's attention.

"Being here and seeing all this happiness and love has made me realize how lucky I am to have someone like Krisse. I never want to lose her. So now is the perfect time to ask her what I have been wanting to for a long time." J fell to one knee and looked up at her with eyes full of love. "Krisse, my love, will you make me the happiest man in the world?" Krisse giggled

"Don't you get enough sex from me all ready?"

"No... I mean... Will you... "

"Yes I will J. I will marry you." J's face lit up and he pulled Krisse to him and kissed her. Brian walked up to them.

"Guys... Guys... I need to make a speech here."

"Oh sorry." J smiled and pulled Krisse to a corner and continued kissing her.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Brian called out. When the room quieted down he started "Man, today we are making lots of people happy. I am supposed to make a speech now seeing how I am the Best man and all but I'm not all to good at that sort of thing." He smiled and looked at the newlyweds. "All I can think of to say is I hope that I can be as happy as you two someday." Nicole smiled at him warmly. Soon the night was over. They had cut the cake, thrown the garter and flowers, so Nick and Nicole left for their honeymoon. Their honeymoon in Italy.

~Written by: CoLe (



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